diff --git a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters.rpy b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters.rpy index 48f3988e..b870900e 100644 --- a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters.rpy +++ b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters.rpy @@ -8,75 +8,75 @@ translate chinese strings: # game/scripts/characters.rpy:36 old "Fred and George" - new "Fred and George" + new "弗雷德和乔治" # game/scripts/characters.rpy:37 old "Fred" - new "Fred" + new "弗雷德" # game/scripts/characters.rpy:38 old "George" - new "George" + new "乔治" # game/scripts/characters.rpy:41 old "Professor Sprout" - new "Professor Sprout" + new "斯普劳特教授" # game/scripts/characters.rpy:46 old "Malfoy" - new "Malfoy" + new "马尔福" # game/scripts/characters.rpy:47 old "Crabbe" - new "Crabbe" + new "克拉布" # game/scripts/characters.rpy:48 old "Goyle" - new "Goyle" + new "高尔" # game/scripts/characters.rpy:49 old "Madam Mafkin" - new "Madam Mafkin" + new "摩金夫人" # game/scripts/characters.rpy:50 old "Moaning Myrtle" - new "Moaning Myrtle" + new "爱哭的桃金娘" # game/scripts/characters.rpy:51 old "Fawkes" - new "Fawkes" + new "凤凰福克斯" # game/scripts/characters.rpy:52 old "Aberforth" - new "Aberforth" + new "阿不福思" # game/scripts/characters.rpy:55 old "Female Student" - new "Female Student" + new "女学生" # game/scripts/characters.rpy:56 old "Female Voice" - new "Female Voice" + new "女声" # game/scripts/characters.rpy:57 old "Male Student" - new "Male Student" + new "男学生" # game/scripts/characters.rpy:58 old "Another Male Student" - new "Another Male Student" + new "另一名男学生" # game/scripts/characters.rpy:59 old "Slytherin student" - new "Slytherin student" + new "斯莱特林学生" # game/scripts/characters.rpy:60 old "Another Slytherin student" - new "Another Slytherin student" + new "另一名斯莱特林学生" # game/scripts/characters.rpy:61 old "Quidditch Crowd" - new "Quidditch Crowd" + new "魁地奇观众" # game/scripts/characters.rpy:66 old "???" diff --git a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/astoria/summon.rpy b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/astoria/summon.rpy index e2b49010..91432385 100644 --- a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/astoria/summon.rpy +++ b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/astoria/summon.rpy @@ -799,53 +799,53 @@ translate chinese strings: # game/scripts/characters/astoria/summon.rpy:171 old "sir" - new "sir" + new "先生" # game/scripts/characters/astoria/summon.rpy:171 old "dumbledore" - new "dumbledore" + new "邓布利多" # game/scripts/characters/astoria/summon.rpy:171 old "professor" - new "professor" + new "教授" # game/scripts/characters/astoria/summon.rpy:171 old "old man" - new "old man" + new "老头" # game/scripts/characters/astoria/summon.rpy:171 old "genie" - new "genie" + new "精灵" # game/scripts/characters/astoria/summon.rpy:171 old "lord voldemort" - new "lord voldemort" + new "伏地魔大人" # game/scripts/characters/astoria/summon.rpy:171 old "daddy" - new "daddy" + new "爸爸" # game/scripts/characters/astoria/summon.rpy:171 old "master" - new "master" + new "主人" # game/scripts/characters/astoria/summon.rpy:237 old "miss greengrass" - new "miss greengrass" + new "格林格拉斯小姐" # game/scripts/characters/astoria/summon.rpy:237 old "girl" - new "girl" + new "女孩" # game/scripts/characters/astoria/summon.rpy:237 old "princess" - new "princess" + new "公主" # game/scripts/characters/astoria/summon.rpy:237 old "cutie" - new "cutie" + new "小可爱" # game/scripts/characters/astoria/summon.rpy:237 old "slave" - new "slave" + new "小奴隶" diff --git a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/cho/events/favors/inspect_her_body_tier2.rpy b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/cho/events/favors/inspect_her_body_tier2.rpy index e3605f79..abdcbf81 100644 --- a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/cho/events/favors/inspect_her_body_tier2.rpy +++ b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/cho/events/favors/inspect_her_body_tier2.rpy @@ -1925,9 +1925,9 @@ translate chinese strings: # game/scripts/characters/cho/events/favors/inspect_her_body_tier2.rpy:555 old "beater" - new "beater" + new "击球手" # game/scripts/characters/cho/events/favors/inspect_her_body_tier2.rpy:613 old "seeker" - new "seeker" + new "找球手" diff --git a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/cho/events/favors/inspect_her_body_tier2_hermione.rpy b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/cho/events/favors/inspect_her_body_tier2_hermione.rpy index 058c1cf2..40aa47b6 100644 --- a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/cho/events/favors/inspect_her_body_tier2_hermione.rpy +++ b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/cho/events/favors/inspect_her_body_tier2_hermione.rpy @@ -1055,5 +1055,5 @@ translate chinese strings: # game/scripts/characters/cho/events/favors/inspect_her_body_tier2_hermione.rpy:153 old "You have acquired Cho's panties!" - new "You have acquired Cho's panties!" + new "你得到了秋张的内裤!" diff --git a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/cho/events/favors/inspect_her_body_tier3_tonks.rpy b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/cho/events/favors/inspect_her_body_tier3_tonks.rpy index e73a63f0..9fb72bcd 100644 --- a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/cho/events/favors/inspect_her_body_tier3_tonks.rpy +++ b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/cho/events/favors/inspect_her_body_tier3_tonks.rpy @@ -2015,5 +2015,5 @@ translate chinese strings: # game/scripts/characters/cho/events/favors/inspect_her_body_tier3_tonks.rpy:1176 old "New clothing items for Tonks have been unlocked!" - new "New clothing items for Tonks have been unlocked!" + new "已解锁唐克斯的新服装!" diff --git a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/cho/events/favors/talk_to_me.rpy b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/cho/events/favors/talk_to_me.rpy index 2af27651..44dccf6c 100644 --- a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/cho/events/favors/talk_to_me.rpy +++ b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/cho/events/favors/talk_to_me.rpy @@ -6508,9 +6508,9 @@ translate chinese strings: # game/scripts/characters/cho/events/favors/talk_to_me.rpy:304 old "-Play it down-" - new "-Play it down-" + new "-淡化处理-" # game/scripts/characters/cho/events/favors/talk_to_me.rpy:304 old "-Be modest-" - new "-Be modest-" + new "-谦虚一点-" diff --git a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/cho/events/panties.rpy b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/cho/events/panties.rpy index adfc2f1a..ce29b07c 100644 --- a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/cho/events/panties.rpy +++ b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/cho/events/panties.rpy @@ -385,5 +385,5 @@ translate chinese strings: # game/scripts/characters/cho/events/panties.rpy:22 old "You hand over the panties..." - new "You hand over the panties..." + new "你交出了内裤..." diff --git a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/cho/favors.rpy b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/cho/favors.rpy index 09c4514d..cd5aa077 100644 --- a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/cho/favors.rpy +++ b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/cho/favors.rpy @@ -14,5 +14,5 @@ translate chinese strings: # game/scripts/characters/cho/favors.rpy:27 old "Let me inspect you!" - new "Let me inspect you!" + new "让我看看你发育正不正常!" diff --git a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/cho/summon.rpy b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/cho/summon.rpy index 2c787798..4e27fb3a 100644 --- a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/cho/summon.rpy +++ b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/cho/summon.rpy @@ -210,5 +210,5 @@ translate chinese strings: # game/scripts/characters/cho/summon.rpy:194 old "This feature is currently not available as of version %s." - new "This feature is currently not available as of version %s." + new "该功能在目前 %s版本下尚不可用 %s." diff --git a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/genie/vars.rpy b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/genie/vars.rpy index 3f19c565..693bcedf 100644 --- a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/genie/vars.rpy +++ b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/genie/vars.rpy @@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ translate chinese strings: # game/scripts/characters/genie/vars.rpy:30 old "Nobody" - new "Nobody" + new "无名氏" diff --git a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/hermione/chitchats.rpy b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/hermione/chitchats.rpy index 5cf276a7..71632451 100644 --- a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/hermione/chitchats.rpy +++ b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/hermione/chitchats.rpy @@ -2075,5 +2075,5 @@ translate chinese hermione_chitchat_02bd86e1: translate chinese hermione_chitchat_3fd85cc2: # her "I've noticed some correlations between grades and the student's chest size, so I thought I'd give it a shot during our next exam..." ("open", "base", "base", "mid") - her "I've noticed some correlations between grades and the student's chest size, so I thought I'd give it a shot during our next exam..." ("open", "base", "base", "mid") + her "我注意到成绩和胸围之间有一些相关性,所以我想在下次考试时试试..." ("open", "base", "base", "mid") diff --git a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/hermione/events/odd_jobs/panty_thief.rpy b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/hermione/events/odd_jobs/panty_thief.rpy index c69f7229..ce0ee9bf 100644 --- a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/hermione/events/odd_jobs/panty_thief.rpy +++ b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/hermione/events/odd_jobs/panty_thief.rpy @@ -1385,61 +1385,61 @@ translate chinese hg_pr_panty_thief_T1_E1_af30580a: translate chinese hg_pr_panty_thief_T1_E1_f5d5085a: # gen "[name_hermione_genie]?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "[name_hermione_genie]?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/odd_jobs/panty_thief.rpy:25 translate chinese hg_pr_panty_thief_T1_E1_576b4340: # her "Yes, [name_genie_hermione]?" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") - her "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") + her "嗯, [name_genie_hermione]?" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/odd_jobs/panty_thief.rpy:26 translate chinese hg_pr_panty_thief_T1_E1_b71c6335: # gen "Give me your panties!" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "把内裤给我!" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/odd_jobs/panty_thief.rpy:27 translate chinese hg_pr_panty_thief_T1_E1_80f6ab70: # her "Give you--" ("angry", "wide", "base", "stare") - her "" ("angry", "wide", "base", "stare") + her "把内-" ("angry", "wide", "base", "stare") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/odd_jobs/panty_thief.rpy:28 translate chinese hg_pr_panty_thief_T1_E1_88cb15e4: # her "My panties!?!" ("angry", "wide", "worried", "mid") - her "" ("angry", "wide", "worried", "mid") + her "内裤!?!" ("angry", "wide", "worried", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/odd_jobs/panty_thief.rpy:29 translate chinese hg_pr_panty_thief_T1_E1_7bb3a76f: # gen "That's right, I could really use a pair to--" - gen "" + gen "没错,我正好现在用--" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/odd_jobs/panty_thief.rpy:30 translate chinese hg_pr_panty_thief_T1_E1_d58a35a3: # her "I refuse!" ("open", "happyCl", "worried", "mid") - her "" ("open", "happyCl", "worried", "mid") + her "我拒绝!" ("open", "happyCl", "worried", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/odd_jobs/panty_thief.rpy:31 translate chinese hg_pr_panty_thief_T1_E1_26459f90: # gen "What? Why not?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "蛤?为什么?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/odd_jobs/panty_thief.rpy:32 translate chinese hg_pr_panty_thief_T1_E1_09f7ec6b: # her "Good day to you, Sir!" ("angry", "happyCl", "worried", "mid") - her "" ("angry", "happyCl", "worried", "mid") + her "日安了,先生!" ("angry", "happyCl", "worried", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/odd_jobs/panty_thief.rpy:36 translate chinese hg_pr_panty_thief_T1_E1_51ed0fbb: # gen "(\"Good day\", she says...{w=0.4} If she really wanted me to have a good day, she would've given me her panties...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "(\"日安\",还有脸说...{w=0.4}真想让我安安好歹把内裤先给我啊...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/odd_jobs/panty_thief.rpy:46 translate chinese hg_pr_panty_thief_T2_E1_af30580a: @@ -1451,79 +1451,79 @@ translate chinese hg_pr_panty_thief_T2_E1_af30580a: translate chinese hg_pr_panty_thief_T2_E1_f5d5085a: # gen "[name_hermione_genie]?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "[name_hermione_genie]?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/odd_jobs/panty_thief.rpy:48 translate chinese hg_pr_panty_thief_T2_E1_576b4340: # her "Yes, [name_genie_hermione]?" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") - her "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") + her "怎么了, [name_genie_hermione]?" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/odd_jobs/panty_thief.rpy:49 translate chinese hg_pr_panty_thief_T2_E1_d105011f: # gen "I could really do with a pair of underwear today... How about you let me borrow yours?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "我今天非常需要一条内裤...能把你的借给我么?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/odd_jobs/panty_thief.rpy:50 translate chinese hg_pr_panty_thief_T2_E1_c867757c: # her @ cheeks blush "You want to... Borrow my underwear?" ("soft", "wide", "base", "stare") - her @ cheeks blush "" ("soft", "wide", "base", "stare") + her @ cheeks blush "你想要...借我的内衣?" ("soft", "wide", "base", "stare") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/odd_jobs/panty_thief.rpy:51 translate chinese hg_pr_panty_thief_T2_E1_c7f82312: # gen "Your panties, specifically." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "你的内裤就行,其他的不麻烦你了." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/odd_jobs/panty_thief.rpy:52 translate chinese hg_pr_panty_thief_T2_E1_70a182a6: # her @ cheeks blush "Why would you want to--" ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") - her @ cheeks blush "" ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") + her @ cheeks blush "为什么你想要我的--" ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/odd_jobs/panty_thief.rpy:53 translate chinese hg_pr_panty_thief_T2_E1_8d26cd6c: # her @ cheeks blush "What would you need panties for!?" ("disgust", "narrow", "base", "mid") - her @ cheeks blush "" ("disgust", "narrow", "base", "mid") + her @ cheeks blush "你要我的内裤做什么了!?" ("disgust", "narrow", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/odd_jobs/panty_thief.rpy:54 translate chinese hg_pr_panty_thief_T2_E1_34f6c134: # gen "Lots of things..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "很多事情吧..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/odd_jobs/panty_thief.rpy:55 translate chinese hg_pr_panty_thief_T2_E1_8c558be3: # her @ cheeks blush "..." ("disgust", "narrow", "base", "mid") - her @ cheeks blush "" ("disgust", "narrow", "base", "mid") + her @ cheeks blush "..." ("disgust", "narrow", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/odd_jobs/panty_thief.rpy:56 translate chinese hg_pr_panty_thief_T2_E1_f59b0549: # her @ cheeks blush "I refuse..." ("annoyed", "narrow", "base", "mid") - her @ cheeks blush "" ("annoyed", "narrow", "base", "mid") + her @ cheeks blush "我拒绝..." ("annoyed", "narrow", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/odd_jobs/panty_thief.rpy:57 translate chinese hg_pr_panty_thief_T2_E1_f853eed0: # gen "(Figured...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "(猜到了...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/odd_jobs/panty_thief.rpy:58 translate chinese hg_pr_panty_thief_T2_E1_279f0e71: # her @ cheeks blush "Good day to you, Sir..." ("open", "narrow", "base", "R") - her @ cheeks blush "" ("open", "narrow", "base", "R") + her @ cheeks blush "日安,先生..." ("open", "narrow", "base", "R") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/odd_jobs/panty_thief.rpy:62 translate chinese hg_pr_panty_thief_T2_E1_280dd9ef: # gen "(\"Good day\", she says...{w=0.4} If she really wanted me to have a good day, she would've let me borrow her panties...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "(\"日安\",还有脸说...{w=0.4}真想让我安安好歹把内裤先给我啊...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/odd_jobs/panty_thief.rpy:72 translate chinese hg_pr_panty_thief_e1_af30580a: @@ -1535,37 +1535,37 @@ translate chinese hg_pr_panty_thief_e1_af30580a: translate chinese hg_pr_panty_thief_e1_22369645: # her "My panties?!" ("open", "base", "worried", "mid") - her "" ("open", "base", "worried", "mid") + her "我的内裤?!" ("open", "base", "worried", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/odd_jobs/panty_thief.rpy:79 translate chinese hg_pr_panty_thief_e1_44b38d6c: # gen "That's right..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "没错..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/odd_jobs/panty_thief.rpy:80 translate chinese hg_pr_panty_thief_e1_6d348625: # her "But then... I won't have anything to--" ("angry", "base", "worried", "R") - her "" ("angry", "base", "worried", "R") + her "但是...那样我不就没有--" ("angry", "base", "worried", "R") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/odd_jobs/panty_thief.rpy:81 translate chinese hg_pr_panty_thief_e1_120bfffa: # her "And you..." ("open", "base", "worried", "mid") - her "" ("open", "base", "worried", "mid") + her "而且你..." ("open", "base", "worried", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/odd_jobs/panty_thief.rpy:82 translate chinese hg_pr_panty_thief_e1_96ee6266: # gen "Yes?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "嗯?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/odd_jobs/panty_thief.rpy:83 translate chinese hg_pr_panty_thief_e1_d865b625: # her "I'm sorry, [name_genie_hermione]... But you're asking too much..." ("open", "closed", "worried", "mid") - her "" ("open", "closed", "worried", "mid") + her "我很抱歉, [name_genie_hermione]... 但你这次要求确实太过分了..." ("open", "closed", "worried", "mid") # TODO: Translation updated at 2024-05-01 22:38 @@ -1573,5 +1573,5 @@ translate chinese strings: # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/odd_jobs/panty_thief.rpy:233 old "You have acquired Hermione's panties!" - new "You have acquired Hermione's panties!" + new "你获得了赫敏的内裤!" diff --git a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/hermione/events/requests/flirt_with_teachers.rpy b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/hermione/events/requests/flirt_with_teachers.rpy index 5cc42fee..dcdce126 100644 --- a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/hermione/events/requests/flirt_with_teachers.rpy +++ b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/hermione/events/requests/flirt_with_teachers.rpy @@ -2440,5 +2440,5 @@ translate chinese strings: # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/requests/flirt_with_teachers.rpy:431 old "A new tattoo for Hermione has been unlocked!" - new "A new tattoo for Hermione has been unlocked!" + new "已解锁赫敏的新服装!" diff --git a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/hermione/events/requests/wear_my_cum.rpy b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/hermione/events/requests/wear_my_cum.rpy index 8ae0b300..a0eae46e 100644 --- a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/hermione/events/requests/wear_my_cum.rpy +++ b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/hermione/events/requests/wear_my_cum.rpy @@ -5599,57 +5599,57 @@ translate chinese strings: # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/requests/wear_my_cum.rpy:157 old "\"You should probably be naked for this.\"" - new "\"You should probably be naked for this.\"" + new "\"这次还是裸体吧.\"" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/requests/wear_my_cum.rpy:157 old "\"You should probably be clothed for this.\"" - new "\"You should probably be clothed for this.\"" + new "\"还是把衣服穿上吧.\"" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/requests/wear_my_cum.rpy:343 old "\"Just put it under your top!\"" - new "\"Just put it under your top!\"" + new "\"脱掉上衣就行!\"" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/requests/wear_my_cum.rpy:343 old "\"Just figure it out, [name_hermione_genie]!\"" - new "\"Just figure it out, [name_hermione_genie]!\"" + new "\"自己看着办吧, [name_hermione_genie]!\"" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/requests/wear_my_cum.rpy:343 old "\"Just use your head!\"" - new "\"Just use your head!\"" + new "\"动动脑子!\"" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/requests/wear_my_cum.rpy:520 old "\"Give my cock a loving kiss!\"" - new "\"Give my cock a loving kiss!\"" + new "\"给我的鸡巴来个爱的深吻!\"" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/requests/wear_my_cum.rpy:520 old "\"Tell me how much you want my cum!\"" - new "\"Tell me how much you want my cum!\"" + new "\"说说你有多想要我的精液!\"" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/requests/wear_my_cum.rpy:520 old "\"Tell them how much of a slut you are!\"" - new "\"Tell them how much of a slut you are!\"" + new "\"说说你个婊子有多骚!\"" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/requests/wear_my_cum.rpy:617 old "\"Just keep on jerking, [name_hermione_genie]!\"" - new "\"Just keep on jerking, [name_hermione_genie]!\"" + new "\"继续撸, [name_hermione_genie]!\"" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/requests/wear_my_cum.rpy:617 old "\"On your face!\"" - new "\"On your face!\"" + new "\"你脸上!\"" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/requests/wear_my_cum.rpy:617 old "\"In your hair!\"" - new "\"In your hair!\"" + new "\"你头发上!\"" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/requests/wear_my_cum.rpy:873 old "\"Now, tell me about your day.\"" - new "\"Now, tell me about your day.\"" + new "\"现在,说说你今天过得怎么样吧.\"" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/requests/wear_my_cum.rpy:1441 old "\"Will you, though?\"" - new "\"Will you, though?\"" + new "\"你会吗?\"" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/requests/wear_my_cum.rpy:1441 old "\"Alright then...\"" - new "\"Alright then...\"" + new "\"那好吧...\"" diff --git a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/hermione/favors.rpy b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/hermione/favors.rpy index 922b83b7..a10d86cf 100644 --- a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/hermione/favors.rpy +++ b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/hermione/favors.rpy @@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ translate chinese strings: # game/scripts/characters/hermione/favors.rpy:108 old "Show me your panties!" - new "Show me your panties!" + new "让我看看你的内裤!" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/favors.rpy:108 old "Strip for me!" - new "Strip for me!" + new "为我脱衣!" diff --git a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy index dec07706..00db71d6 100644 --- a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy +++ b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy @@ -2025,577 +2025,577 @@ translate chinese hermione_change_fail_125a80aa: translate chinese genie_change_bd3ffeb7: # her "Certainly, [name_genie_hermione]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") - her "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") + her "没问题, [name_genie_hermione]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:207 translate chinese genie_change_26071cea: # her "Yes, [name_genie_hermione]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") - her "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") + her "是的, [name_genie_hermione]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:208 translate chinese genie_change_29df0600: # her "Of course, [name_genie_hermione]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") - her "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") + her "当然, [name_genie_hermione]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:210 translate chinese genie_change_e89927be: # her "Do I really have to be so formal, [name_genie_hermione]?" ("annoyed", "happy", "base", "mid") - her "" ("annoyed", "happy", "base", "mid") + her "有必要这么正式么, [name_genie_hermione]?" ("annoyed", "happy", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:211 translate chinese genie_change_eb17499d: # her "...{w=0.4} Alright then." ("open", "happy", "base", "mid") - her "" ("open", "happy", "base", "mid") + her "...{w=0.4}那好吧." ("open", "happy", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:214 translate chinese genie_change_e470be9f: # her "You'd like me to call you...{w=0.4} [name_genie_hermione]?" ("soft", "base", "base", "mid") - her "" ("soft", "base", "base", "mid") + her "你想让我叫你...{w=0.4} [name_genie_hermione]?" ("soft", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:215 translate chinese genie_change_ea154b93: # gen "That's my name...{w=0.4} Right?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "这就是我的名字...{w=0.4} 对吧?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:216 translate chinese genie_change_19dac313: # her "Yes, but...{w=0.4} You're a teacher." ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") - her "" ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") + her "没错,但是...{w=0.4} 你是教授哎." ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:217 translate chinese genie_change_71717142: # gen "So?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "所以嘞?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:218 translate chinese genie_change_e7106964: # her "Well...{w=0.4} I just figured...{w=0.4} Alright then..." ("soft", "squint", "base", "R") - her "" ("soft", "squint", "base", "R") + her "嗯...{w=0.4}我只是觉得...{w=0.4} 那行吧..." ("soft", "squint", "base", "R") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:220 translate chinese genie_change_29df0600_1: # her "Of course, [name_genie_hermione]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") - her "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") + her "当然了, [name_genie_hermione]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:222 translate chinese genie_change_bd3ffeb7_1: # her "Certainly, [name_genie_hermione]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") - her "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") + her "没问题, [name_genie_hermione]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:224 translate chinese genie_change_9d7a59b7: # her "Old man?" ("soft", "base", "base", "mid") - her "" ("soft", "base", "base", "mid") + her "老人?" ("soft", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:225 translate chinese genie_change_07fa5646: # gen "That's right." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "没错." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:226 translate chinese genie_change_b3df2b74: # her "Okay then, if you say so..." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") - her "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") + her "既然你都说了,那好吧..." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:228 translate chinese genie_change_e2a0eabc: # her "Why, [name_genie_hermione]?" ("soft", "base", "base", "mid") - her "" ("soft", "base", "base", "mid") + her "为什么啊,[name_genie_hermione]?" ("soft", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:229 translate chinese genie_change_13a517d4: # gen "Because that's my--" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "因为这就是我的--" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:230 translate chinese genie_change_a7df48f2: # gen "*Err*..." ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "*额*..." ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:231 translate chinese genie_change_f94be834: # gen "Because the main role of a headmaster is to grant the wishes of their students!" ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "因为实现学生的愿望就是校长在所不辞的责任!" ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:232 translate chinese genie_change_e3713c75: # her "..." ("soft", "happy", "base", "mid") - her "" ("soft", "happy", "base", "mid") + her "..." ("soft", "happy", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:233 translate chinese genie_change_4cbc0183: # gen "Don't you reckon it'd be a fitting nickname?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "你不觉得这称呼很合适么?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:234 translate chinese genie_change_31778e29: # her "Isn't the primary responsibility of the headmaster to prepare students for life after school and to ensure their overall well-being?" ("open", "base", "base", "mid") - her "" ("open", "base", "base", "mid") + her "校长的责任不应该是促进学生的德智体美劳全面发展,为他们毕业后的生活打下基础么?" ("open", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:235 translate chinese genie_change_97f5daf3: # gen "Well, you could say that I've ensured your well-being by granting your wish to earn points for your house..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "确实,但我也满足了你的愿望,给你加了那么多学院分,也保障了你的幸福吧..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:236 translate chinese genie_change_0ae0feaa: # her "I guess...{w=0.4} Although--" ("disgust", "base", "base", "mid") - her "" ("disgust", "base", "base", "mid") + her "好像...{w=0.4}把好吧----" ("disgust", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:237 translate chinese genie_change_d9c5fc7a: # gen "Although I suppose compared to a genie, I could always change my mind..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "虽说我起码不会跟真精灵一样被关在油灯里..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:238 translate chinese genie_change_e622e097: # her "Well, since you'd never do that, then I suppose calling you [name_genie_hermione] would be fitting!" ("angry", "closed", "worried", "mid") - her "" ("angry", "closed", "worried", "mid") + her "好吧,既然你都这么说了,那我想,叫你[name_genie_hermione]确实是再合适不过!" ("angry", "closed", "worried", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:239 translate chinese genie_change_a67b29f3: # gen "Yes! That's what I thought!" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "没错!我就是这么想的!" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:242 translate chinese genie_change_39b5f5a5: # her "*Hmm*... Well, I suppose you're technically a high-ranking member of an institution..." ("soft", "base", "base", "R") - her "" ("soft", "base", "base", "R") + her "*嗯*...严格意义上来说,你其实算是某个组织里的高官吧..." ("soft", "base", "base", "R") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:243 translate chinese genie_change_93ea2344: # gen "A befitting title, is it not?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "所以这称呼也挺体贴的吧?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:244 translate chinese genie_change_56246711: # her "But, is it not a bit...{w=0.4} Old fashioned?" ("open", "base", "base", "mid") - her "" ("open", "base", "base", "mid") + her "没错,但会不会有点...{w=0.4}太老气了?" ("open", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:245 translate chinese genie_change_d2803d9c: # gen "Just because it's old...{w=0.4} I mean...{w=0.4} Well, I like it, okay?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "就因为我老吗...{w=0.4} 啊不是...{w=0.4} 我就乐意,成不?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:246 translate chinese genie_change_3ee5f6d6: # her "I see... If you say so, [name_genie_hermione]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") - her "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") + her "好吧...既然你都这么说了,[name_genie_hermione]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:248 translate chinese genie_change_dca353d3: # her "If you say so, [name_genie_hermione]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") - her "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") + her "既然你都这么说了,[name_genie_hermione]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:250 translate chinese genie_change_d46b97fe: # her "Of course, [name_genie_hermione]..." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") - her "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") + her "当然, [name_genie_hermione]..." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:253 translate chinese genie_change_f1bd5300: # her "[name_genie_hermione]?!" ("angry", "base", "base", "stare") - her "" ("angry", "base", "base", "stare") + her "[name_genie_hermione]?!" ("angry", "base", "base", "stare") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:254 translate chinese genie_change_f8c7e388: # gen "That's right... Unless, you think I'm not important to you?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "没错...除非,你觉得我对你来说不重要?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:255 translate chinese genie_change_144845ea: # her "I... Well, I suppose..." ("disgust", "base", "base", "stare") - her "" ("disgust", "base", "base", "stare") + her "我...好吧,说的也是..." ("disgust", "base", "base", "stare") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:257 translate chinese genie_change_ee06d544: # her "[name_genie_hermione]..." ("soft", "narrow", "base", "down") - her "" ("soft", "narrow", "base", "down") + her "[name_genie_hermione]..." ("soft", "narrow", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:258 translate chinese genie_change_dd6be326: # her "Alright then..." ("base", "narrow", "base", "down") - her "" ("base", "narrow", "base", "down") + her "那好吧..." ("base", "narrow", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:260 translate chinese genie_change_af1f2c82: # her "Yes, [name_genie_hermione]..." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") - her "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") + her "是的, [name_genie_hermione]..." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:262 translate chinese genie_change_3649e200: # her "You want me to call you--" ("angry", "base", "base", "stare") - her "" ("angry", "base", "base", "stare") + her "你想让我叫你--" ("angry", "base", "base", "stare") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:263 translate chinese genie_change_e9224abe: # her "I was under the impression that witches and wizards usually avoided mentioning that name." ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") - her "" ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") + her "就我所知,巫师界的人都会避免提及这个名讳吧." ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:264 translate chinese genie_change_11cb562c: # gen "Is that so?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "是么?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:265 translate chinese genie_change_a772a8a4: # her "From what I've read--" ("open", "closed", "base", "mid") - her "" ("open", "closed", "base", "mid") + her "起码我读到的是--" ("open", "closed", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:266 translate chinese genie_change_74ecda49: # gen "You shall not use the lord's name in vain?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "不得妄用耶和华之名" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:267 translate chinese genie_change_1c10fd73: # her "*Huh*?" ("disgust", "base", "base", "mid") - her "" ("disgust", "base", "base", "mid") + her "*嗯*?" ("disgust", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:268 translate chinese genie_change_ade6aef4: # gen "I'm sure using it's fine, as long as you're not being disrespectful..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "只要你别显得太不尊重人,用用应该没事的..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:269 translate chinese genie_change_aa637bf7: # her "I... Alright then..." ("disgust", "happy", "base", "mid") - her "" ("disgust", "happy", "base", "mid") + her "我...那行吧..." ("disgust", "happy", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:272 translate chinese genie_change_ca673902: # her "*Ehm*... Of course, [name_genie_hermione]." ("disgust", "happy", "base", "down") - her "" ("disgust", "happy", "base", "down") + her "*额*... 当然, [name_genie_hermione]." ("disgust", "happy", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:274 translate chinese genie_change_26071cea_1: # her "Yes, [name_genie_hermione]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") - her "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") + her "是, [name_genie_hermione]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:277 translate chinese genie_change_ee06d544_1: # her "[name_genie_hermione]..." ("soft", "narrow", "base", "down") - her "" ("soft", "narrow", "base", "down") + her "[name_genie_hermione]..." ("soft", "narrow", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:278 translate chinese genie_change_dd6be326_1: # her "Alright then..." ("base", "narrow", "base", "down") - her "" ("base", "narrow", "base", "down") + her "那好吧..." ("base", "narrow", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:280 translate chinese genie_change_af1f2c82_1: # her "Yes, [name_genie_hermione]..." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") - her "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") + her "是的,[name_genie_hermione]..." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:282 translate chinese genie_change_8a5473c7: # her "Okay, from now on, I'll call you [name_genie_hermione]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") - her "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") + her "好吧,现在起我会称呼你为 [name_genie_hermione]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:294 translate chinese hermione_change_29df0600: # her "Of course, [name_genie_hermione]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") - her "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") + her "当然, [name_genie_hermione]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:299 translate chinese hermione_change_29df0600_1: # her "Of course, [name_genie_hermione]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") - her "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") + her "当然,[name_genie_hermione]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:302 translate chinese hermione_change_57273926: # her "This \"girl\" thing again?" ("annoyed", "happy", "base", "mid") - her "" ("annoyed", "happy", "base", "mid") + her "又来\"姑娘\"的事儿了?" ("annoyed", "happy", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:303 translate chinese hermione_change_e2c08960: # her "*Sigh*..." ("soft", "happy", "base", "R") - her "" ("soft", "happy", "base", "R") + her "*哎*..." ("soft", "happy", "base", "R") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:305 translate chinese hermione_change_4eba1ee3: # her "Fine...{w=0.4} I don't mind." ("soft", "base", "base", "R") - her "" ("soft", "base", "base", "R") + her "好吧...{w=0.4}我不介意." ("soft", "base", "base", "R") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:307 translate chinese hermione_change_16a21d6c: # her "Of course..." ("soft", "base", "base", "R") - her "" ("soft", "base", "base", "R") + her "当然了..." ("soft", "base", "base", "R") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:310 translate chinese hermione_change_de844efb: # her "*Sigh*...{w=0.4} I just enjoy books, that's all." ("annoyed", "narrow", "worried", "down") - her "" ("annoyed", "narrow", "worried", "down") + her "*哎*...{w=0.4}我只是喜欢阅读,仅此而已." ("annoyed", "narrow", "worried", "down") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:315 translate chinese hermione_change_a648a90f: # her "*Tsk* ..." ("soft", "narrow", "base", "R_soft") - her "" ("soft", "narrow", "base", "R_soft") + her "*啧* ..." ("soft", "narrow", "base", "R_soft") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:340 translate chinese hermione_change_934466df: # her @ cheeks blush "I'm not sure that's true..." ("soft", "narrow", "base", "mid") - her @ cheeks blush "" ("soft", "narrow", "base", "mid") + her @ cheeks blush "我不好说..." ("soft", "narrow", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:341 translate chinese hermione_change_442647dc: # her @ cheeks blush "But I could act like a good girl if you really want me to..." ("smile", "wink", "base", "mid") - her @ cheeks blush "" ("smile", "wink", "base", "mid") + her @ cheeks blush "不过你要是想让我当个乖女孩,我也不是不行..." ("smile", "wink", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:347 translate chinese hermione_change_207e25f2: # her @ cheeks blush "*Ugh*... forget I said anything..." ("open", "narrow", "base", "down") - her @ cheeks blush "" ("open", "narrow", "base", "down") + her @ cheeks blush "*额*... 当我没说..." ("open", "narrow", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:353 translate chinese hermione_change_1d3af4f8: # her @ cheeks blush "After everything you've put me through, I certainly must be..." ("base", "narrow", "base", "R_soft") - her @ cheeks blush "" ("base", "narrow", "base", "R_soft") + her @ cheeks blush "在你让我经历了这么多后,我肯定..." ("base", "narrow", "base", "R_soft") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:356 translate chinese hermione_change_73baf1eb: # her @ cheeks blush "Little...{w=0.4} Girl..." ("soft", "narrow", "worried", "mid_soft") - her @ cheeks blush "" ("soft", "narrow", "worried", "mid_soft") + her @ cheeks blush "小...{w=0.4}姑娘..." ("soft", "narrow", "worried", "mid_soft") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:357 translate chinese hermione_change_13c63b36: # her @ cheeks blush "Yes, [name_genie_hermione]..." ("base", "narrow", "worried", "mid_soft") - her @ cheeks blush "" ("base", "narrow", "worried", "mid_soft") + her @ cheeks blush "好的, [name_genie_hermione]..." ("base", "narrow", "worried", "mid_soft") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:359 translate chinese hermione_change_9045ba79: # her @ cheeks blush "I suppose I may be a little bit naughty at times." ("base", "happy", "base", "R") - her @ cheeks blush "" ("base", "happy", "base", "R") + her @ cheeks blush "我最近或许是有点淘气吧." ("base", "happy", "base", "R") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:372 translate chinese hermione_change_a5819dd3: # her @ cheeks blush "That would make you my prince, wouldn't it?" ("open", "base", "base", "R") - her @ cheeks blush "" ("open", "base", "base", "R") + her @ cheeks blush "那你就是我的王子了?" ("open", "base", "base", "R") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:375 translate chinese hermione_change_211e69b7: # her "Yes...{w=0.4} My prince." ("smile", "happy", "base", "mid") - her "" ("smile", "happy", "base", "mid") + her "是的...{w=0.4}我的王子." ("smile", "happy", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:377 translate chinese hermione_change_d5cd50c1: # her "I--{w=0.2} I mean, [name_genie_hermione]." ("smile", "happyCl", "base", "mid", emote="sweat") - her "" ("smile", "happyCl", "base", "mid", emote="sweat") + her "我--{w=0.2}我是说, [name_genie_hermione]." ("smile", "happyCl", "base", "mid", emote="sweat") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:410 translate chinese hermione_change_b118673a: # her @ cheeks blush "I suppose if you have to call me that, sure..." ("base", "narrow", "base", "down") - her @ cheeks blush "" ("base", "narrow", "base", "down") + her @ cheeks blush "要是你需要的话,就这么叫我吧..." ("base", "narrow", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:415 translate chinese hermione_change_aa30b3b7: # her "I suppose if you have to call me that, sure..." ("base", "narrow", "base", "down") - her "" ("base", "narrow", "base", "down") + her "如有必要的话,没问题..." ("base", "narrow", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:419 translate chinese hermione_change_99a00952: # her @ cheeks blush "(That taste, even the texture...)" ("open", "narrow", "annoyed", "up") - her @ cheeks blush "" ("open", "narrow", "annoyed", "up") + her @ cheeks blush "(那味道,那口感...)" ("open", "narrow", "annoyed", "up") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:427 translate chinese hermione_change_27a6b5a2: # her "I know you're aware of how much I loathe Slytherin..." ("open", "narrow", "worried", "mid_soft") - her "" ("open", "narrow", "worried", "mid_soft") + her "你知道我有多讨厌斯莱特林..." ("open", "narrow", "worried", "mid_soft") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:438 translate chinese hermione_change_4539d050: # gen "In fact, from this point forward you don't have to call me [name_genie_hermione], or exchange any favours..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "事实上,从这一刻起,你不用叫我[name_genie_hermione],或是做什么交易了." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:446 translate chinese hermione_change_3c4e64f7: # her "Maybe I could--" ("clench", "happyCl", "worried", "stare") - her "" ("clench", "happyCl", "worried", "stare") + her "也许我能--" ("clench", "happyCl", "worried", "stare") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:448 translate chinese hermione_change_f9e03504: # her "Listen--" ("soft", "narrow", "worried", "down") - her "" ("soft", "narrow", "worried", "down") + her "听着--" ("soft", "narrow", "worried", "down") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:463 translate chinese hermione_change_04ae1c82: # her "{size=+4}Five hundred?!{/size}" ("shock", "wide", "base", "stare") - her "" ("shock", "wide", "base", "stare") + her "{size=+4}五百?!{/size}" ("shock", "wide", "base", "stare") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:479 translate chinese hermione_change_fcb85372: # her "A...{w=0.5} {size=+6}{b}{cps=20}mud{w=0.5}blood{/cps}{/b}?!{/size}" ("shock", "wide", "base", "stare") - her "" ("shock", "wide", "base", "stare") + her "泥...{w=0.5} {size=+6}{b}{cps=20}巴{w=0.5}种{/cps}{/b}?!{/size}" ("shock", "wide", "base", "stare") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:557 translate chinese hermione_change_6fd0cf09: # her "That's a bit odd...{w=0.4} But sure, you can call me that." ("soft", "squint", "base", "mid") - her "" ("soft", "squint", "base", "mid") + her "有点奇怪...不过可以,你可以这么叫我." ("soft", "squint", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:572 translate chinese hermione_change_fail_835248c6: # her "I don't think that would be appropriate, [name_genie_hermione]..." ("open", "closed", "base", "mid") - her "" ("open", "closed", "base", "mid") + her "这样不合适吧, [name_genie_hermione]..." ("open", "closed", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:573 translate chinese hermione_change_fail_9b737675: # gen "You'd feel a lot better if you tried to be less critical of yourself..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "你要是对自己的要求别这么严苛的话,日子会好过不少..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:574 translate chinese hermione_change_fail_d598d6a2: # her "*Huh*?" ("open", "base", "base", "mid") - her "" ("open", "base", "base", "mid") + her "*嗯*?" ("open", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:576 translate chinese hermione_change_fail_e426d6eb: # her "I certainly am!" ("open", "closed", "base", "mid") - her "" ("open", "closed", "base", "mid") + her "我当然会了!" ("open", "closed", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:577 translate chinese hermione_change_fail_071c24e3: # her "But I won't let you call me that..." ("open", "base", "base", "mid") - her "" ("open", "base", "base", "mid") + her "但我不会让你这么叫我的..." ("open", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:579 translate chinese hermione_change_fail_dd1da59d: # her "That is neither appropriate, nor true!" ("annoyed", "closed", "base", "mid") - her "" ("annoyed", "closed", "base", "mid") + her "这既不属实,也不合适!" ("annoyed", "closed", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:609 translate chinese hermione_change_fail_6c4fc149: # her "I am not a dog!" ("open", "closed", "angry", "mid") - her "" ("open", "closed", "angry", "mid") + her "我又不是呼来唤去的狗!" ("open", "closed", "angry", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:610 translate chinese hermione_change_fail_76604ea8: # gen "That's not..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "我不是..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:611 translate chinese hermione_change_fail_9972b783: # gen "Alrighty then..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "那行吧..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:613 translate chinese hermione_change_fail_5c84184e: # her "[name_genie_hermione]?!" ("shock", "wide", "worried", "stare") - her "" ("shock", "wide", "worried", "stare") + her "[name_genie_hermione]?!" ("shock", "wide", "worried", "stare") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:614 translate chinese hermione_change_fail_572f6572: # her "You can't just call someone that!" ("mad", "wide", "base", "stare") - her "" ("mad", "wide", "base", "stare") + her "你怎么能这么称呼我!" ("mad", "wide", "base", "stare") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:615 translate chinese hermione_change_fail_35535480: # gen "It'll just be between us..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "就我俩之间而已啦..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:616 translate chinese hermione_change_fail_aa31166e: # her "..." ("disgust", "squint", "base", "mid") - her "" ("disgust", "squint", "base", "mid") + her "..." ("disgust", "squint", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:617 translate chinese hermione_change_fail_aa660263: # gen "Nothing to add?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "还有什么补充么?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:618 translate chinese hermione_change_fail_1b7b1ecd: @@ -2607,103 +2607,103 @@ translate chinese hermione_change_fail_1b7b1ecd: translate chinese hermione_change_fail_7ee63e07: # gen "So, you'll let me call you that or not?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "那你到底让不让我这么叫嘛?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:620 translate chinese hermione_change_fail_8dcb2cdd: # her "{size=+5}No!{/size}" ("clench", "closed", "angry", "mid", emote="angry") - her "" ("clench", "closed", "angry", "mid", emote="angry") + her "{size=+5}不行!{/size}" ("clench", "closed", "angry", "mid", emote="angry") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:621 translate chinese hermione_change_fail_f70f1bd0: # gen "..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:623 translate chinese hermione_change_fail_188ad558: # her "{size=+5}A what?!{/size}" ("open", "wide", "worried", "stare") - her "" ("open", "wide", "worried", "stare") + her "{size=+5}什么?!{/size}" ("open", "wide", "worried", "stare") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:624 translate chinese hermione_change_fail_c4a10efe: # gen "Something wrong?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "有什么不对吗?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:625 translate chinese hermione_change_fail_61ed7b67: # her @ cheeks blush "Do you even have to ask?" ("soft", "narrow", "angry", "down") - her @ cheeks blush "" ("soft", "narrow", "angry", "down") + her @ cheeks blush "这还需要问?" ("soft", "narrow", "angry", "down") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:626 translate chinese hermione_change_fail_2f5e067c: # her @ cheeks blush "Calling someone--{w=0.4} That is so degrading!" ("angry", "narrow", "angry", "down") - her @ cheeks blush "" ("angry", "narrow", "angry", "down") + her @ cheeks blush "你管一个人叫--{w=0.4}这也太没品了吧!" ("angry", "narrow", "angry", "down") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:627 translate chinese hermione_change_fail_c815aab2: # her "I won't allow it!" ("angry", "closed", "angry", "down") - her "" ("angry", "closed", "angry", "down") + her "我不允许!" ("angry", "closed", "angry", "down") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:629 translate chinese hermione_change_fail_d5ed4c03: # her "What did you just call me?!" ("open", "wide", "worried", "stare") - her "" ("open", "wide", "worried", "stare") + her "你刚叫我什么?!" ("open", "wide", "worried", "stare") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:630 translate chinese hermione_change_fail_45c21822: # gen "*Err*... Nothing..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "*额*... 没什么..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:631 translate chinese hermione_change_fail_e4d69fbc: # her "*Hmph*..." ("annoyed", "narrow", "angry", "mid") - her "" ("annoyed", "narrow", "angry", "mid") + her "*哼*..." ("annoyed", "narrow", "angry", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:633 translate chinese hermione_change_fail_bf78d3e2: # her "A...{w=0.5} A...{w=0.5}{nw}" ("shock", "wide", "base", "stare") - her "" ("shock", "wide", "base", "stare") + her "我...{w=0.5}你...{w=0.5}{nw}" ("shock", "wide", "base", "stare") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:634 translate chinese hermione_change_fail_5521c9d8: # her "A... A... M--Mm..." ("normal", "wide", "base", "stare") - her "" ("normal", "wide", "base", "stare") + her "疯... 疯... 疯..." ("normal", "wide", "base", "stare") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:635 translate chinese hermione_change_fail_3455c75a: # gen "(This will end up badly...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "(坏事儿咯...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:636 translate chinese hermione_change_fail_d4bb690b: # gen "Mad stud! That's what I said!" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "疯婊子!我就是这么说的!" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:637 translate chinese hermione_change_fail_4c7e9324: # her "*Huh?*" ("normal", "wide", "base", "mid") - her "" ("normal", "wide", "base", "mid") + her "*嗯?*" ("normal", "wide", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:638 translate chinese hermione_change_fail_7021d9a8: # gen "Let's resume the favour trading... You mad stud, you..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "还是说回交易的事儿吧...你个疯婊子,对,就是你..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # TODO: Translation updated at 2024-05-01 22:38 @@ -2711,9 +2711,9 @@ translate chinese strings: # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:56 old "My Lord" - new "My Lord" + new "我的大人" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:62 old "Darling" - new "Darling" + new "亲爱的" diff --git a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/luna/chitchats.rpy b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/luna/chitchats.rpy index 67a8429c..4a122f4a 100644 --- a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/luna/chitchats.rpy +++ b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/luna/chitchats.rpy @@ -580,137 +580,137 @@ translate chinese luna_chitchat_f3bfef5c: translate chinese luna_chitchat_63b35410: # lun "It would highly decrease the risk of a nargle infestation." ("open", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("open", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "这将大大降低蝻钩带来的侵害." ("open", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/chitchats.rpy:60 translate chinese luna_chitchat_6ddeba7a: # lun "I'd love to take one to Sweden and look for the crumple-horned snorkack." ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "我很像带一个去瑞典找弯角鼾兽." ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/chitchats.rpy:164 translate chinese luna_chitchat_5b3847c9: # lun "My fingers just aren't enough to get rid of these spurts properly." ("open", "narrow", "base", "downR") - lun "" ("open", "narrow", "base", "downR") + lun "我的手指简直止不住抽搐." ("open", "narrow", "base", "downR") # game/scripts/characters/luna/chitchats.rpy:165 translate chinese luna_chitchat_baa924b0: # lun "I hope we'll be able to find even more ways to get rid of them." ("soft", "narrow", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("soft", "narrow", "base", "mid") + lun "我还是希望能找到更多应付的办法." ("soft", "narrow", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/chitchats.rpy:168 translate chinese luna_chitchat_c99475fd: # lun "I can't believe how slippery it got down there when you had me touch myself." ("angry", "narrow", "base", "down") - lun "" ("angry", "narrow", "base", "down") + lun "真不敢相信,你让我摸自己的时候,我下面居然那么湿湿滑滑的." ("angry", "narrow", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/chitchats.rpy:169 translate chinese luna_chitchat_32758178: # lun "Such a slimy bunch of buggers!" ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "真是黏糊糊的坏家伙!" ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/chitchats.rpy:172 translate chinese luna_chitchat_0464bec6: # lun "I can't wait to see what kind of method you've got in store for me next!" ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "我已经等不及想知道你还为我准备了些什么!" ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/chitchats.rpy:173 translate chinese luna_chitchat_600d72db: # lun "If only my other classes could be this fun." ("grin", "narrow", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("grin", "narrow", "base", "mid") + lun "要是学校里的其他课程也能这么有趣就好了." ("grin", "narrow", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/chitchats.rpy:176 translate chinese luna_chitchat_22ef737a: # lun "Master baiter, master baiter, I could never hate her!" ("smile", "closed", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("smile", "closed", "base", "mid") + lun "紫薇,紫薇,我喜欢她!" ("smile", "closed", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/chitchats.rpy:177 translate chinese luna_chitchat_ed765a38: # lun "Sorry [name_genie_luna]... I think peeves' chanting may have got to me." ("soft", "base", "base", "stare") - lun "" ("soft", "base", "base", "stare") + lun "抱歉 [name_genie_luna]... 我好像被皮皮鬼的歌声分了神." ("soft", "base", "base", "stare") # game/scripts/characters/luna/chitchats.rpy:180 translate chinese luna_chitchat_04dee922: # lun "I've noticed that I'm quite ticklish under my feet." ("soft", "base", "base", "down") - lun "" ("soft", "base", "base", "down") + lun "我感觉自己脚底下好痒." ("soft", "base", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/chitchats.rpy:181 translate chinese luna_chitchat_eefbd7f0: # lun "Hold on... I wonder if wrackspurts are also affected by gravity..." ("mad", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("mad", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "等下... 不知对骚扰虻是不是也受重力影响..." ("mad", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/chitchats.rpy:184 translate chinese luna_chitchat_866527c8: # lun "I never once thought that a finger would be able to fit inside me so easily." ("soft", "base", "raised", "down") - lun "" ("soft", "base", "raised", "down") + lun "我从没想过用手指进入自己身体会这么简单." ("soft", "base", "raised", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/chitchats.rpy:185 translate chinese luna_chitchat_2abbb824: # lun "I mean... I hadn't even considered putting a finger inside me before..." ("angry", "closed", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("angry", "closed", "base", "mid") + lun "当然...我之前也没想过会把手指插进来啦..." ("angry", "closed", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/chitchats.rpy:188 translate chinese luna_chitchat_061c6da5: # lun "I've got a feeling... That tonight's gonna be a good night... That tonight's gonna be a go-ood night..." ("smile", "closed", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("smile", "closed", "base", "mid") + lun "我有预感... 今晚会是个美好的夜晚...今晚肯定会很美好..." ("smile", "closed", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/chitchats.rpy:189 translate chinese luna_chitchat_1a6af6b4: # lun "Oh, sorry [name_genie_luna]... We've been listening to this classical muggle song during our muggle studies, and I can't get it out of my head." ("angry", "wink", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("angry", "wink", "base", "mid") + lun "哦,抱歉 [name_genie_luna]... 我们在麻瓜研究课上学到的一首歌在我脑中一直挥之不去." ("angry", "wink", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/chitchats.rpy:192 translate chinese luna_chitchat_b376a993: # lun "It's a bit embarrassing to say..." ("soft", "narrow", "base", "downR") - lun "" ("soft", "narrow", "base", "downR") + lun "说出来有点尴尬..." ("soft", "narrow", "base", "downR") # game/scripts/characters/luna/chitchats.rpy:193 translate chinese luna_chitchat_6835a012: # lun "But I think I may have wet the bed last night." ("open", "narrow", "base", "downR") - lun "" ("open", "narrow", "base", "downR") + lun "但我昨晚好像尿床了." ("open", "narrow", "base", "downR") # game/scripts/characters/luna/chitchats.rpy:194 translate chinese luna_chitchat_b414b9ca: # lun "It appears I've gained the ability to expel the wrackspurts in my sleep..." ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "看来我已经学会了在梦中驱逐骚扰虻的能力..." ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/chitchats.rpy:197 translate chinese luna_chitchat_e1b3057b: # lun "I feel quite comfortable being naked." ("open", "closed", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("open", "closed", "base", "mid") + lun "我感觉裸体好自在哦." ("open", "closed", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/chitchats.rpy:198 translate chinese luna_chitchat_fcc9edf5: # lun "Of course, there's always the risk of wrackspurts getting inside, but at least I don't have to worry about my underwear getting wet." ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "当然,里面总是会有骚扰虻漏出来,但至少我不用担心把内裤弄湿了." ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/chitchats.rpy:201 translate chinese luna_chitchat_84dff092: # lun "I wonder if you'd be able to brew some sort of smell strengthening potion..." ("soft", "base", "base", "R") - lun "" ("soft", "base", "base", "R") + lun "不知道你能不能做出可以增强气味的药水么..." ("soft", "base", "base", "R") # game/scripts/characters/luna/chitchats.rpy:202 translate chinese luna_chitchat_d428b2e7: # lun "That way we could locate wrackspurts by the smell..." ("soft", "base", "base", "R") - lun "" ("soft", "base", "base", "R") + lun "这样就能靠气味寻找骚扰虻了..." ("soft", "base", "base", "R") diff --git a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/luna/events/favors/inspect_her_body.rpy b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/luna/events/favors/inspect_her_body.rpy index 8f0a52e6..ba8b31ed 100644 --- a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/luna/events/favors/inspect_her_body.rpy +++ b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/luna/events/favors/inspect_her_body.rpy @@ -6823,13 +6823,13 @@ translate chinese strings: # game/scripts/characters/luna/events/favors/inspect_her_body.rpy:254 old "\"Of course!\"" - new "\"Of course!\"" + new "\"当然!\"" # game/scripts/characters/luna/events/favors/inspect_her_body.rpy:254 old "\"No!\"" - new "\"No!\"" + new "\"不行!\"" # game/scripts/characters/luna/events/favors/inspect_her_body.rpy:1555 old "-Pinch her again-" - new "-Pinch her again-" + new "-再掐她一下-" diff --git a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/luna/events/favors/masturbate_for_me.rpy b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/luna/events/favors/masturbate_for_me.rpy index 8522bcb3..c0adf8e7 100644 --- a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/luna/events/favors/masturbate_for_me.rpy +++ b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/luna/events/favors/masturbate_for_me.rpy @@ -5504,11 +5504,11 @@ translate chinese strings: translate chinese ll_pf_masturbate_T4_E1_repeat_9a0219f2: # gen "Anyway...{w=0.4} Now that that's established, you may begin the test.{#LINT_IGNORE}" - gen "Anyway...{w=0.4} Now that that's established, you may begin the test.{#LINT_IGNORE}" + gen "总之...{w=0.4}现在可以开始测试了.{#LINT_IGNORE}" translate chinese strings: # game/scripts/characters/luna/events/favors/masturbate_for_me.rpy:678 old "-Tell her-" - new "-Tell her-" + new "-告诉她-" diff --git a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/luna/events/favors/suck_it.rpy b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/luna/events/favors/suck_it.rpy index a0bc8b4f..cbe3dbce 100644 --- a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/luna/events/favors/suck_it.rpy +++ b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/luna/events/favors/suck_it.rpy @@ -3567,5 +3567,5 @@ translate chinese strings: translate chinese ll_pf_blowjob_T4_E4_repeat_22232ea4: # nar "As Luna crawls out from under your desk, you slump back into your chair, exhausted by the sheer intensity of the session." - nar "As Luna crawls out from under your desk, you slump back into your chair, exhausted by the sheer intensity of the session." + nar "卢娜从你的办公桌下爬了出来,你瘫坐在椅子上,高强度的运动已经让你精疲力竭." diff --git a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/luna/events/favors/talk_to_me.rpy b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/luna/events/favors/talk_to_me.rpy index 13160643..2fac52ee 100644 --- a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/luna/events/favors/talk_to_me.rpy +++ b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/luna/events/favors/talk_to_me.rpy @@ -4929,39 +4929,39 @@ translate chinese strings: # game/scripts/characters/luna/events/favors/talk_to_me.rpy:62 old "\"The spratters?\"" - new "\"The spratters?\"" + new "\"黏啪嗒?\"" # game/scripts/characters/luna/events/favors/talk_to_me.rpy:62 old "-Sniff your armpits-" - new "-Sniff your armpits-" + new "-闻闻自己的腋窝-" # game/scripts/characters/luna/events/favors/talk_to_me.rpy:101 old "-Whip it out-" - new "-Whip it out-" + new "-掏出鸡巴-" # game/scripts/characters/luna/events/favors/talk_to_me.rpy:282 old "\"A Rhinoceros...\"" - new "\"A Rhinoceros...\"" + new "\"犀牛...\"" # game/scripts/characters/luna/events/favors/talk_to_me.rpy:282 old "\"A Sperm Whale...\"" - new "\"A Sperm Whale...\"" + new "\"抹香鲸...\"" # game/scripts/characters/luna/events/favors/talk_to_me.rpy:282 old "\"A Sea Cucumber...\"" - new "\"A Sea Cucumber...\"" + new "\"海参...\"" # game/scripts/characters/luna/events/favors/talk_to_me.rpy:282 old "\"A Blob-fish...\"" - new "\"A Blob-fish...\"" + new "\"水滴鱼...\"" # game/scripts/characters/luna/events/favors/talk_to_me.rpy:478 old "\"Are you serious...\"" - new "\"Are you serious...\"" + new "\"你是认真的...\"" # game/scripts/characters/luna/events/favors/talk_to_me.rpy:478 old "\".... What?\"" - new "\".... What?\"" + new "\".... 什么?\"" # game/scripts/characters/luna/events/favors/talk_to_me.rpy:478 old "\"..............\"" @@ -4969,5 +4969,5 @@ translate chinese strings: # game/scripts/characters/luna/events/favors/talk_to_me.rpy:814 old "-Over-exaggerate-" - new "-Over-exaggerate-" + new "-吹个牛逼-" diff --git a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy index 7e84679f..22348683 100644 --- a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy +++ b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy @@ -183,611 +183,611 @@ translate chinese give_lun_gift_0b480a7d_1: translate chinese give_lun_gift_d157d96a: # lun "A lollipop?" ("open", "base", "base", "down") - lun "" ("open", "base", "base", "down") + lun "棒棒糖?" ("open", "base", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:13 translate chinese give_lun_gift_9012d5a9: # lun "My father says that you should always have something sugary around in case a baby unicorn comes to visit." ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "我父亲总是说一个人的身边应该随时都留有一些甜食,万一哪天独角兽就来找你呢." ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:14 translate chinese give_lun_gift_bf33e03f: # lun "Thank you, [name_genie_luna]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "谢谢你, [name_genie_luna]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:17 translate chinese give_lun_gift_022fa756: # lun "Chocolate?" ("grin", "base", "base", "down") - lun "" ("grin", "base", "base", "down") + lun "巧克力?" ("grin", "base", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:19 translate chinese give_lun_gift_f4b27841: # lun "I heard that eating chocolate helps with dementia...{w=0.4} Or was it dementors?" ("soft", "narrow", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("soft", "narrow", "base", "mid") + lun "我听说这东西对射昏怪有好处...{w=0.4}还是叫摄魂怪来着?" ("soft", "narrow", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:22 translate chinese give_lun_gift_5d59d7f5: # lun "A plush owl?" ("open", "base", "base", "down") - lun "" ("open", "base", "base", "down") + lun "毛绒猫头鹰?" ("open", "base", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:24 translate chinese give_lun_gift_04f8b0b0: # lun "I love owls... Growing up, there were always a few of them around, delivering my father's newspaper." ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "我喜欢猫头鹰...从我开始记事的那天起,我的父亲就总是会用它来邮寄报纸." ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:27 translate chinese give_lun_gift_fdb82cc5: # lun "Butterbeer?" ("open", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("open", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "黄油啤酒?" ("open", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:28 translate chinese give_lun_gift_714fb85f: # lun "I could use the cork for another necklace!" ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "我正好可以做条黄油啤酒瓶塞项链!" ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:30 translate chinese give_lun_gift_bf33e03f_1: # lun "Thank you, [name_genie_luna]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "Thank you, [name_genie_luna]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:33 translate chinese give_lun_gift_2fc2da56: # lun "Magical creatures weekly?" ("open", "narrow", "base", "down") - lun "" ("open", "narrow", "base", "down") + lun "神奇动物周报?" ("open", "narrow", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:34 translate chinese give_lun_gift_04eaade6: # lun "My daddy says that this publication refuses to recognize the existence of the Crumple-horned Snorkack..." ("annoyed", "narrow", "annoyed", "mid") - lun "" ("annoyed", "narrow", "annoyed", "mid") + lun "我父亲说这份杂志拒绝承认弯角鼾兽的存在..." ("annoyed", "narrow", "annoyed", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:35 translate chinese give_lun_gift_1a28bab0: # lun "Sorry [name_genie_luna], but I'll have to refuse." ("open", "closed", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("open", "closed", "base", "mid") + lun "抱歉,[name_genie_luna],但我不想收下这个." ("open", "closed", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:38 translate chinese give_lun_gift_601a35c8: # lun "Girlz weekly?" ("soft", "base", "raised", "down") - lun "" ("soft", "base", "raised", "down") + lun "女孩杂志?" ("soft", "base", "raised", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:39 translate chinese give_lun_gift_f310147f: # lun "This must be one of those magazines my daddy warned me about!" ("angry", "base", "base", "down") - lun "" ("angry", "base", "base", "down") + lun "这就是我爸爸警告过我的那种杂志吧!" ("angry", "base", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:40 translate chinese give_lun_gift_3dd67ee2: # lun "[name_genie_luna]!" ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "[name_genie_luna]!" ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:41 translate chinese give_lun_gift_833ca41a: # lun "They're corporate shills who prioritize selling their own products over advocating for the use of essential oils!" ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "这帮人都是企业的傀儡,只会想着怎么多卖自己的产品,而不是倡导大家使用精油!" ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:42 translate chinese give_lun_gift_74e5ad07: # lun "That's what my daddy told me, anyway." ("grin", "closed", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("grin", "closed", "base", "mid") + lun "反正我爸爸是这么告诉我的." ("grin", "closed", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:45 translate chinese give_lun_gift_90e67341: # lun "This isn't \"The Quibbler\"..." ("open", "base", "worried", "down") - lun "" ("open", "base", "worried", "down") + lun "这不是\"唱唱反调\"..." ("open", "base", "worried", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:46 translate chinese give_lun_gift_71424398: # lun "[name_genie_luna], you shouldn't be helping my daddy's competition!" ("angry", "base", "worried", "mid") - lun "" ("angry", "base", "worried", "mid") + lun "[name_genie_luna],你不应该支持我爸爸的竞争者!" ("angry", "base", "worried", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:47 translate chinese give_lun_gift_70e3e156: # lun "Please, issue a refund!" ("open", "base", "worried", "mid") - lun "" ("open", "base", "worried", "mid") + lun "拜托,拿去退了吧!" ("open", "base", "worried", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:50 translate chinese give_lun_gift_f284fb86: # lun "This isn't \"The Quibbler\"..." ("annoyed", "base", "base", "down") - lun "" ("annoyed", "base", "base", "down") + lun "这不是\"唱唱反调\"..." ("annoyed", "base", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:51 translate chinese give_lun_gift_b59e6a85: # lun "[name_genie_luna], you shouldn't be helping my daddy's competition!" ("angry", "base", "annoyed", "mid") - lun "" ("angry", "base", "annoyed", "mid") + lun "[name_genie_luna],你不应该支持我爸爸的竞争者!" ("angry", "base", "annoyed", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:52 translate chinese give_lun_gift_f2cf9203: # lun "Please, issue a refund!" ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "拜托,拿去退了吧!" ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:55 translate chinese give_lun_gift_df9cd3cd: # lun "Viktor Krum..." ("soft", "base", "raised", "down") - lun "" ("soft", "base", "raised", "down") + lun "维克多·克鲁姆的海报..." ("soft", "base", "raised", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:56 translate chinese give_lun_gift_3e2d9537: # lun "Who is that, again?" ("open", "base", "raised", "mid") - lun "" ("open", "base", "raised", "mid") + lun "这谁来着?" ("open", "base", "raised", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:57 translate chinese give_lun_gift_e97b5e55: # lun "I'm uncertain if it's such a good idea to put this up on my wall, just in case the other girls ask me about it." ("upset", "base", "base", "down") - lun "" ("upset", "base", "base", "down") + lun "我不确定把这挂在墙上会不会是个好主意,其他姑娘们肯定会问东问西." ("upset", "base", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:58 translate chinese give_lun_gift_7411911f: # lun "I appreciate the thought though, [name_genie_luna]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "不过还是谢谢你的礼物,[name_genie_luna]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:61 translate chinese give_lun_gift_2c1f3f4d: # lun "I've seen a couple of the other girls wearing these!" ("soft", "base", "base", "down") - lun "" ("soft", "base", "base", "down") + lun "我看过其他女孩们穿这个!" ("soft", "base", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:63 translate chinese give_lun_gift_1e4b841e: # lun "Thank you, [name_genie_luna]!" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "谢谢你,[name_genie_luna]!" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:66 translate chinese give_lun_gift_8d7a024f: # lun "Very unique! I like it!" ("grin", "base", "base", "down") - lun "" ("grin", "base", "base", "down") + lun "非常独特!我喜欢!" ("grin", "base", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:68 translate chinese give_lun_gift_1e4b841e_1: # lun "Thank you, [name_genie_luna]!" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "谢谢你,[name_genie_luna]!" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:71 translate chinese give_lun_gift_d5678842: # lun "Condoms?!" ("mad", "wide", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("mad", "wide", "base", "mid") + lun "避孕套?!" ("mad", "wide", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:72 translate chinese give_lun_gift_54250ac8: # lun "... I never knew they sold those rubbery creatures." ("angry", "base", "base", "stare") - lun "" ("angry", "base", "base", "stare") + lun "...我都不知还有卖这种橡胶的." ("angry", "base", "base", "stare") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:73 translate chinese give_lun_gift_92693618: # lun "Yes, we shall study them thoroughly!" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "好啊,我会好好研究的!" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:75 translate chinese give_lun_gift_3845f41f: # lun "Thank you [name_genie_luna]." ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "谢谢你,[name_genie_luna]." ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:78 translate chinese give_lun_gift_1239ad03: # lun "A back-massager!" ("grin", "base", "base", "down") - lun "" ("grin", "base", "base", "down") + lun "按摩仪哎!" ("grin", "base", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:80 translate chinese give_lun_gift_0238d05c: # lun "Thank you, [name_genie_luna]!" ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "谢谢你,[name_genie_luna]!" ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:83 translate chinese give_lun_gift_17696130: # lun "Lube?" ("soft", "base", "raised", "down") - lun "" ("soft", "base", "raised", "down") + lun "润滑剂?" ("soft", "base", "raised", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:84 translate chinese give_lun_gift_09831f0e: # lun "Will this help me get rid of the wrackspurts?" ("open", "base", "raised", "mid") - lun "" ("open", "base", "raised", "mid") + lun "这能帮我拜托骚扰虻嘛?" ("open", "base", "raised", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:86 translate chinese give_lun_gift_bf33e03f_2: # lun "Thank you, [name_genie_luna]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "谢谢你,[name_genie_luna]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:89 translate chinese give_lun_gift_dddf34da: # lun "What is this?" ("soft", "base", "raised", "down") - lun "" ("soft", "base", "raised", "down") + lun "这是什么?" ("soft", "base", "raised", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:90 translate chinese give_lun_gift_5110f0c9: # lun "Does this go in your mouth?" ("open", "base", "raised", "down") - lun "" ("open", "base", "raised", "down") + lun "是塞进口里的吗?" ("open", "base", "raised", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:91 translate chinese give_lun_gift_a2ba7083: # lun "But, [name_genie_luna]... How am I supposed to talk if I wear this?" ("annoyed", "narrow", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("annoyed", "narrow", "base", "mid") + lun "但是, [name_genie_luna]... 戴着这个我还怎么说话呢?" ("annoyed", "narrow", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:93 translate chinese give_lun_gift_c2a3645b: # lun "Thank you, I suppose..." ("soft", "base", "base", "downR") - lun "" ("soft", "base", "base", "downR") + lun "谢谢你,吧应该..." ("soft", "base", "base", "downR") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:97 translate chinese give_lun_gift_bd4dc798: # lun "Anal... plugs?" ("soft", "narrow", "raised", "down") - lun "" ("soft", "narrow", "raised", "down") + lun "肛...塞?" ("soft", "narrow", "raised", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:98 translate chinese give_lun_gift_35a52b1b: # lun "I don't understand..." ("annoyed", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("annoyed", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "我不懂哎..." ("annoyed", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:100 translate chinese give_lun_gift_e8f360af: # lun "Anal plugs..." ("soft", "base", "base", "down") - lun "" ("soft", "base", "base", "down") + lun "肛塞..." ("soft", "base", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:101 translate chinese give_lun_gift_b47ac8d4: # lun "Are these supposed to help with the wrackspurts?" ("open", "base", "annoyed", "mid") - lun "" ("open", "base", "annoyed", "mid") + lun "这东西能解决骚扰虻吗?" ("open", "base", "annoyed", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:103 translate chinese give_lun_gift_bf33e03f_3: # lun "Thank you, [name_genie_luna]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "谢谢你,[name_genie_luna]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:105 translate chinese give_lun_gift_30a3b5de: # lun "Anal plugs..." ("open", "base", "base", "down") - lun "" ("open", "base", "base", "down") + lun "肛塞..." ("open", "base", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:106 translate chinese give_lun_gift_f0dc16dd: # lun "Yes, I should probably use one of these to assist with redirecting the wrackspurts to a single area..." ("grin", "base", "base", "down") - lun "" ("grin", "base", "base", "down") + lun "好啊,或许这能帮我把骚扰虻引导出去..." ("grin", "base", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:108 translate chinese give_lun_gift_bf33e03f_4: # lun "Thank you, [name_genie_luna]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "谢谢你,[name_genie_luna]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:110 translate chinese give_lun_gift_419faf8b: # lun "*Mmm*... Anal plugs... I bet these will feel good..." ("grin", "narrow", "base", "down") - lun "" ("grin", "narrow", "base", "down") + lun "*嗯*...肛塞...肯定会很舒服吧..." ("grin", "narrow", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:111 translate chinese give_lun_gift_c9912ead: # lun "I mean, I bet these will help me deal with the wrackspurts!" ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "我是说...肯定能帮我对付骚扰虻!" ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:113 translate chinese give_lun_gift_bf33e03f_5: # lun "Thank you, [name_genie_luna]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "谢谢你,[name_genie_luna]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:117 translate chinese give_lun_gift_492574b6: # lun "A unicorn horn!" ("smile", "wide", "base", "down") - lun "" ("smile", "wide", "base", "down") + lun "独角兽的角哎!" ("smile", "wide", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:119 translate chinese give_lun_gift_63151d13: # lun "I love it!" ("grin", "wide", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("grin", "wide", "base", "mid") + lun "我喜欢!" ("grin", "wide", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:121 translate chinese give_lun_gift_f49460af: # lun "This is some sort of phallus, isn't it?" ("soft", "base", "base", "down") - lun "" ("soft", "base", "base", "down") + lun "这是某种鸡巴对吧?" ("soft", "base", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:122 translate chinese give_lun_gift_376143e2: # lun "Very peculiar..." ("soft", "base", "base", "down") - lun "" ("soft", "base", "base", "down") + lun "很独特..." ("soft", "base", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:123 translate chinese give_lun_gift_29aa037e: # lun "I shall study it for our research." ("open", "closed", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("open", "closed", "base", "mid") + lun "我会好好研究的." ("open", "closed", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:125 translate chinese give_lun_gift_bf33e03f_6: # lun "Thank you, [name_genie_luna]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "谢谢你,[name_genie_luna]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:127 translate chinese give_lun_gift_b6d77a69: # lun "A penis!" ("grin", "base", "base", "down") - lun "" ("grin", "base", "base", "down") + lun "鸡巴哎!" ("grin", "base", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:128 translate chinese give_lun_gift_0a4ee2fd: # lun "But, what are the straps for?" ("open", "base", "base", "down") - lun "" ("open", "base", "base", "down") + lun "但这腰带是干吗用的?" ("open", "base", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:129 translate chinese give_lun_gift_6681cf7f: # lun "*Hmm*... I'll have to study it..." ("soft", "base", "base", "down") - lun "" ("soft", "base", "base", "down") + lun "*嗯*... 我得研究一下..." ("soft", "base", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:131 translate chinese give_lun_gift_bf33e03f_7: # lun "Thank you, [name_genie_luna]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "谢谢你,[name_genie_luna]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:133 translate chinese give_lun_gift_e5144714: # lun "So, if I wore this... I'll have my own penis?" ("open", "base", "base", "down") - lun "" ("open", "base", "base", "down") + lun "所以,只要穿上这个...我就有自己的鸡鸡了吗?" ("open", "base", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:134 translate chinese give_lun_gift_971bb18f: # lun "But, [name_genie_luna], I don't think I'll be able to funnel the wrackspurts through this..." ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "但是, [name_genie_luna], 这个好像没法帮我应付骚扰虻哎..." ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:135 translate chinese give_lun_gift_9f7303c1: # lun "There's no hole!" ("angry", "narrow", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("angry", "narrow", "base", "mid") + lun "这上面没有洞哎!" ("angry", "narrow", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:137 translate chinese give_lun_gift_65cbffc1: # lun "*Hmm*... You're supposed to put your legs through these holes, right?" ("open", "base", "base", "down") - lun "" ("open", "base", "base", "down") + lun "*嗯*...这个都洞是用来把腿伸进去的吧?" ("open", "base", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:138 translate chinese give_lun_gift_eed03b43: # lun "But [name_genie_luna], this would cover up my lady parts!" ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "但是,[name_genie_luna],这会遮住我的女性部位哎!" ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:139 translate chinese give_lun_gift_5e88913d: # lun "Wait...{w=0.4} You're testing me! Did I pass?" ("angry", "narrow", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("angry", "narrow", "base", "mid") + lun "等下...{w=0.4}你是在测试我吧!我通过了吗?" ("angry", "narrow", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:143 translate chinese give_lun_gift_97a8eeac: # lun "A broom?" ("open", "base", "raised", "down") - lun "" ("open", "base", "raised", "down") + lun "一把扫帚?" ("open", "base", "raised", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:144 translate chinese give_lun_gift_5679627c: # lun "Hold on, there's an attachment on this seat..." ("angry", "base", "low", "down") - lun "" ("angry", "base", "low", "down") + lun "等下,座位上怎么有个插件啊..." ("angry", "base", "low", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:145 translate chinese give_lun_gift_675532d2: # lun "Oh, it's an art piece!" ("grin", "base", "base", "down") - lun "" ("grin", "base", "base", "down") + lun "哦,这是件艺术品吧!" ("grin", "base", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:147 translate chinese give_lun_gift_1e4b841e_2: # lun "Thank you, [name_genie_luna]!" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "谢谢你, [name_genie_luna]!" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:149 translate chinese give_lun_gift_d2380261: # lun "A broom, with an attached penis?" ("open", "base", "raised", "down") - lun "" ("open", "base", "raised", "down") + lun "一把长了鸡巴的" ("open", "base", "raised", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:150 translate chinese give_lun_gift_120278c7: # lun "Oh! You want me to study it, even when I'm flying?" ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "哦!你想让我在飞行同时也好好研究吗?" ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:151 translate chinese give_lun_gift_04dbb845: # lun "Wait... That can't be it..." ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "等下...这不对吧..." ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:153 translate chinese give_lun_gift_bf33e03f_8: # lun "Thank you, [name_genie_luna]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "谢谢你,[name_genie_luna]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:155 translate chinese give_lun_gift_e593d7c2: # lun "A broom with a penis attached to it?" ("soft", "base", "base", "down") - lun "" ("soft", "base", "base", "down") + lun "一把带鸡巴插件的扫帚哎?" ("soft", "base", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:156 translate chinese give_lun_gift_e1ed5681: # lun "I never knew brooms could grow penises..." ("soft", "base", "raised", "mid") - lun "" ("soft", "base", "raised", "mid") + lun "我都不知道扫帚也能长出鸡巴来..." ("soft", "base", "raised", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:157 translate chinese give_lun_gift_1510f545: # lun "You learn something new every day..." ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "活到老学到老啊..." ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:159 translate chinese give_lun_gift_bf33e03f_9: # lun "Thank you, [name_genie_luna]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "谢谢你,[name_genie_luna]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:161 translate chinese give_lun_gift_9fe3f8c4: # lun "A broom with a penis on it... Or is that two penises?" ("soft", "base", "raised", "down") - lun "" ("soft", "base", "raised", "down") + lun "带扫帚的鸡巴啊...还是反过来..." ("soft", "base", "raised", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:162 translate chinese give_lun_gift_1200de89: # lun "How very strange..." ("open", "narrow", "base", "down") - lun "" ("open", "narrow", "base", "down") + lun "真是奇特..." ("open", "narrow", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:163 translate chinese give_lun_gift_10f81c2b: # lun "I shall study it." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "我会好好研究的." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:165 translate chinese give_lun_gift_fdd3fd32: # lun "Thank you, [name_genie_luna]." ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "谢谢你,[name_genie_luna]." ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:167 translate chinese give_lun_gift_caffc128: # lun "A penis broom?" ("soft", "base", "raised", "down") - lun "" ("soft", "base", "raised", "down") + lun "鸡掰扫帚?" ("soft", "base", "raised", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:168 translate chinese give_lun_gift_69c4abf9: # lun "Or is it a broom penis, perhaps?" ("open", "narrow", "base", "down") - lun "" ("open", "narrow", "base", "down") + lun "还是说是扫帚上的鸡巴?" ("open", "narrow", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:169 translate chinese give_lun_gift_1af895ab: # lun "Very interesting..." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "很有意思..." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:171 translate chinese give_lun_gift_fdd3fd32_1: # lun "Thank you, [name_genie_luna]." ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "谢谢你,[name_genie_luna]." ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:174 translate chinese give_lun_gift_40f42a9d: # lun "A doll?" ("open", "base", "base", "down") - lun "" ("open", "base", "base", "down") + lun "娃娃?" ("open", "base", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:175 translate chinese give_lun_gift_b9562700: # lun "It says Joanne on it." ("soft", "narrow", "raised", "down") - lun "" ("soft", "narrow", "raised", "down") + lun "这上面写着乔安妮." ("soft", "narrow", "raised", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:176 translate chinese give_lun_gift_c151c703: # lun "Well, hello there Joanne." ("grin", "base", "base", "down") - lun "" ("grin", "base", "base", "down") + lun "好吧,你好,乔安妮." ("grin", "base", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:178 translate chinese give_lun_gift_3cde90b9: # lun "I'm sure we're going to be great friends..." ("smile", "base", "base", "down") - lun "" ("smile", "base", "base", "down") + lun "我们肯定能成为好朋友的..." ("smile", "base", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:181 translate chinese give_lun_gift_e1ab5376: # lun "Such a lovely necklace!" ("grin", "narrow", "base", "down") - lun "" ("grin", "narrow", "base", "down") + lun "好可爱的项链!" ("grin", "narrow", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:183 translate chinese give_lun_gift_fdd3fd32_2: # lun "Thank you, [name_genie_luna]." ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "谢谢你,[name_genie_luna]." ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:186 translate chinese give_lun_gift_2094908a: # lun "Wine... How lovely!" ("grin", "base", "base", "down") - lun "" ("grin", "base", "base", "down") + lun "红酒哎...真好!" ("grin", "base", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:188 translate chinese give_lun_gift_bf33e03f_10: # lun "Thank you, [name_genie_luna]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "谢谢你,[name_genie_luna]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:191 translate chinese give_lun_gift_6404bd80: # lun "Firewhisky... How lovely!" ("grin", "base", "base", "down") - lun "" ("grin", "base", "base", "down") + lun "火焰威士忌...你真好!" ("grin", "base", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/gifts.rpy:193 translate chinese give_lun_gift_bf33e03f_11: # lun "Thank you, [name_genie_luna]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "谢谢你,[name_genie_luna]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") diff --git a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/luna/summon.rpy b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/luna/summon.rpy index aa064aa4..8d7d11e7 100644 --- a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/luna/summon.rpy +++ b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/luna/summon.rpy @@ -752,13 +752,13 @@ translate chinese strings: # game/scripts/characters/luna/summon.rpy:183 old "Partner" - new "Partner" + new "教授" # game/scripts/characters/luna/summon.rpy:204 old "Loony" - new "Loony" + new "小疯子" # game/scripts/characters/luna/summon.rpy:210 old "Bimbo" - new "Bimbo" + new "二愣子" diff --git a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/luna/vars.rpy b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/luna/vars.rpy index 14af5524..bb1a26e1 100644 --- a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/luna/vars.rpy +++ b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/luna/vars.rpy @@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ translate chinese strings: # game/scripts/characters/luna/vars.rpy:59 old "Penis" - new "Penis" + new "小弟弟" diff --git a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy index 2feb7ba2..5e51edad 100644 --- a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy +++ b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy @@ -3014,719 +3014,719 @@ translate chinese lun_reaction_blacklist_d3b23565: translate chinese lun_reaction_category_fail_6e4cdc94: # lun "Is this part of our wrackspurt research [name_genie_luna]?" ("open", "base", "raised", "mid") - lun "" ("open", "base", "raised", "mid") + lun "这也是我们研究骚扰虻的一部分吗,[name_genie_luna]?" ("open", "base", "raised", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:34 translate chinese lun_reaction_category_fail_ec8596ae: # lun "Is this part of our wrackspurt research [name_genie_luna]?" ("soft", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("soft", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "这也是我们研究骚扰虻的一部分吗 [name_genie_luna]?" ("soft", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:80 translate chinese lun_reaction_touch_bde2c73f: # lun "I don't think there's anywhere for me to release the wrackspurts from up there, but thank you anyway..." ("base", "narrow", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("base", "narrow", "base", "mid") + lun "我不觉得这能让我远离骚扰虻,不过还是谢谢了." ("base", "narrow", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:97 translate chinese lun_reaction_touch_60f94a45: # lun "I already checked for nargles this morning but I suppose you can't be too careful..." ("base", "base", "base", "down") - lun "" ("base", "base", "base", "down") + lun "我今天早上已经测过蝻钩了,不过再小心也不为过..." ("base", "base", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:121 translate chinese lun_reaction_touch_f0ef8e67: # lun @ cheeks blush "*Mmm*... How come I don't really see any of the wrackspurts coming out from here?" ("disgust", "narrow", "base", "mid") - lun @ cheeks blush "" ("disgust", "narrow", "base", "mid") + lun @ cheeks blush "*嗯*... 我怎么看不到有骚扰虻出来呢?" ("disgust", "narrow", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:157 translate chinese lun_reaction_touch_82498ad0: # lun @ cheeks blush "*Mmm*... Nasty... wrackspurts..." ("base", "closed", "base", "mid") - lun @ cheeks blush "" ("base", "closed", "base", "mid") + lun @ cheeks blush "*嗯*...讨厌的...虫子..." ("base", "closed", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:163 translate chinese lun_reaction_touch_405dcd03: # lun @ cheeks blush "*Mmm*... Those nasty wrackspurts... I can feel them getting agitated already..." ("grin", "narrow", "base", "downR") - lun @ cheeks blush "" ("grin", "narrow", "base", "downR") + lun @ cheeks blush "嗯*...那些讨厌的骚扰虻... 我已经能感觉到它们的躁动了.." ("grin", "narrow", "base", "downR") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:223 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_fail_8bfc33bb: # lun "It seems to be affecting the wrackspurts, as if they're multiplying!" ("disgust", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("disgust", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "这好像影响到骚扰虻了,它们在繁殖!" ("disgust", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:379 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_c29a2bf5: # lun "But don't you think the nargles would try to hide in them?" ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "但是你不觉得蝻钩会躲在这里面吗?" ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:381 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_23ad3dde: # lun "No [name_genie_luna]...{w=0.4} nargles loves anything with roses on them..." ("soft", "narrow", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("soft", "narrow", "base", "mid") + lun "布 [name_genie_luna]...{w=0.4} 蝻钩喜欢所有和玫瑰挂钩的东西..." ("soft", "narrow", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:382 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_5eafa98b: # lun "Although now that you mention it, nargles and wrackspurts don't like each other so perhaps it's a good time to test that theory." ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "不过既然你也说了骚扰虻和蝻钩互相不对付,或许这就是验证一下的好机会." ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:567 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_ead69c78: # gen "I've got a summer themed outfit for you to wear." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "我给你准备了一套夏服." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:568 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_165525c3: # lun "Oh! Let me see!" ("smile", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("smile", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "哦!快让我看看!" ("smile", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:569 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_52d1da06: # gen "Here you are..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "给你..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:570 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_8b7a2aa6: # lun "Neat!" ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "好哎!" ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:571 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_80982d88: # gen "So, you'll put it on?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "那么,要穿上试试么?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:572 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_4c660565: # lun "Of course, [name_genie_luna]!" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "当然了, [name_genie_luna]!" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:578 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_a4eb7444: # gen "I've got this cute outfit for you to wear." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "我给你准备了套可爱的衣服." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:579 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_2d84d7bf: # lun "Oh... Thank you [name_genie_luna], I love it!" ("smile", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("smile", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "哦...谢谢你[name_genie_luna],我很喜欢!" ("smile", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:580 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_d0f2e1bb: # gen "You haven't even seen it yet." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "你还没看呢." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:581 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_3f206c72: # lun "Oh... Right!" ("smile", "happyCl", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("smile", "happyCl", "base", "mid") + lun "哦...对哦!" ("smile", "happyCl", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:582 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_150c1b98: # gen "It's this one right here." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "就是这个." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:583 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_ab67b56d: # lun "I love it!" ("grin", "narrow", "base", "down") - lun "" ("grin", "narrow", "base", "down") + lun "我喜欢!" ("grin", "narrow", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:584 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_e4fd5272: # gen "Do you really?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "真的吗?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:585 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_b62bbdde: # lun "Of course! You've made this top yourself, right?" ("grin", "wink", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("grin", "wink", "base", "mid") + lun "当然了!这上衣是你亲手做的吗?" ("grin", "wink", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:586 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_efdbd28c: # gen "*Err*... What makes you think that?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "*额*...为什么这么想?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:587 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_118ed8b6: # lun "Well, you've clearly cut some holes in it, I'm sure it doesn't come like that." ("base", "base", "base", "down") - lun "" ("base", "base", "base", "down") + lun "因为这上面的几个洞显然是你戳出来的吧." ("base", "base", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:588 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_d68a919c: # lun "I appreciate the effort very much!" ("smile", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("smile", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "非常感谢你的付出!" ("smile", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:589 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_5076b1c5: # gen "(If it were anyone else, I would think it was sarcasm...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "(这话要是别人嘴里说出来我还会觉得是阴阳怪气...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:590 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_ffda85e6: # lun "Let me put it on." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "让我先穿上吧." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:596 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_92f5f774: # gen "I've got this cool outfit for you to wear." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "我给你准备了套酷酷的衣服." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:597 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_34f952e6: # lun "Cool?" ("soft", "base", "raised", "mid") - lun "" ("soft", "base", "raised", "mid") + lun "酷酷的?" ("soft", "base", "raised", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:598 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_64f5a675: # gen "That's right... It's this one right here..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "没错...就是这件..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:599 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_2b42000c: # lun "Oh..." ("open", "narrow", "base", "down") - lun "" ("open", "narrow", "base", "down") + lun "哦..." ("open", "narrow", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:600 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_0ccea6a4: # gen "You don't like it?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "你不喜欢吗?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:601 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_a9710c4d: # lun "No, of course I like it, sir... I was just a bit confused." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "不,我当然喜欢了,先生...我只是有点困惑." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:602 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_0bf22575: # gen "Why's that?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "为什么?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:603 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_67ae3924: # lun "You said it was cool, but it looks hot to me." ("soft", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("soft", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "你说这个很酷,我以为是冷酷的酷啦,结果看起来好像很热的样子." ("soft", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:604 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_0ae79d26: # gen "Isn't that the same thing?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "这俩不是一个意思吗?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:605 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_d7461ea5: # lun "*Huh*?" ("open", "base", "raised", "mid") - lun "" ("open", "base", "raised", "mid") + lun "*蛤*?" ("open", "base", "raised", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:606 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_1bf598b4_1: # gen "Just put it on, will you?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "要不你就先穿上吧?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:607 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_14f02edf: # lun "Oh-- Okay then!" ("smile", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("smile", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "哦--那好吧!" ("smile", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:613 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_c76a436b: # gen "I've got this latex outfit for you to wear." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "我给你准备了套乳胶服." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:614 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_e9e73eb8: # lun "But, [name_genie_luna]! Won't that trap the wrackpurts?" ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "但是, [name_genie_luna]!这个不会困住骚扰虻吗?" ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:615 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_a7ecec42: # gen "I've thought of that already. There are holes in certain areas, you see." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "我已经考虑过这点了.你看,这上面有好几个开好的洞." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:616 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_8aa055a5: # lun "Ooooh... That's brilliant!" ("smile", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("smile", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "哦...真是精彩!" ("smile", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:617 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_833e56bf: # lun "The tightness of the latex will make the wrackspurts move to the open areas!" ("grin", "closed", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("grin", "closed", "base", "mid") + lun "乳胶的紧绷感会让骚扰虻顺着这些洞挤出去吧!" ("grin", "closed", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:618 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_aedf78ce: # gen "They will?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "会吗?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:619 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_cc6c4940: # gen "I mean, yes! That's the plan!" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "那啥,会的!我就是这么想的!" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:620 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_6245657c: # lun "I'll put it on right away!" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "我现在就穿上!" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:626 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_33b93c9a: # lun "*Hmm*... It doesn't stretch that much, does it?" - lun "" + lun "*嗯*... 好像延展性没那么好哎?" # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:627 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_db61723e: # lun "*Ngh*!!" - lun "" + lun "*呐*!!" # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:630 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_1fa1583e: # lun "Alright, there's one leg..." - lun "" + lun "好了,先把这条腿..." # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:633 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_f474e566: # lun "And the other..." - lun "" + lun "然后这条..." # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:637 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_ee36aa3f: # lun "Ouchie!" - lun "" + lun "哎呀!" # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:643 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_ff722208: # gen "I've got this neat outfit for you to wear." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "我给你准备了套挺漂亮的衣服." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:644 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_b16b76a0: # lun "Oh?" ("open", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("open", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "哦?" ("open", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:645 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_2319c2f0: # gen "This one, right here." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "这个,拿去." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:646 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_b00db1d8: # lun "Looks very intricate." ("soft", "narrow", "base", "down") - lun "" ("soft", "narrow", "base", "down") + lun "看起来设计的好复杂哦." ("soft", "narrow", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:647 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_da05ba0d: # gen "That's certainly one way to describe it." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "确实是种设计风格." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:648 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_d6834efd: # gen "But it's not that complicated, just put your legs through here." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "但穿起来完全不复杂,腿从这儿穿过去就好了." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:649 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_26208eb9: # lun "Oh! That makes sense..." ("grin", "narrow", "base", "down") - lun "" ("grin", "narrow", "base", "down") + lun "哦!那就了解了..." ("grin", "narrow", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:650 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_454ab21f: # lun "Alright, give me a moment to put it on..." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "好吧,稍等我一分钟..." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:677 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_7a4eeb66: # lun "The wrackspurts!" ("angry", "wink", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("angry", "wink", "base", "mid") + lun "骚扰虻!" ("angry", "wink", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:709 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_50125477: # lun "What about the wrackspurts?" ("clench", "wink", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("clench", "wink", "base", "mid") + lun "骚扰虻怎么办?" ("clench", "wink", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:746 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_b676fab6: # lun "The nargles would surely try and hide in them if I put this on!" ("clench", "happyCl", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("clench", "happyCl", "base", "mid") + lun "我要是穿上这个的话,蝻钩肯定会躲进去的!" ("clench", "happyCl", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:807 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_9fac6fdf: # lun "Yes, [name_genie_luna]..." ("angry", "base", "worried", "mid") - lun "" ("angry", "base", "worried", "mid") + lun "是的, [name_genie_luna]..." ("angry", "base", "worried", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:810 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_e04401ee: # gen "Don't worry... They'll know what I meant..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "别担心...它们会懂的..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:817 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_ead69c78: # gen "I've got a summer themed outfit for you to wear." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "我给你准备了一套夏装." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:818 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_eabe23df: # lun "Oh! Let me see!" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "哦!让我看看!" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:819 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_52d1da06: # gen "Here you are..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "给你..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:820 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_8b7a2aa6: # lun "Neat!" ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "好哎!" ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:821 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_1f3d0d39_1: # gen "Since it's pretty hot you should probably wear it without your bra on." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "这么热的天,就别穿胸罩了吧." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:822 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_599bcdae_1: # lun "Take off my bra?" ("soft", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("soft", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "把胸罩脱了嘛?" ("soft", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:823 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_a5a51a36_1: # lun "Well that might be a problem..." ("upset", "base", "base", "down") - lun "" ("upset", "base", "base", "down") + lun "可能会有点麻烦哎..." ("upset", "base", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:824 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_0bf22575_1: # gen "Why's that?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "何出此言?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:825 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_31ca4534_1: # lun "Well... It's a bit embarrassing actually..." ("angry", "narrow", "base", "R") - lun "" ("angry", "narrow", "base", "R") + lun "嗯...说出来有点尴尬..." ("angry", "narrow", "base", "R") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:826 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_9bb1c8ee_1: # lun "My latch got stuck on it..." ("disgust", "base", "base", "downL") - lun "" ("disgust", "base", "base", "downL") + lun "我胸罩的扣子,卡住了..." ("disgust", "base", "base", "downL") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:827 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_42d993b6_1: # gen "Your... latch?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "你的...扣子?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:828 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_9fac6fdf_1: # lun "Yes, [name_genie_luna]..." ("angry", "base", "worried", "mid") - lun "" ("angry", "base", "worried", "mid") + lun "是的, [name_genie_luna]..." ("angry", "base", "worried", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:829 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_36a5d7f1_1: # gen "Sounds more like artificial content gating to me..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "那玩意不是防君子不防小人么..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:830 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_74c6f22e_1: # lun "Sorry?" ("angry", "base", "raised", "mid") - lun "" ("angry", "base", "raised", "mid") + lun "什么意思?" ("angry", "base", "raised", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:831 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_e04401ee_1: # gen "Don't worry... They'll know what I meant..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "没事儿...懂得都懂..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:832 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_641b8c28_1: # lun "*Hmm*..." ("normal", "base", "base", "R") - lun "" ("normal", "base", "base", "R") + lun "*嗯*..." ("normal", "base", "base", "R") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:838 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_a4eb7444: # gen "I've got this cute outfit for you to wear." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "我给你准备了套可爱的衣服." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:839 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_21b28e63: # lun "Acute?" ("open", "base", "raised", "mid") - lun "" ("open", "base", "raised", "mid") + lun "阔爱?" ("open", "base", "raised", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:840 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_6b4e6f2a: # gen "*Huh*?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "*蛤*?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:841 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_de4d0567: # lun "How is it acute?" ("soft", "base", "raised", "mid") - lun "" ("soft", "base", "raised", "mid") + lun "阔爱是谁?" ("soft", "base", "raised", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:842 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_9e6b55b8: # gen "Not acute... It's a cute-looking outfit." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "什么阔爱...是看着可爱啊." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:843 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_2bd357eb: # lun "Oh, right!" ("grin", "happyCl", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("grin", "happyCl", "base", "mid") + lun "哦,这样!" ("grin", "happyCl", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:844 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_41878e8e: # gen "It's this one, right here..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "就这个,给你..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:845 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_9f5008ce: # lun "But, sir! There are holes in it!" ("angry", "narrow", "base", "down") - lun "" ("angry", "narrow", "base", "down") + lun "但是,先生!这上面有洞哎!" ("angry", "narrow", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:846 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_2ca1db43: # gen "Yes, that's intent--" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "是的,这就是专门--" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:847 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_64cc905a: # lun "You better go ask for a refund!" ("clench", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("clench", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "你最好拿去退款哦!" ("clench", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:854 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_92f5f774: # gen "I've got this cool outfit for you to wear." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "我给你准备了套很酷的衣服." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:855 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_34f952e6: # lun "Cool?" ("soft", "base", "raised", "mid") - lun "" ("soft", "base", "raised", "mid") + lun "酷?" ("soft", "base", "raised", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:856 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_cf59c556: # gen "That's right... It's this one, right here..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "没错...就是这个,给你..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:857 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_79363b20: # lun "But, [name_genie_luna]... This outfit has flames on it." ("angry", "narrow", "base", "down") - lun "" ("angry", "narrow", "base", "down") + lun "但是,[name_genie_luna]... 这衣服上面画的是火哎." ("angry", "narrow", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:858 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_71717142_3: # gen "So?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "所以嘞?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:859 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_27295719: # lun "I thought you said it was cool?" ("soft", "base", "raised", "mid") - lun "" ("soft", "base", "raised", "mid") + lun "那为啥会说酷呢?" ("soft", "base", "raised", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:861 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_261b84ec: # lun "Or, do you mean it's cool because it's airy?" ("open", "base", "raised", "mid") - lun "" ("open", "base", "raised", "mid") + lun "还是说因为穿着很透气,才会感觉冷酷呢?" ("open", "base", "raised", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:862 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_a7b1d2df: # lun "There appears to be some holes in it." ("open", "base", "base", "down") - lun "" ("open", "base", "base", "down") + lun "这上面好像洞蛮多的." ("open", "base", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:863 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_fdb036f4: # gen "(This is giving me a headache...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "(烂双关能不能滚出去啊...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:869 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_c76a436b: # gen "I've got this latex outfit for you to wear." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "我给你准备了套乳胶服." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:870 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_925153ed: # lun "Latex?" ("soft", "base", "raised", "mid") - lun "" ("soft", "base", "raised", "mid") + lun "乳胶?" ("soft", "base", "raised", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:871 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_7b6ae0db: # gen "That's right... It's this one right here." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "没错...就这个." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:872 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_0f92479c: # lun "But... There are holes in it... What about the wrackspurts?" ("angry", "base", "low", "mid") - lun "" ("angry", "base", "low", "mid") + lun "不过...这上面有洞哎...骚扰虻怎么办?" ("angry", "base", "low", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:873 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_553b38b5: # gen "*Err*..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "*额*..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:874 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_6a86440a: # lun "*Phew*... Disaster, successfully avoided." ("base", "closed", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("base", "closed", "base", "mid") + lun "*呼*...灾难,成功避免了." ("base", "closed", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:880 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_ff722208: # gen "I've got this neat outfit for you to wear." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "我给你准备了套漂亮衣服." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:881 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_c820aaf4: # lun "An outfit?" ("open", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("open", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "新衣服吗?" ("open", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:882 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_aa496d2d: # gen "That's right... This one right here." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "嗯啊...给你." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:883 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_f41f6cc9: # lun "Oh... That's... Very interesting..." ("soft", "narrow", "base", "down") - lun "" ("soft", "narrow", "base", "down") + lun "哦...看着...非常有意思..." ("soft", "narrow", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:884 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_19066dec: # gen "Go on... Put it on, will you?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "来吧...穿上看看?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:885 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_1642f63d: # lun "(How do you even wear this thing?)" ("disgust", "narrow", "base", "down") - lun "" ("disgust", "narrow", "base", "down") + lun "(这东西怎么穿啊?)" ("disgust", "narrow", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:886 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_9d7c1e9f: # lun "*Ehm*... Maybe some other time..." ("annoyed", "base", "base", "mid") - lun "" ("annoyed", "base", "base", "mid") + lun "*嗯*...要不下次吧..." ("annoyed", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:919 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_3f26910a: # gen "Put on the police cosplay uniform, will you?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "把这套警服穿上好么?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:923 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_b2de2d5e_2: # gen "What do you--" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "你怎么--" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:970 translate chinese lun_reaction_equip_outfit_fail_f70f1bd0_1: # gen "..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") - gen "" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") + gen "..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/luna/wardrobe_reactions.rpy:997 translate chinese lun_reaction_blacklist_54dbeb1c: # lun "The wrackspurts would have a feast as I would not be able to wear panties with this." ("upset", "narrow", "base", "down") - lun "" ("upset", "narrow", "base", "down") + lun "要是我不穿内裤的话,骚扰虻肯定会大吃一惊." ("upset", "narrow", "base", "down") diff --git a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/tonks/events/hangout.rpy b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/tonks/events/hangout.rpy index 399777f1..bbc06a25 100644 --- a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/tonks/events/hangout.rpy +++ b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/tonks/events/hangout.rpy @@ -2003,5 +2003,5 @@ translate chinese strings: # game/scripts/characters/tonks/events/hangout.rpy:123 old "You hand over a bottle of firewhisky to Tonks..." - new "You hand over a bottle of firewhisky to Tonks..." + new "你给了唐克斯一瓶火焰威士忌..." diff --git a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/tonks/talk.rpy b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/tonks/talk.rpy index 32bc3ad3..4937a2b3 100644 --- a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/tonks/talk.rpy +++ b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/characters/tonks/talk.rpy @@ -1256,25 +1256,25 @@ translate chinese strings: # game/scripts/characters/tonks/talk.rpy:353 old "tonks" - new "tonks" + new "唐克斯" # game/scripts/characters/tonks/talk.rpy:353 old "nymphadora" - new "nymphadora" + new "尼法朵拉" # game/scripts/characters/tonks/talk.rpy:353 old "nympho" - new "nympho" + new "花痴" # game/scripts/characters/tonks/talk.rpy:353 old "fuck puppet" - new "fuck puppet" + new "性爱木偶" # game/scripts/characters/tonks/talk.rpy:353 old "bitch" - new "bitch" + new "婊子" # game/scripts/characters/tonks/talk.rpy:353 old "cunt" - new "cunt" + new "肉便器" diff --git a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/interface/letter.rpy b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/interface/letter.rpy index c0189a83..9545aeaa 100644 --- a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/interface/letter.rpy +++ b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/interface/letter.rpy @@ -134,49 +134,49 @@ translate chinese strings: # game/scripts/interface/letter.rpy:5 old "{size=-7}From: Hermione Granger\nTo: Professor Dumbledore\n\n{/size}{size=-4}I am sure that you remember the reason why I'm writing you this letter from my last one, sir.\n\nI beg of you, please hear my plea this time. This injustice simply cannot go on...\nNot in this day and age, not in our school.\n\nPlease take action.{/size}\n\n{size=-7}With deepest respect,\nHermione Granger{/size}" - new "{size=-7}From: Hermione Granger\nTo: Professor Dumbledore\n\n{/size}{size=-4}I am sure that you remember the reason why I'm writing you this letter from my last one, sir.\n\nI beg of you, please hear my plea this time. This injustice simply cannot go on...\nNot in this day and age, not in our school.\n\nPlease take action.{/size}\n\n{size=-7}With deepest respect,\nHermione Granger{/size}" + new "{size=-7}来自: 赫敏 格兰杰\n敬爱的: 邓布利多教授\n\n{/size}{size=-4}先生,我相信您一定记得我上次给您写信的原因.\n\n我求求您,这次请听从我的建议.这种不公正不能再继续下去...\n不该在这个时代,不该在我们学校.\n\n请采取行动.{/size}\n\n{size=-7}致以最深切的敬意,\n赫敏 格兰杰{/size}" # game/scripts/interface/letter.rpy:9 old "{size=-7}From: Hermione Granger\nTo: Professor Dumbledore\n\n{/size}{size=-4}I am sorry to disturb you again, professor. I just want to make sure that you take this problem seriously.\n\nLast night another classmate confided in me... I gave my word to keep it a secret, so I cannot go into any details.\n\nAll I can say is that one of the Professors was involved.\n\nPlease take action soon.{/size}\n\n{size=-7}With deepest respect,\nHermione Granger.{/size}" - new "{size=-7}From: Hermione Granger\nTo: Professor Dumbledore\n\n{/size}{size=-4}I am sorry to disturb you again, professor. I just want to make sure that you take this problem seriously.\n\nLast night another classmate confided in me... I gave my word to keep it a secret, so I cannot go into any details.\n\nAll I can say is that one of the Professors was involved.\n\nPlease take action soon.{/size}\n\n{size=-7}With deepest respect,\nHermione Granger.{/size}" + new "{size=-7}来自: 赫敏 格兰杰\n敬爱的: 邓布利多教授\n\n{/size}{size=-4}很抱歉再次打扰您,教授. 我只是想确保您认真地对待这个问题.\n\n昨晚另一个同学向我吐露了心声... 我答应保守秘密,所以我不能透露任何细节.\n\n我只能说其中一个教授参与了.\n\n请尽快采取行动.{/size}\n\n{size=-7}致以最深切的敬意,\n赫敏 格兰杰.{/size}" # game/scripts/interface/letter.rpy:21 old "{size=-7}From: Ministry of Magic\nTo: Professor Albus Dumbledore\n\n{/size}{size=-4}Dear professor Dumbledore,\nWe remind you that only upon providing us with a completed report will we be able to make a payment in your name.{/size}\n\n{size=-7}With deepest respect,\nThe Ministry of Magic.{/size}" - new "{size=-7}From: Ministry of Magic\nTo: Professor Albus Dumbledore\n\n{/size}{size=-4}Dear professor Dumbledore,\nWe remind you that only upon providing us with a completed report will we be able to make a payment in your name.{/size}\n\n{size=-7}With deepest respect,\nThe Ministry of Magic.{/size}" + new "{size=-7}来自: 魔法部\n至:阿不思 邓布利多教授\n\n{/size}{size=-4}亲爱的邓布利多教授,\n我们提醒您,只有向我们提供完整的报告,我们才能以您的名义付款.{/size}\n\n{size=-7}致以最高的敬意,\n魔法部.{/size}" # game/scripts/interface/letter.rpy:30 old "From now on you can do paperwork at your desk in order to earn additional gold..." - new "From now on you can do paperwork at your desk in order to earn additional gold..." + new "从现在起,您可以在办公桌前做文书工作,以获得额外的金币..." # game/scripts/interface/letter.rpy:34 old "{size=-7}From:Ministry of Magic\nTo: Professor Dumbledore\n\n{/size}{size=-4}Thank you for completing a report this week.\n\nYou will find your payment of\n\n{/size}{b}-[reports_gold] gold-{/b}{size=-4}\n\nin the attached purse.{/size}\n\n{size=-7}With deepest respect,\nThe Ministry of Magic.{/size}" - new "{size=-7}From:Ministry of Magic\nTo: Professor Dumbledore\n\n{/size}{size=-4}Thank you for completing a report this week.\n\nYou will find your payment of\n\n{/size}{b}-[reports_gold] gold-{/b}{size=-4}\n\nin the attached purse.{/size}\n\n{size=-7}With deepest respect,\nThe Ministry of Magic.{/size}" + new "{size=-7}来自:魔法部\n至:邓布利多教授\n\n{/size}{size=-4}感谢您完成本周的报告.\n\n你的将收到\n\n{/size}{b}-[reports_gold] 金币-{/b}{size=-4}\n\n作为酬劳.{/size}\n\n{size=-7}致以最高的敬意,\n魔法部.{/size}" # game/scripts/interface/letter.rpy:66 old "{size=-7}From:Ministry of Magic\nTo: Professor Dumbledore\n\n{/size}{size=-4}Dear professor Dumbledore,\nit has come to the ministry's attention from an anonymous letter, that there has been illicit activities going on between staff members and students within your halls.\n\nAn Auror has been dispatched and will arrive shortly to begin the investigation.{/size}\n\n{size=-7}Yours sincerely,\nAmelia Bones, Department of Magical Law Enforcement.{/size}" - new "{size=-7}From:Ministry of Magic\nTo: Professor Dumbledore\n\n{/size}{size=-4}Dear professor Dumbledore,\nit has come to the ministry's attention from an anonymous letter, that there has been illicit activities going on between staff members and students within your halls.\n\nAn Auror has been dispatched and will arrive shortly to begin the investigation.{/size}\n\n{size=-7}Yours sincerely,\nAmelia Bones, Department of Magical Law Enforcement.{/size}" + new "{size=-7}来自:魔法部\n至:邓布利多教授\n\n{/size}{size=-4}亲爱的阿不思 邓布利多,\n我部从一封匿名信中注意到,在你们的学院里,老师和学生之间发生了非法活动.\n\n我们已派出一名傲罗,不久将抵达霍格沃兹并开始调查.{/size}\n\n{size=-7}此致,\n阿米莉亚 苏珊 博恩斯,魔法部魔法法律执行司司长.{/size}" # game/scripts/interface/letter.rpy:80 old "{size=-3}Sir Albus Dumbledore{/size}\n\n{size=-7}We would like to present to you a great opportunity to become a Wizard Cards champion. Included in this letter is a starter pack to our card game in the hopes that you will consider any of our resellers to stock our cards for your students to purchase and play.\n\nHere's a little bit of information about our cards:\nEvery Wizard card has an enchantment that will personalise its look just for you and show something of your own favourite interest.\n\nDo you like Quidditch? Every card will look like a famous Quidditch player or a sport related print.\nInterested in magical creatures? The cards will have magical creatures on them.\nFind out your unique illustrations today with this starter pack, we don't even know what it is!{/size}\n\n{space=110}{size=-5}Wizard cards inc{/size}" - new "{size=-3}Sir Albus Dumbledore{/size}\n\n{size=-7}We would like to present to you a great opportunity to become a Wizard Cards champion. Included in this letter is a starter pack to our card game in the hopes that you will consider any of our resellers to stock our cards for your students to purchase and play.\n\nHere's a little bit of information about our cards:\nEvery Wizard card has an enchantment that will personalise its look just for you and show something of your own favourite interest.\n\nDo you like Quidditch? Every card will look like a famous Quidditch player or a sport related print.\nInterested in magical creatures? The cards will have magical creatures on them.\nFind out your unique illustrations today with this starter pack, we don't even know what it is!{/size}\n\n{space=110}{size=-5}Wizard cards inc{/size}" + new "{size=-3}阿不思 邓布利多 先生{/size}\n\n{size=-7}我们愿为您提供成为巫师牌冠军的大好机会.我们在我们的纸牌游戏中加入了一个入门包,希望您能考虑我们的任意经销商为您的学生购买和玩我们的卡.\n\n下面是一些关于我们的牌的信息:\n每张巫师牌都有魔力,它可以为根据您的喜好变换外观,显示出您自己最喜欢或者最恐惧的东西,不过后者极其少见.\n\n您喜欢魁地奇?那么卡包里看就会有魁地奇相关的牌.\n您对魔法生物感兴趣?那么卡包里就会有魔法生物相关的牌.\n来开个入门包解锁专属于您的巫师牌吧,我们甚至猜不到它里面是什么!{/size}\n{size=-9}据说曾经有一位有位名叫张宝华的亚裔女巫从卡包里开出来一只带着眼镜的蛤蟆的牌,然后那个女巫的生命就开始快速流逝了!临死前还念叨着\"那位大人...\"什么的...{/size}\n\n{space=110}巫师牌股份有限公司{size=-5}{/size}" # game/scripts/interface/letter.rpy:110 old "You've unlocked Wizard cards.\n\nUse the deck builder available on your desk to learn the rules and edit your deck." - new "You've unlocked Wizard cards.\n\nUse the deck builder available on your desk to learn the rules and edit your deck." + new "你已解锁了巫师牌.\n使用桌面上可用的布置生成器学习规则并编辑牌组布置." # game/scripts/interface/letter.rpy:113 old "{size=-7}Weasley's Wizard Wheezes shop emporium is now officially partnering with Wizard cards.\nVisit our shop for the best deals on card packs in all of Hogwarts!{/size}" - new "{size=-7}Weasley's Wizard Wheezes shop emporium is now officially partnering with Wizard cards.\nVisit our shop for the best deals on card packs in all of Hogwarts!{/size}" + new "{size=-7}韦斯莱的巫师惠泽商店商场现在正式与巫师牌合作.\n查看我们商店的布告栏,找到符合你技能水平的挑战者列表.{/size}" # game/scripts/interface/letter.rpy:125 old "New items have been unlocked in the store." - new "New items have been unlocked in the store." + new "新物品已在商店中解锁." # game/scripts/interface/letter.rpy:129 old "{size=-3}Congratulations!{/size}\n\n{size=-7}You've beaten your first 3 challenges of Wizard Cards.\nWe're currently working on expanding our business and are recruiting even more challengers so that in the future you'll be able to challenge even more people.\nIn the meanwhile, you'll be able to earn even more tokens by making wagers with the ones you've already beaten to complete your collection of items.\nFor wagers both participant needs to be fine with the prize/forfeit before the wager is made, good luck!\n\nYours truly,\nWeasley's Wizard Wheeze's and Team Silver{/size}" - new "{size=-3}Congratulations!{/size}\n\n{size=-7}You've beaten your first 3 challenges of Wizard Cards.\nWe're currently working on expanding our business and are recruiting even more challengers so that in the future you'll be able to challenge even more people.\nIn the meanwhile, you'll be able to earn even more tokens by making wagers with the ones you've already beaten to complete your collection of items.\nFor wagers both participant needs to be fine with the prize/forfeit before the wager is made, good luck!\n\nYours truly,\nWeasley's Wizard Wheeze's and Team Silver{/size}" + new "{size=-3}祝贺您!{/size}\n\n{size=-7}您已经击败了巫师牌的前3个挑战.\n我们目前正在努力拓展业务,并正在招募更多的挑战者,以便将来您能够挑战更多的人.\n同时,您可以通过再次挑战某人来完成您收集的物品来赚取更多的代币.\n这一回您每赢一次只能得到一个代币,但对于像您这样技术娴熟的玩家来说,这应该是轻而易举的事.\n鄙人,\n韦斯莱的巫师惠泽和白银工作室{/size}" # game/scripts/interface/letter.rpy:142 old "{size=-7}From: Tonks\nTo: My beloved headmaster\n\n{/size}{size=-4}As promised, here is a very lewd picture of me.{heart}\n\nI had so much fun making this for you.\nPlease jerk off to it as much as you like! {heart} {heart} {heart}{/size}\n\n{size=-7}With love,\nTonks. {heart}{/size}" - new "{size=-7}From: Tonks\nTo: My beloved headmaster\n\n{/size}{size=-4}As promised, here is a very lewd picture of me.{heart}\n\nI had so much fun making this for you.\nPlease jerk off to it as much as you like! {heart} {heart} {heart}{/size}\n\n{size=-7}With love,\nTonks. {heart}{/size}" + new "{size=-7}来自: 唐克斯\n至:我亲爱的校长\n\n{/size}{size=-4}正如我所承诺的,这是我的一张非常下流的照片.{heart}\n\n我为你用这个来打飞机一定很有趣.\n请尽情享受吧! {heart} {heart} {heart}{/size}\n\n{size=-7}爱你的,\n唐克斯. {heart}{/size}" diff --git a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/inventory/books.rpy b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/inventory/books.rpy index 06c00a87..a84821aa 100644 --- a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/inventory/books.rpy +++ b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/inventory/books.rpy @@ -1923,45 +1923,45 @@ translate chinese strings: # game/scripts/inventory/books.rpy:2 old "Tome 1: The Tale of Galadriel" - new "Tome 1: The Tale of Galadriel" + new "加拉德里尔的故事 第一部" # game/scripts/inventory/books.rpy:2 old "This book tells the story of an elven princess who defies the traditions of her people and chooses to forge her own destiny.\nEffect: Improves imagination." - new "This book tells the story of an elven princess who defies the traditions of her people and chooses to forge her own destiny.\nEffect: Improves imagination." + new "这本书讲述了一个精灵公主的故事,她挑战了她的人民的传统,选择了自己的命运.\n效果:提高想象力." # game/scripts/inventory/books.rpy:2 old "Read" - new "Read" + new "阅读" # game/scripts/inventory/books.rpy:3 old "Tome 2: The Tale of Galadriel" - new "Tome 2: The Tale of Galadriel" + new "加拉德里尔的故事 第二部" # game/scripts/inventory/books.rpy:3 old "This is a continuation on the story of the elven princess who defies the tradition, with a twist.\nEffect: Improves imagination." - new "This is a continuation on the story of the elven princess who defies the tradition, with a twist.\nEffect: Improves imagination." + new "这本书讲述了一个精灵公主的故事,她挑战了她的人民的传统,选择了自己的命运.\n效果:提高想象力." # game/scripts/inventory/books.rpy:4 old "Tome 1: Game of Chairs" - new "Tome 1: Game of Chairs" + new "椅子的游戏:第一部" # game/scripts/inventory/books.rpy:4 old "An epic tale of betrayal, murder and rape. Then some more murder, some more betrayal and some more rape." - new "An epic tale of betrayal, murder and rape. Then some more murder, some more betrayal and some more rape." + new "关于背叛、谋杀和强奸的史诗故事.然后是更多的背叛,更多的谋杀,更多的强奸.\n效果:提高想象力." # game/scripts/inventory/books.rpy:5 old "Tome 2: Game of Chairs" - new "Tome 2: Game of Chairs" + new "椅子的游戏:第二部" # game/scripts/inventory/books.rpy:6 old "Tome 3: Game of Chairs" - new "Tome 3: Game of Chairs" + new "椅子的游戏:第三部" # game/scripts/inventory/books.rpy:7 old "My Dear Waifu" - new "My Dear Waifu" + new "我亲爱的老婆" # game/scripts/inventory/books.rpy:7 old "Relive the glory of your high school days and find your ultimate \"waifu\".{size=-3}\n\nEnding 01 {unicode}✘{/unicode}\nEnding 02 {unicode}✘{/unicode}\nEnding 03 {unicode}✘{/unicode}\nEnding 04 {unicode}✘{/unicode}\nEnding 05 {unicode}✘{/unicode}{/size}" - new "Relive the glory of your high school days and find your ultimate \"waifu\".{size=-3}\n\nEnding 01 {unicode}✘{/unicode}\nEnding 02 {unicode}✘{/unicode}\nEnding 03 {unicode}✘{/unicode}\nEnding 04 {unicode}✘{/unicode}\nEnding 05 {unicode}✘{/unicode}{/size}" + new "重温你高中时代的荣耀.你的妹妹谢伊,史蒂文斯老师,还是神秘的图书馆女孩?谁会成为你最后的 \"老婆\".{size=-3}\n\n结局 01 {unicode}✘{/unicode}\n结局 02 {unicode}✘{/unicode}\n结局 03 {unicode}✘{/unicode}\n结局 04 {unicode}✘{/unicode}\n结局 05 {unicode}✘{/unicode}{/size}\n效果:提高想象力." diff --git a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy index 514ea546..3dd1f293 100644 --- a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy +++ b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy @@ -126,425 +126,425 @@ translate chinese strings: # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You are a male student who is sharing his home with his cute step-sister Shea." - new "You are a male student who is sharing his home with his cute step-sister Shea." + new "你是一个男学生,正在和他可爱的继妹妹谢伊一起住." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "During classes Ms Stevens is droning away about something. You admire her chest to stay awake. She's way too hot to be a teacher." - new "During classes Ms Stevens is droning away about something. You admire her chest to stay awake. She's way too hot to be a teacher." + new "在上课期间,史蒂文斯女士喋喋不休地谈论着一些事情.你靠着紧盯她的胸部保持清醒.她太性感了,不该当老师." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You meet your step-sister at school. Unlike you, Shea is quite popular among her classmates, but She all but denies your existence." - new "You meet your step-sister at school. Unlike you, Shea is quite popular among her classmates, but She all but denies your existence." + new "你在学校遇到你的继妹妹.不像你,谢伊在她的同学中很受欢迎,但她根本不想承认你的存在." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You bump into a girl in the hallway, She is wearing thick glasses and acts very shy. afterwards She apologises and quickly runs off, is she even a student of this school?" - new "You bump into a girl in the hallway, She is wearing thick glasses and acts very shy. afterwards She apologises and quickly runs off, is she even a student of this school?" + new "你在走廊里撞到一个女孩,她戴着厚厚的眼镜,表现得很害羞.事后她道歉并迅速跑掉了,她是这所学校的学生吗?" # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "Ms Stevens is organizing extracurricular activities today. You decide to show up in hopes of extra credit." - new "Ms Stevens is organizing extracurricular activities today. You decide to show up in hopes of extra credit." + new "史蒂文斯女士今天正在组织课外活动.你决定来是为了获得额外的学分." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "A bully takes your lunch money today. Later Shea shows up and brings the bully with her, He apologises and returns you your money. Shea can be scary..." - new "A bully takes your lunch money today. Later Shea shows up and brings the bully with her, He apologises and returns you your money. Shea can be scary..." + new "今天一个恶霸拿走了你的午餐钱.后来谢伊出现了,阻止了他的霸凌,他道歉,并退还你的钱.谢伊可能挺吓人的..." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "Another boring class. You ignore the teacher completely and daydream about getting a degree in art and becoming a professional hentai-manga artist." - new "Another boring class. You ignore the teacher completely and daydream about getting a degree in art and becoming a professional hentai-manga artist." + new "又一节无聊的课.你完全忽视了老师,幻想着获得艺术学位,成为一名专业的色图艺术家." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "Another terribly generic school day, Ms Stevens' modest green suit does little to conceal her attractive figure. You couldn't care less about the topic of her class though." - new "Another terribly generic school day, Ms Stevens' modest green suit does little to conceal her attractive figure. You couldn't care less about the topic of her class though." + new "又是一个极其普通的上学日,史蒂文斯女士朴素的绿色西装丝毫掩盖不了她迷人的身材.不过,你对她上课的话题毫不在乎." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You ditch your classes and roam through the deserted school corridors, pretending to be the sole survivor of some deadly virus. The janitor spots you, He's infected! You run for your life." - new "You ditch your classes and roam through the deserted school corridors, pretending to be the sole survivor of some deadly virus. The janitor spots you, He's infected! You run for your life." + new "你逃课了,在废弃的学校走廊里漫步,假装是某种致命病毒的唯一幸存者.看门人发现了你,他被感染了!你为了活命而奔跑." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "The same bully takes your money again. An hour later an ambulance parks before school, Some guy broke his hand. You recognise your bully... Did Shea do this to him?" - new "The same bully takes your money again. An hour later an ambulance parks before school, Some guy broke his hand. You recognise your bully... Did Shea do this to him?" + new "那个恶霸又拿走了你的钱.一个小时后,一辆救护车停在学校前,有人打断了他的手.你认识那个欺凌者...是谢伊对他做了这件事吗?" # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "Another day in school. After the incident with the bully, people are looking at you funnily, but they seem to adore Shea more than ever. How is she doing it?" - new "Another day in school. After the incident with the bully, people are looking at you funnily, but they seem to adore Shea more than ever. How is she doing it?" + new "在学校的另一天.在发生恶霸事件后,人们都在滑稽地看着你,但他们似乎比以往任何时候都更崇拜谢伊.她做了什么?" # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You have no classes with Ms Stevens today. So why even bother? You fall asleep behind your desk." - new "You have no classes with Ms Stevens today. So why even bother? You fall asleep behind your desk." + new "你今天没有史蒂文斯女士的课.那还听啥呢?你在桌子后面睡着了." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "Your classmates all seem to be very excited about the upcoming prom, but You couldn't care less for the stupid thing." - new "Your classmates all seem to be very excited about the upcoming prom, but You couldn't care less for the stupid thing." + new "你的同学似乎都对即将到来的舞会感到非常兴奋,但你对这件愚蠢的事毫不在乎." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "Another boring class. You gaze out of the window and notice a suspicious looking black van with tinted windows parked nearby the school library building. Why?" - new "Another boring class. You gaze out of the window and notice a suspicious looking black van with tinted windows parked nearby the school library building. Why?" + new "又一节无聊的课.你凝视窗外,注意到学校图书馆附近停着一辆看起来可疑的黑色面包车,车上玻璃都是深色不透明的.为什么?" # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You overhear one of your classmates talking about starting a secret \"Ms Stevens fan club\". Not very surprising, considering how attractive she is." - new "You overhear one of your classmates talking about starting a secret \"Ms Stevens fan club\". Not very surprising, considering how attractive she is." + new "你无意中听到你的一个同学在谈论创办一个秘密的\"史蒂文斯女士粉丝俱乐部\".考虑到她有多迷人,这并不奇怪." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "Everyone's excitement about the upcoming prom grows with every day. You toy with an idea of asking someone to the prom, but decide to save yourself the awkwardness." - new "Everyone's excitement about the upcoming prom grows with every day. You toy with an idea of asking someone to the prom, but decide to save yourself the awkwardness." + new "每个人对即将到来的舞会的兴奋与日俱增.你开始寻思要不要邀请某人参加舞会,但决定还是不让自己尴尬了." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "Ms Stevens is wearing her skintight business suit again today. All the guys in your class look very eager to learn, while many of the girls are pouting." - new "Ms Stevens is wearing her skintight business suit again today. All the guys in your class look very eager to learn, while many of the girls are pouting." + new "史蒂文斯女士今天再次穿着紧身西装.你们班上所有的男生看起来都很渴望学习,而很多女生都在撅嘴." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "The graduation ceremony is tomorrow. Everyone is very excited, but You just want this day to end." - new "The graduation ceremony is tomorrow. Everyone is very excited, but You just want this day to end." + new "毕业典礼在明天举行.每个人都很兴奋,但你只想这一天结束." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "Today is your graduation day. You see your classmates getting emotional during the ceremony, but you don't care much." - new "Today is your graduation day. You see your classmates getting emotional during the ceremony, but you don't care much." + new "今天是你的毕业日.你看到你的同学在典礼上情绪激动,但你并不在意." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "The prom will take place tonight. You have nothing to do today, No chores, no homework... So this is how it feels to be free!?" - new "The prom will take place tonight. You have nothing to do today, No chores, no homework... So this is how it feels to be free!?" + new "舞会将于今晚举行.你今天无事可做,没有家务,没有作业...这就是自由的感觉!?" # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You return home and walk in on Shea taking a bath. You stare at her tits until she knocks you out cold with one of her trademark punches." - new "You return home and walk in on Shea taking a bath. You stare at her tits until she knocks you out cold with one of her trademark punches." + new "你回到家,看到谢伊在洗澡.你盯着她的乳头,直到她用她标志性的一拳把你打晕." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "At home, Shea cooks supper for you. You catch a glimpse of her panties and she knocks you out cold again with one of her trademark punches." - new "At home, Shea cooks supper for you. You catch a glimpse of her panties and she knocks you out cold again with one of her trademark punches." + new "在家里,谢伊为你做晚饭.你瞥见了她的内裤,她用她标志性的一拳再次把你击倒在地." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You return home and The house is empty, so You decide to watch an adult movie in the living room. Shea walks in on you... and knocks you out with one of her trademark punches." - new "You return home and The house is empty, so You decide to watch an adult movie in the living room. Shea walks in on you... and knocks you out with one of her trademark punches." + new "你回到家,房子是空的,所以你决定在客厅看一部成人电影.谢伊走近你...然后用她标志性的一拳将你击倒." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "It's a stormy night with rain and thunder. Frightened, Shea crawls into your bed. Your manhood gets hard and Shea knocks you out with one of her trademark punches." - new "It's a stormy night with rain and thunder. Frightened, Shea crawls into your bed. Your manhood gets hard and Shea knocks you out with one of her trademark punches." + new "这是一个暴风雨的夜晚,有雨有雷.谢伊害怕地爬到你的床上.你的男子气概变得强硬,谢伊用她标志性的一拳将你击倒." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "As a peace offering you decide to clean Shea's room. She doesn't appreciate such an invasion of privacy and dishes out another one of her trademark punches, which knocks you out cold." - new "As a peace offering you decide to clean Shea's room. She doesn't appreciate such an invasion of privacy and dishes out another one of her trademark punches, which knocks you out cold." + new "作为一种和解,你决定打扫谢伊的房间.她不喜欢这种侵犯隐私的行为,她又打出了一记标志性的拳,让你大吃一惊." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "The house is empty. You decide to watch an adult movie in the living room, but Shea walks in on you again. You expect another punch but she just runs off." - new "The house is empty. You decide to watch an adult movie in the living room, but Shea walks in on you again. You expect another punch but she just runs off." + new "房子是空的.你决定在客厅看一部成人电影,但谢伊又一次走到你身边.你期待着再来一拳,但她却跑掉了." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You come to Shea's room to apologise for the last time. She is wearing her pyjamas. You get a little hard during your apology. She accepts your apology blushing." - new "You come to Shea's room to apologise for the last time. She is wearing her pyjamas. You get a little hard during your apology. She accepts your apology blushing." + new "你最后一次来到谢伊的房间道歉.她穿着睡衣.你道歉的时候有点硬了起来.她脸红地接受了你的道歉." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "It's raining again, so Shea sneaks into your bed at night. She kisses you and asks you to take her anal virginity. You have anal sex with your little step sister." - new "It's raining again, so Shea sneaks into your bed at night. She kisses you and asks you to take her anal virginity. You have anal sex with your little step sister." + new "又下雨了,所以谢伊晚上偷偷钻进你的床上.她亲吻你,并要求你接受她的肛门处女.你和你的继妹妹肛交了." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "Shea sneaks into your room after supper. While your parents finish eating downstairs, you drill your sister's little asshole with your cock while she moans enthusiastically." - new "Shea sneaks into your room after supper. While your parents finish eating downstairs, you drill your sister's little asshole with your cock while she moans enthusiastically." + new "谢伊在晚饭后偷偷溜进你的房间.当你父母在楼下吃完饭的时候,你用你的公鸡给你妹妹的小屁股打洞,而她在热情地呻吟." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You decide to stay home and, To your surprise, Shea does the same. Then, out of nowhere she asks you out for the prom." - new "You decide to stay home and, To your surprise, Shea does the same. Then, out of nowhere she asks you out for the prom." + new "你决定呆在家里,令你惊讶的是,谢伊 同样如此.然后,她突然邀请你参加舞会." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "The prom night goes by in a generic way. You dance with your step-sister and Everybody thinks it's because she took pity on you." - new "The prom night goes by in a generic way. You dance with your step-sister and Everybody thinks it's because she took pity on you." + new "舞会之夜以一种普通的方式过去.你和你的继妹妹跳舞,每个人都认为这是因为她同情你." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "When the prom is over you and Shea return home. That night you take your little step-sister's virginity. And then she asks you to stick it up her butt as well." - new "When the prom is over you and Shea return home. That night you take your little step-sister's virginity. And then she asks you to stick it up her butt as well." + new "舞会结束后,你和谢伊回家.那天晚上你带走了你继妹妹的童贞.然后她让你把她的后庭也一并拿下." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "It's been a year. Both you and Shea are students at the same university, You choose completely different majors, but you are still together and very happy." - new "It's been a year. Both you and Shea are students at the same university, You choose completely different majors, but you are still together and very happy." + new "已经一年了.你和谢伊你是同一所大学的学生,你选择了完全不同的专业,但你们仍然在一起,非常幸福." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "{size=+5}-Ending 02 of 05-{/size}" - new "{size=+5}-Ending 02 of 05-{/size}" + new "{size=+5}-结局 2/5-{/size}" # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You decide to stay home and to your surprise, Shea does the same. You toy with the idea of asking her out to the prom but then decide against it." - new "You decide to stay home and to your surprise, Shea does the same. You toy with the idea of asking her out to the prom but then decide against it." + new "你决定呆在家里,令你惊讶的是,谢伊同样如此.你玩弄邀请她参加舞会的想法,但后来决定不参加." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "Shea goes to the prom with some other guy, while you stay home." - new "Shea goes to the prom with some other guy, while you stay home." + new "谢伊和其他人一起去舞会,而你呆在家里." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "It's been a year. You attend a university abroad and actually enjoy learning for a change, so you seldom think about the past and have high hopes for your future." - new "It's been a year. You attend a university abroad and actually enjoy learning for a change, so you seldom think about the past and have high hopes for your future." + new "已经一年了.你在国外上了一所大学,实际上很享受学习带来的改变,所以你很少思考过去,对未来寄予厚望." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "{size=+5}-Ending 01 of 05-{/size}" - new "{size=+5}-Ending 01 of 05-{/size}" + new "{size=+5}-结局 1/5-{/size}" # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You decide to stay home and bail on the prom." - new "You decide to stay home and bail on the prom." + new "你决定留在家里,没有去舞会." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You decide to roam around the school for a while. Ms Stevens is sitting behind a desk in one of the classrooms, working and you end up secretly watching her." - new "You decide to roam around the school for a while. Ms Stevens is sitting behind a desk in one of the classrooms, working and you end up secretly watching her." + new "你决定在学校里闲逛一段时间.史蒂文斯女士正坐在一间教室的桌子后面工作,你靠近偷看了一会儿." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You find Ms Stevens working in one of the empty classrooms again. This time She notices you and You have to lie your way out of it. She gives you a big home assignment." - new "You find Ms Stevens working in one of the empty classrooms again. This time She notices you and You have to lie your way out of it. She gives you a big home assignment." + new "你发现史蒂文斯女士又在一间空教室里工作了.这一次她注意到你,你必须撒谎才能脱身.她给你布置了一个大家庭作业." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "Ms Stevens finds you roaming around in some deserted school corridors. You haven't completed the assignment she gave you yet. She treats you with contempt for some reason." - new "Ms Stevens finds you roaming around in some deserted school corridors. You haven't completed the assignment she gave you yet. She treats you with contempt for some reason." + new "史蒂文斯女士发现你在一些废弃的学校走廊里闲逛.你还没有完成她给你的作业.她出于某种原因对你很鄙视." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You bump into your teacher Ms Stevens again. Is she stalking your or something? It's the assignment thing again. You start to really dislike the woman." - new "You bump into your teacher Ms Stevens again. Is she stalking your or something? It's the assignment thing again. You start to really dislike the woman." + new "你又碰见了你的老师史蒂文斯女士.她是在跟踪你还是什么?又是一堆作业.你真的开始讨厌这个女人了." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You try to avoid Ms Stevens but fail. Your assignment is not completed yet and You grow tired of her droning on about \"how terrible pupils like you fail at life\"." - new "You try to avoid Ms Stevens but fail. Your assignment is not completed yet and You grow tired of her droning on about \"how terrible pupils like you fail at life\"." + new "你试图避开史蒂文斯女士,但失败了.你的作业还没有完成,你对她喋喋不休地唠叨和像你这样的学生生活中的失败感到厌倦." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "Ms Stevens lectures you again. While doing so she Accidentally spills her tea on your lap. Afterwards She uses a tissue to rub it off, even though You get aroused by that she pretends not to notice." - new "Ms Stevens lectures you again. While doing so she Accidentally spills her tea on your lap. Afterwards She uses a tissue to rub it off, even though You get aroused by that she pretends not to notice." + new "史蒂文斯女士再次向你唠叨起来.在这样做的时候,她不小心把茶洒在了你的膝盖上.之后,她用纸巾擦去,即使你被她假装没有注意到的行为摸硬了起来." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "Ms Stevens lectures you once again. Suddenly she kisses your lips, apologises and asks you to keep this a secret. You return home very confused." - new "Ms Stevens lectures you once again. Suddenly she kisses your lips, apologises and asks you to keep this a secret. You return home very confused." + new "史蒂文斯女士再次向你唠叨起来.突然,她亲吻了你的嘴唇,道歉并要求你保守秘密.你困惑的回了家." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You decide to roam the school after your classes again in hopes of running into Ms Stevens, but you can't find her anywhere..." - new "You decide to roam the school after your classes again in hopes of running into Ms Stevens, but you can't find her anywhere..." + new "你决定下课后再次在学校闲逛,希望能遇到史蒂文斯女士,但你在任何地方都找不到她..." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "Ms Stevens invites you to her office. She grabs your crotch and fondles your hard cock for a while, but then just sends you on your way. You return home in a daze." - new "Ms Stevens invites you to her office. She grabs your crotch and fondles your hard cock for a while, but then just sends you on your way. You return home in a daze." + new "史蒂文斯女士邀请你到她的办公室.她抓住你的胯部,抚摸你坚硬的阴茎一段时间,然后就把你送走了.你一脸懵逼的回家." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "The School gym is full of all sorts of decorations for tonight's prom. Ms Stevens is the head of the decorating committee, she seems very busy." - new "The School gym is full of all sorts of decorations for tonight's prom. Ms Stevens is the head of the decorating committee, she seems very busy." + new "学校体育馆为今晚的舞会布置了各种各样的装饰品.史蒂文斯女士是装饰委员会的负责人,她似乎很忙." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You tell Ms Stevens about your plan to skip the prom. She gets mad, then grabs your crotch and whispers that she will let you cum on her face if you change your mind." - new "You tell Ms Stevens about your plan to skip the prom. She gets mad, then grabs your crotch and whispers that she will let you cum on her face if you change your mind." + new "你告诉史蒂文斯女士你打算不去舞会.她生气了,然后抓住你的胯部,低声说如果你改变主意,她会让你在她脸上射精." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "Later that night you show up for the prom. You dance with Ms Stevens, she then takes you to the janitor's closet and let's you jerk off on her face. You plaster it with cum." - new "Later that night you show up for the prom. You dance with Ms Stevens, she then takes you to the janitor's closet and let's you jerk off on her face. You plaster it with cum." + new "那天晚上晚些时候你出现在舞会上.你和史蒂文斯女士跳舞,然后她带你去看门人的壁橱,让你当着她的面舞动.你在她身上射满了精液." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "It's been a year... You tried to stay in touch with Ms Stevens, but it seems like the moment you stopped being one of her pupils she lost all of her interest in you." - new "It's been a year... You tried to stay in touch with Ms Stevens, but it seems like the moment you stopped being one of her pupils she lost all of her interest in you." + new "已经一年了...你曾试图与史蒂文斯女士保持联系,但当你不再是她的学生时,她似乎对你失去了所有兴趣." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "But your experience with her motivated you to follow your dream of becoming an adult comics artist. Now you attend a prestigious art-school and are actually quite happy." - new "But your experience with her motivated you to follow your dream of becoming an adult comics artist. Now you attend a prestigious art-school and are actually quite happy." + new "但是你和她在一起的经历促使你实现了成为一名成人漫画艺术家的梦想.现在你上的是一所著名的艺术学校,你过的很开心." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "{size=+5}-Ending 03 of 05-{/size}" - new "{size=+5}-Ending 03 of 05-{/size}" + new "{size=+5}-结局 3/5-{/size}" # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "She notices you. You tell her about your plan to bail on the prom, but it Doesn't look like she cares." - new "She notices you. You tell her about your plan to bail on the prom, but it Doesn't look like she cares." + new "她注意到你了.你告诉她你打算在舞会上跳舞,但她似乎并不在乎." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You return home and go to bed early." - new "You return home and go to bed early." + new "你回家很早就上床睡觉了." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "School gym is full of all sorts of declarations for tonight's prom. What of time the whole thing is..." - new "School gym is full of all sorts of declarations for tonight's prom. What of time the whole thing is..." + new "学校体育馆为今晚的舞会做了各种各样的装饰.这都是图啥..." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You return home and go to sleep early." - new "You return home and go to sleep early." + new "你回家很早就睡了." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You go to the school library. Apart from an unfamiliar dark haired girl in the corner you are the only visitor. You spend some time with reading a sci-fi novel." - new "You go to the school library. Apart from an unfamiliar dark haired girl in the corner you are the only visitor. You spend some time with reading a sci-fi novel." + new "你去学校图书馆.除了角落里一个陌生的黑发女孩,你是唯一的访客.你花一些时间读科幻小说" # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You're at the library. There is that girl with the glasses again. You read your sci-fi book and catch the girl staring at you A couple of times. What's her problem?" - new "You're at the library. There is that girl with the glasses again. You read your sci-fi book and catch the girl staring at you A couple of times. What's her problem?" + new "你在图书馆.又是那个戴眼镜的女孩.你读了科幻小说,发现那个女孩盯着你看了几次.她什么毛病?" # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "Seems like the girl is always here. You look at her properly for the first time: long dark hair, glasses, with a well-formed body. She is sort of cute, but this time she catches you staring." - new "Seems like the girl is always here. You look at her properly for the first time: long dark hair, glasses, with a well-formed body. She is sort of cute, but this time she catches you staring." + new "看起来女孩总是在这里.你第一次仔细的观察她:长长的深色头发,戴着眼镜,身材匀称.她有点可爱,但这次她发现了你在看她." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "The girl is here, just as always. She looks very shy, so You decide to talk to her, but she just ignores you at first and then simply leaves. She's a weird one." - new "The girl is here, just as always. She looks very shy, so You decide to talk to her, but she just ignores you at first and then simply leaves. She's a weird one." + new "那个女孩和往常一样在这里.她看起来很害羞,所以你决定和她谈谈,但她一开始根本不理你,然后就离开了.她是个怪人." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "The silent, dark haired girl is absent today, so You just take your usual seat. But There is a note from her in which She apologises, then says that she actually likes you and apologises again." - new "The silent, dark haired girl is absent today, so You just take your usual seat. But There is a note from her in which She apologises, then says that she actually likes you and apologises again." + new "沉默的黑发女孩今天不在,所以你就坐在你平常的座位上.但她在一张纸条上道歉,然后说她真的喜欢你,并再次道歉." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "It's just you again. The girl is not here, there's No note either. You can't remember ever seeing her in school apart from that one time. Who the hell is that silent beauty?" - new "It's just you again. The girl is not here, there's No note either. You can't remember ever seeing her in school apart from that one time. Who the hell is that silent beauty?" + new "你又来了.女孩不在这里,也没有纸条.除了在这里,你不记得在学校见过她.那个沉默的美人到底是谁?" # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You try to read your sci-fi novel, but you just can't concentrate. Suddenly The girl takes a seat next to you. You wait for an explanation but she just pretends to read her book." - new "You try to read your sci-fi novel, but you just can't concentrate. Suddenly The girl takes a seat next to you. You wait for an explanation but she just pretends to read her book." + new "你试着读科幻小说,但你就是无法集中注意力.突然,女孩坐在你旁边.你等待解释,但她只是假装读了她的书." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You pretend to read while you wait for the girl. She takes the seat beside you again and starts rubbing your crotch under the desk. What's the matter with her?!" - new "You pretend to read while you wait for the girl. She takes the seat beside you again and starts rubbing your crotch under the desk. What's the matter with her?!" + new "你在等女孩的时候假装在看书.她再次坐在你旁边,开始在桌子下面摩擦你的胯部.她怎么了?!" # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "As soon as you show up the girl drags you behind a bookshelf and begs you to fuck her. You comply, cum inside of her and she returns to her desk, while you just keep on standing there, confused and speechless." - new "As soon as you show up the girl drags you behind a bookshelf and begs you to fuck her. You comply, cum inside of her and she returns to her desk, while you just keep on standing there, confused and speechless." + new "你一出现,女孩就把你拖到书架后面,求你操她.你答应了,然后她回到她的办公桌,而你只是继续站在那里,困惑和无言以对." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You ignore the prom and head towards the library. It's deserted, so You take your usual seat. You're surprised to see the dark haired girl crouching under your desk." - new "You ignore the prom and head towards the library. It's deserted, so You take your usual seat. You're surprised to see the dark haired girl crouching under your desk." + new "你无视舞会,朝图书馆走去.这里空无一人,所以你坐在你平常的座位上.你惊讶地看到那个黑发女孩蜷缩在你的桌子下." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "Two men in black suits appear just as she puts your dick into her mouth. They take her away and you just stand there stupefied and confused with your trousers down. What the heck?" - new "Two men in black suits appear just as she puts your dick into her mouth. They take her away and you just stand there stupefied and confused with your trousers down. What the heck?" + new "当她把你的老二放进嘴里时,两个穿着黑色西装的男人出现了.他们把她带走了,而你只是站在那里目瞪口呆,困惑地脱下裤子.怎么回事?" # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "The girl shows up at your doorstep Early on the next morning. She says that she's in the witness protection program, and that her cover has now been compromised because of you..." - new "The girl shows up at your doorstep Early on the next morning. She says that she's in the witness protection program, and that her cover has now been compromised because of you..." + new "第二天一大早,那个女孩就出现在你家门口.她说她参加了证人保护计划,她的隐藏身份现在因为你而被泄露了..." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "It's been two years now. You and the \"library girl\" got married. You live in a beach-house at a secret location with new names." - new "It's been two years now. You and the \"library girl\" got married. You live in a beach-house at a secret location with new names." + new "现在已经两年了.你和\"图书馆女孩\"结婚了.你以一个新身份住在一个秘密地点的海滩小屋里." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You are very much in love with her and left your past behind for her. she's so grateful that, more often than not, you find your cock deep down her throat." - new "You are very much in love with her and left your past behind for her. she's so grateful that, more often than not, you find your cock deep down her throat." + new "你非常爱她,让过去不再叨扰她.她非常感激,你经常将你的阴茎深深地插在她的喉咙里." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "{size=+5}-Ending 04 of 05-{/size}" - new "{size=+5}-Ending 04 of 05-{/size}" + new "{size=+5}-结局 4/5-{/size}" # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You ignore the prom and head towards the library. It's deserted, so You take your usual seat. A girl appears out of nowhere and sits beside you." - new "You ignore the prom and head towards the library. It's deserted, so You take your usual seat. A girl appears out of nowhere and sits beside you." + new "你无视舞会,朝图书馆走去.这里空无一人,所以你坐在你平常的座位上.一个女孩不知从哪里冒出来,坐在你旁边." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "She starts talking to you and says her name is Leena, but Suddenly two men in black suits appear. You see fear on her face as They take her away. You wish you could do something..." - new "She starts talking to you and says her name is Leena, but Suddenly two men in black suits appear. You see fear on her face as They take her away. You wish you could do something..." + new "她开始跟你说话,说她的名字叫莉娜,但突然出现了两个穿着黑色西装的男人.当他们把她带走时,你看到她脸上的恐惧.你希望你能做点什么..." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You ignore the prom and head towards the library. It's deserted, so you take your usual seat. After a while you return home and go to bed." - new "You ignore the prom and head towards the library. It's deserted, so you take your usual seat. After a while you return home and go to bed." + new "你忽略了舞会,朝图书馆走去.图书馆里空无一人,所以你就坐在平常的座位上.过了一会儿你就回家睡觉了." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You decide to go to the prom and you're surprised to see the \"library girl\" there. She invites you to a dance and kisses you. You notice Shea staring at you incredulously." - new "You decide to go to the prom and you're surprised to see the \"library girl\" there. She invites you to a dance and kisses you. You notice Shea staring at you incredulously." + new "你决定去参加舞会,并惊讶地看到\"图书馆女孩\" 在那里.她邀请你跳舞并亲吻你.你注意到谢伊难以置信地盯着你." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "The \"library girl\" leads you outside. She kisses you, takes your dick out and starts jerking it. Shea appears from behind the corner of the building." - new "The \"library girl\" leads you outside. She kisses you, takes your dick out and starts jerking it. Shea appears from behind the corner of the building." + new "\"图书馆女孩\" 带你出门.她吻你,把你的鸡巴掏出来并开始套弄.谢伊从大楼的角落里出现." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "Shea gets mad and starts yelling at the girl who continues to jerk you off. Alarmed by all the yelling Ms Stevens shows up and You still have your trousers down." - new "Shea gets mad and starts yelling at the girl who continues to jerk you off. Alarmed by all the yelling Ms Stevens shows up and You still have your trousers down." + new "谢伊生气了,开始对那个继续撸你的女孩大喊大叫.嘈杂让史蒂文斯女士吓到了,你还露着鸟." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You pull your trousers up, completely embarrassed. Ms Stevens stays calm and simply leaves to bring her car around. Afterwards She orders all of you in the car and takes you to a motel." - new "You pull your trousers up, completely embarrassed. Ms Stevens stays calm and simply leaves to bring her car around. Afterwards She orders all of you in the car and takes you to a motel." + new "你拉起你的裤子,非常尴尬.史蒂文斯女士镇定下来,前去把车开来.然后她命令你们都上车,带你们去汽车旅馆." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "In the motel room she grabs your crotch, takes your cock out and starts jerking it off. Shea is in shock but the \"library girl\" is already kissing you." - new "In the motel room she grabs your crotch, takes your cock out and starts jerking it off. Shea is in shock but the \"library girl\" is already kissing you." + new "在汽车旅馆的房间里,她抓住你的胯部,把你的鸡巴拿出来并开始撸动.谢伊惊呆了,\"图书馆女孩\"已经在亲你了." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "Reluctantly Shea joins the girls. You fuck your step sister first, up her butt of course. The \"library girl\" is next in line, Then Ms Stevens." - new "Reluctantly Shea joins the girls. You fuck your step sister first, up her butt of course. The \"library girl\" is next in line, Then Ms Stevens." + new "谢伊不情愿地加入了女孩们.你先操你的继妹,当然只是操她的屁股. \"图书馆女孩\" 排在第二位,然后是史蒂文斯女士." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "When you wake up everyone but Shea is gone. Your step-sister is asleep, You spread her buttcheeks and slide your morning wood up her tight asshole." - new "When you wake up everyone but Shea is gone. Your step-sister is asleep, You spread her buttcheeks and slide your morning wood up her tight asshole." + new "当你醒来时,除了谢伊其他人都已经走了.你的继妹睡着了,你张开她的臀部,将你的晨勃滑进她紧绷的肛门." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "It's been a year. Ms Stevens is still working at your school and in regards to the dark haired girl... you have no idea what has become of her." - new "It's been a year. Ms Stevens is still working at your school and in regards to the dark haired girl... you have no idea what has become of her." + new "已经一年了.史蒂文斯女士还在你们学校工作,关于那个黑头发的女孩……你不知道她现在怎么样了." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "Both you and Shea are students at the same university..." - new "Both you and Shea are students at the same university..." + new "你和谢伊都是同一所大学的学生..." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You've been together since that night in the motel, but you still keep it a secret from everyone. Your only worry these days is Shea's insane appetite for the anal sex." - new "You've been together since that night in the motel, but you still keep it a secret from everyone. Your only worry these days is Shea's insane appetite for the anal sex." + new "从那天晚上起你们在汽车旅馆就在一起了,但你们仍然对所有人保密.这些天你唯一担心的是谢伊对肛交的疯狂欲望." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "{size=+5}-Ending 05 of 05-{/size}" - new "{size=+5}-Ending 05 of 05-{/size}" + new "{size=+5}-结局 5/5-{/size}" # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You go to the school stadium and relax on the bleachers, while you watch cheerleaders practise in the distance..." - new "You go to the school stadium and relax on the bleachers, while you watch cheerleaders practise in the distance..." + new "你去学校的操场,在看台上放松,一边看拉拉队在远处练习..." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You sneak to your secret place: the school building's rooftop and watch heavy clouds creep closer slowly high above, hoping that it's gonna rain tonight." - new "You sneak to your secret place: the school building's rooftop and watch heavy clouds creep closer slowly high above, hoping that it's gonna rain tonight." + new "你偷偷溜到你的秘密基地:教学楼的屋顶,看着厚重的云层慢慢地从高处爬来,希望今晚会下雨." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You roam through the deserted school hallways and run into the janitor. He gives you the stink eye and goes on about his business. You head home." - new "You roam through the deserted school hallways and run into the janitor. He gives you the stink eye and goes on about his business. You head home." + new "你在空荡荡的学校走廊里漫步,遇到了看门人. 他给了你一个白眼,然后继续他的事情. 你回家了." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You buy a chocolate bar from a vending machine, then sneak into one of the empty classrooms and spend a couple of hours with reading one of your favourite sci-fi novels." - new "You buy a chocolate bar from a vending machine, then sneak into one of the empty classrooms and spend a couple of hours with reading one of your favourite sci-fi novels." + new "你从自动售货机买了一块巧克力,然后溜进一间空荡荡的教室,花几个小时阅读你最喜欢的科幻小说." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You roam through the deserted school hallways for a while. It's starting to rain. Your step-sister Shea is terrified of thunder so You hope for a stormy night." - new "You roam through the deserted school hallways for a while. It's starting to rain. Your step-sister Shea is terrified of thunder so You hope for a stormy night." + new "你在空荡荡的学校走廊里闲逛了一会儿. 开始下雨了. 你的继妹谢伊怕打雷所以你希望今晚能雷雨交加." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You return home. The house is empty. You decide to play some video games till the evening." - new "You return home. The house is empty. You decide to play some video games till the evening." + new "你回家了.家里没人. 你决定玩一些电子游戏直到晚上." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You return home. The house is empty. You decide to watch an adult movie in the living room." - new "You return home. The house is empty. You decide to watch an adult movie in the living room." + new "你回家了.家里没人. 你决定在客厅看一部成人电影." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You return home. Your father is home early. You decide to go for a jog to avoid his awkward questions about your personal life." - new "You return home. Your father is home early. You decide to go for a jog to avoid his awkward questions about your personal life." + new "你回家了.你爸爸提早回家了. 你决定去慢跑以避免他问起关于你个人生活的尴尬问题." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You return home. Your step-mother is home early. You listen to her going on and on about something trivial and wonder why your father decided to marry her." - new "You return home. Your step-mother is home early. You listen to her going on and on about something trivial and wonder why your father decided to marry her." + new "你回家了.你的继母很早就回家了. 你听她不停地谈论一些琐碎的事情,好奇你父亲为什么决定娶她." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You return home. The house is empty. You decide to use this precious moment of solitude to take a nap." - new "You return home. The house is empty. You decide to use this precious moment of solitude to take a nap." + new "你回家了.家里没人. 你决定利用这宝贵的独处时刻小睡一下." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You head towards the school library and notice a man in a black suit near the entrance, half expecting him to prevent you from entering, but he ignores you." - new "You head towards the school library and notice a man in a black suit near the entrance, half expecting him to prevent you from entering, but he ignores you." + new "你往学校图书馆走去,发现门口有一个黑西装男子,本以为他会阻止你进来,但他根本没理你." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You spend the rest of the day at the school library, read your sci-fi book, take a nap, buy candy from the vending machine and then read some more. Life is great!" - new "You spend the rest of the day at the school library, read your sci-fi book, take a nap, buy candy from the vending machine and then read some more. Life is great!" + new "你在学校图书馆度过了剩下的一天,读你的科幻书,打个盹,从自动售货机买糖果,然后再读一些. 生活真是美好!" # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You browse through ancient-looking bookshelves, hoping to stumble on a long forgotten book of spells or something, but You just get bored soon and decide to head home." - new "You browse through ancient-looking bookshelves, hoping to stumble on a long forgotten book of spells or something, but You just get bored soon and decide to head home." + new "你翻阅着古色古香的书架,希望偶然发现一本被遗忘已久的咒语之类的书,但你很快就感到无聊,决定回家." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "The library is deserted, so You hide behind a bookshelf and jerk off while imagining Ms Stevens giving a lecture in her underwear." - new "The library is deserted, so You hide behind a bookshelf and jerk off while imagining Ms Stevens giving a lecture in her underwear." + new "图书馆空无一人,所以你躲在书架后面,一边想象着史蒂文斯女士穿着内衣在讲课,一边自慰." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:9 old "You hear voices and hide behind a bookshelf. From there you see one of the cheerleader girls making out with two of the jocks at once, so You decide to leave before you get in trouble." - new "You hear voices and hide behind a bookshelf. From there you see one of the cheerleader girls making out with two of the jocks at once, so You decide to leave before you get in trouble." + new "你听到声音并躲在书架后面. 从那里你看到一个拉拉队女孩同时和两个运动员亲热,所以你决定在遇到麻烦之前离开." # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:222 old "\"Day [day]\"" - new "\"Day [day]\"" + new "\"第[day]天\"" # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:298 old "\"Epilogue\"" - new "\"Epilogue\"" + new "\"尾声\"" # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:338 old "Ending 0" - new "Ending 0" + new "结局 0" # game/scripts/inventory/books_waifu.rpy:339 old "Relive the glory of your high school days and find your ultimate \"waifu\".{size=-3}\n\n" - new "Relive the glory of your high school days and find your ultimate \"waifu\".{size=-3}\n\n" + new "重温你高中时代的辉煌,找到你的终极\"老婆\".{size=-3}\n\n" diff --git a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy index b4356337..560d9fbf 100644 --- a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy +++ b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy @@ -4,289 +4,289 @@ translate chinese strings: # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:4 old "Agrabah Poster" - new "Agrabah Poster" + new "阿格拉巴海报" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:4 old "A remnant of a distant land and memories about different times. A reminder for when you just want to ponder about what could've been." - new "A remnant of a distant land and memories about different times. A reminder for when you just want to ponder about what could've been." + new "远方的遗迹和不同时代的记忆. 提醒您何时只想思考可能发生的事情." # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:5 old "Gryffindor Poster" - new "Gryffindor Poster" + new "格兰芬多海报" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:5 old "Make your stance that you support the house of Gryffindor with this themed poster." - new "Make your stance that you support the house of Gryffindor with this themed poster." + new "用这张主题海报表明你支持格兰芬多学院的立场." # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:6 old "Ravenclaw Poster" - new "Ravenclaw Poster" + new "拉文克劳海报" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:6 old "Make your stance that you support the house of Ravenclaw with this themed poster." - new "Make your stance that you support the house of Ravenclaw with this themed poster." + new "用这张主题海报表明你支持拉文克劳学院的立场." # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:7 old "Hufflepuff Poster" - new "Hufflepuff Poster" + new "赫奇帕奇海报" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:7 old "Make your stance that you support the house of Hufflepuff with this themed poster." - new "Make your stance that you support the house of Hufflepuff with this themed poster." + new "用这张主题海报表明你支持赫奇帕奇学院的立场." # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:8 old "Slytherin Poster" - new "Slytherin Poster" + new "斯莱特林海报" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:8 old "Make your stance that you support the house of Slytherin with this themed poster." - new "Make your stance that you support the house of Slytherin with this themed poster." + new "用这张主题海报表明你支持斯莱特林学院的立场." # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:9 old "Hermione Poster" - new "Hermione Poster" + new "赫敏海报" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:9 old "A little lewdness for the office. Don't worry, with a special illusion charm no one but you will notice a thing..." - new "A little lewdness for the office. Don't worry, with a special illusion charm no one but you will notice a thing..." + new "为办公室增添些淫荡气息.放心,有特殊的幻术在,只有你能注意到..." # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:10 old "Hogwarts' Harlot Poster" - new "Hogwarts' Harlot Poster" + new "霍格沃茨的妓女海报" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:10 old "Hogwarts' Harlot showing off her true colours at last with this special poster... illusion charm included..." - new "Hogwarts' Harlot showing off her true colours at last with this special poster... illusion charm included..." + new "霍格沃茨的妓女终于用这张特别的海报展示了她的真面目...已施展幻术..." # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:11 old "Stripper Poster" - new "Stripper Poster" + new "脱衣舞娘海报" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:11 old "Hermione showing off how to work the pole... illusion charm included..." - new "Hermione showing off how to work the pole... illusion charm included..." + new "赫敏在展示应该如何应付舞杆... 已施展幻术..." # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:12 old "Wanted Poster" - new "Wanted Poster" + new "通缉海报" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:12 old "A Wild West styled Wanted poster depicting our dear headmaster..." - new "A Wild West styled Wanted poster depicting our dear headmaster..." + new "一张狂野西部风格的通缉海报,画着我们亲爱的校长..." # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:13 old "Tonks Poster" - new "Tonks Poster" + new "唐克斯海报" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:13 old "Professor Tonks in her early twenties." - new "Professor Tonks in her early twenties." + new "桃李年华的唐克斯教授." # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:14 old "Santa's Naughty List" - new "Santa's Naughty List" + new "圣诞老人的淘气名单" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:14 old "See who was a bad boy, or a bad girl this year!" - new "See who was a bad boy, or a bad girl this year!" + new "我猜我上你的名单了?" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:16 old "Stag Trophy" - new "Stag Trophy" + new "雄鹿奖杯" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:16 old "A perfect decoration over your mantelpiece to add a sense of masculinity to the office." - new "A perfect decoration over your mantelpiece to add a sense of masculinity to the office." + new "壁炉架上的完美装饰,为办公室增添阳刚之气." # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:17 old "Hogwarts Crest" - new "Hogwarts Crest" + new "霍格沃茨冠" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:17 old "A perfect decoration for the headmaster." - new "A perfect decoration for the headmaster." + new "校长的完美装饰." # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:19 old "Phoenix Hat" - new "Phoenix Hat" + new "凤凰帽" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:19 old "A little something to make your pet look less depressing." - new "A little something to make your pet look less depressing." + new "一点点东西可以让你的宠物看起来不那么令人沮丧." # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:20 old "Phoenix Christmas Set" - new "Phoenix Christmas Set" + new "凤凰圣诞套装" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:20 old "Spreads the Christmas spirit around." - new "Spreads the Christmas spirit around." + new "将圣诞精神四处传播." # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:21 old "Phoenix Halloween Set" - new "Phoenix Halloween Set" + new "凤凰万圣节套装" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:21 old "A Halloween themed set for your favourite bird!" - new "A Halloween themed set for your favourite bird!" + new "为您最喜欢的鸟准备的万圣节主题套装!" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:23 old "Owl Hat" - new "Owl Hat" + new "猫头鹰的帽子" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:23 old "A hat for an owl. Don't ask, just accept it..." - new "A hat for an owl. Don't ask, just accept it..." + new "猫头鹰的帽子. 不要问,接受就好..." # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:24 old "Owl Christmas Set" - new "Owl Christmas Set" + new "猫头鹰圣诞套装" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:24 old "Spreads the christmas spirit around." - new "Spreads the christmas spirit around." + new "传播圣诞精神." # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:26 old "Fireplace Hat" - new "Fireplace Hat" + new "壁炉帽" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:26 old "Don't let Johnny get a cold!" - new "Don't let Johnny get a cold!" + new "别让强尼感冒了!" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:27 old "Fireplace Christmas Set" - new "Fireplace Christmas Set" + new "壁炉圣诞套装" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:28 old "Fireplace Halloween set #1" - new "Fireplace Halloween set #1" + new "壁炉万圣节装饰#1" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:28 old "Adds a spooky pumpkin near your fireplace!" - new "Adds a spooky pumpkin near your fireplace!" + new "在壁炉附近添加一个怪异的南瓜!" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:30 old "Cupboard Pumpkin" - new "Cupboard Pumpkin" + new "橱柜南瓜" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:30 old "Get in the Halloween spirit with this pumpkin, nobody's eating them so might as well decorate with them!" - new "Get in the Halloween spirit with this pumpkin, nobody's eating them so might as well decorate with them!" + new "用这个南瓜融入万圣节精神,没有人吃它们,所以不妨用它们来装饰!" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:32 old "Witch's Rug" - new "Witch's Rug" + new "女巫的地毯" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:32 old "Not to be used for unregulated summoning rituals!" - new "Not to be used for unregulated summoning rituals!" + new "不可用于不受管制的召唤仪式!" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:33 old "Haunted mansion chandelier" - new "Haunted mansion chandelier" + new "鬼屋吊灯" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:33 old "Adds that haunted mansion vibe..." - new "Adds that haunted mansion vibe..." + new "增添了鬼屋的氛围..." # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:34 old "Jack-Off-Lanterns" - new "Jack-Off-Lanterns" + new "杰克灯笼" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:34 old "Spooky scary pumpkins!" - new "Spooky scary pumpkins!" + new "诡异可怕的南瓜!" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:35 old "Halloween Peeper" - new "Halloween Peeper" + new "万圣节窥视者" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:35 old "Adds a friendly little visitor outside your window, I assure you they don't bite... much." - new "Adds a friendly little visitor outside your window, I assure you they don't bite... much." + new "您的窗外添加一个友好的小访客,我向您保证他们不会咬人...大概吧." # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:36 old "Cupboard Halloween Casket" - new "Cupboard Halloween Casket" + new "橱柜万圣节棺材" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:36 old "A casket decoration, not even big enough to fit your ego." - new "A casket decoration, not even big enough to fit your ego." + new "一个棺材装饰,甚至不足以容纳你的自我." # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:37 old "Chair Halloween Casket" - new "Chair Halloween Casket" + new "椅子万圣节棺材" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:38 old "Wall Bats Decorations" - new "Wall Bats Decorations" + new "壁挂蝙蝠装饰品" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:38 old "Decorate your walls with these envirnomental-friendly paper bat stickers!" - new "Decorate your walls with these envirnomental-friendly paper bat stickers!" + new "用这些环保的纸蝙蝠贴纸装饰你的墙壁!" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:39 old "Stolen Graveyard Lamp (Left)" - new "Stolen Graveyard Lamp (Left)" + new "被盗墓地灯(左)" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:39 old "Replace those candles with a spooky looking lamp." - new "Replace those candles with a spooky looking lamp." + new "用看起来怪异的灯代替那些蜡烛." # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:40 old "Stolen Graveyard Lamp (Right)" - new "Stolen Graveyard Lamp (Right)" + new "被盗墓地灯(右)" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:42 old "Snow Owl" - new "Snow Owl" + new "雪鹰" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:42 old "A trusty snow owl that can travel through the worst of storms." - new "A trusty snow owl that can travel through the worst of storms." + new "一只值得信赖的雪鹰,可以穿越最恶劣的风暴." # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:43 old "Small Owl" - new "Small Owl" + new "小猫头鹰" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:43 old "A cute little owl to deliver cute little parcels." - new "A cute little owl to deliver cute little parcels." + new "送可爱小包裹的可爱小猫头鹰." # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:45 old "Christmas Lights" - new "Christmas Lights" + new "圣诞灯饰" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:45 old "A programmable set of LED lights. Remote control batteries not included." - new "A programmable set of LED lights. Remote control batteries not included." + new "一组可编程的 LED 灯.不含遥控器电池." # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:46 old "Christmas Wreaths" - new "Christmas Wreaths" + new "圣诞花环" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:46 old "Chrismtas Wreaths to spread the christmas cheer." - new "Chrismtas Wreaths to spread the christmas cheer." + new "圣诞花环传播圣诞欢乐." # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:47 old "A baby-sized gift-wrapped box. I wonder what's inside?" - new "A baby-sized gift-wrapped box. I wonder what's inside?" + new "一个婴儿大小的礼品包装盒.不知道里面是什么?" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:48 old "Christmas Garland" - new "Christmas Garland" + new "圣诞花环" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:48 old "A ever-so-green enchanted garland to get you into christmas spirit!" - new "A ever-so-green enchanted garland to get you into christmas spirit!" + new "一个绿意盎然的魔法花环,让你沉浸在圣诞气氛中!" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:49 old "Christmas Window Enchantement" - new "Christmas Window Enchantement" + new "迷人的圣诞橱窗" # game/scripts/inventory/decorations.rpy:49 old "A window enchantment that will make you think twice before saying \"I don't believe in Santa\" ever again." - new "A window enchantment that will make you think twice before saying \"I don't believe in Santa\" ever again." + new "一扇迷人的窗户,会让你在说出\"我不相信圣诞老人\"之前三思." diff --git a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy index 6c6a0fc1..1562a9df 100644 --- a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy +++ b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy @@ -4,169 +4,169 @@ translate chinese strings: # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:2 old "Lollipop Candy" - new "Lollipop Candy" + new "棒棒糖" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:2 old "A lollipop candy. An adult candy for kids or kids candy for adults?" - new "A lollipop candy. An adult candy for kids or kids candy for adults?" + new "一个棒棒糖.给孩子的成人糖果或者给成人的儿童糖果?" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:2 old "Give" - new "Give" + new "给予" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:3 old "Chocolate" - new "Chocolate" + new "巧克力" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:3 old "The recipe for this delicious milk chocolate is kept a secret. (Rumoured to contain dried faeries)." - new "The recipe for this delicious milk chocolate is kept a secret. (Rumoured to contain dried faeries)." + new "这种美味牛奶巧克力的配方是保密的. (传说里面有风干的仙子)." # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:4 old "Plush owl" - new "Plush owl" + new "毛绒猫头鹰" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:4 old "A Toy owl stuffed with feathers of an actual owl. It's so cuddly!" - new "A Toy owl stuffed with feathers of an actual owl. It's so cuddly!" + new "填充有猫头鹰羽毛的玩具猫头鹰.太可爱了!" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:5 old "Butterbeer" - new "Butterbeer" + new "黄油啤酒" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:5 old "Girls can't resist this beverage's buttery texture. Therefore it's always in high demand among the boys." - new "Girls can't resist this beverage's buttery texture. Therefore it's always in high demand among the boys." + new "女孩无法抗拒这种饮料的黄油质地.因此,它在男孩中总是有很高的需求." # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:6 old "Educational Magazines" - new "Educational Magazines" + new "教育杂志" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:6 old "Educational magazines.\nthe Trusty companions of every social outcast." - new "Educational magazines.\nthe Trusty companions of every social outcast." + new "教育杂志.\n每个社会弃儿的可靠伙伴." # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:7 old "Girly Magazines" - new "Girly Magazines" + new "少女杂志" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:7 old "Girly magazines.\nAll cool girls are reading these." - new "Girly magazines.\nAll cool girls are reading these." + new "少女杂志.\n所有酷女孩都在读这些." # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:8 old "Adult magazines" - new "Adult magazines" + new "成人杂志" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:8 old "Your boyfriend is turning into a nice guy?\nYour husband won't abuse you anymore?\nAll you wanted to know about relationships, love and sex. Mostly about sex." - new "Your boyfriend is turning into a nice guy?\nYour husband won't abuse you anymore?\nAll you wanted to know about relationships, love and sex. Mostly about sex." + new "你男朋友正在变成一个好人? \n你丈夫不会再虐待你了? \n所有你想知道的关系,爱情和性.主要是关于性." # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:9 old "Porn magazines" - new "Porn magazines" + new "色情杂志" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:9 old "Give these to your girlfriend to test her, to your wife to shame her and to your daughter to avoid \"the talk\"." - new "Give these to your girlfriend to test her, to your wife to shame her and to your daughter to avoid \"the talk\"." + new "把这些给你的女朋友测试她,给你的妻子羞辱她,给你的女儿避免\"登dua郎的谈话\"." # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:10 old "Viktor Krum Poster" - new "Viktor Krum Poster" + new "维克托 克鲁姆海报" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:10 old "A skilled Quidditch Seeker, Viktor has been selected to play for the Bulgarian National Quidditch team despite still going to school, and is widely regarded as one of the best players in the world." - new "A skilled Quidditch Seeker, Viktor has been selected to play for the Bulgarian National Quidditch team despite still going to school, and is widely regarded as one of the best players in the world." + new "维克托是一名技术娴熟的魁地奇找球手,尽管仍在上学,但他仍被选中为保加利亚国家魁地奇球队效力,并被大众认可是世界上最好的球员之一." # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:11 old "Sexy Lingerie" - new "Sexy Lingerie" + new "性感内衣" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:11 old "Sexy lingerie \"Fairy Godmother\". Charm your wizard in bed or empress your sisters at a Sabbath." - new "Sexy lingerie \"Fairy Godmother\". Charm your wizard in bed or empress your sisters at a Sabbath." + new "情趣内衣 \"仙女教母\". 在床上迷住你的巫师或在安息日让你的姐妹成为皇后." # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:12 old "Sexy Stockings" - new "Sexy Stockings" + new "性感丝袜" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:12 old "Somewhere between now and the dark-ages came the invention of stockings, when you want to show some skin but not too much." - new "Somewhere between now and the dark-ages came the invention of stockings, when you want to show some skin but not too much." + new "从现在到黑暗时代之间的某个地方出现了长袜的发明,当你想展示一些皮肤但又不想太多时." # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:13 old "A Pack Of Condoms" - new "A Pack Of Condoms" + new "一包避孕套" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:13 old "Unleash the one-horned beast!\n{size=-4}May contain traces of actual unicorn saliva.{/size}" - new "Unleash the one-horned beast!\n{size=-4}May contain traces of actual unicorn saliva.{/size}" + new "粉色独角兽避孕套!\n{size=-4}释放独角兽!可能含有实际独角兽唾液的痕迹.{/size}" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:14 old "Vibrator" - new "Vibrator" + new "振动棒" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:14 old "A magnificent, magically enhanced vibrator made of vine wood, with a dragon heartstring core." - new "A magnificent, magically enhanced vibrator made of vine wood, with a dragon heartstring core." + new "一个由藤木制成的宏伟的魔法增强振动器,带有龙心弦核心." # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:15 old "A Jar full of lube, Buy this for your loved one - show that you care." - new "A Jar full of lube, Buy this for your loved one - show that you care." + new "一个装满润滑油的罐子,为您所爱的人买这个 - 表明您在乎." # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:16 old "Ball gag and cuffs" - new "Ball gag and cuffs" + new "口球和手铐" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:16 old "Ball gag and cuffs, Turn your soulmate into your cellmate." - new "Ball gag and cuffs, Turn your soulmate into your cellmate." + new "口球和手铐,把你的灵魂伴侣变成你的狱友." # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:17 old "Anal plugs" - new "Anal plugs" + new "肛门塞" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:17 old "Anal plugs decorated with actual tails. Sizes vary to satisfy expert practitioners and beginner alike." - new "Anal plugs decorated with actual tails. Sizes vary to satisfy expert practitioners and beginner alike." + new "用实际尾巴装饰的肛塞.尺寸各不相同,以满足专家从业者和初学者的一致好评." # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:18 old "Thestral strap-on.\nWhen you see it, you'll shit bricks." - new "Thestral strap-on.\nWhen you see it, you'll shit bricks." + new "夜骐束带.\n当你看到它的时候,你会情绪失常." # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:19 old "Lady Speed Stick-2000" - new "Lady Speed Stick-2000" + new "女巫速度棒-2000" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:19 old "{size=-2}The \"Lady Speed Stick-2000\", an elegant way of transportation for passionate witches. The trademarked saddle guarantees full satisfaction. Get one for your witch and she won't use her boring old broom ever again!{/size}" - new "{size=-2}The \"Lady Speed Stick-2000\", an elegant way of transportation for passionate witches. The trademarked saddle guarantees full satisfaction. Get one for your witch and she won't use her boring old broom ever again!{/size}" + new "{size=-2}\"女巫速度棒-2000\",热情女巫的优雅交通方式.标志性马鞍保证完全满意.给你的女巫买一把,她再也不会用她那无聊的旧扫帚了!{/size}" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:20 old "Sex doll \"Joanne\"" - new "Sex doll \"Joanne\"" + new "性玩偶\"乔安妮\"" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:20 old "It's so realistic. Almost looks like a real human under the influence of a spell of some sort." - new "It's so realistic. Almost looks like a real human under the influence of a spell of some sort." + new "这太真实了.在某种咒语的影响下几乎看起来像一个真正的人类." # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:21 old "Anal beads engraved with a strange inscription \"Property of L.C.\"." - new "Anal beads engraved with a strange inscription \"Property of L.C.\"." + new "肛门拉珠上刻着奇怪的铭文\"L.C.的私人财产\"." # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:23 old "Wine" - new "Wine" + new "葡萄酒" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:23 old "For the more refined palate." - new "For the more refined palate." + new "更精致的口感." # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:24 old "Firewhisky" - new "Firewhisky" + new "火焰威士忌" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:24 old "Great taste with a fiery burn." - new "Great taste with a fiery burn." + new "味道很好,喝起来很烧." diff --git a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/inventory/ingredients.rpy b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/inventory/ingredients.rpy index 315d26bd..b4434649 100644 --- a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/inventory/ingredients.rpy +++ b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/inventory/ingredients.rpy @@ -4,81 +4,81 @@ translate chinese strings: # game/scripts/inventory/ingredients.rpy:2 old "Bat Spleen" - new "Bat Spleen" + new "蝙蝠脾脏" # game/scripts/inventory/ingredients.rpy:2 old "It has a beautiful pink colour and a nasty smell." - new "It has a beautiful pink colour and a nasty smell." + new "它有美丽的粉红色和难闻的气味." # game/scripts/inventory/ingredients.rpy:3 old "Animal Hair" - new "Animal Hair" + new "动物毛发" # game/scripts/inventory/ingredients.rpy:3 old "A bunch of animal hair of unknown origin." - new "A bunch of animal hair of unknown origin." + new "一束来历不明的动物毛发." # game/scripts/inventory/ingredients.rpy:4 old "Dried Nettle" - new "Dried Nettle" + new "干荨麻" # game/scripts/inventory/ingredients.rpy:4 old "Not so stingy in its current form." - new "Not so stingy in its current form." + new "目前看来其实也没多干." # game/scripts/inventory/ingredients.rpy:5 old "Bicorn Horn" - new "Bicorn Horn" + new "双角兽角" # game/scripts/inventory/ingredients.rpy:5 old "One of the horns that belonged to a bi-horned bicorn." - new "One of the horns that belonged to a bi-horned bicorn." + new "属于双角兽的两支角之一." # game/scripts/inventory/ingredients.rpy:6 old "Fluxweed" - new "Fluxweed" + new "流液草" # game/scripts/inventory/ingredients.rpy:6 old "Can make a good substitute for mustard." - new "Can make a good substitute for mustard." + new "可以很好地代替芥末." # game/scripts/inventory/ingredients.rpy:7 old "Knotgrass" - new "Knotgrass" + new "两耳草" # game/scripts/inventory/ingredients.rpy:7 old "Often used in distillery of alcohol." - new "Often used in distillery of alcohol." + new "常用于酿酒厂." # game/scripts/inventory/ingredients.rpy:8 old "Leeches" - new "Leeches" + new "蚂蟥" # game/scripts/inventory/ingredients.rpy:8 old "A jar full of little blood suckers." - new "A jar full of little blood suckers." + new "一个装满小吸血鬼蚂蟥的罐子." # game/scripts/inventory/ingredients.rpy:9 old "Pufferfish Eyes" - new "Pufferfish Eyes" + new "河豚的眼睛" # game/scripts/inventory/ingredients.rpy:9 old "Description says that the fish were fed with carrot." - new "Description says that the fish were fed with carrot." + new "据说这条鱼是用胡萝卜喂食的." # game/scripts/inventory/ingredients.rpy:12 old "Luna's Hair" - new "Luna's Hair" + new "卢娜的头发" # game/scripts/inventory/ingredients.rpy:12 old "A lock of Luna Lovegood's hair." - new "A lock of Luna Lovegood's hair." + new "卢娜 洛夫古德的头发." # game/scripts/inventory/ingredients.rpy:15 old "Hermione's Hair" - new "Hermione's Hair" + new "赫敏的头发" # game/scripts/inventory/ingredients.rpy:15 old "A lock of Hermione Granger's hair." - new "A lock of Hermione Granger's hair." + new "赫敏 格兰杰的头发." diff --git a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/inventory/potions.rpy b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/inventory/potions.rpy index 1ae29c17..a30d9298 100644 --- a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/inventory/potions.rpy +++ b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/inventory/potions.rpy @@ -4,33 +4,33 @@ translate chinese strings: # game/scripts/inventory/potions.rpy:4 old "Breast Expansion" - new "Breast Expansion" + new "丰胸药水" # game/scripts/inventory/potions.rpy:4 old "Enlarges the chest of the consumer. \nDisclaimer: May cause nipple sensitivity." - new "Enlarges the chest of the consumer. \nDisclaimer: May cause nipple sensitivity." + new "让使用者的胸部变大.\n免责声明:可能使乳头变得敏感." # game/scripts/inventory/potions.rpy:5 old "Ass Expansion" - new "Ass Expansion" + new "丰臀药水" # game/scripts/inventory/potions.rpy:5 old "Enlarges the buttocks of the consumer." - new "Enlarges the buttocks of the consumer." + new "让使用者的屁股变大." # game/scripts/inventory/potions.rpy:6 old "Cat Potion" - new "Cat Potion" + new "猫转化药剂" # game/scripts/inventory/potions.rpy:6 old "Turns the consumer into another person. \nDisclaimer: Polyjuice potions may only contain human ingredients or unknown effects may occur." - new "Turns the consumer into another person. \nDisclaimer: Polyjuice potions may only contain human ingredients or unknown effects may occur." + new "让使用者变成另一种生物.\n免责声明:该复方药剂药水可能只不能含有人体成分,否则可能会产生未知效果." # game/scripts/inventory/potions.rpy:7 old "Luna Potion" - new "Luna Potion" + new "卢娜转换药剂" # game/scripts/inventory/potions.rpy:7 old "Turns the consumer into another person. \nThis potion requires a strand of Luna's hair." - new "Turns the consumer into another person. \nThis potion requires a strand of Luna's hair." + new "将使用者变成另一个人.\n这种药剂需要卢娜的一缕头发." diff --git a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/inventory/qitems.rpy b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/inventory/qitems.rpy index 9ec61952..576c8a06 100644 --- a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/inventory/qitems.rpy +++ b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/inventory/qitems.rpy @@ -4,77 +4,77 @@ translate chinese strings: # game/scripts/inventory/qitems.rpy:2 old "Puzzle Box" - new "Puzzle Box" + new "拼图盒" # game/scripts/inventory/qitems.rpy:2 old "A wooden box with a slide puzzle located on top of it. It was found hidden behind one of the loose bricks in the fireplace. Who knows what's inside." - new "A wooden box with a slide puzzle located on top of it. It was found hidden behind one of the loose bricks in the fireplace. Who knows what's inside." + new "一个木箱,上面有一个滑动拼图.它被发现藏在壁炉里一块松动的砖后面.谁知道里面是什么." # game/scripts/inventory/qitems.rpy:3 old "Magic Collar" - new "Magic Collar" + new "魔法项圈" # game/scripts/inventory/qitems.rpy:3 old "{size=-2}A collar made out of metal. It has an inscription on the back.\n\n{/size}{size=-2}{i}\"Transforms to show the wearers true self.\n WARNING: May cause harm to adjacent clothing during transformation.\"{/i}{/size}" - new "{size=-2}A collar made out of metal. It has an inscription on the back.\n\n{/size}{size=-2}{i}\"Transforms to show the wearers true self.\n WARNING: May cause harm to adjacent clothing during transformation.\"{/i}{/size}" + new "{size=-2}金属做的项圈.背面有铭文.\n\n{/size}{size=-2}{i}\"用以释放佩戴者的真实自我.\n 警告:在转换过程中可能会对衣物造成伤害.\"{/i}{/size}" # game/scripts/inventory/qitems.rpy:4 old "Set of Butt Plugs" - new "Set of Butt Plugs" + new "一套肛塞" # game/scripts/inventory/qitems.rpy:4 old "An assortment of butt plugs in various themes and sizes." - new "An assortment of butt plugs in various themes and sizes." + new "各种主题和尺寸的肛塞." # game/scripts/inventory/qitems.rpy:5 old "Pack of Cards" - new "Pack of Cards" + new "一包巫师牌" # game/scripts/inventory/qitems.rpy:5 old "A pack of wizard cards. You won't know what's inside until you open it." - new "A pack of wizard cards. You won't know what's inside until you open it." + new "一包巫师牌.除非你打开它,否则你不知道里面是什么." # game/scripts/inventory/qitems.rpy:6 old "Sealed Scroll" - new "Sealed Scroll" + new "密封的卷轴" # game/scripts/inventory/qitems.rpy:6 old "The scroll can be used to transmute one-self into.. something.\n{size=-4}Hint: The user can't be a virgin.{/size}" - new "The scroll can be used to transmute one-self into.. something.\n{size=-4}Hint: The user can't be a virgin.{/size}" + new "卷轴可以用来将一个人转变成...某种东西.\n{size=-4}提示:用户不能是处子.{/size}" # game/scripts/inventory/qitems.rpy:7 old "Quidditch Guide" - new "Quidditch Guide" + new "魁地奇指南" # game/scripts/inventory/qitems.rpy:7 old "This book contains the basic knowledge of Quidditch." - new "This book contains the basic knowledge of Quidditch." + new "这本书包含魁地奇的基本知识." # game/scripts/inventory/qitems.rpy:8 old "The Quibbler #NO. 24027" - new "The Quibbler #NO. 24027" + new "唱唱反调#24027期" # game/scripts/inventory/qitems.rpy:8 old "This tabloid includes conspiracy theories and discussions of imaginary creatures and other weirdness." - new "This tabloid includes conspiracy theories and discussions of imaginary creatures and other weirdness." + new "这家小报包括阴谋论以及对虚构生物和其他怪异事物的讨论." # game/scripts/inventory/qitems.rpy:9 old "Experimental Potion Recipes" - new "Experimental Potion Recipes" + new "实验药剂配方" # game/scripts/inventory/qitems.rpy:9 old "This piece of paper has Snape's handwriting all over it." - new "This piece of paper has Snape's handwriting all over it." + new "这张纸上全是斯内普的笔迹." # game/scripts/inventory/qitems.rpy:10 old "Box o' fun" - new "Box o' fun" + new "欢乐盒" # game/scripts/inventory/qitems.rpy:10 old "A box full of vibrating devices in different shapes and forms. Some of them remain turned on." - new "A box full of vibrating devices in different shapes and forms. Some of them remain turned on." + new "一盒装满了形状各异振动装置的盒子.其中一些仍处于开启状态." # game/scripts/inventory/qitems.rpy:13 old "Poke-her-nips Outfit" - new "Poke-her-nips Outfit" + new "性感荷官" diff --git a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/inventory/scrolls.rpy b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/inventory/scrolls.rpy index fae3c354..1ae45bea 100644 --- a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/inventory/scrolls.rpy +++ b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/inventory/scrolls.rpy @@ -333,125 +333,125 @@ translate chinese strings: # game/scripts/inventory/scrolls.rpy:3 old "Scroll 1: The room" - new "Scroll 1: The room" + new "卷轴 01: 房间" # game/scripts/inventory/scrolls.rpy:3 old "Scroll showcasing various development stages from the original version of the game and concept art." - new "Scroll showcasing various development stages from the original version of the game and concept art." + new "展示了游戏原版和概念艺术的各个发展阶段." # game/scripts/inventory/scrolls.rpy:4 old "Scroll 2: The Callendar" - new "Scroll 2: The Callendar" + new "卷轴 02: 日历" # game/scripts/inventory/scrolls.rpy:5 old "Scroll 3: The Girl" - new "Scroll 3: The Girl" + new "卷轴 03: 女孩" # game/scripts/inventory/scrolls.rpy:6 old "Scroll 4: Deepthroating" - new "Scroll 4: Deepthroating" + new "卷轴 04: 深喉" # game/scripts/inventory/scrolls.rpy:7 old "Scroll 5: Poster 1" - new "Scroll 5: Poster 1" + new "卷轴 05: 海报 01" # game/scripts/inventory/scrolls.rpy:8 old "Scroll 6: Poster 2" - new "Scroll 6: Poster 2" + new "卷轴 06: 海报 02" # game/scripts/inventory/scrolls.rpy:9 old "Scroll 7: Chibi Dancing" - new "Scroll 7: Chibi Dancing" + new "卷轴 07: 舞蹈" # game/scripts/inventory/scrolls.rpy:10 old "Scroll 8: Game Items" - new "Scroll 8: Game Items" + new "卷轴 08: 游戏物品" # game/scripts/inventory/scrolls.rpy:11 old "Scroll 9: Panties-no-Panties" - new "Scroll 9: Panties-no-Panties" + new "卷轴 09: 内裤和没有内裤" # game/scripts/inventory/scrolls.rpy:12 old "Scroll 10: A lot of pegs" - new "Scroll 10: A lot of pegs" + new "卷轴 10: 许多夹子" # game/scripts/inventory/scrolls.rpy:13 old "Scroll 11: House-Elf Brothel" - new "Scroll 11: House-Elf Brothel" + new "卷轴 11: 家养精灵妓院" # game/scripts/inventory/scrolls.rpy:14 old "Scroll 12: Me and Lola" - new "Scroll 12: Me and Lola" + new "卷轴 12: 我和萝拉" # game/scripts/inventory/scrolls.rpy:15 old "Scroll 13: Hard Training" - new "Scroll 13: Hard Training" + new "卷轴 13: 艰苦训练" # game/scripts/inventory/scrolls.rpy:16 old "Scroll 14: Wizard's Chess" - new "Scroll 14: Wizard's Chess" + new "卷轴 14: 巫师棋" # game/scripts/inventory/scrolls.rpy:17 old "Scroll 15: Tutoring Books" - new "Scroll 15: Tutoring Books" + new "卷轴 15: 辅导书" # game/scripts/inventory/scrolls.rpy:18 old "Scroll 16: Extra Gifts 1" - new "Scroll 16: Extra Gifts 1" + new "卷轴 16: 额外礼物 01" # game/scripts/inventory/scrolls.rpy:19 old "Scroll 17: Extra Gifts 2" - new "Scroll 17: Extra Gifts 2" + new "卷轴 17: 额外礼物 02" # game/scripts/inventory/scrolls.rpy:20 old "Scroll 18: Fiction Books" - new "Scroll 18: Fiction Books" + new "卷轴 18: 小说类图书" # game/scripts/inventory/scrolls.rpy:21 old "Scroll 19: Singer Whore" - new "Scroll 19: Singer Whore" + new "卷轴 19: 歌手妓女" # game/scripts/inventory/scrolls.rpy:22 old "Scroll 20: Casting" - new "Scroll 20: Casting" + new "卷轴 20: 角色挑选" # game/scripts/inventory/scrolls.rpy:23 old "Scroll 21: Witch Robes 1" - new "Scroll 21: Witch Robes 1" + new "卷轴 21: 巫师长袍 01" # game/scripts/inventory/scrolls.rpy:24 old "Scroll 22: Witch Robes 2" - new "Scroll 22: Witch Robes 2" + new "卷轴 22: 巫师长袍 02" # game/scripts/inventory/scrolls.rpy:25 old "Scroll 23: Witch Robes 3" - new "Scroll 23: Witch Robes 3" + new "卷轴 23: 巫师长袍 03" # game/scripts/inventory/scrolls.rpy:26 old "Scroll 24: Witch Robes 4" - new "Scroll 24: Witch Robes 4" + new "卷轴 24: 巫师长袍 04" # game/scripts/inventory/scrolls.rpy:27 old "Scroll 25: The Walk" - new "Scroll 25: The Walk" + new "卷轴 25: 步行" # game/scripts/inventory/scrolls.rpy:28 old "Scroll 26: Durmstrang" - new "Scroll 26: Durmstrang" + new "卷轴 26: 德姆斯特朗" # game/scripts/inventory/scrolls.rpy:29 old "Scroll 27: Ball Gag" - new "Scroll 27: Ball Gag" + new "卷轴 27: 口球" # game/scripts/inventory/scrolls.rpy:30 old "Scroll 28: New Clothes 1" - new "Scroll 28: New Clothes 1" + new "卷轴 28: 新衣服 01" # game/scripts/inventory/scrolls.rpy:31 old "Scroll 29: New Clothes 2" - new "Scroll 29: New Clothes 2" + new "卷轴 29: 新衣服 02" # game/scripts/inventory/scrolls.rpy:32 old "Scroll 30: The Gang" - new "Scroll 30: The Gang" + new "卷轴 30: 帮派" diff --git a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/minigames/mirror/events/a_christmas_tale2.rpy b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/minigames/mirror/events/a_christmas_tale2.rpy index c166eedd..22dcd9da 100644 --- a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/minigames/mirror/events/a_christmas_tale2.rpy +++ b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/minigames/mirror/events/a_christmas_tale2.rpy @@ -760,13 +760,13 @@ translate chinese strings: # game/scripts/minigames/mirror/events/a_christmas_tale2.rpy:5 old "New clothing items for Hermione have been unlocked!" - new "New clothing items for Hermione have been unlocked!" + new "已解锁赫敏的新服装!" # game/scripts/minigames/mirror/events/a_christmas_tale2.rpy:6 old "Several new clothing items for Hermione have been unlocked!" - new "Several new clothing items for Hermione have been unlocked!" + new "已解锁赫敏的多套新服装!" # game/scripts/minigames/mirror/events/a_christmas_tale2.rpy:11 old "Some lesser clothing items have been unlocked as well. *Ho-ho-ho!*" - new "Some lesser clothing items have been unlocked as well. *Ho-ho-ho!*" + new "还解锁了一些较次要的服装. *吼-吼-吼!*" diff --git a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy index 7542a4c1..ae3d5924 100644 --- a/game/tl/chinese/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy +++ b/game/tl/chinese/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy @@ -4,161 +4,161 @@ translate chinese strings: # game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:2 old "Whose points is it anyway?" - new "Whose points is it anyway?" + new "天外飞来一分?" # game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:2 old "Parody of the famous game show, \"Whose points is it anyway?\"." - new "Parody of the famous game show, \"Whose points is it anyway?\"." + new "模仿著名的游戏节目, \"天外飞来一句?\"." # game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:2 old "Humorous" - new "Humorous" + new "幽默" # game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:2 old "Sexual" - new "Sexual" + new "性行为" # game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:12 old "The Genie, the desk, and the door" - new "The Genie, the desk, and the door" + new "精灵,桌子,和门" # game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:12 old "You try to figure out how people know when you call for them." - new "You try to figure out how people know when you call for them." + new "你试着弄清楚当传唤他们时,他们是怎么知道的." # game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:23 old "An odd circumstance" - new "An odd circumstance" + new "奇怪的情况" # game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:23 old "You find yourself being confronted by a mysterious girl that seemingly seems to know you." - new "You find yourself being confronted by a mysterious girl that seemingly seems to know you." + new "你发现自己遇到了一个似乎认识你的神秘女孩." # game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:23 old "Noir" - new "Noir" + new "黑色幽默" # game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:34 old "A bad time to disrobe" - new "A bad time to disrobe" + new "脱得不是时候" # game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:34 old "You get a hold of a invisibility cloak and put it to good use." - new "You get a hold of a invisibility cloak and put it to good use." + new "精灵发现了一件隐身衣,这件隐身衣带来了无数的机遇." # game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:34 old "Flashing" - new "Flashing" + new "裸露" # game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:45 old "A spaced out conversation" - new "A spaced out conversation" + new "断断续续的谈话" # game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:45 old "You and Snape get real for a little bit." - new "You and Snape get real for a little bit." + new "你和斯内普有点较真了." # game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:56 old "Booty at sea" - new "Booty at sea" + new "海上战利品" # game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:56 old "You imagine yourself a great pirate and replay your most intimate times with Hermione." - new "You imagine yourself a great pirate and replay your most intimate times with Hermione." + new "你想象自己是一个伟大的海盗,你要和赫敏度过一段亲密的时光." # game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:81 old "A Christmas Tale" - new "A Christmas Tale" + new "圣诞故事" # game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:81 old "A surprise visit in the time of need." - new "A surprise visit in the time of need." + new "来得好不如来得巧." # game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:81 old "Seasonal" - new "Seasonal" + new "节日" # game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:93 old "Santa's Little Helper" - new "Santa's Little Helper" + new "圣诞老人的小小助手" # game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:93 old "The tall broody guy is about to get his present." - new "The tall broody guy is about to get his present." + new "那个又高又多疑的家伙就要收到礼物了." # game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:105 old "Previously at Hogwarts" - new "Previously at Hogwarts" + new "霍格沃茨前情提要" # game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:105 old "Snape tries to find a solution to stifle his anger and finds himself yet again in the headmaster's office." - new "Snape tries to find a solution to stifle his anger and finds himself yet again in the headmaster's office." + new "斯内普试图找到办法来抑制自己的愤怒,却发现自己又来到了校长办公室." # game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:116 old "Panty Raid" - new "Panty Raid" + new "内裤突袭" # game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:116 old "You ask Hermione to go out and collect other girls panties." - new "You ask Hermione to go out and collect other girls panties." + new "你叫赫敏出去收集其他女生的内裤." # game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:116 old "Fetish" - new "Fetish" + new "恋物癖" # game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:127 old "Eating for pleasure" - new "Eating for pleasure" + new "吃喝玩乐" # game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:127 old "You get hungry and decide to get something to eat." - new "You get hungry and decide to get something to eat." + new "你饿了,决定去吃点东西." # game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:138 old "Suck & Run" - new "Suck & Run" + new "边嗦边跑" # game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:138 old "Someone or {i}something{/i} is sucking the life force out of the students." - new "Someone or {i}something{/i} is sucking the life force out of the students." + new "某人或{i}某种生物{/i}正在吸走学生的生命力." # game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:149 old "Biggus Dickus" - new "Biggus Dickus" + new "达基霸" # game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:149 old "Hermione comes to you with an odd request." - new "Hermione comes to you with an odd request." + new "赫敏来找你,提出了一个奇怪的要求." # game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:159 old "A not so great escape" - new "A not so great escape" + new "一次不那么伟大的逃亡" # game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:159 old "You find yourself in a bit of a pickle." - new "You find yourself in a bit of a pickle." + new "你发现自己陷入了困境." # game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:171 old "A white Christmas" - new "A white Christmas" + new "白色圣诞节" # game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:171 old "Genie is not so happy with the narration and decides to take it into his own hands." - new "Genie is not so happy with the narration and decides to take it into his own hands." + new "精灵对解说不大满意,决定自己动手." # game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:183 old "Blueballing bad" - new "Blueballing bad" + new "绝命技师" # game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:183 old "In an alternate universe where Genie never followed his urges." - new "In an alternate universe where Genie never followed his urges." + new "在某个平行宇宙,精灵并没有那么作恶多端." # game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:195 old "Genie's Christmas Wish" - new "Genie's Christmas Wish" + new "精灵的圣诞愿望" # game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:195 old "Did you get your wish this year?" - new "Did you get your wish this year?" + new "你实现你的愿望了吗?"