# game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:8 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_2a6a580a: # gen "(*Hmm*... let's see if we can get this writing to show...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(*哼*... 让我看看能不能把这个卷轴打开...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:9 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_2a2ceb1e: # gen "(It should be something simple like a command word...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(该喊句什么咒语来着...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:20 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_spell_f5eab678: # gen "...{w=0.8} Guess not..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "...{w=0.8} 看来不是..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:24 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_spell_6b12fd9a: # gen "...{w=0.8} Damn..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "...{w=0.8} 操..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:28 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_spell_aef3d383: # gen "...{w=0.8} ..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "...{w=0.8} ..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:32 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_after_spell_2e5d9135: # gen "Work you stupid scroll or I'll throw you in the fire!" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "你他妈最好赶紧给我打开,不然看我把你扔进火里!" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:34 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_after_spell_93a47ff8: # "The scroll" "*Reveals itself*" "卷轴" "*缓缓打开*" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:35 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_after_spell_abf468e9: # gen "That's what I thought..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "这就对了..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:37 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_after_spell_5e67e7d4: # gen "Now then... Let's find out what this scroll says..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "然后...让我看看这卷轴上写了什么..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:38 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_after_spell_d3fc3646: # gen "\"At the highest point is where I'm hidden\"..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "\"吾藏身于至高之地\"..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:39 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_after_spell_797ffdf7: # gen "(fuck, it's a riddle...{w=0.4} Guess I deserved that...)" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(妈的,又是个谜题...{w=0.4} 倒八辈子霉了...)" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:41 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_after_spell_f9dc0946: # gen "\"At the highest point is where I'm hidden\"--" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "\"吾藏身于至高之地\"--" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:42 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_after_spell_0132933e: # gen "\"A place where you will need this key\"--" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "\"唯此钥可解吾之封\"--" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:43 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_after_spell_631cfac4: # gen "\"To use this scroll that is forbidden\"--" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "\"若想用此封印之卷\"--" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:44 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_after_spell_cc04744c: # gen "\"You'll need to take a piece of me\"..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "\"必先献祭汝血于吾\"..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:46 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_after_spell_e3035140: # gen "Key... what k--" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "钥匙...什么钥--" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:53 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_after_spell_d56b4e76: # gen "*ARGH*!" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "*呃啊*!" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:54 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_after_spell_57a00933: # gen "(Bloody magic...)" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(血魔法...)" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:55 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_after_spell_724eee65: # gen "(Oh look, a rusty key just popped out from that scroll...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(哦,看,一把生锈的钥匙刚刚从卷轴上弹了出来...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:56 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_after_spell_6fa131ec: # gen "(How convenient...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(太方便了...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:57 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_after_spell_0862e632: # gen "(Now I'll just have to find where it fits...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(现在我只需要找到门锁在哪儿...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:60 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_after_spell_bf3d812b: # gen "(Okay... so...{w=0.3} What was this scroll supposed to do again?)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(然后...好吧...{w=0.3} 这个卷轴还能做什么?)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:61 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_after_spell_6c39df32: # gen "(Let's see...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(让我看看...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:63 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_after_spell_86055efa: # gen "Right, the riddle..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "对了,那个谜题..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:66 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_f9dc0946: # gen "\"At the highest point is where I'm hidden\"--" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "\"吾藏身于至高之地\"--" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:67 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_0132933e: # gen "\"A place where you will need this key\"--" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "\"唯此钥可解吾之封\"--" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:68 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_631cfac4: # gen "\"To use this scroll that is forbidden\"--" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "\"若想用此封印之卷\"--" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:69 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_cc04744c: # gen "\"You'll need to take a piece of me\"..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "\"必先献祭汝血于吾\"..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:72 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_4e7997a3: # gen "..." nointeract ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "..." nointeract ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:78 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_453dfa78: # gen "(Well... I have the key, now to figure out the rest...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(好了...现在我有钥匙了,现在要解决剩下的问题...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:79 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_f8738207: # gen "(The highest point... *Hmm* I wonder where that could be.)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(至高之地... *哼* 我想我知道那可能在哪里.)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:82 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_41b64cf3: # gen "(Ah, that's it... it's supposed to turn me into some sort of magical tentacle plant...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(啊,就是这样... 它应该能把我变成某种神奇的触手植物...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:83 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_56290a5f: # gen "(I have everything I need to perform the ritual and have some fun with Hermione.)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(我有我需要的执行仪式的全部道具,现在让我跟赫敏找点乐趣.)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:86 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_19291bb5: # gen "(*Hmm*... But it's too late for me to use it now. I should do it at dawn, before class has started.)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(*哼姆*... 但是现在用它已经太晚了.我应该在上午上课之前做.)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:89 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_e52e4c32: # gen "(*Hmm* But Hermione is busy at the moment, I should postpone my plans until tomorrow.)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(*哼姆* 但是赫敏现在很忙,我应该把我的计划推迟到明天.)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:92 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_08f3d4a1: # gen "(I better write her a note first so she can carry me with her to class...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(我最好先给她写张便条,这样她就可以带我去上课了...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:103 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_b7af0135: # gen "(*Hmm*... how should I start?)" nointeract ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(*哼姆*... 我应该如何开始写?)" nointeract ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:112 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_16116992: # "*Scribble* *Scribble*" "*书写* *书写*" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:115 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_2eb6bd86: # gen "....*Mhmm*...." nointeract ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "....*呃*...." nointeract ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:125 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_16116992_1: # "*Scribble* *Scribble*" "*书写* *书写*" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:128 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_4e7997a3_1: # gen "..." nointeract ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "..." nointeract ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:135 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_16116992_2: # "*Scribble* *Scribble*" "*书写* *书写*" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:138 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_61117ceb: # gen "... and now..." nointeract ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "...然后..." nointeract ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:143 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_9c51f96f: # gen "Shove it up your--..." ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "把它塞进你的--..." ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:146 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_b88171d9: # gen "I can't write that!" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "去你娘的!" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:147 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_62657c4d: # gen "What if she does it and I get shat on... No, no, no, let me change that." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "如果她真的这么做了的话,万一她屁眼里还有便便...算了,算了,算了,换一个吧." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:155 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_220bebd1: # gen "Shove me up your--..." ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "把我塞进你的--..." ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:158 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_b88171d9_1: # gen "I can't write that!" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "去你娘的!" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:159 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_62657c4d_1: # gen "What if she does it and I get shat on... No, no, no, let me change that." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "如果她真的这么做了的话,万一她屁眼里还有便便...算了,算了,算了,换一个吧." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:164 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_16116992_3: # "*Scribble* *Scribble*" "*书写* *书写*" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:167 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_4e7997a3_2: # gen "..." nointeract ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "..." nointeract ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:178 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_af4c5880: # gen "Yes...{w=0.5} that should do it... now to call her up here and use that scroll..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "好了...{w=0.5} 应该可以了...现在先传唤她,然后再用那个卷轴..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:182 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_b670a0f6: # centered "{size=+7}{color=#cbcbcb}A few moments later...{/color}{/size}" centered "{size=+7}{color=#cbcbcb}几分钟后...{/color}{/size}" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:192 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_9ba0ca5f: # her "[genie_name], my class is about to--" ("open", "base", "worried", "L", trans=d3) her "[genie_name], 我马上就得去上课--" ("open", "base", "worried", "L", trans=d3) # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:193 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_a3291b14: # her "[genie_name]?" ("open", "squint", "base", "L") her "[genie_name]?" ("open", "squint", "base", "L") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:199 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_e26bb827: # her "Are we playing hide and seek??" ("annoyed", "base", "angry", "R", trans=d3) her "我们在玩捉迷藏吗??" ("annoyed", "base", "angry", "R", trans=d3) # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:200 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_43012b4e: # her "[genie_name], I really don't have the time--" ("annoyed", "narrow", "angry", "stare") her "[genie_name], 我真的没时间--" ("annoyed", "narrow", "angry", "stare") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:208 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_cc21fd70: # her "..." her "..." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:210 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_4ee2eb7d: # gen "(Yes... she's seen me...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(好耶... 她看到我了...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:211 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_f0be68aa: # gen "(Take the note!)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(拿起来了!)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:212 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_e22b01cc: # her "What's with this ugly plant?" ("disgust", "narrow", "angry", "stare", trans=d3) her "这儿怎么有株丑陋的植物?" ("disgust", "narrow", "angry", "stare", trans=d3) # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:214 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_7c854460: # gen "(I'm not ugly!)" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(我才不丑!)" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:215 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_e2cf46b9: # gen "(... Just haven't blossomed yet...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(...只是还没有开花...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:219 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_719903f0: # her "Professo--...?" ("open", "base", "worried", "L", flip=True, trans=d3) her "教--...?" ("open", "base", "worried", "L", flip=True, trans=d3) # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:220 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_14ac03d1: # her "I thought I heard him for a second..." ("annoyed", "narrow", "worried", "R") her "我想我听到他说话了..." ("annoyed", "narrow", "worried", "R") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:221 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_5f4a0b0a: # gen "(Read the note already, would you..)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(快看那张便条,好吗..)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:225 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_ebc0c828: # her "Oh, there's also a note, I better read it..." ("open", "base", "base", "down", flip=False, trans=d3) her "哦,这儿有张便条,我最好读一下..." ("open", "base", "base", "down", flip=False, trans=d3) # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:227 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_a578a5cf: # gen "(Can't help herself but snoop in other peoples business can she...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(女人总是忍不住去看别人的东西,是吧...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:231 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_eeaf80fa: # her "Oh... It's actually addressed to me..." ("soft", "base", "base", "stare") her "哦...这是写给我的..." ("soft", "base", "base", "stare") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:239 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_32730965: # her "...................................." ("disgust", "narrow", "angry", "mid", trans=d3) her "...................................." ("disgust", "narrow", "angry", "mid", trans=d3) # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:240 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_5332ae99: # her "So I'm a delivery girl as well now?" ("annoyed", "narrow", "angry", "stare") her "我现在又成了快递员了?" ("annoyed", "narrow", "angry", "stare") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:241 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_e5780c40: # her "Well... I suppose I'm already heading that way anyway..." ("annoyed", "closed", "angry", "stare") her "好吧...我想我已经别无选择了..." ("annoyed", "closed", "angry", "stare") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:242 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_52b21bd0: # her "I guess he must've checked my schedule for once..." ("annoyed", "narrow", "worried", "R") her "我想他一定查过我的时间表了..." ("annoyed", "narrow", "worried", "R") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:243 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_ec27e181: # gen "(Herbology class, here I come!)" ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(草药课,我来辣!)" ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:254 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_762e931d: # centered "{size=+7}{color=#cbcbcb}Herbology{/color}{/size}" centered "{size=+7}{color=#cbcbcb}草药课{/color}{/size}" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:260 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_3187beeb: # spo "In today's class, we will be learning about a plant called Devil's Snare." spo "今天,我们将学习一种叫做魔鬼网的植物." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:261 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_5a25cfd5: # spo "Hermione Granger was kind enough to bring us a pot with an underdeveloped Devil's Snare." spo "赫敏·格兰杰好心地给我们送来了一个坩埚,上面有一个没有完全发育好的魔鬼网." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:262 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_617d4838: # spo "It's kind of wilted and looks weak but..." spo "它有点萎蔫,看起来很虚弱,但是..." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:263 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_d4ed2f87: # gen "(Oh fuck you, bitch!)" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(哦,操你妈的,婊子!)" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:264 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_21eea0b2: # her "Actually, professor that was--" her "实际上,那是教授--" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:265 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_e773bdfa: # spo "Miss Granger, please don't interrupt me." spo "格兰杰小姐,请不要打断我." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:266 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_87a0ff15: # her "Sorry..." her "很抱歉..." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:267 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_0d47a561: # spo "Now then..." spo "接下来..." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:268 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_90183fce: # spo "This is an incredibly dangerous plant, known to constrict and kill its prey with its fast and powerful tendrils." spo "这是一种极其危险的植物,以其快速有力的卷曲收缩来杀死猎物而闻名." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:269 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_910da81e: # spo "They are found naturally in caves and swamps as they like dark and damp places and hate sunlight." spo "它们自然生长在洞穴和沼泽中,因为它们喜欢黑暗潮湿的地方,并且讨厌阳光." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:270 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_1f450137: # her "Isn't Devil's Snare extremely dangerous?" her "这么说魔鬼网不是非常危险吗?" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:271 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_1ca1c30f: # spo "Yes, Miss Granger. At least you're paying attention to what I was saying. Now please sit down." spo "是的,格兰杰小姐.至少你在听我讲课.现在请坐下." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:275 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_5533147e: # her "..........." her "..........." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:276 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_fa9a040e: # spo "These aren't even a week old, so they would barely be able to stroke you with their tendrils, let alone constrict you." spo "它现在还不到一周大,所以它基本无法用触须缠住你,更不用说捆绑你了." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:277 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_dbcc4218: # spo "Now everyone, pass the samples around so that you all can get a good look." spo "现在,把现在每个人都把样本传一下,以便大家都能看清楚." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:278 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_c367f80c: # her "Professor Sprout, are they supposed to have mouths?" her "斯普劳特教授,这植物有嘴巴?" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:279 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_b0c1c7af: # spo "Yes Miss Granger, it's how they consume their prey once they have asphyxiated them." spo "是的,格兰杰小姐,它让猎物窒息后会用嘴吞下去." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:280 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_327b913b: # her "Okay, well, what are the eyes for? I thought they sensed their prey by touch?" her "好的,那么,它的眼睛是干什么用的?我认为它是通过触觉感知猎物的?" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:281 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_257bb170: # spo "What are you on about Miss Granger? Devil's Snare don't have eyes." spo "你在说什么格兰杰小姐?魔鬼网没有眼睛." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:282 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_49d0ef67: # her "This one d--" her "但这个--" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:288 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_b692f6ac: # ">All of a sudden, you explode outwards in a flash of thick green tentacles." "> 突然间,你向外爆发生长,长出一道浓密的绿色触手." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:289 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_81a472d2: # her "What's happening?!?" her "发生了什么?!?" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:291 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_53b261a2: # ">You quickly bind her wrists and waist..." "> 你迅速用触手绑住赫敏的手腕和腰部..." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:293 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_c260ab73: # her "I can't move!" her "我不能动了!" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:295 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_ba59491a: # ">then lift her into the air with your powerful appendages..." "> 然后用你有力的藤蔓把她抬到空中..." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:296 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_e2b07201: # spo "Stay calm Miss Granger, Devil's Snare will let you go if you don't move!" spo "保持冷静,格兰杰小姐,如果你保持不动的话,魔鬼网会放你走的!" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:297 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_b8b06ccf: # ">Slinking your slimy tentacles under her top and skirt." "> 把你黏糊糊的触手伸进她的上衣和裙子下面." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:299 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_23c9a994: # mal "Hey, look, look! She doesn't have panties on!" mal "嘿,看,看!她没有穿内裤!" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:300 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_4774c976: # fem "Oh my gosh, so the rumours about her were true?!" fem "天哪,那么关于她的谣言是真的?!" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:301 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_a1c409fb: # mal2 "And she brought her own plant sample, I bet she planned this out, what a total slut!" mal2 "她带来了自己的植物,我敢打赌这是她计划好的,真是个荡妇!" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:302 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_49f24dda: # her "Oh no..." her "哦不..." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:304 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_12487d2c: # ">You rip her top off in a flurry of buttons and cotton..." ">你粗暴的顺着扣子把她的上衣扯了下来..." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:305 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_86d89e6d: # her "*Ahhhh*!" her "*啊啊啊*!" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:307 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_cee8653f: # ">Sliding your tentacles up her legs and slowly pulling them apart." "> 把你的触手向上挪到她的腿上,然后慢慢地把双腿分开." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:308 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_936baa97: # ">Hermione struggles against you but her effort is in vain." "> 赫敏尝试与你抗争,但一切都是徒劳的." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:309 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_5dc8e23f: # her "Please no... Not here." her "请不要...不要在这里." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:311 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_00569e61: # ">The tentacles slowly remove her panties, revealing her pussy to the entire class." ">你用触手慢慢地移开她的内裤,向全班展示她的小穴." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:312 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_f16830cb: # mal "Wow..." mal "哇..." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:313 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_22505812: # fem "This is horrible, someone should do something!" fem "这太可怕了,有人应该做点什么!" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:314 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_0bd553e5: # mal2 "Professor Sprout says as long as she doesn't move she'll be released." mal2 "斯普劳特教授说只要她不动就会被释放." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:316 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_517b88b1: # ">You position a large, flowered tentacle above Hermione's head." "> 你把一个巨大的,带花的触手挪到了赫敏头上." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:317 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_d21a6a84: # her "What is that!?" her "这是什么!?" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:319 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_6cf9991b: # ">It suddenly opens to reveal a long slender appendage with an engorged base." "> 那个触手突然打开,露出一个细长的附肢,附肢底部充血." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:320 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_ba59349e: # her "What the hell is that? It looks like a..." her "这到底是什么?它看起来像一个..." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:321 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_14e1be78: # ">While she is focused on the dangling limb above her, you move six of your smaller tentacles towards her waist." "> 当赫敏的注意力集中在她头上悬垂的那个物体时,你将六只较小的触手移向她的腰部." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:322 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_0ff6fa2d: # her "Oh god no, someone please help me! Professor Sprout do something!" her "哦,天哪,不,谁来帮帮我啊!斯普劳特教授快做点什么啊!" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:323 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_20248cab: # spo "Students, stand back!" spo "同学们,退后!" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:324 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_95b44128: # ">Professor Sprout casts an impressive-looking spell at the mass of writhing tentacles." "> 斯普劳特教授对大量扭动的触手施展了一种令人印象深刻的魔法." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:326 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_d631f697: # spo "Confringo!" spo " 霹雳爆炸(Confringo)!" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:328 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_0c56b1d6: # ">It strikes the plant forcefully but does nothing." "> 咒语猛烈地撞击植物,但什么也没有发生." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:329 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_cb30fe92: # spo "What? That should have killed it. It must be magically protected." spo "什么?那魔法应该能把它杀了的.它肯定有魔法保护." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:330 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_2a07e1df: # ">You move three tentacles to Hermione's vagina and start teasing the opening." "> 你把三只触手移到赫敏的小穴,开始玩弄她的阴蒂." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:331 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_4e683068: # her "Please Professor Sprout, do something! Anything!" her "求你了!斯普劳特教授,做点做点什么!什么都行啊!" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:332 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_fd084275: # spo "I'm not sure I can, it has a powerful magical aura protecting it." spo "我不确定...它有一种强大的魔法光环保护着它." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:333 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_1e9a3e3d: # spo "If I try anything more advanced than the spell I just cast, I might hurt you." spo "如果我施展比我刚才施放的咒语更高级别的咒语,那可能会伤害你." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:334 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_14edb6bb: # ">You move two smaller tentacles to her asshole and start teasing the entrance, slowly prying it open." "> 你把两只较小的触手移到她的屁股上,开始戏弄菊花,让它慢慢扩张." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:335 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_5e21297a: # her "Then what am I supposed to do?!" her "那我该怎么办?!" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:336 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_e0b269d0: # spo "Just stay as still as possible and it should eventually let you go..." spo "尽量保持静止不动,它会放你离开的..." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:337 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_34f89cf6: # ">You move a tentacle with a mouth on the end of it to her right breast and latch onto it." "> 你把一条有嘴的触手移到她的右乳,然后狠狠吸住乳头." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:338 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_133e444f: # her "Please, I'm not going to be able to stay still if this keeps going!" her "求你了,如果这样下去,我将无法保持静止!" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:339 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_3b6b370d: # ">The three tentacles at the entrance of her vagina suddenly thrust into her." "> 赫敏小穴入口处的三只触手突然冲进了她的阴道." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:350 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_27ff79dc: # "> After everyone leaves the room your body starts to turn back to normal..." "> 每个人离开房间后,你的身体开始恢复正常..." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:351 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_c7bff1e0: # gen "That was hot!" gen "太爽了!" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:352 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_4e8ecae3: # "> You notice that something is amiss..." "> 你注意到有点不对劲..." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:353 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_dba231d2: # gen "What happened to my clothes?!" gen "我的衣服怎么了?!" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:354 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_0160526f: # gen "... I was expecting this other-wordly magic to cover the basics of transmutations at the very least." gen "...我以为这种别出心裁的魔法至少能包含蜕变的基本原理." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:355 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_77ad77b4: # gen "Guess I was wrong..." gen "我猜我错了..." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:356 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_fe3b6fee: # gen "I must get out of here before anyone spots me." gen "我必须在别人发现我之前离开这里." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:360 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_5c2f2b3d: # "> You dash through the castle in a flash and get back to your office where, fortunately you find some spare clothes lying about." "> 你飞快地穿过学院,回到办公室,幸运的是你发现书桌附近有备用衣服." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:377 translate chinese tentacle_1_fde792f9: # her "!!!" her "!!!" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:378 translate chinese tentacle_1_4ef923c8: # her "What on earth is going on?" her "到底发生了什么?" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:380 translate chinese tentacle_1_c2690d87: # ">You slowly begin to move the tentacles in her vagina." "> 她阴道里的触手开始慢慢地抽插." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:382 translate chinese tentacle_1_87922243: # her "Oh..." her "哦..." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:383 translate chinese tentacle_1_065cc5c8: # ">You move a small, mouthed tentacle to her ear so that only she can hear you." "> 你把一个带嘴的小触手移到她耳旁,只有她才能听到你的声音." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:384 translate chinese tentacle_1_eb3c3b17: # gen "Enjoying yourself slut?" gen "玩得开心吗?荡妇?" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:385 translate chinese tentacle_1_7d28ac2c: # her "Professor!" her "教授!" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:386 translate chinese tentacle_1_a6520452: # gen "That's right, just do as I say and relax." gen "对,照我说的做,放松." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:387 translate chinese tentacle_1_57c3a996: # her "How am I supposed to relax?!" her "都这样了我他妈该怎么放松?!" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:388 translate chinese tentacle_1_f35c1c53: # gen "Well if you're not going to relax, at least try to enjoy it..." gen "如果你不想放松,至少试着享受一下..." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:389 translate chinese tentacle_1_094c4a9a: # ">You start rotating the tentacles in her vagina." "> 赫敏阴道里的触手开始慢慢转动." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:392 translate chinese tentacle_1_cc21fd70: # her "..." her "..." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:393 translate chinese tentacle_1_89a66e98: # spo "If you keep thrashing about so much it won't let you go, stay still girl!" spo "如果你一直在挣扎,它是不会让你走,女孩,别动!" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:394 translate chinese tentacle_1_7b188631: # her "I-I'm trying!" her "我-我在努力!" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:395 translate chinese tentacle_1_1589455a: # gen "Are you sure you're trying enough? Judging by how much you're moving I'd say that's quite the opposite." gen "你确定你努力够了吗?从现在的状况来看,我认为情况恰恰相反." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:396 translate chinese tentacle_1_2676d920: # gen "Someone might even think that you are enjoying this." gen "有人甚至可能认为你正在享受这一切." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:397 translate chinese tentacle_1_d9ed65a7: # her "They wouldn't..." her "他们不会..." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:398 translate chinese tentacle_1_bf5e6122: # mal "Who's she talking to?" mal "她在跟谁说话?" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:399 translate chinese tentacle_1_8e2b65f8: # mal2 "I've got no idea, this bitch is crazy." mal2 "我不知道,这婊子疯了." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:400 translate chinese tentacle_1_cecc26ee: # gen "Are you sure? Do you think you'll be able to stifle every moan?" gen "你确定吗?你认为你能忍住每一声呻吟吗?" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:402 translate chinese tentacle_1_e2316706: # ">You push deeply into her with the three tentacles." "> 你把三根触手插得更深了." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:403 translate chinese tentacle_1_fde792f9_1: # her "!!!" her "!!!" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:405 translate chinese tentacle_1_e6c55be3: # gen "Do you think you'll be able to stop your hips from bucking?" gen "你认为你能阻止你的屁股不翘起来吗?" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:406 translate chinese tentacle_1_5da8f4f0: # ">You give her another powerful thrust." "> 你给了她一次猛烈的撞击." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:408 translate chinese tentacle_1_5cecc82c: # her "{size=-6}{heart}*Ah*{/size}" her "{size=-6}{heart}*噢*{/size}" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:409 translate chinese tentacle_1_b9a58a5b: # gen "Do you really think that you'll be able to stop yourself from begging me for more?" gen "你真的认为你能阻止你的身体渴求更多吗?" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:410 translate chinese tentacle_1_369b5629: # ">You increase the speed of the tentacles." "> 你加快了触手抽插的速度." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:412 translate chinese tentacle_1_1e8b8339: # her "{size=-3}*mmmmmmm*{/size}" her "{size=-3}*哦哦哦哦哦*{/size}" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:413 translate chinese tentacle_1_482ac311: # gen "I don't think you will. In fact I know that you won't." gen "我想你不会的.事实上我知道你不会的." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:414 translate chinese tentacle_1_fc630e00: # gen "Because I know what you are. A slut." gen "因为我知道你是什么.荡妇." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:415 translate chinese tentacle_1_9a393671: # gen "A slut who can only think about getting off when she's being fucked by a plant in front of her classmates." gen "一个荡妇,当着她同学面前被一棵植物操的时候,她只会想着高潮." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:417 translate chinese tentacle_1_cb15eed5: # ">You stop moving the tentacles." "> 你命令触手停下来." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:418 translate chinese tentacle_1_95fe3591: # gen "Now tell them what you are." gen "现在告诉他们你是什么." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:419 translate chinese tentacle_1_a85384cc: # her "W-w-what? No please, just don't stop." her "什-什-什么?不,别停下来." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:421 translate chinese tentacle_1_1156444a: # gen "Tell them what you are and I'll keep going." gen "告诉他们你是什么,我会继续动的." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:422 translate chinese tentacle_1_eec1c83a: # her "I can't... Just keep going..." her "我不能...快点动起来吧..." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:423 translate chinese tentacle_1_6d560640: # gen "Say it." gen "说出来." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:424 translate chinese tentacle_1_a054063e: # her "{size=-3}I'm a slut.{/size}" her "{size=-3}我是个荡妇.{/size}" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:426 translate chinese tentacle_1_03ebb37f: # ">You start rotating the tentacles in her vagina ever so slowly." "> 你开始慢慢地转动她阴道里的触手." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:427 translate chinese tentacle_1_3808cc37: # gen "What was that? I don't think that they heard you. Why don't you say it once more, with feeling." gen "你说了什么?我认为他们没有听到你的话.你为什么不带着感情再说一遍呢." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:428 translate chinese tentacle_1_c0dea0d3: # her "I'm a slut!" her "我是个荡妇!" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:430 translate chinese tentacle_1_128a8ba6: # ">You begin fiercely fucking her vagina." "> 你开始猛烈地操她的小穴." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:431 translate chinese tentacle_1_4c24f923: # her "Yes, yes, I'm a fucking slut. Fuck me harder." her "对,就是那儿,我他妈的是个荡妇.更用力地操我." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:432 translate chinese tentacle_1_8f00b9ed: # gen "See that wasn't so hard now was it. How about I give you a little reward." gen "看,没那么困难,是吧.给你一点儿奖励怎么样." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:433 translate chinese tentacle_1_5de321fb: # her "Wha--" her "什--" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:435 translate chinese tentacle_1_d53c8400: # ">You thrust a ribbed tentacle deeply into her asshole in one motion." "> 你把一根又粗又长的的触手深深地插进了她的屁眼." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:437 translate chinese tentacle_1_fde792f9_2: # her "!!!" her "!!!" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:438 translate chinese tentacle_1_790f46f6: # her "It's in my ass... I-I'm...{w=0.4} I-I'm cumming." her "在在在我屁股里...我我我...{w=0.4}我要高潮了." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:439 translate chinese tentacle_1_a227b82f: # ">You take alternating turns pumping into her ass and pussy." "> 你轮流抽她的屁眼和小穴." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:440 translate chinese tentacle_1_b5a9a179: # her "I'm cumming! It's too much..." her "我高潮了!停不下来了..." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:443 translate chinese tentacle_1_1edb9ca3: # ">You feel her body shudder as the orgasm rocks her." "> 当她高潮时,你感觉到她的身体在颤抖." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:444 translate chinese tentacle_1_9dc45804: # ">This only spurs you on to fuck her harder." "> 这只会刺激你更用力地操她." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:445 translate chinese tentacle_1_3daae182: # her "Please... no more... I'll faint..." her "请...不要再...我会晕过去的..." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:446 translate chinese tentacle_1_7a77dc98: # ">You start to feel a strange energy flowing through the vines, moving towards the tips." "> 你感觉到一股奇怪的能量流过触手,流向顶部." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:447 translate chinese tentacle_1_39237910: # gen "This is it girl, get ready." gen "女孩,准备好了." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:448 translate chinese tentacle_1_4e6fc846: # her "... ready?..." her "... 准备?..." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:452 translate chinese tentacle_1_63cd1380: # ">With one final surge you release the pent up energy in a surge of white sap all over her." "> 随着她的一次喘息,你释放了被压抑的能量,白色的汁液涌遍了她全身." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:454 translate chinese tentacle_1_aad3de47: # gen "By the gods, it's as if each vine is cumming. This is amazing..." gen "我的天哪,我感觉我把蛋蛋里的弹药都射出来了.这太尼玛棒了..." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:456 translate chinese tentacle_1_b8c73991: # ">The sensations proved to much for Hermione and she faints, going limp in your tentacles." "> 赫敏受到了过度刺激,她无力的抽搐着晕倒在你的触手上." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:457 translate chinese tentacle_1_acf00696: # mal "What a slut..." mal "真是个荡妇..." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:458 translate chinese tentacle_1_77fffa44: # fem "That's what I've been telling you!" fem "我一直跟你说这件事的!" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:459 translate chinese tentacle_1_e513ccaf: # mal2 "Man, I'm going to have to join Gryffindor." mal2 "伙计,我要加入格兰芬多了." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:464 translate chinese tentacle_1_d8d0cda8: # ">You place Hermione back onto the desk as the plant that you are occupying slowly wilts and dies." ">你把赫敏放回桌子上,因为你附身的植物慢慢枯萎和死亡." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:465 translate chinese tentacle_1_f60242bf: # ">Professor Sprout quickly runs over." ">斯普劳特教授快速跑了过去." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:466 translate chinese tentacle_1_f52e2797: # spo "Miss Granger are you okay?" spo "格兰杰小姐,你还好吗?" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:467 translate chinese tentacle_1_cc21fd70_1: # her "..." her "..." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:468 translate chinese tentacle_1_050a67cd: # spo "Quickly, someone take her to the hospital wing." spo "快,得有人把她送到医院." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:469 translate chinese tentacle_1_9babea32: # mal "Should we cover her up?" mal "我们应该拿东西掩饰她吗?" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:474 translate chinese tentacle_1_57bdda38: # spo "Oh yes, I suppose you should." spo "哦,是的,赶快去吧." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:475 translate chinese tentacle_1_143fdc4a: # mal "{size=-4}Damn dude, have you seen her tits?!{/size}" mal "{size=-4}该死的,伙计,你看到她的乳头了吗?!{/size}" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:476 translate chinese tentacle_1_95e77ebf: # ">*Squeeze* *Squeeze*" "> *挤压* *挤压*" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:477 translate chinese tentacle_1_6286cedb: # mal2 "{size=-4}Holy shit, they're soft.{/size}" mal2 "{size=-4}妈的,它们真的很软.{/size}" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:478 translate chinese tentacle_1_eb145a50: # spo "If you two don't stop that at once you'll get expelled." spo "如果你们两个不立刻停下的话,老娘马上开除你俩." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:479 translate chinese tentacle_1_fae8c277: # mal "S-sorry..." mal "对-对不起..." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:480 translate chinese tentacle_1_40b480be: # mal2 "Sorry professor!" mal2 "对不起,教授!" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:481 translate chinese tentacle_1_2b7bd7a9: # spo "Just take her out." spo "赶紧带她去医院." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:483 translate chinese tentacle_1_887ea163: # spo "No need, if she feels comfortable parading without panties in MY class, then she should be fine being taken naked to the infirmary." spo "没有必要,如果她觉得在我的课堂上不穿内裤很舒服的话,那么她对被光着身体带到医务室也应该没问题." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:484 translate chinese tentacle_1_53e52cbc: # mal "Are you su--" mal "真的要--" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:485 translate chinese tentacle_1_1da9f7ba: # spo "I said take her out!" spo "我说赶紧把她弄出去!" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:486 translate chinese tentacle_1_9afda6b0: # mal "Y-yes ma'am..." mal "是-是的,夫人..." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:490 translate chinese tentacle_1_b691c8bb: # ">You hear the boys snickering to each other whilst they carry Hermione out in some unknown direction..." "> 你听到了男孩们奸笑着把赫敏带去了别的地方..." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:492 translate chinese tentacle_1_bc0465cb: # spo "Class dismissed!" spo "下课!" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:507 translate chinese tentacle_2_8192bfa0: # her "What kind of sick plant is this?!" her "这是什么神经病植物?!" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:509 translate chinese tentacle_2_b59a1a94: # ">You start pumping the tentacles in her vagina slowly..." "> 你开始慢慢地把触手伸进她的阴道..." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:510 translate chinese tentacle_2_87922243: # her "Oh..." her "噢..." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:511 translate chinese tentacle_2_d21b63fd: # ">You move a small tentacle with a mouth on the end to her ear so that only she can hear you." "> 你把一个带嘴的小触手移到她耳旁,只有她才能听到你的声音." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:512 translate chinese tentacle_2_01794e85: # gen "Enjoying yourself, [hermione_name]?" gen "玩得开心吗, [hermione_name]?" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:513 translate chinese tentacle_2_5e3d47a2: # her "Profes--" her "教--" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:519 translate chinese tentacle_2_b5a5fe2a: # ">You quickly force another flowered tentacle into her mouth." "> 你把另一只触手屌伸进她的嘴里." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:520 translate chinese tentacle_2_6b764cb0: # gen "Now, now [hermione_name], you don't want anyone to find out how much you actually are enjoying yourself now, do you?" gen "啧啧,[hermione_name], 你不想让任何人知道你现在有多享受,是吗?" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:521 translate chinese tentacle_2_457fe05b: # her "*Hmmmhhhhhhhhh* !" her "*哼姆姆姆姆* !" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:522 translate chinese tentacle_2_877ee043: # gen "Well, then just do what Miss Sprout says and stay still." gen "好吧,那就照斯普劳特小姐说的做,别动." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:523 translate chinese tentacle_2_32439a53: # gen "Just act like this is some horrible accident, that you are just a victim." gen "就像这是一场可怕的事故,你只是一个受害者." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:524 translate chinese tentacle_2_c0d39597: # gen "Instead of the slut that you really are..." gen "你不是真的荡妇..." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:526 translate chinese tentacle_2_82e073a0: # ">You start to rotate the tentacles in her vagina." "> 赫敏阴道里的触手开始慢慢转动." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:527 translate chinese tentacle_2_00027610: # gen "!!! *HMMMMM*" gen "!!! *唔唔*" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:528 translate chinese tentacle_2_c990ce00: # mal "Wow, I think she's starting to enjoy it." mal "哇,我想她开始享受了." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:529 translate chinese tentacle_2_35567e02: # fem "Hermione? No way, she's too stuck-up to let boys kiss her, not to mention enjoying sex. {size=-6}With a plant but still..{/size}" fem "赫敏?不可能,她太高傲了,不让男孩子们吻她,更不用说享受性爱了. {size=-6}有一株植物做到了,但..{/size}" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:530 translate chinese tentacle_2_4e99b87d: # mal2 "I don't know man, she doesn't look like she hates it." mal2 "我不知道,伙计,她看起来并不讨厌." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:532 translate chinese tentacle_2_85e62f56: # ">You increase the speed of the tentacles in her vagina." "> 你加快了触手抽插的速度." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:533 translate chinese tentacle_2_cbc68dc6: # gen "Hear that, [hermione_name]? Your classmates are starting to realise how much you like getting your pussy stuffed." gen "听到了吗, [hermione_name]? 你的同学们开始意识到你有多喜欢阴道被塞满的感觉." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:534 translate chinese tentacle_2_722cc40b: # her "*NNNNNNNNNm*" her "*唔唔唔唔唔唔*" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:535 translate chinese tentacle_2_9d1f20fd: # gen "What was that? Faster you say?" gen "什么?再快点儿?" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:536 translate chinese tentacle_2_bd1da844: # gen "You got it, [hermione_name]!" gen "明白, [hermione_name]!" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:539 translate chinese tentacle_2_2979edb7: # ">You begin fucking Hermione in earnest." "> 你开始认真地和赫敏做爱." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:540 translate chinese tentacle_2_a700bd9c: # her "*HMMMMMMm...!!!*" her "*哼唔唔唔...!!!*" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:541 translate chinese tentacle_2_b4eb07b1: # ">The sensation of fucking Hermione in two different holes is almost overwhelming." "> 在两个不同的洞里和赫敏做爱的感觉几乎是无与伦比的." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:542 translate chinese tentacle_2_0a25c262: # gen "I know you are loving every second of this..." gen "我知道你喜欢这样子..." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:543 translate chinese tentacle_2_2701d4e3: # gen "... Being fucked in front of your classmates." gen "...在你的同学面前挨操." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:544 translate chinese tentacle_2_60e06e55: # gen "Having your tits and pussy on display..." gen "展示你的乳头和阴部..." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:546 translate chinese tentacle_2_a0012be0: # ">You move a ridged tentacle towards her ass." "> 你把一只又粗又长的触手移向她的屁股." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:547 translate chinese tentacle_2_7301a887: # her "*mm eehh oorr mmmnooo*!" her "*嗯嗯呃呃噢噢噢噢唔哼唔唔唔*!" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:550 translate chinese tentacle_2_938355a5: # ">You enter her tight ass. The feeling of being in every hole at once is incredible." "> 你用那只触手插入她紧致的屁眼.同时插入一个女人身上的三个洞,这感觉简直难以置信." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:551 translate chinese tentacle_2_fc878d10: # her "*mmmmmmmm*" her "*嗯嗯嗯嗯嗯*" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:552 translate chinese tentacle_2_99ac79ce: # ">Hermione barely manages a groan, overwhelmed by the shear amount of pleasure she is currently bombarded with." "> 赫敏忍不住呻吟起来,她被源源不断地性奋所淹没." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:554 translate chinese tentacle_2_616bc4d2: # gen "Admit it! You're loving this aren't you." gen "承认吧!你喜欢这个,不是吗." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:555 translate chinese tentacle_2_de415f1f: # gen "Having your holes filled in front of your classmates like the whore you are." gen "像妓女一样,在同学面前被触手填满你的每一个洞." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:556 translate chinese tentacle_2_5c4aee68: # gen "Go on say it! Tell me what you are!" gen "继续说吧!告诉我你是什么!" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:557 translate chinese tentacle_2_42faaa5a: # her "*Hmmm aaaaa hhhhhhuuuttt*" her "*呣呣呣 啊啊啊啊 唔唔唔唔唔*" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:558 translate chinese tentacle_2_9ea68937: # gen "What was that, I couldn't quite make it out over the sound of you sucking dick." gen "什么?你吸我植物屌的声音太大了,我听不到你在说啥." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:559 translate chinese tentacle_2_52a35ad5: # her "*Hmmm aaaaa hhhhhhuuuttt*!" her "*呣呣呣 啊啊啊啊 唔唔唔唔唔*!" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:560 translate chinese tentacle_2_ccbe6a5b: # gen "One last time. Say it like you mean it." gen "我最后一次警告你.好好给我说话." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:562 translate chinese tentacle_2_89d88e51: # ">As she exhales, you quickly remove the tentacle from her mouth." "> 当她换气时,你迅速将触手从她嘴里拔了出来." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:563 translate chinese tentacle_2_e8f28dff: # her "{size=+5}I'm a slut!{/size}" her "{size=+5}我是个荡妇!{/size}" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:564 translate chinese tentacle_2_7f1b0131: # ">The realisation of what has just occurred hits her like a ton of bricks." "> 她意识到刚刚发生的事情,这对她打击很大." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:565 translate chinese tentacle_2_610ad01f: # her "I-I'm cumming... Professor--" her "我-我高潮了... 教授--" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:568 translate chinese tentacle_2_3613f22e: # ">You quickly reinsert the tentacle into her mouth, silencing her." "> 你将触手重新插回她嘴里,让她安静下来." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:569 translate chinese tentacle_2_f06860bb: # gen "Good girl. Time for your reward." gen "好女孩.是时候奖励你了." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:571 translate chinese tentacle_2_d29ed8fe: # ">You quicken the pace as she convulses beneath you." "> 当她阴道高潮时,你加快了全部触手抽插的速度." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:574 translate chinese tentacle_2_f70b3cde: # ">You explode inside of her from every tentacle-like heads, filling her up to the brim." "> 你所有的触手都开始爆射,把她每一个洞都灌到溢出." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:577 translate chinese tentacle_2_49f351c7: # mal "Told you she was a slut." mal "我告诉过你,她是个荡妇." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:579 translate chinese tentacle_2_fba61eb6: # fem "I guess you were right..." fem "我想你是对的..." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:584 translate chinese tentacle_2_f60242bf: # ">Professor Sprout quickly runs over." "> 斯普劳特教授很快跑了过去." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:585 translate chinese tentacle_2_df3b624d: # spo "Miss Granger are you okay? Miss Granger!" spo "格兰杰小姐,你还好吗?格兰杰小姐!" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:586 translate chinese tentacle_2_b4fcd099: # her "..................*Ah*" her "..................*啊*" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:587 translate chinese tentacle_2_32d96d18: # spo ".... She's breathing, thank be Merlin." spo "....她有呼吸,感谢梅林." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:588 translate chinese tentacle_2_a7a7e946: # spo "You! Yes, you girls! Take her to the hospital wing at once!" spo "你!对,你们全部过来!马上带她去医院!" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:589 translate chinese tentacle_2_1b1e565b: # fem "W-wha-- But..." fem "什-什么-- 但..." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:590 translate chinese tentacle_2_deb5ddb6: # spo "What are you waiting for!" spo "等啥呢赶紧的!" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:591 translate chinese tentacle_2_1dc86c30: # fem "{size=-4}Fine...{/size}" fem "{size=-4}好吧...{/size}" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:596 translate chinese tentacle_2_bc0465cb: # spo "Class dismissed!" spo "下课!" translate chinese strings: # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:17 old "\"Open Sesame!\"" new "\"芝麻开门!\"" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:17 old "\"Hocus Pocus!\"" new "\"古娜拉黑暗之神!\"" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:17 old "\"Abracadabra!\"" new "\"歪比歪比歪比巴卜!\"" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:71 old "-Continue-" new "-继续-" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:71 old "-Repeat the riddle-" new "-再看一遍-" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:102 old "\"Dear Hermione, ...\"" new "\"亲爱的赫敏,...\"" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:102 old "\"Dear [hermione_name], ...\"" new "\"亲爱的[hermione_name], ...\"" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:102 old "\"You, the bimbo, ...\"" new "\"你这个小婊子...\"" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:105 old "Dear Hermione,\n\n" new "亲爱的赫敏,\n\n" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:107 old "Dear [hermione_name],\n\n" new "亲爱的[hermione_name],\n\n" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:109 old "You, the bimbo,\n\n" new "你这个小婊子,\n\n" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:114 old "\"... I had very important business matter to attend to...\"" new "\"...我去处理重要的事情了...\"" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:114 old "\"... I went out to visit a brothel...\"" new "\"...我去妓院了...\"" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:114 old "\"... I have turned myself into a plant...\"" new "\"...我把自己变成了植物...\"" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:117 old "I had very important business matter to attend to," new "我去处理重要的事情了," # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:119 old "I went out to visit a brothel," new "我去妓院了," # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:121 old "I have turned myself into a plant," new "我把自己变成了植物," # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:127 old "\"... I ask you kindly...\"" new "\"...我恳请你...\"" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:127 old "\"... Just listen for once...\"" new "\"...一定要听...\"" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:130 old "I ask you kindly," new "我恳请你," # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:132 old "just listen for once and" new "一定按我说的去做" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:137 old "\"... take this plant with you to your class...\"" new "\"...带着这棵植物去上课...\"" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:137 old "\"... take this plant then shove it up your arse...\"" new "\"...把这棵植物塞进你的屁眼里,然后去上课...\"" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:137 old "\"... take me to class...\"" new "\"...带我去上课...\"" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:137 old "\"... shove me up your arse...\"" new "\"... 把我塞进你的屁眼里...\"" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:140 old "take this plant with you to your class.\n\n" new "带着这棵植物去上课.\n\n" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:142 old "take this plant then {b}{s}shove it up your{/s}{/b} bring it to class.\n\n" new "把这棵植物{b}{s}塞进你的屁眼里{/s}{/b},然后去上课.\n\n" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:151 old "take me to class.\n\n" new "带我去上课.\n\n" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:154 old "{b}{s}shove me up your{/s}{/b} take me to class.\n\n" new "{b}{s}把我塞进你的{/s}{/b} 带我去上课.\n\n" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:166 old "\"... Sincerely, Dombledure.\"" new "\"... 谨上, 邓布利多.\"" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:166 old "\"... Yours truly, [genie_name].\"" new "\"... 敬上, [genie_name].\"" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:169 old "Sincerely,\nDombledure." new "谨上,\n邓布利多." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:171 old "Yours truly,\n[genie_name]." new "敬上,\n[genie_name]." # TODO: Translation updated at 2023-07-05 18:23 # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:8 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_a48ce327: # gen "(*Hmm*... Let's see if we can get this writing to show...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(*哼*... 让我看看能不能把这个卷轴打开...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:32 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_after_spell_dab8b66a: # gen "Work, you stupid scroll, or I'll throw you in the fire!" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "你他妈最好赶紧给我打开,不然看我把你扔进火里!" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:39 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_after_spell_7e65eb0f: # gen "(Fuck, it's a riddle...{w=0.4} Guess I deserved that...)" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(妈的,又是个谜题...{w=0.4} 倒八辈子霉了...)" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:46 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_after_spell_bc10599d: # gen "Key... What k--" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "钥匙...什么钥--" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:60 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_after_spell_2e3b90c2: # gen "(Okay... So...{w=0.3} What was this scroll supposed to do again?)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(然后...好吧...{w=0.3} 这个卷轴还能做什么?)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:79 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_94247f4f: # gen "(The highest point... *Hmm*... I wonder where that could be.)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(至高之地... *哼* 我想我知道那可能在哪里.)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:82 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_4e7dba2c: # gen "(Ah, that's it... It's supposed to turn me into some sort of magical tentacle plant...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(啊,就是这样... 它应该能把我变成某种神奇的触手植物...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:92 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_8add86dc: # gen "(I better write her a note first, so she can carry me with her to class...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(我最好先给她写张便条,这样她就可以带我去上课了...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:178 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_b7d5e9f8: # gen "Yes...{w=0.5} That should do it... Now to call her up here and use that scroll..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "好了...{w=0.5} 应该可以了...现在先传唤她,然后再用那个卷轴..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:192 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_18ddadd7: # her "[name_genie_hermione], my class is about to--" ("open", "base", "worried", "L", trans=d3) her "[name_genie_hermione],我马上就得去上课--" ("open", "base", "worried", "L", trans=d3) # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:193 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_d68c6441: # her "[name_genie_hermione]?" ("open", "squint", "base", "L") her "[name_genie_hermione]?" ("open", "squint", "base", "L") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:200 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_c8d4d452: # her "[name_genie_hermione], I really don't have the time--" ("annoyed", "narrow", "angry", "stare") her "[name_genie_hermione],我真的没时间--" ("annoyed", "narrow", "angry", "stare") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:210 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_eee40c15: # gen "(Yes... She's seen me...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(好耶... 她看到我了...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:221 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_a972ab99: # gen "(Read the note already, would you...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(快看那张便条,好吗...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:227 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_9c827a8a: # gen "(Can't help herself but snoop in other peoples' business, can she...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(女人总是忍不住去看别人的东西,是吧...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:264 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_e16966f7: # her "Actually, professor, that was--" her "实际上,那是教授--" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:271 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_0cc028c4: # spo "Yes, Miss Granger. At least you're paying attention to what I was saying... Now, please sit down." spo "是的,格兰杰小姐.至少你在听我讲课...现在请坐下." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:281 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_a78d7971: # spo "What are you on about, Miss Granger? Devil's Snare don't have eyes." spo "你在说什么格兰杰小姐?魔鬼网没有眼睛." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:288 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_c93db1ae: # nar "All of a sudden, you explode outwards in a flash of thick green tentacles." nar "突然间,你向外爆发生长,长出一道道浓密的绿色触手." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:291 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_15eda7db: # nar "You quickly bind her wrists and waist..." nar "你迅速用触手绑住赫敏的手腕和腰部..." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:295 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_a04651e3: # nar "Then lift her into the air with your powerful appendages..." nar "然后用你有力的藤蔓把她抬到空中..." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:296 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_a1fa567f: # spo "Stay calm, Miss Granger! Devil's Snare will let you go if you don't move!" spo "保持冷静,格兰杰小姐,如果你保持不动的话,魔鬼网会放你走的!" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:297 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_2669d83f: # nar "Slinking your slimy tentacles under her top and skirt." nar "把你黏糊糊的触手伸进她的上衣和裙子下面." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:304 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_a79411c7: # nar "You rip her top off in a flurry of buttons and cotton..." nar "你粗暴的顺着扣子把她的上衣扯了下来..." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:307 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_21a09f65: # nar "Sliding your tentacles up her legs and slowly pulling them apart." nar "把你的触手向上挪到她的腿上,然后慢慢地把双腿分开." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:308 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_e8a4fa5a: # nar "Hermione struggles against you, but her efforts are in vain." nar "赫敏尝试与你抗争,但一切都是徒劳的." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:311 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_7f83e6b9: # nar "The tentacles slowly remove her panties, revealing her pussy to the entire class." nar "你用触手慢慢地移开她的内裤,向全班展示她的小穴." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:316 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_8167c989: # nar "You position a large, flowered tentacle above Hermione's head." nar "你把一个巨大的,带花的触手挪到了赫敏头上." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:319 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_fa8b1175: # nar "It suddenly opens to reveal a long slender appendage with an engorged base." nar "那个触手突然打开,露出一个细长的附肢,附肢底部充血." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:321 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_0564841b: # nar "While she is focused on the dangling limb above her, you move six of your smaller tentacles towards her waist." nar "当赫敏的注意力集中在她头上悬垂的那个物体时,你将六只较小的触手移向她的腰部." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:322 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_864548ea: # her "Oh god no, someone, please help me! Professor Sprout, do something!" her "哦,天哪,不,谁来帮帮我啊!斯普劳特教授快做点什么啊!" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:324 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_c4d6887a: # nar "Professor Sprout casts an impressive-looking spell at the mass of writhing tentacles." nar "斯普劳特教授对大量扭动的触手施展了一种令人印象深刻的魔法." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:328 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_274b4217: # nar "It strikes the plant forcefully but does nothing." nar "咒语猛烈地撞击植物,但什么也没有发生." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:330 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_bcf13853: # nar "You move three tentacles to Hermione's vagina and start teasing the opening." nar "你把三只触手移到赫敏的小穴,开始玩弄她的阴蒂." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:334 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_d1ffad9b: # nar "You move two smaller tentacles to her asshole and start teasing the entrance, slowly prying it open." nar "你把两只较小的触手移到她的屁股上,开始戏弄菊花,让它慢慢扩张." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:336 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_6ecce3c7: # spo "Just stay as still as possible, and it should eventually let you go..." spo "尽量保持静止不动,它会放你离开的..." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:337 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_148d1ea3: # nar "You move a tentacle with a mouth on the end of it to her right breast and latch onto it." nar "你把一条有嘴的触手移到她的右乳,然后狠狠吸住乳头." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:339 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_cf677427: # nar "The three tentacles at the entrance of her vagina suddenly thrust into her." nar "赫敏小穴入口处的三只触手突然冲进了她的阴道." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:350 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_b4e3beaf: # nar "After everyone leaves the room, your body starts to turn back to normal..." nar "每个人离开房间后,你的身体开始恢复正常..." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:352 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_7f0b2928: # nar "You notice that something is amiss..." nar "你注意到有点不对劲..." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:360 translate chinese tentacle_scene_intro_riddle_259abf23: # nar "You dash through the castle in a flash and get back to your office where, fortunately, you find some spare clothes lying about." nar "你飞快地穿过学院,回到办公室,幸运的是你发现书桌附近有备用衣服." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:380 translate chinese tentacle_1_1a2de980: # nar "You slowly begin to move the tentacles in her vagina." nar "她阴道里的触手开始慢慢地抽插." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:383 translate chinese tentacle_1_38ebfb55: # nar "You move a small, mouthed tentacle to her ear so that only she can hear you." nar "你把一个带嘴的小触手移到她耳旁,只有她才能听到你的声音." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:389 translate chinese tentacle_1_a17607b0: # nar "You start rotating the tentacles in her vagina." nar "赫敏阴道里的触手开始慢慢转动." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:393 translate chinese tentacle_1_ac2d5a62: # spo "If you keep thrashing about so much it won't let you go, stay still, girl!" spo "如果你一直在挣扎,它是不会让你走,女孩,别动!" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:395 translate chinese tentacle_1_8d8bd9fd: # gen "Are you sure you're trying enough? Judging by how much you're moving, I'd say that's quite the opposite." gen "你确定你努力够了吗?从现在的状况来看,我认为情况恰恰相反." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:402 translate chinese tentacle_1_1a2cbd2b: # nar "You push deeply into her with the three tentacles." nar "你把三根触手插得更深了." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:406 translate chinese tentacle_1_7719c203: # nar "You give her another powerful thrust." nar "你给了她一次猛烈的撞击." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:410 translate chinese tentacle_1_fa3efef3: # nar "You increase the speed of the tentacles." nar "你加快了触手抽插的速度." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:413 translate chinese tentacle_1_a5ed2844: # gen "I don't think you will. In fact, I know that you won't." gen "我想你不会的.事实上我知道你不会的." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:417 translate chinese tentacle_1_52710891: # nar "You stop moving the tentacles." nar "你命令触手停下来." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:419 translate chinese tentacle_1_fa4c7c3d: # her "W-w-what? No, please, just don't stop." her "什-什-什么?不,别停下来." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:421 translate chinese tentacle_1_c8909630: # gen "Tell them what you are, and I'll keep going." gen "告诉他们你是什么,我会继续动的." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:426 translate chinese tentacle_1_6079e35c: # nar "You start rotating the tentacles in her vagina ever so slowly." nar "你开始慢慢地转动她阴道里的触手." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:430 translate chinese tentacle_1_424037b5: # nar "You begin fiercely fucking her vagina." nar "你开始猛烈地操她的小穴." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:435 translate chinese tentacle_1_ccdcd234: # nar "You thrust a ribbed tentacle deeply into her asshole in one motion." nar "你把一根又粗又长的的触手深深地插进了她的屁眼." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:439 translate chinese tentacle_1_0c96b68e: # nar "You take alternating turns pumping into her ass and pussy." nar "你轮流抽她的屁眼和小穴." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:443 translate chinese tentacle_1_881a80be: # nar "You feel her body shudder as the orgasm rocks her." nar "当她高潮时,你感觉到她的身体在颤抖." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:444 translate chinese tentacle_1_6aa07554: # nar "This only spurs you on to fuck her harder." nar "这只会刺激你更用力地操她." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:446 translate chinese tentacle_1_46e5de5e: # nar "You start to feel a strange energy flowing through the vines, moving towards the tips." nar "你感觉到一股奇怪的能量流过触手,流向顶部." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:452 translate chinese tentacle_1_a91fb49c: # nar "With one final surge you release the pent-up energy in a surge of white sap all over her." nar "随着她的一次喘息,你释放了被压抑的能量,白色的汁液涌遍了她全身." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:456 translate chinese tentacle_1_5270ab3b: # nar "The sensations proved too much for Hermione, and she faints, going limp in your tentacles." nar "赫敏受到了过度刺激,她无力的抽搐着晕倒在你的触手上." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:464 translate chinese tentacle_1_0f9d2ff2: # nar "You place Hermione back onto the desk as the plant that you are occupying slowly wilts and dies." nar "你把赫敏放回桌子上,因为你附身的植物慢慢枯萎和死亡." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:465 translate chinese tentacle_1_4a9206fb: # nar "Professor Sprout quickly runs over." nar "斯普劳特教授快速跑了过去." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:466 translate chinese tentacle_1_329aed66: # spo "Miss Granger, are you okay?" spo "格兰杰小姐,你还好吗?" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:476 translate chinese tentacle_1_7a8d1ee9: # nar "*Squeeze* *Squeeze*" nar "*挤* *挤*" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:490 translate chinese tentacle_1_8bc3429a: # nar "You hear the boys snickering to each other whilst they carry Hermione out in some unknown direction..." nar "你听到了男孩们奸笑着把赫敏带去了别的地方..." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:508 translate chinese tentacle_2_6942e37f: # nar "You start pumping the tentacles in her vagina slowly..." nar "你开始慢慢地把触手伸进她的阴道..." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:510 translate chinese tentacle_2_00eaccc2: # nar "You move a small tentacle with a mouth on the end to her ear so that only she can hear you." nar "你把一个带嘴的小触手移到她耳旁,只有她才能听到你的声音." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:511 translate chinese tentacle_2_0307c332: # gen "Enjoying yourself, [name_hermione_genie]?" gen "你有享受其中么, [name_hermione_genie]?" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:518 translate chinese tentacle_2_d84ccbea: # nar "You quickly force another flowered tentacle into her mouth." nar "你把另一只触手屌伸进她的嘴里." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:519 translate chinese tentacle_2_df2868fb: # gen "Now, now [name_hermione_genie], you don't want anyone to find out how much you are enjoying yourself now, do you?" gen "啧啧,[hermione_name], 你不想让别人发现你现在有多享受,是吗?" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:525 translate chinese tentacle_2_f8adf7f0: # nar "You start to rotate the tentacles in her vagina." nar "赫敏阴道里的触手开始慢慢转动." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:528 translate chinese tentacle_2_0e3209e7: # fem "Hermione? No way, she's too stuck-up to let boys kiss her, not to mention enjoying sex. {size=-6}With a plant but still...{/size}" fem "赫敏?不可能,她太高傲了,不让男孩子们吻她,更不用说享受性爱了. {size=-6}有一株植物做到了,但...{/size}" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:531 translate chinese tentacle_2_e0748215: # nar "You increase the speed of the tentacles in her vagina." nar "你加快了触手抽插的速度." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:532 translate chinese tentacle_2_4e5b1c28: # gen "Hear that, [name_hermione_genie]? Your classmates are starting to realise how much you like getting your pussy stuffed." gen "听到了吗, [hermione_name]? 你的同学们开始意识到你有多喜欢阴道被塞满的感觉." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:535 translate chinese tentacle_2_f44d79ba: # gen "You got it, [name_hermione_genie]!" gen "没错喽, [name_hermione_genie]!" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:538 translate chinese tentacle_2_f3546143: # nar "You begin fucking Hermione in earnest." nar "你开始认真地和赫敏做爱." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:539 translate chinese tentacle_2_dc91eb98: # her "*Hmmmmm...!!!*" her "*嗯...!!!*" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:540 translate chinese tentacle_2_2ffd9ef4: # nar "The sensation of fucking Hermione in two different holes is almost overwhelming." nar "在两个不同的洞里和赫敏做爱的感觉几乎是无与伦比的." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:545 translate chinese tentacle_2_cae4ea21: # nar "You move a ridged tentacle towards her ass." nar "你把一只又粗又长的触手移向她的屁股." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:546 translate chinese tentacle_2_16a0e694: # her "*Mm eehh oorr mmmnooo*!" her "*嗯嗯呃呃噢噢噢噢唔哼唔唔唔*!" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:549 translate chinese tentacle_2_7ad7b405: # nar "You enter her tight ass. The feeling of being in every hole at once is incredible." nar "你用那只触手插入她紧致的屁眼.同时插入一个女人身上的三个洞,这感觉简直难以置信." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:550 translate chinese tentacle_2_f68b7a3f: # her "*Mmmmmmmmh*" her "*嗯啊啊啊啊啊*" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:551 translate chinese tentacle_2_b0311ae2: # nar "Hermione barely manages a groan, overwhelmed by the sheer amount of pleasure she is currently bombarded with." nar "赫敏忍不住呻吟起来,她被源源不断地性奋所淹没." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:553 translate chinese tentacle_2_46c93b73: # gen "Admit it! You're loving this, aren't you?" gen "承认吧!你喜欢这个,不是吗?" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:555 translate chinese tentacle_2_a1e7695a: # gen "Go on, say it! Tell me what you are!" gen "继续说吧!告诉我你是什么!" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:561 translate chinese tentacle_2_6a0c39bf: # nar "As she exhales, you quickly remove the tentacle from her mouth." nar "当她换气时,你迅速将触手从她嘴里拔了出来." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:563 translate chinese tentacle_2_d9d97e72: # nar "The realisation of what has just occurred hits her like a ton of bricks." nar "她意识到刚刚发生的事情,这对她打击很大." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:567 translate chinese tentacle_2_4fcc02b7: # nar "You quickly reinsert the tentacle into her mouth, silencing her." nar "你将触手重新插回她嘴里,让她安静下来." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:570 translate chinese tentacle_2_dd69fc1c: # nar "You quicken the pace as she convulses beneath you." nar "当她阴道高潮时,你加快了全部触手抽插的速度." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:573 translate chinese tentacle_2_f3ebe5aa: # nar "You explode inside of her from every tentacle-like head, filling her up to the brim." nar "你所有的触手都开始爆射,把她每一个洞都灌到溢出." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:585 translate chinese tentacle_2_4a9206fb: # nar "Professor Sprout quickly runs over." nar "斯普劳特教授快速跑了过去." # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:586 translate chinese tentacle_2_151491f3: # spo "Miss Granger, are you okay? Miss Granger!" spo "格兰杰小姐,你还好吗?格兰杰小姐!" translate chinese strings: # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:102 old "\"Dear [name_hermione_genie], ...\"" new "\"亲爱的[name_hermione_genie], ...\"" # game/scripts/characters/hermione/events/tentacles.rpy:166 old "\"... Yours truly, [name_genie_hermione].\"" new "\"... 敬上, [name_genie_hermione].\""