default wardrobe_music = False default wardrobe_chitchats = True default wardrobe_autosave = False default wardrobe_loaded = False default wardrobe_suppress_warnings = False default wardrobe_randomise_color = False default wardrobe_global_color = False # Used as custom order for the sorting define wardrobe_subcategories_sorted = { "hair": 5, "shirts": 5, "skirts": 5, "pantyhose": 5, "slot1": 5, "panties": 5, "save": 5, "earrings": 4, "sweaters": 4, "trousers": 4, "stockings": 4, "bikini panties": 4, "load": 4, "neckwear": 3, "dresses": 3, "shorts": 3, "socks": 3, "schedule": 3, "one-piece suits": 2, "import": 2, "robes": 1, "export": 1, "gloves": 0, "pubes": 0, "delete": 0, "other": -1, } define wardrobe_categories = ("head", "piercings & tattoos", "upper body", "upper undergarment", "lower body", "lower undergarment", "legwear", "misc") define wardrobe_outfit_schedule = ("day", "night", "cloudy", "rainy", "snowy") label wardrobe: $ gui.in_context("wardrobe_menu") return screen wardrobe(xx, yy): tag wardrobe zorder 24 modal True predict False add "gui_fade" if use close_button_background use close_button fixed: # TODO: Wardrobe doesn't work well with the gui animation # if settings.get("animations"): # at gui_animation use wardrobe_menu(xx, yy) if current_category == "outfits": use wardrobe_outfit_menuitem(20, 50) elif current_subcategory != None: use wardrobe_menuitem(20, 50) label wardrobe_menu(): python: char_active = get_character_object(active_girl) char_outfit = get_character_outfit(active_girl, type="last") wardrobe_subcategories = char_active.wardrobe if wardrobe_subcategories.update( { "outfits": { k:char_active.outfits for k in {"load", "save", "delete", "schedule"} } } ) else: wardrobe_subcategories.update( { "outfits": { k:char_active.outfits for k in {"load", "save", "delete", "schedule", "import", "export"} } } ) # Defaults current_category = "head" category_items = OrderedDict(sorted(iter(wardrobe_subcategories.get(current_category, {}).items()), key=lambda x: wardrobe_subcategories_sorted.get(x[0], 0), reverse=True)) current_subcategory = list(category_items.keys())[0] if category_items else "" menu_items = [x for x in category_items.get(current_subcategory, []) if x.unlocked==True] current_item = char_active.get_equipped_item(menu_items) if wardrobe_music: call play_music("wardrobe") show screen wardrobe(662, 50) label .after_init: python: _choice = ui.interact() if _choice[0] == "category": if not current_category == _choice[1]: if wardrobe_check_category(_choice[1]): wardrobe_loaded = False current_category = _choice[1] category_items = OrderedDict(sorted(iter(wardrobe_subcategories.get(current_category, {}).items()), key=lambda x: wardrobe_subcategories_sorted.get(x[0], 0), reverse=True)) current_subcategory = list(category_items.keys())[0] if category_items else "" menu_items = [x for x in category_items.get(current_subcategory, []) if x.unlocked==True] if current_category == "outfits": _outfit = char_active.create_outfit(temp=True) current_item = next( (x for x in char_active.outfits if _outfit == x), None) else: current_item = char_active.get_equipped_item(menu_items) char_active.wear("all") if current_category in ("lower undergarment", "upper undergarment"): char_active.strip("top", "bottom", "robe", "accessory") elif current_category == "piercings & tattoos": char_active.strip("top", "bottom", "robe", "accessory", "bra", "panties", "stockings", "gloves") else: wardrobe_react("category_fail", _choice[1]) elif _choice[0] == "subcategory": if not current_subcategory == _choice[1]: wardrobe_loaded = False current_subcategory = _choice[1] if current_subcategory == "import": menu_items = list_outfit_files() else: menu_items = [x for x in category_items.get(current_subcategory) if x.unlocked==True] if current_category == "outfits": _outfit = char_active.create_outfit(temp=True) current_item = next( (x for x in char_active.outfits if _outfit == x), None) else: current_item = char_active.get_equipped_item(menu_items) elif _choice[0] == "equip": ### CLOTHING ### if isinstance(_choice[1], DollCloth): if _choice[1].type == "hair" and char_active.is_equipped_item(_choice[1]):"sounds/fail.ogg") renpy.notify("Hair cannot be removed.") else: if char_active.is_equipped_item(_choice[1]): # UNEQUIP if wardrobe_check_unequip(_choice[1]): wardrobe_react("unequip", _choice[1]) char_active.unequip(_choice[1].type) current_item = None else: wardrobe_react("unequip_fail", _choice[1]) else: # EQUIP if wardrobe_check_equip(_choice[1]): wardrobe_react("equip", _choice[1]) # Blacklist handling if not wardrobe_check_blacklist(_choice[1]): wardrobe_react("blacklist", _choice[1]) char_active.equip(_choice[1]) current_item = _choice[1] if wardrobe_fallback_required(_choice[1]): # Has to be called regardless of player preference., "fallback"), _choice[1]) # Lipstick Fix - Synchronize image with the current mouth after equipping. if isinstance(_choice[1], DollLipstick): _choice[1].rebuild_image() else: wardrobe_react("equip_fail", _choice[1]) ### OUTFIT ### elif isinstance(_choice[1], DollOutfit): _outfit = char_active.create_outfit(temp=True) if _outfit == _choice[1]: renpy.notify("Load failed: Outfit already equipped.") else: if wardrobe_check_equip_outfit(_choice[1]): if not _outfit.exists(): _confirmed = wardrobe_suppress_warnings or renpy.call_screen("confirm", "Discard unsaved changes and load this outfit?") if _confirmed: wardrobe_react("equip_outfit", _choice[1]) char_active.equip(_choice[1]) current_item = _choice[1] else: renpy.notify("Load failed: Cancelled by user.") else: wardrobe_react("equip_outfit", _choice[1]) char_active.equip(_choice[1]) current_item = _choice[1] else: wardrobe_react("equip_outfit_fail", _choice[1]) elif _choice[0] == "setcolor": current_item.set_color(_choice[1]) if wardrobe_global_color: for outfit in char_active.outfits: rebuild = False for i in if not == continue i.set_color(current_item.color) rebuild = True if rebuild: outfit.rebuild_image() elif _choice[0] == "resetcolor": current_item.reset_color() if wardrobe_global_color: for outfit in char_active.outfits: rebuild = False for i in if not == continue i.set_color(current_item.color) rebuild = True if rebuild: outfit.rebuild_image() elif _choice[0] == "touch": if wardrobe_check_touch(_choice[1]): wardrobe_react("touch", _choice[1]) else: wardrobe_react("touch_fail", _choice[1]) elif _choice[0] == "addoutfit": _outfit = char_active.create_outfit(temp=True) if _outfit.exists(): renpy.notify("Save failed: Outfit already exists.") else: if _choice[1]: _index = char_active.outfits.index(_choice[1]) _confirmed = wardrobe_suppress_warnings or renpy.call_screen("confirm", "Overwrite this outfit?") if _confirmed: _old_outfit = char_active.outfits[_index] _old_schedule = _old_outfit.schedule.copy() _outfit = char_active.create_outfit() _outfit.delete() # Removes it from list only _outfit.schedule = _old_schedule char_active.outfits[_index] = _outfit renpy.notify("Overwritten.") else: renpy.notify("Save failed: Cancelled by user.") else: char_active.create_outfit() renpy.notify("Outfit Saved.") menu_items = [x for x in category_items.get(current_subcategory) if x.unlocked==True] current_item = next( (x for x in char_active.outfits if _outfit == x), None) elif _choice[0] == "deloutfit": _confirmed = wardrobe_suppress_warnings or renpy.call_screen("confirm", "Delete this outfit?") if _confirmed: _choice[1].delete() menu_items = [x for x in category_items.get(current_subcategory) if x.unlocked==True] renpy.notify("Outfit Deleted.") elif _choice[0] == "export": _choice[1].export_data("%d %b %Y-%H%M%S")) achievements.unlock("export") elif _choice[0] == "import": _outfit = char_active.import_outfit(_choice[1]) elif _choice[0] == "schedule": renpy.call_screen("wardrobe_schedule_menuitem", _choice[1]) elif _choice == "music": if wardrobe_music: wardrobe_music = False"play_music", active_girl) get_character_sayer(active_girl)("", face="happy") else: wardrobe_music = True"play_music", "wardrobe") get_character_sayer(active_girl)("", face="happy") elif _choice == "randomise": _confirmed = False _outfit = char_active.create_outfit(temp=True) if not _outfit.exists(): _confirmed = wardrobe_suppress_warnings or renpy.call_screen("confirm", "Randomise Outfit?\n{size=-6}Unsaved changes will be lost.{/size}") if not _confirmed: renpy.notify("Advice: If you want to keep an outfit, save it.") renpy.jump("wardrobe_menu.after_init") progress = get_character_progression(active_girl) for k in char_active.clothes.keys(): valid_choices = [x for x in char_active.wardrobe_list if (x.type == k and x.unlocked and progress >= x.level)] if k == "panties": if not progress >= get_character_requirement(active_girl, "category lower undergarment"): continue if progress >= get_character_requirement(active_girl, "unequip panties"): valid_choices += [None] elif k == "bra": if not progress >= get_character_requirement(active_girl, "category upper undergarment"): continue if progress >= get_character_requirement(active_girl, "unequip bra"): valid_choices += [None] elif k == "top": if progress >= get_character_requirement(active_girl, "unequip top"): valid_choices += [None] elif k == "bottom": if progress >= get_character_requirement(active_girl, "unequip bottom"): valid_choices += [None] elif any(k.startswith(type) for type in ("piercing", "tattoo")): if not progress >= get_character_requirement(active_girl, "category piercings & tattoos"): continue valid_choices += [None] elif k == "hair": pass else: valid_choices += [None] if valid_choices: cloth = random.choice(valid_choices) if not cloth is None: if wardrobe_randomise_color: col = [] for i in range(cloth.layers): col.append([random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255), 255]) cloth.set_color(col) if wardrobe_global_color: for outfit in char_active.outfits: rebuild = False for i in if not == continue i.set_color(cloth.color) rebuild = True if rebuild: outfit.rebuild_image() if isinstance(cloth, DollLipstick): cloth.rebuild_image() char_active.equip(cloth) else: char_active.unequip(k) else: #_choice == "Close": _confirmed = False if wardrobe_autosave: _outfit = char_active.create_outfit() else: _outfit = char_active.create_outfit(temp=True) if not _outfit.exists(): renpy.notify("Advice: If you want to keep an outfit, save it.") _confirmed = wardrobe_suppress_warnings or renpy.call_screen("confirm", "Exit without saving?\n{size=-6}Unsaved changes will be lost.{/size}") if not _confirmed: renpy.jump("wardrobe_menu.after_init") char_active.equip(char_outfit) if wardrobe_global_color: for cloth in for outfit in char_active.outfits: rebuild = False for i in if not == continue i.set_color(cloth.color) rebuild = True if rebuild: outfit.rebuild_image() renpy.hide_screen("wardrobe") char_active.wear("all")'sounds/door2.ogg') if wardrobe_music:"play_music", active_girl) enable_game_menu() wardrobe_loaded = False renpy.return_statement() jump .after_init screen wardrobe_menu(xx, yy): tag wardrobe zorder 24 style_prefix "wardrobe" predict False modal True default icon_bg = Frame(gui.format("interface/frames/{}/iconmed.webp"), 6, 6) default icon_frame = Frame(gui.format("interface/frames/{}/iconframe.webp"), 6, 6) default panel = gui.format("interface/frames/{}/wardrobe.webp") window: pos (xx, yy) xysize (344, 507) #background panel use invisible_button() # Main Categories grid 2 4: ypos 108 xoffset -36 xspacing 200 + 72 yspacing 18 for i, category in enumerate(wardrobe_categories): if wardrobe_check_category(category): $ icon = Fixed(icon_bg, Transform("interface/wardrobe/icons/categories/{}/{}.webp".format(active_girl, category), zoom=0.45, anchor=(0.5, 0.5), align=(0.5, 0.5)), icon_frame) else: $ icon = Fixed(icon_bg, Transform("interface/wardrobe/icons/categories/{}/{}.webp".format(active_girl, category), zoom=0.45, anchor=(0.5, 0.5), align=(0.5, 0.5), matrixcolor=SaturationMatrix(0.0)), icon_frame) $ icon_xoffset = -18 if (i % 2) == 0 else 18 button: focus_mask None xysize (72, 72) background icon activate_sound "sounds/scroll.ogg" tooltip category action Return(["category", category]) if current_category == category: xoffset icon_xoffset # Outfits and Studio hbox: $ icon_yoffset = -18 pos (92, 18) spacing 18 # Outfits Manager button: focus_mask None xysize (72, 72) background Fixed(icon_bg, Transform("interface/wardrobe/icons/categories/outfits.webp", zoom=0.45, anchor=(0.5, 0.5), align=(0.5, 0.5)), icon_frame) tooltip "Outfits Manager" action Return(["category", "outfits"]) if current_category == "outfits": yoffset icon_yoffset # Studio if not button: focus_mask None xysize (72, 72) background Fixed(icon_bg, Transform("interface/wardrobe/icons/categories/studio.webp", zoom=0.45, anchor=(0.5, 0.5), align=(0.5, 0.5)), icon_frame) tooltip "Photo Studio" action Function(renpy.call_in_new_context, "studio", active_girl) add panel # Character image cut to the size of the wardrobe add char_active.get_image(): yoffset -6 corner1 (184, 218) corner2 (924, 1200) zoom 0.45 anchor (0.5, 1.0) align (0.5, 1.0) at transform: mesh True gl_pixel_perfect True # Easter Egg (Headpats, boobs, pussy) button style "empty" xysize (120, 80) xalign 0.525 ypos 60 action Return(["touch", "head"]) button style "empty" xysize (120, 60) xalign 0.525 ypos 238 action Return(["touch", "breasts"]) button style "empty" xysize (120, 60) xalign 0.525 ypos 360 action Return(["touch", "vagina"]) button: focus_mask None xysize (72, 72) align (0.0, 1.0) offset (10, -10) background Transform("interface/wardrobe/icons/random.webp", size=(72,72)) tooltip "Randomise Outfit" action Return("randomise") use dropdown_menu(name="Options", pos=(12, 56)): textbutton "Music": style gui.theme("dropdown") tooltip "My immortal." selected wardrobe_music action Return("music") textbutton "Chit-chats": style gui.theme("dropdown") tooltip "{color=#35aae2}[active_girl]{/color} will make comments regarding your poor fashion tastes." action ToggleVariable("wardrobe_chitchats", True, False) textbutton "Outfits Scheduling": style gui.theme("dropdown") tooltip "{color=#35aae2}[active_girl]{/color} will automatically wear outfits\nbased on set schedule, time of day and weather." action [ToggleVariable(active_girl+"_outfits_schedule", True, False), If((current_category == "outfits" and current_subcategory == "schedule"), Return(["subcategory", "save"]))] textbutton "Outfits Autosave": style gui.theme("dropdown") tooltip "Outfits will be automatically saved upon exit." action ToggleVariable("wardrobe_autosave", True, False) textbutton "Colour Synchronisation": style gui.theme("dropdown") tooltip "When changing colours of an item, apply it to all outfits with the same item." action ToggleVariable("wardrobe_global_color", True, False) textbutton "Colour Randomisation": style gui.theme("dropdown") tooltip "When randomising outfits, randomise colours as well." action ToggleVariable("wardrobe_randomise_color", True, False) textbutton "Prompts Supression": style gui.theme("dropdown") tooltip "Disables warnings and prompts asking you to confirm certain actions. (Not recommended)" action ToggleVariable("wardrobe_suppress_warnings", True, False) screen wardrobe_menuitem(xx, yy): tag wardrobe_menuitem zorder 24 style_prefix "wardrobe" predict False modal True default icon_size = (96, 96) default icon_frame = Frame(gui.format("interface/frames/{}/iconframe.webp"), 6, 6) default icon_transparent = Frame("interface/color_picker/checker.webp", tile=True) default panel = gui.format("interface/frames/{}/panel.webp") window: pos (xx, yy) xysize (560, 454) background panel use invisible_button() text "[current_category]" size 22 xalign 0.5 ypos 65 # Colours if current_item: hbox: spacing 2 xanchor 1.0 pos (552, 61) # Colour picker button: xysize (32, 32) tooltip "Dye clothing" action Return(["setcolor", 0]) add "interface/wardrobe/icons/brush.webp": xysize (32, 32) # Subcategory icons hbox: spacing 5 pos (12, 108) for subcategory in category_items.keys(): $ icon = "interface/wardrobe/icons/{}.webp".format(subcategory) button: focus_mask None xysize (72, 72) background Transform(icon, size=(72, 72), fit="contain", alpha=0.65) selected_background Transform(icon, size=(72, 72), fit="contain", ) selected (subcategory == current_subcategory) tooltip subcategory action Return(["subcategory", subcategory]) # Item icons if not menu_items: text "Nothing here yet" size 24 align (0.5, 0.6) # elif not wardrobe_loaded: # text "Loading..." size 24 align (0.5, 0.6) # for i in menu_items: # $ i.rebuild_image() # $ i.rebuild_icon() # #$ renpy.invoke_in_thread(i.rebuild_icon) # $ wardrobe_loaded = True # $ renpy.restart_interaction() else: vpgrid: cols 5 spacing 5 pos (28, 192) xysize (507, 308) mousewheel True scrollbars "vertical" at transform: mesh True gl_pixel_perfect True for item in menu_items: $ icon = item.get_icon() $ is_seen = item.seen $ is_equipped = char_active.is_equipped_item(item) $ is_inadequate = bool(get_character_progression(active_girl) < item.level) $ is_blacklisted = char_active.is_blacklisted(item.type) $ is_blacklister = any(char_active.is_equipped(x) for x in item.blacklist) $ is_modded = bool(item.modpath) $ is_multislot = item.is_multislot() $ warnings = [] if is_blacklisted or is_blacklister: $ blacklisted = [x for x in item.blacklist if char_active.is_equipped(x)] # Offender (List currently blacklisted clothing types by this item) $ blacklister = char_active.get_blacklister(item.type) # Victim (List clothing types blacklisting this item ) $ warnings.append("Incompatible with:{size=-4}\n" + "\n".join(set(blacklisted + blacklister)) + "{/size}") if is_inadequate: $ warnings.append("Character level too low") if is_modded: $ warnings.append("Item belongs to a mod:\n{size=-4}{color=#35aae2}" + item.get_modname() + "{/color}{/size}") if is_multislot: $ slot = str(int(item.type[-1])+1) $ warnings.append("Occupies " + item.type[:-1] + " slot number " + slot) button: focus_mask None xysize icon_size background Transform(icon, xsize=icon_size[0], fit="contain", anchor=(0.5, 0.5), align=(0.5, 0.5)) action Return(["equip", item]) tooltip ("\n".join(warnings)) if is_inadequate: foreground "#b2000040" hover_foreground "#CD5C5C40" if not is_seen: unhovered Function(item.mark_as_seen) add icon_frame hbox: offset (5, 5) if is_modded: text "M" color "#00b200" if is_blacklisted or is_blacklister: text "!" color "#b20000" if config.developer: text "\nReq. {}".format(item.level) size 10 color "#00ffff" outlines [(1, "#000000", 1, 1)] # Bottom-Right if is_equipped: add "interface/topbar/icon_check.webp" anchor (1.0, 1.0) align (1.0, 1.0) offset (-5, -5) zoom 0.5 # Bottom-Right if not is_seen: text "NEW" style "wardrobe_item_caption" anchor (1.0, 1.0) align (1.0, 1.0) offset (-5, -5) # Bottom-Left if is_multislot: text "[slot]" style "wardrobe_item_caption" anchor (0.0, 1.0) align (0.0, 1.0) offset (5, -5) screen wardrobe_outfit_menuitem(xx, yy): tag wardrobe_menuitem zorder 24 style_prefix "wardrobe" predict False default icon_size = (96, 168) default icon_frame = Frame(gui.format("interface/frames/{}/iconframe.webp"), 6, 6) default panel = gui.format("interface/frames/{}/panel.webp") window: pos (xx, yy) xysize (560, 454) background panel use invisible_button() text "[current_category]" size 22 xalign 0.5 ypos 65 # Subcategory icons hbox: spacing 5 pos (8, 108) for subcategory in category_items.keys(): $ icon = "interface/wardrobe/icons/{}.webp".format(subcategory) $ action = Return(["subcategory", subcategory]) if subcategory == "schedule" and not getattr(, active_girl+"_outfits_schedule"): $ icon = gray_tint(icon) $ action = Confirm("Outfit scheduling is currently disabled,\nwould you like to turn it on?", [SetVariable(active_girl+"_outfits_schedule", True), Return(["subcategory", subcategory])]) button: focus_mask None xysize (72, 72) background Transform(icon, alpha=0.65, xsize=72, fit="contain") selected_background Transform(icon, xsize=72, fit="contain") selected (subcategory == current_subcategory) tooltip subcategory action action # Outfit icons if not wardrobe_loaded: text "Loading..." size 24 align (0.5, 0.6) $ wardrobe_loaded = True $ renpy.restart_interaction() #timer 0.001 action SetVariable("wardrobe_loaded", True) else: vpgrid: cols 5 spacing 5 pos (28, 192) xysize (507, 308) # if # mousewheel "horizontal" # scrollbars "horizontal" # else: mousewheel True scrollbars "vertical" # at transform: # mesh True # gl_pixel_perfect True # events False # Add empty slot if current_subcategory == "save": textbutton "Save": focus_mask None xysize icon_size idle_background "#00000033" text_align (0.5, 0.5) action Return(["addoutfit", None]) for item in reversed(menu_items): if current_subcategory == "import": $ icon = "/outfits/{}".format(item) $ is_modded = False $ is_equipped = False else: $ icon = Transform(item.get_image(), crop=(220, 0, 680, 1200)) $ is_modded = item.is_modded() $ is_equipped = bool(current_item == item) $ is_inadequate = (current_subcategory in {"save", "load", "schedule"} and not wardrobe_check_equip_outfit(item)) $ icon = Transform(icon, size=icon_size, fit="contain", anchor=(0.5, 1.0), align=(0.5, 1.0), yoffset=-6) $ warnings = [] if is_modded: $ warnings.append("Outfit contains items from these mods:\n{size=-4}{color=#35aae2}"+ "\n".join(item.get_modname()) + "{/color}{/size}") $ alternate = None if current_subcategory == "delete": $ action = Return(["deloutfit", item]) elif current_subcategory == "load": $ action = Return(["equip", item]) elif current_subcategory == "save": $ action = Return(["addoutfit", item]) elif current_subcategory == "import": $ action = Return(["import", item]) elif current_subcategory == "export": $ action = Return(["export", item]) elif current_subcategory == "schedule": if is_inadequate: $ action = NullAction() $ alternate = None else: $ action = Return(["schedule", item]) $ alternate = Return(["schedule", item]) $ warnings = "\n".join(warnings) button: focus_mask None xysize icon_size background icon tooltip warnings action action alternate alternate if is_inadequate: foreground "#b2000040" hover_foreground "#CD5C5C40" selected_foreground "#CD5C5C40" add icon_frame hbox: offset (5, 5) if is_modded: text "M" color "#00b200" if not current_subcategory in {"import", "export"} and getattr(, active_girl+"_outfits_schedule"): vbox: pos (6, 6) spacing 1 for i in wardrobe_outfit_schedule: if item.schedule[i]: add Transform("interface/wardrobe/icons/outfits/{}.webp".format(i), size=(16, 16)) if is_equipped: add "interface/topbar/icon_check.webp": anchor (1.0, 1.0) align (1.0, 1.0) offset (-5, -5) zoom 0.5 screen wardrobe_schedule_menuitem(item): tag dropdown zorder 24 modal True predict False default mpos = renpy.get_mouse_pos() use invisible_button(action=Return(), alternate=Show("wardrobe_schedule_menuitem", item=item)) window: style "empty" pos mpos #use invisible_button(action=NullAction(), alternate=Return()) frame: style "empty" background "#00000080" padding (5, 5, 5, 5) vbox: spacing 0 for i in wardrobe_outfit_schedule: $ boolean = "" if item.schedule[i] else "Not " $ caption = "{}worn during the {}".format(boolean, i) if i in ("day", "night") else "{}worn in {} weather".format(boolean, i) textbutton i: style gui.theme("dropdown") tooltip caption action ToggleDict(item.schedule, i, True, False) style wardrobe_window is empty style wardrobe_button is empty: foreground None hover_foreground "#ffffff80" activate_sound "sounds/click.ogg" style wardrobe_button_text: color "#fff" size 20 outlines [ (1, "#000", 0, 0) ] style wardrobe_item_caption: color "#fff" size 14 outlines [ (1, "#000", 0, 0) ]