* Reimplemented named menu options and a back/cancel button support
* Reimplemented icon harts
* Fixed flag check in blowjob public request
* Fixed a potential resolution glitch in gui initialisation
* Fixed a potential label parsing bug in Hermione's summon menu
* Replaced public_voyer status with public_stripping
* Fixed blowjob T4 fail variant event label naming.
* Fixed missing 'ask her to do x' blurbs for blowjob fail event variants
* Fixed cancellation method for events utilising subevents
* Fixed callstack when cancel method is called and the next node is a jump (odd)
* Fixed missing 'ask her to do x' blurbs for fail event variants
* Fixed 'grope her' fail variant repeat dialogue flag
* Removed 'hermione_favor_menu' from ignore labels (superseded)
* Added internal counter for queues
* Simplified global vars for event completion checks.
* Temporarily disabled Hermione's statistics menu
* Replaced counter/points checks with status flags.
* Disabled debug profiling for images