2023-11-11 20:29:10 +00:00
image blkfade = "#000"
define config.tag_layer["blkfade"] = "screens"
define config.tag_zorder["blkfade"] = 25
# show screen blkfade -> show blkfade
# hide screen blkfade -> hide blkfade
image whitefade = "#fff"
define config.tag_layer["whitefade"] = "screens"
define config.tag_zorder["whitefade"] = 25
# show screen whitefade -> show whitefade
# hide screen whitefade -> hide whitefade
image blktone = "#0008"
define config.tag_layer["blktone"] = "screens"
define config.tag_zorder["blktone"] = 14
# show screen blktone -> show blktone
# hide screen blktone -> hide blktone
# (the parameter was never actually passed, so the alpha was always .5)
# to have arbitrary alpha,
# show screen blktone(.725) -> show blkfade at Transform(alpha=.725) as blktone
# I *think* that puts it at zorder 14
image white = "#fff"
define config.tag_layer["white"] = "screens"
define config.tag_zorder["white"] = 20
# show screen white -> show white
# hide screen white -> hide white
image bld1 = "interface/bld.webp"
define config.tag_layer["bld1"] = "screens"
define config.tag_zorder["bld1"] = 10
# show screen bld1 -> show bld1
# hide screen bld1 -> hide bld1
image bld2 = Transform("interface/bld.webp", yzoom=-1.0)
define config.tag_layer["bld2"] = "screens"
define config.tag_zorder["bld2"] = 10
# show screen bld2 -> show bld2
# hide screen bld2 -> hide bld2
2022-05-16 23:48:22 +00:00
screen notes():
add "notes" xpos 320+140 ypos 330
zorder 1
screen clothing_unlock(item):
zorder 30
modal True
use notes
on "show" action Play("sound", "sounds/win2.ogg")
if isinstance(item, DollCloth):
IO Overhaul, Refactoring, and more
* Refactored DollFace
* Refactored DollBody
* Refactored DollCum
* Refactored DollCloth
* Refactored Doll
* Refactored clothing item zorders
* Refactored implementation of body, face, cum, clothing layers
* Refactored function calls
* Removed DollLipstick
* Added DollMakeup class, allowing adding dynamic clothes tracking face states
* Added DollClothDynamic, allowing dynamic clothes tracking other cloth states with bangs support
* Added cache to frequently called functions, drastically reducing the overhead
* Added hash system, reducing clone redundancy
* Added layer modifiers support for all types (face, body, cum, clothes etc.)
* Added support for an arbitrary number of equipped multislot clothing items (makeup, tattoos, piercings, etc.)
* Simplified initialization for clothing items and dolls
* Simplified class function calls
* Reduced the number of image creation calls
* Added hue support for additional skin layers
* Added displayable support to image cropping function
* Replaced store cache with built-in functools cache for _list_files function
* Refactored all character files
* and more...
2023-01-14 23:04:54 +00:00
add item.icon align (0.5, 0.5) zoom 0.5
2022-05-16 23:48:22 +00:00
elif isinstance(item, DollOutfit):
2023-03-03 00:50:50 +00:00
add item.image align (0.5, 0.0) yoffset -50 zoom 0.4
2022-05-16 23:48:22 +00:00
screen invisible_button(action=NullAction(), keysym=None, alternate=None):
# Note: Actions cannot be passed as transclude, separate parameter is required.
button style "empty":
keyboard_focus False
action action
keysym keysym
alternate alternate