# game/scripts/characters/snape/summon.rpy:14 translate chinese summon_snape_7df43428: # sna "Yes, what is it?" ("snape_01", xpos="base", ypos="base", trans=d3) sna "嗯哼, 怎么了?" ("snape_01", xpos="base", ypos="base", trans=d3) # game/scripts/characters/snape/summon.rpy:29 translate chinese snape_ready_talk_dbe47c41: # sna "I'm still on the lookout, Genie." ("snape_01") sna "我还在监视,精灵." ("snape_01") # game/scripts/characters/snape/summon.rpy:30 translate chinese snape_ready_talk_f6fefed8: # sna "If I find the little maggot that casts those spells..." ("snape_10") sna "如果我找到那个施法的小蛆虫..." ("snape_10") # game/scripts/characters/snape/summon.rpy:40 translate chinese snape_ready_talk_b32ae80d: # gen "I wanted to talk to you about the upcoming Quidditch game." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "我想和你谈谈即将到来的魁地奇比赛." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/snape/summon.rpy:41 translate chinese snape_ready_talk_44164128: # sna "I don't really have time right now..." ("snape_05") sna "我现在真的没有时间..." ("snape_05") # game/scripts/characters/snape/summon.rpy:43 translate chinese snape_ready_talk_67268eec: # gen "I got drinks." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "我这儿有酒." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/snape/summon.rpy:45 translate chinese snape_ready_talk_a9bee580: # gen "I'll get us drinks." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "我去拿拿酒." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/snape/summon.rpy:46 translate chinese snape_ready_talk_3a7f89ce: # sna "Tempting, but it'll have to be in the evening... work and all that." ("snape_06") sna "很诱人,但必须在晚上...工作至上." ("snape_06") # game/scripts/characters/snape/summon.rpy:47 translate chinese snape_ready_talk_c120a9a2: # gen "Fine." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "好的." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/snape/summon.rpy:50 translate chinese snape_ready_talk_67dd1b87: # gen "So about that upcoming Quidditch game..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "关于即将到来的魁地奇比赛..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/snape/summon.rpy:53 translate chinese snape_ready_talk_5292c025: # sna "Whatever it is, it can wait, let's sit down first, shall we." ("snape_01") sna "不管是什么,都可以等等,让我们先坐下,好吗." ("snape_01") # game/scripts/characters/snape/summon.rpy:61 translate chinese snape_ready_talk_f49795dd: # sna "I hope you have some wine at least?" ("snape_01") sna "我希望你至少有一些葡萄酒?" ("snape_01") # game/scripts/characters/snape/summon.rpy:62 translate chinese snape_ready_talk_6c04f31b: # gen "I hoped you'd bring your own for once." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "我希望你能带一次自己的." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/snape/summon.rpy:63 translate chinese snape_ready_talk_d573cc29: # sna "I see.." ("snape_04") sna "我懂了.." ("snape_04") # game/scripts/characters/snape/summon.rpy:64 translate chinese snape_ready_talk_19405801: # sna "I guess you don't need my help after all." ("snape_31") sna "我想你根本不需要我的帮助." ("snape_31") # game/scripts/characters/snape/summon.rpy:65 translate chinese snape_ready_talk_277a5d67: # gen "(Bloody alcoholic..)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(十足的酒鬼..)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/snape/summon.rpy:86 translate chinese snape_ready_talk_e6d6353a: # gen "(I'm not sharing my booze with Snape while he still has to teach classes...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(我不会在斯内普还得上课的时候和他分享我的酒...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/snape/summon.rpy:87 translate chinese snape_ready_talk_8767152b: # gen "(I better ask him during the evening to get drunk...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(我最好让他晚上再喝醉...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/snape/summon.rpy:89 translate chinese snape_ready_talk_f34cd406: # gen "(I don't have any more wine...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(我没有酒了...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/snape/summon.rpy:101 translate chinese snape_ready_talk_afaedde5: # sna "Alright, back to work then..." sna "好吧, 该回去工作了..." # game/scripts/characters/snape/summon.rpy:103 translate chinese snape_ready_talk_a6f3e2b8: # sna "Goodnight then." sna "晚安了." translate chinese strings: # game/scripts/characters/snape/summon.rpy:19 old "-Let's hang-" new "-小聚一会儿-" # game/scripts/characters/snape/summon.rpy:25 old "-Ask him to help Tonks-" new "-请他帮助唐克斯-" # game/scripts/characters/snape/summon.rpy:25 old "-Try solving the Quidditch Quarrel-" new "-试着解决魁地奇的争吵-" # TODO: Translation updated at 2023-07-05 18:23 # game/scripts/characters/snape/summon.rpy:54 translate chinese snape_ready_talk_d85481f6: # gen "Want to do the honours?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "来一瓶吗?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/snape/summon.rpy:55 translate chinese snape_ready_talk_a4f43ba5: # sna "With pleasure!" ("snape_02", ypos="head") sna "成!" ("snape_02", ypos="head") # game/scripts/characters/snape/summon.rpy:66 translate chinese snape_ready_talk_2ce2184d: # sna "I see..." ("snape_04") sna "我懂了..." ("snape_04") # game/scripts/characters/snape/summon.rpy:68 translate chinese snape_ready_talk_e1258ff8: # gen "(Bloody alcoholic...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(十足的酒鬼..)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")