* Added weights support to random block statements
* Added missing `open_wide_tongue_panties` mouth for Hermione
* Simplified CDS vars and attributes, and changed them to be in line with Renpy standards
* Fixed linting of character statements
* Fixed 'jazz take 2.ogg' file being located in the wrong directory
* Fixed minimum and maximum allowed initialization offset for statements
* Fixed show image statement missing space
* Fixed poster image show statement to enable prediction
* Fixed updater screen lacking parenthesis (was valid but slowed down initialization)
* Fixed random statement prediction
* Fixed uncommented Tonks chit-chat check (forgot to do so after testing)
* Added wet pussy and squirting when Tonks is masturbating, morphed as Hermione.
* Added Cho nose and cheeks freckles.
* Added redrawn versions of old cho clothing:
* top_tanktop_1
* top_tanktop_2
* witch (hat)
* Re-Added Hermione freckles to work better with multi-layer toggles.
* Re-Posed Hermione masturbation events.
* Re-Posed Luna masturbation events.
* Renamed some clothing folders for consistency.
* Fixed Cho Virgin-killer skin layer outline overlaps.
* Fixed Miss-labeled expression folders and names.
* Fixed folder structure on Hermione Masturbating pose folders.
* Renamed and Restructured Luna masturbate folders
* Restructured and split up Hermione masturbate arms into separate poses.
* Fixed miss-named expressions.
* Restored missing expressions for some poses.
* Added mouth expressions from default Hermione pose into masturbate poses folders.
* Added support for all Doll features, including colourable clothes and modding
* Added cache
* Simplified animation generation
* Added 'register_pose'
* Fixed Cho's Sweater 2
* Added sanity check for mismatched number of textures and colours for clothing items, with a user-friendly warning rather than a hard crash
* Added DollBodypart class to allow more extensive modding support for characters, along with dedicates layers for breasts, hips and so on...
* Added more bangs into DollClothDynamic, allowing tracking of singular objects and the ability to chainload the IDs
* Added get_character_body global method
* Added istype global method
* Improved caching, layering for dynamic clothes
* Improved hashing for Doll instances
* Improved readability and improved internal naming convention for Doll-type classes
* Removed dedicated buttplug slot (superseded by multislot reimplementation)
* Fixed clothing supplied skin layer issues with zorders
* Fixed DollClothDynamic __repr__ lack of quotes
* Fixed Hermione's open_wide_tongue mouth
* Fixed Hermione's tattoos missing images
* Fixed Cho's 'goodbye' after-summon skit using wrong number of expressions
* Converted Hermione's potion body changes into clothing items for better maintainability and to provide modding support
* Composited body images of characters into singular files to reduce layering complexity and overhead
* Fixed Luna's eyemasks
* Refactored DollFace
* Refactored DollBody
* Refactored DollCum
* Refactored DollCloth
* Refactored Doll
* Refactored clothing item zorders
* Refactored implementation of body, face, cum, clothing layers
* Refactored function calls
* Removed DollLipstick
* Added DollMakeup class, allowing adding dynamic clothes tracking face states
* Added DollClothDynamic, allowing dynamic clothes tracking other cloth states with bangs support
* Added cache to frequently called functions, drastically reducing the overhead
* Added hash system, reducing clone redundancy
* Added layer modifiers support for all types (face, body, cum, clothes etc.)
* Added support for an arbitrary number of equipped multislot clothing items (makeup, tattoos, piercings, etc.)
* Simplified initialization for clothing items and dolls
* Simplified class function calls
* Reduced the number of image creation calls
* Added hue support for additional skin layers
* Added displayable support to image cropping function
* Replaced store cache with built-in functools cache for _list_files function
* Refactored all character files
* and more...
* Added custom animation/transform support
* Added Rollback support
* Added special layers support
* Rewritten parts of code responsible for displaying the animation
* Rewritten animation creator to mirror Doll-like file behaviour
* Fixed mouse button events handling
* Fixed raise error type
* Fixed inability to add more than one layer for each frame
* Replaced PY2 format with f strings for clarity
* Implemented automatic clothing system
* Implemented Skipping support
* Implemented interrupt support
* Implemented pause support
* Implemented Loop Pathfinding (A -> B -> A)
* Implemented Loop Pathfinding with Reverse (A -> B -> C -> B -> A)
* Implemented Repeat Pathfinding (A -> B x2)
* Implemented Repeat Pathfinding with wrap (A -> B -> A x2)
* Implemented Repeat Pathfinding with Reverse (A -> B -> C -> B -> A x2)
* Added Cho chibi placeholders