translate chinese strings: # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:35 old "General" new "常规" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:39 old "Visuals" new "显示" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:43 old "Sound" new "声音" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:47 old "Accessibility" new "易用性" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:58 old "Interface" new "界面" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:59 old "Animations" new "启用动画" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:63 old "Tooltips" new "工具提示" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:64 old "System Cursor" new "使用系统光标" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:65 old "Automatic Updates" new "自动更新" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:72 old "Theme" new "主题" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:73 old "Auto" new "自动" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:78 old "Day" new "白昼" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:83 old "Night" new "黑夜" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:91 old "Skip Unseen Text" new "跳过未读文本" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:92 old "Until dialog menu" new "跳过已读文本" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:101 old "Text Speed" new "文本速度" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:104 old "Auto-Forward Time" new "自动前进时间" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:118 old "Language" new "语言" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:134 old "Display" new "显示" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:135 old "Fullscreen" new "全屏幕" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:136 old "Windowed" new "窗口化" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:137 old "V-Sync" new "垂直同步" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:151 old "Framerate" new "帧率" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:166 old "OpenGL" new "OpenGL" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:169 old "DirectX" new "DirectX" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:177 old "Advanced" new "高级" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:179 old "Transitions" new "过渡特效" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:180 old "Videos" new "影像" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:181 old "Power-saving" new "节能模式" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:196 old "Music Volume" new "背景音乐" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:201 old "Sound Volume" new "环境音效" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:205 old "Test" new "Test" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:207 old "Weather Volume" new "天气音效" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:214 old "Voice Volume" new "语音音量" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:223 old "Mute All" new "全部静音" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:227 old "Mute when minimized" new "最小化时静音" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:243 old "Text Font" new "Text Font" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:256 old "Text Scaling" new "文本大小" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:261 old "V. small" new "最小" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:262 old "Small" new "小" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:263 old "Normal" new "普通" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:264 old "Large" new "大" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:265 old "V. Large" new "最大" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:267 old "Vertical Text Spacing" new "垂直文本间距" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:290 old "Text-to-speech Accentuation" new "T文本转语音" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:297 old "Delete persistent data ({color=#f00}!{/color})" new "删除保存数据 ({color=#f00}!{/color})" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:301 old "Delete save files ({color=#f00}!{/color})" new "删除保存存档 ({color=#f00}!{/color})" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:306 old "Android Crash Defender" new "安卓防崩溃系统" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:311 old "Aggressive" new "强力" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:312 old "Balanced" new "平衡" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:313 old "Relaxed" new "稍弱" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:316 old "{color=#7a0000}Warning!{/color}\n{size=-4}You are about to reset all persistent data, including\nachievements, seen text, and preferences.{/size}\n\nAre you sure?" new "{color=#7a0000}警告!{/color}\n{size=-4}您将删除所有保存数据,包括成就,看到的文本和设置偏好.{/size}\n\n你确定吗?" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:321 old "{color=#7a0000}Warning!{/color}\n{size=-4}You are about to delete all save files, including\nauto saves, quick saves, and manual saves.{/size}\n\nAre you sure?" new "{color=#7a0000}警告!{/color}\n{size=-4}您将删除所有保存的文件,包括自动保存,快速保存和手动保存.{/size}\n\n你确定吗?" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:454 old "Text-to-speech would say \"[renpy.display.tts.last]\". Press 'alt+shift+V' to disable." new "文本到语音会显示 \"[renpy.display.tts.last]\". 按 'alt+shift+V'可禁用." # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:456 old "Text-to-speech enabled. Press 'shift+v' to disable." new "已启用文本语音.按 'shift+v'可禁用." # TODO: Translation updated at 2023-07-05 18:23 translate chinese strings: # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:175 old "Image cache ([persistent.custom_settings[image_cache_size]]MB)" new "图像缓存 ([persistent.custom_settings[image_cache_size]]MB)"# TODO: Translation updated at 2023-12-16 17:13 translate chinese strings: # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:70 old "Language\\语言" new "Language\\语言" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:71 old "English" new "English" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:72 old "中文" new "中文" # TODO: Translation updated at 2023-12-17 02:09 translate chinese strings: # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:66 old "Autosave" new "自动保存" # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:170 old "multithreading" new "多工运行" # TODO: Translation updated at 2024-03-30 17:56 translate chinese strings: # game/scripts/gui/preferences.rpy:181 old "Image cache ([persistent.custom_settings['image_cache_size']]MB)" new "图像缓存 ([persistent.custom_settings['image_cache_size']]MB)"