2022-05-16 23:48:22 +00:00
2022-05-27 15:23:37 +00:00
init 1 python:
2022-05-16 23:48:22 +00:00
# Custom hotkeys
config.keymap = dict(
# Custom
2024-11-21 16:52:29 +00:00
map = ["noshift_K_m"],
work = ["noshift_K_w"],
stats = ["noshift_K_c"],
inventory = ["noshift_K_i"],
sleep = ["noshift_K_s"],
fap = ["noshift_K_f"],
summon = ["noshift_K_d"],
achievements = ["noshift_K_o"],
2022-05-16 23:48:22 +00:00
# Bindings present almost everywhere, unless explicitly disabled.
rollback = ["K_PAGEUP", "repeat_K_PAGEUP", "K_AC_BACK", "mousedown_4"],
screenshot = ["K_PRINT"],
#toggle_afm = [],
toggle_fullscreen = ["alt_K_RETURN", "alt_K_KP_ENTER", "K_F11"],
game_menu = ["K_ESCAPE", "K_MENU", "K_PAUSE", "mouseup_3"],
hide_windows = ["mouseup_2", "h", "noshift_K_h"],
help = ["K_F1", "meta_shift_/"],
choose_renderer = ["alt_shift_K_g", "shift_K_g"],
progress_screen = ["alt_shift_K_p", "meta_shift_K_p", "K_F2"],
accessibility = ["shift_K_a"],
# Accessibility.
self_voicing = ["shift_K_v"],
clipboard_voicing = ["alt_shift_K_c", "shift_K_c"],
debug_voicing = ["alt_shift_K_v", "meta_shift_K_v"],
# Say.
rollforward = ["mousedown_5", "K_PAGEDOWN", "repeat_K_PAGEDOWN"],
dismiss = ["mouseup_1", "K_RETURN", "K_SPACE", "K_KP_ENTER", "K_SELECT"],
dismiss_unfocused = [],
# Focus.
focus_left = ["K_LEFT", "repeat_K_LEFT"],
focus_right = ["K_RIGHT", "repeat_K_RIGHT"],
focus_up = ["K_UP", "repeat_K_UP"],
focus_down = ["K_DOWN", "repeat_K_DOWN"],
# Button.
button_ignore = ["mousedown_1"],
button_select = ["mouseup_1", "K_RETURN", "K_KP_ENTER", "K_SELECT"],
button_alternate = ["mouseup_3"],
button_alternate_ignore = ["mousedown_3"],
# Input.
input_backspace = ["K_BACKSPACE", "repeat_K_BACKSPACE"],
input_enter = ["K_RETURN", "K_KP_ENTER"],
input_left = ["K_LEFT", "repeat_K_LEFT"],
input_right = ["K_RIGHT", "repeat_K_RIGHT"],
input_up = ["K_UP", "repeat_K_UP"],
input_down = ["K_DOWN", "repeat_K_DOWN"],
input_delete = ["K_DELETE", "repeat_K_DELETE"],
input_home = ["K_HOME"],
input_end = ["K_END"],
input_copy = ["ctrl_noshift_K_INSERT", "ctrl_noshift_K_c"],
input_paste = ["shift_K_INSERT", "ctrl_noshift_K_v"],
# Viewport.
viewport_leftarrow = ["K_LEFT", "repeat_K_LEFT"],
viewport_rightarrow = ["K_RIGHT", "repeat_K_RIGHT"],
viewport_uparrow = ["K_UP", "repeat_K_UP"],
viewport_downarrow = ["K_DOWN", "repeat_K_DOWN"],
viewport_wheelup = ["mousedown_4"],
viewport_wheeldown = ["mousedown_5"],
viewport_drag_start = ["mousedown_1"],
viewport_drag_end = ["mouseup_1"],
viewport_pageup = ["K_PAGEUP", "repeat_K_PAGEUP"],
viewport_pagedown = ["K_PAGEDOWN", "repeat_K_PAGEDOWN"],
# These keys control skipping.
skip = ["K_LCTRL", "K_RCTRL"],
stop_skipping = [],
toggle_skip = ["K_TAB"],
fast_skip = [">", "shift_K_PERIOD"],
# Bar.
bar_activate = ["mousedown_1", "K_RETURN", "K_KP_ENTER", "K_SELECT"],
bar_deactivate = ["mouseup_1", "K_RETURN", "K_KP_ENTER", "K_SELECT"],
bar_left = ["K_LEFT", "repeat_K_LEFT"],
bar_right = ["K_RIGHT", "repeat_K_RIGHT"],
bar_up = ["K_UP", "repeat_K_UP"],
bar_down = ["K_DOWN", "repeat_K_DOWN"],
# Delete a save.
save_delete = ["K_DELETE"],
# Draggable.
drag_activate = ["mousedown_1"],
drag_deactivate = ["mouseup_1"],
# Debugging and development.
editor = ["K_F5"],
reload_game = ["shift_K_r"],
console = ["shift_K_o", "alt_shift_K_o", "K_BACKQUOTE"],
console_older = ["K_UP", "repeat_K_UP"],
console_newer = ["K_DOWN", "repeat_K_DOWN"],
#director = ["noshift_K_d"],
#launch_editor = ["E", "shift_K_e"],
#dump_styles = [],
#developer = ["shift_K_d", "alt_shift_K_d"],
#quit = [],
#iconify = [],
#inspector = ["I", "shift_K_i"],
full_inspector = ["alt_shift_K_i"],
dismiss_hard_pause = ["K_PAUSE", "K_BREAK"],
# Ignored (kept for backwards compatibility).
toggle_music = ["m"],
viewport_up = ["mousedown_4"],
viewport_down = ["mousedown_5"],
# Profile commands.
performance = ["K_F3"],
image_load_log = ["K_F4"],
profile_once = ["K_F8"],
memory_profile = ["K_F7"],
def _hide_windows():
global _windows_hidden
_windows_hidden = not _windows_hidden
_default_keymap = renpy.Keymap(
rollback = renpy.rollback,
screenshot = _screenshot,
toggle_fullscreen = renpy.toggle_fullscreen,
#toggle_afm = _keymap_toggle_afm,
toggle_skip = _keymap_toggle_skipping,
fast_skip = _fast_skip,
game_menu = _invoke_game_menu,
hide_windows = _hide_windows,
#launch_editor = _launch_editor,
reload_game = _reload_game,
#developer = _developer,
quit = renpy.quit_event,
#iconify = renpy.iconify,
help = _help,
choose_renderer = ShowMenu("preferences", page="visuals"),
console = _console.enter,
profile_once = _profile_once,
memory_profile = _memory_profile,
self_voicing = Preference("self voicing", "toggle"),
clipboard_voicing = Preference("clipboard voicing", "toggle"),
debug_voicing = Preference("debug voicing", "toggle"),
progress_screen = _progress_screen,
#director = director.Start(),
performance = ToggleScreen("_performance"),
accessibility = ShowMenu("preferences", page="accessibility"),
2022-06-16 20:38:20 +00:00
editor = ToggleEditor(),
2022-05-16 23:48:22 +00:00
config.underlay = [ _default_keymap ]
# Add hotkeys to main_room screen (_main_room_.rpy)
screen hotkeys_main():
tag hotkeys_main
2024-04-22 19:26:12 +00:00
if states.room == "main_room":
if states.map.unlocked:
2024-04-26 23:41:38 +00:00
key "map" action Jump("map")
2024-04-22 19:26:12 +00:00
if states.paperwork_unlocked:
key "work" action Jump("paperwork")
key "stats" action Jump("stats")
2024-09-24 20:16:55 +00:00
key "inventory" action JumpWith("inventory", inter_pause=False)
key "achievements" action JumpWith("achievements", inter_pause=False)
2024-04-22 19:26:12 +00:00
key "fap" action Jump("jerk_off")
key "summon" action Jump("door")
2024-04-25 18:49:09 +00:00
key "sleep" action If(states.env.daytime, Jump("night_start"), Jump("day_start"))
2024-04-22 19:26:12 +00:00
key "K_SPACE" action RoomHighlightToggle