init python: def credits_title(title): return "{k=5.0}{size=+15}{outlinecolor=#842500}{color=#f9a001}{{" + title + "}{/color}{/outlinecolor}{/size}{/k}\n" def credits_group(*lines): return "".join(map(lambda x: "{k=1.5}"+x+"{/k}\n", lines)) define credits_text = "\n".join([ "{image=credits_title}\n{vspace=200}", credits_title("Artwork"), credits_group("Soggy", "DostojevskijSTG", "LoafyLemon", "Noodle", "perniciousducks", "KitsuneArts", "BopJp"), credits_title("Writing"), credits_group("Johnny", "MadMerlin", "Livvypoo", "Mo"), credits_title("Programming"), credits_group("Asease1", "LoafyLemon", "TropeCode"), credits_title("Music"), credits_group( "Kevin MacLeod\n{size=-5}{color=#808080}{k=0.7}\"Anguish\"\n\"Awkward Meeting\"\n\"Deadly Roulette\"\n\"Brittle Rille\"\n\"Firebrand\"\n\"Chipper Doodle v2\"\n\"Dark Fog\"\n\"Despair\"\n\"Game Over Theme\"\n\"Boss Theme\"\n\"Hitman\"\n\"Music for Manatees\"\n\"Plaint\"\n\"Fuzzball Parade\"\n\"Teddy Bear Waltz\"\n\"Scheming Weasel (Slower version)\"\n\"Open Those Bright Eyes\"\n\"Wallpaper\"\n\"Hidden Agenda\"\n\"Aquarium\"\n\"Court of the Queen\"\n\"Machinations\"\n\"Brandenburg Concerto No. 4 in G, Movement I (Allegro), BWV 1049\"\n\"March of the spoons\"\n\"The other side of the door\"{/k}{/color}{/size}\n", "PhobyAk\n{size=-5}{color=#808080}{k=0.7}\"Under-the-radar\"{/k}{/color}{/size}\n", "Shadow16nh\n{size=-5}{color=#808080}{k=0.7}\"Playful Tension (Orchestral)\"{/k}{/color}{/size}\n", "controllerhead\n{size=-5}{color=#808080}{k=0.7}\"Item Shop\"{/k}{/color}{/size}\n", "jrayteam6\n{size=-5}{color=#808080}{k=0.7}\"Grape Soda is Fucking Raw\"{/k}{/color}{/size}\n", "Juhani Junkala\n{size=-5}{color=#808080}{k=0.7}Retro Game Music Pack:\n\"Title Screen\"\n\"Level 1\"\n\"Level 3\"{/k}{/color}{/size}\n", "Snabisch\n{size=-5}{color=#808080}{k=0.7}Only 115 (Dance Loop){/k}{/color}{/size}\n", "Nene\n{size=-5}{color=#808080}{k=0.7}Boss Battle #2{/k}{/color}{/size}\n" ), credits_title("Special Thanks"), credits_group( "{size=+4}Akabur{/size}", "{color=#808080}{size=-5}{k=0.7}Creator of the original Witch Trainer and other awesome games! {a=}PATREON{/a}{/size}{/color}{/k}\n", "Dr. Lupin", "Lineup", "MaiL", "MedicBear", "STG Anon", "Booom313", "Sandmaster", "Pinguino", "UE Crew", "Catbug", "CaptainNemo", "Artguy", "Linear", "Amadan", "Anons", "Heretic", "Maverick", "Cleanzo", "Techy", "Zuel32", "Darwin7", "Ven", "NotTera", "Armise" ), """{vspace=100} \n\n Special thanks\n to the fans, discord moderators\n and {a=}patreon supporters{/a} {image=images/misc/heart.webp} \n\n {image=credits_logo}\n {vspace=100} \n\n Thank you for playing! \n\n {image=credits_genie}""" ]) define credits_width = 700 define credits_duration = 45 define credits_chibis = ( (Transform("ch_sna wand_defend", xzoom=-1), 1, 12, True), ("ch_sna jerk_off", 15, 8, False), ("ch_hem run", 17, 6, True), (Transform("hj", zoom=2, crop=(225,200,200,235)), 25, 8, True), ) label credits: if not _menu: play music "music/Only 115 (Electro Loop)_125 BPM.ogg" fadein 1 fadeout 1 $ renpy.scene("screens") show screen credits(credits_text) with dissolve call update_interface_color("gray") $ achievements.unlock("Credits") pause credits_duration if not _menu: stop music fadeout 3 call ctc hide screen credits with dissolve if _menu: # play music config.main_menu_music fadein 1 fadeout 3 jump main_menu_screen else: return # Workaround for centered images, because text_align doesn't work image credits_title: size (credits_width, 200) contains: "images/logo/title.webp" fit "contain" xalign 0.5 image credits_logo: size (credits_width, 50) contains: "images/logo/silverstudiogames.webp" fit "contain" xalign 0.5 image credits_genie: size (credits_width, 300) contains: "characters/genie/mage9.webp" fit "contain" xalign 0.5 transform credits_chibi_fade(start, duration): alpha 0 pause start linear 0.5 alpha 1.0 pause duration linear 0.5 alpha 0.0 transform credits_scroll(duration): subpixel True xalign 0.5 yanchor 0.0 ypos (config.screen_height / 2 - 125) pause 1 parallel: linear (duration - 1) yanchor 1.0 parallel: linear (duration - 1) ypos (config.screen_height + 50) screen credits(credits=credits_text, duration=credits_duration, chibis=credits_chibis): tag credits zorder 20 add Solid("#000") for img, t, d, left in chibis: add img: at credits_chibi_fade(t, d) zoom 0.5 if left: pos (20, config.screen_height - 20) align (0.0, 1.0) else: pos (config.screen_width - 20, config.screen_height - 20) align (1.0, 1.0) text credits: at credits_scroll(duration) xsize credits_width text_align 0.5 color "#fff" outlines [(2, "#000", 0, 0)]