init python: class DollMakeup(DollCloth): def __init__(self, name, categories, type, id, color, zorder=None, unlocked=False, level=0, blacklist=[], modpath=None, parent=None, tracking=None): self.tracking = tracking super().__init__(name, categories, type, id, color, zorder, unlocked, level, blacklist, modpath, parent) def __repr__(self): return f"DollMakeup(name={}, categories={self.categories}, type={self.type}, id={}, color={self.color}, zorder={self.zorder}, unlocked={self.unlocked}, level={self.level}, blacklist={self.blacklist}, parent={self.parent}, modpath={self.modpath or None}, tracking={self.tracking})" def generate_hash(self): salt = str( [, self.type, self.char.pose,, str(self.color), str(self.char.face._hash), str(self.char.body._hash)] ) return hashstring(salt) @functools.cache def get_layers(self, hash, subpath=""): tracking = self.char.face._face.get(self.tracking, None) if tracking is None: print(f"Invalid tracker for object: {self}") return [] path = posixpath.join(self.modpath, "characters",, "poses", self.char.pose, subpath, "clothes", self.type,, tracking) extensions = self.extensions types = self.layer_types modifiers = self.layer_modifiers layers = {} for f in renpy.list_files(): fp, fn = os.path.split(f) fn, ext = os.path.splitext(fn) if not fp == path or not ext in extensions: continue ltype, *tails = fn.rsplit("_") if not ltype.isdigit() and not ltype in types: print(f"Invalid layer type for file: {f}") continue zorder = z if (z := types.get(ltype)) is not None else self.zorder if isinstance(zorder, str): zorder = self.zorder + int(zorder) if tails: lmodifier, *tails = tails if not lmodifier in modifiers: print(f"Invalid modifier for file: {f}") continue zorder_mod = modifiers.get(lmodifier) zorder = (zorder + int(zorder_mod)) if lmodifier != "zorder" else int(tails[-1]) layers.setdefault("_".join([ltype, lmodifier, str(zorder)]), [f, zorder]) else: layers.setdefault(ltype, [f, zorder]) return layers def clone(self): """Creates a clone of this cloth object. Since it requires a parent object it should be used internally only to avoid object depth issue.""" modpath = self.modpath.lstrip("mods/") return DollMakeup(, self.categories, self.type,, [x for x in self.color] if self.color else None, self.zorder, self.unlocked, self.level, self.blacklist, modpath, self, self.tracking)