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2022-05-17 00:48:22 +01:00
init python:
class book_readable_class(object):
2023-11-17 04:37:45 +01:00
def __init__(self, title, contents=(), **kwargs):
2022-05-17 00:48:22 +01:00
self.title = title
self.page = 0
self.overflow = None
2022-05-17 00:48:22 +01:00
self.title = title
self.contents = list(contents) # list of (title, text) pairs
2022-05-17 00:48:22 +01:00
self.npages = len(self.contents)
def maxpage(self):
# maximum value for the `page` attribute
if self.npages %2:
return self.npages-1
return self.npages-2
2022-05-17 00:48:22 +01:00
def Open(self, page=None):
Returns a list of actions that populate the variables of the book_menu screen.
If passed a `page`, does NOT change the page attribute of the book,
instead acts as though that page was the current one.
if page is None:
page = self.page
page_title, page_text = self.contents[page]
page_text = page_text[:880]
if self.npages > page+1:
next_page_title, next_page_text = self.contents[page+1]
next_page_text = next_page_text[:880]
next_page_title, next_page_text = None, None
return [
SetScreenVariable("page_title", page_title),
SetScreenVariable("page_text", page_text),
SetScreenVariable("next_page_title", next_page_title),
SetScreenVariable("next_page_text", next_page_text),
def Next(self):
page = min(self.page+2, self.maxpage)
return self.OpenPage(page)
def Prev(self):
page = max(self.page-2, 0)
return self.OpenPage(page)
def OpenPage(self, page):
return [
SetField(self, "page", page),
2022-05-17 00:48:22 +01:00
def append(self, page_title, page_text):
self.contents.append((page_title, page_text))
self.npages = len(self.contents)
2022-05-17 00:48:22 +01:00
class diary_class(book_readable_class):
def __init__(self, *args, dictionary, **kwargs):
`dictionary` is a dict containing two types of entries:
- for normal text pages, id: (title, text).
`text` may contain interpolation fields, such as {code}.
When that's the case, there must be an 2nd-type entry for "code" in this dict.
`title` may be None.
- for interpolation codes, code: text.
`text` is the text to be used for the interpolation.
Alternatively, `dictionary` may be the name of a store variable containing the actual dictionary
(that's better when not in a testing phase, for pickling/saving/updating reasons)
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.dictionary_ = dictionary # str id : either (title, text) or text
self.entry_ids = set() # str id
def dictionary(self):
rv = self.dictionary_
if isinstance(rv, str):
rv = getattr(renpy.store, rv)
return rv
# append still exists, so that you can manually add pages without going through the dictionary
def diary_append(self, id, day=None, **branches):
Adds a page to the diary.
`id` is the key of the event that just happened, in the dictionary.
`day` sets the day number for the entry, defaulting to the current day.
`branches` is a dict of {sub-event id : code} for every happened sub-event specializing event `id`.
the specified codes will be looked for in the dictionary, and the original entry of id `id`
will be formatted by associating {sub-event id} with dictionary[code].
If `code` is not a valid entry in the dict, the `code` value itself will be interpolated instead,
or nothing if v is a false value (like None).
If the page for the key `id` contains interpolation fields,
it is a mistake to not specify all interpolation fields in `branches`.
It is benign to specify keys which are not interpolation fields.
if id in self.entry_ids:
dictionary = self.dictionary
page_title, page_text = dictionary[id]
2022-05-17 00:48:22 +01:00
if branches:
branches = {k : dictionary.get(v, v or "") for k, v in branches.items()}
page_text = page_text.format(**branches)
2022-05-17 00:48:22 +01:00
if day is None:
day = game.day
2022-05-17 00:48:22 +01:00
if page_title:
page_title = "Day {}\n{}".format(day, page_title)
page_title = "Day {}".format(day)
2022-05-17 00:48:22 +01:00
self.append(page_title, page_text)
2022-05-17 00:48:22 +01:00
label book_handle(book=None):
call screen book_menu(book) # with BookAnimatorFade(0.5, book_wrapped("book_page_next"))
screen book_menu(book=None):
2022-05-17 00:48:22 +01:00
zorder 30
# button style "empty" action NullAction()
modal True
2022-05-17 00:48:22 +01:00
add Color("#000", alpha=0.5)
add "interface/book/book_open.webp"
default page_title = None
on "show" action book.Open() # sets up all the screen variables we want, including page_title which serves as a trigger
if page_title is not None:
use book_content(book, page_title, page_text, next_page_title, next_page_text)
use close_button
screen book_content(book, page_title, page_text, next_page_title, next_page_text):
2022-05-17 00:48:22 +01:00
style "empty"
pos (280, 130)
xsize 250
ysize 300
text page_title ypos -20 size 16 xalign 0.5 textalign .5
text page_text size 12 ypos 40
text str(book.page+1) bold True xalign 0.5 ypos 350 size 11
2022-05-17 00:48:22 +01:00
style "empty"
xpos 600 ypos 130
xsize 250
ysize 300
if next_page_title is not None:
text next_page_title ypos -20 size 16 xalign 0.5 textalign .5
if next_page_text is not None:
text next_page_text size 12 ypos 40
text str(book.page+2) bold True xalign 0.5 ypos 350 size 11
if book.page+2 < book.npages:
2022-05-17 00:48:22 +01:00
# Next
pos (721, 100)
idle Transform("interface/book/hover.webp", alpha=0)
2022-05-17 00:48:22 +01:00
hover "interface/book/hover.webp"
action [book.Next(), With(BookAnimatorFade(.48, book_wrapped("book_page_next")))]
elif book.page > 0:
2022-05-17 00:48:22 +01:00
# Fast Back to start
pos (721, 100)
2022-05-17 00:48:22 +01:00
idle "interface/book/back.webp"
hover "interface/book/back.webp"
action [book.OpenPage(0), With(BookAnimatorFade(.42, book_wrapped("book_page_start")))]
2022-05-17 00:48:22 +01:00
# Previous
2022-05-17 00:48:22 +01:00
pos (242, 100)
idle Transform("interface/book/hover.webp", xzoom=-1.0, alpha=0)
hover Transform("interface/book/hover.webp", xzoom=-1.0, alpha=1)
action [book.Prev(), With(BookAnimatorFade(.48, book_wrapped("book_page_prev")))]
2022-05-17 00:48:22 +01:00
transform BookAnimatorFade(hold_time, widget, old_widget=None, new_widget=None):
delay hold_time
2022-05-17 00:48:22 +01:00
# old_widget
# new_widget with Dissolve(hold_time)
events False
2022-05-17 00:48:22 +01:00
time hold_time
events True
2022-05-17 00:48:22 +01:00
transform book_wrapped(child):
2022-05-17 00:48:22 +01:00
image book_page_next:
image book_page_prev:
xoffset 40
xzoom -1
2022-05-17 00:48:22 +01:00
image book_page_start:
repeat 3 #book_page_max was too slow