init python: class DollOutfit(DollMethods): default_schedule = {"day": False, "night": False, "cloudy": False, "rainy": False, "snowy": False} _loading = Fixed(Text("Loading", align=(0.5, 0.5)), xysize=(96, 168)) __slots__ = ("group", "name", "desc", "price", "char", "unlocked", "schedule", "temp", "hidden", "addons", "_hash", "_button") def __init__(self, group, unlocked=False, name="", desc="", price=0, temp=False, schedule={}, hidden=False, addons=[]): = [x.clone() if not x.parent else x for x in group] = name self.desc = desc self.price = price self.char =[0].char self.unlocked = unlocked self.schedule = dict(list(self.default_schedule.items()) + list(schedule.items())) self.temp = temp self.hidden = hidden self.addons = addons self._hash = self.generate_hash() self._button = DefaultQueue() if not self.temp: if unlocked: self.unlock() if not self.hidden and not self in self.char.outfits: self.char.outfits.append(self) def __hash__(self): return self._hash def __eq__(self, obj): if not isinstance(obj, DollOutfit): return NotImplemented return self._hash == obj._hash def generate_hash(self): salt = str( [x._hash for x in] ) + str(self.schedule) return hash(salt) def delete(self): if self in self.char.outfits: self.char.outfits.remove(self) @functools.cache def build_image(self, hash): from itertools import chain matrix = SaturationMatrix(0.0) sprites = list(chain.from_iterable( (self.char.body.build_image(self.char.body._hash, matrix=matrix), *(x.build_image(x._hash, matrix=matrix) for x in )) masks = [sprites.pop(sprites.index(x)) for x in sprites if x[0] == "mask"] sprites.sort(key=itemgetter(2)) masks.sort(key=itemgetter(2)) back_sprites = [x[1] for x in sprites if x[2] < 0] #Apply alpha mask for m in masks: _, mask, mask_zorder = m for i, s in enumerate(sprites): _, sprite, sprite_zorder = s if i < 1 or mask_zorder > sprite_zorder: continue masked = AlphaMask(Fixed(*(x[1] for x in sprites[:i]), fit_first=True), mask) sprites = sprites[i:] sprites.insert(0, (None, masked, mask_zorder)) break sprites = back_sprites + [x[1] for x in sprites] return Fixed(*sprites, fit_first=True) @property def image(self): return self.build_image(self._hash) @functools.cache def build_icon(self, hash): sprite = self.build_image(self._hash) return Transform(sprite, crop=(220, 0, 680, 1200), size=(96, 168), fit="contain", align=(0.5, 1.0), yoffset=-6) @property def icon(self): return self.build_icon(self._hash) def _build_button(self, _hash, subcat): global wardrobe_outfit_schedule style = "wardrobe_button" # is_equipped = self.char.is_equipped_item(self) is_modded = self.is_modded() is_inadequate = subcat in ("save", "load", "schedule") and not wardrobe_check_equip_outfit(self) has_schedule = any(self.schedule.values()) child = Frame(gui.format("interface/frames/{}/iconframe.webp"), 6, 6) warnings = [] hbox = [] vbox = [] overlay = [] if is_modded: warnings.append("Outfit contains items from these mods:\n{size=-4}{color=#35aae2}"+ "\n".join(self.get_modname()) + "{/color}{/size}") hbox.append(Text("M", color="#00b200", style="wardrobe_button_text")) action = None alternate = None unhovered = None foreground = None hover_foreground = "#ffffff80" selected_foreground = None if is_inadequate: foreground = "#b2000040" hover_foreground = "#CD5C5C40" selected_foreground = "#CD5C5C40" ## MOVE ACTIONS OUT OF THE FUNCTION, THEY FUCK THINGS UP. ## One can manipulate the button actions using Button.action if subcat == "delete": action = Return(["deloutfit", self]) elif subcat == "load": action = Return(["equip", self]) elif subcat == "save": action = Return(["addoutfit", self]) # elif subcat == "import": # Imports are taken care of outside the class. # action = Return(["import", self]) elif subcat == "export": action = Return(["export", self]) elif subcat == "schedule": if not has_schedule and not is_inadequate: action = Return(["schedule", self]) alternate = Return(["schedule", self]) foreground = "#00000040" hover_foreground = "#80808040" selected_foreground = "#80808040" elif has_schedule: action = Return(["schedule", self]) alternate = Return(["schedule", self]) # elif is_inadequate: # foreground = "#b2000040" # hover_foreground = "#CD5C5C40" # selected_foreground = "#CD5C5C40" if has_schedule: for i in wardrobe_outfit_schedule: if self.schedule[i]: vbox.append(Transform(f"interface/wardrobe/icons/outfits/{i}.webp", size=(16, 16), offset=(6, 6))) # if is_equipped: # hbox.append(Transform("interface/topbar/icon_check.webp", align=(1.0, 1.0), offset=(-6, -6), size=(24, 24))) if vbox: hbox.append(VBox(*vbox)) if hbox: child = Fixed(child, HBox(*hbox), fit_first=True) return Button(child=child, focus_mask=None, xysize=(96, 168), background=self.icon, action=action, alternate=alternate, tooltip=("\n".join(warnings)), foreground=foreground, hover_foreground=hover_foreground, selected_foreground=selected_foreground, unhovered=unhovered, style=style) @functools.cache def build_button(self, subcat): def _func(self, hash, subcat): result = self._build_button(self._hash, subcat) self._button.put(result) thread = DollThread(target=_func, args=(self, self._hash, subcat)) thread.start() @property def button(self): if settings.get("multithreading"): return self._button.get_with_default(self._loading) else: global current_subcategory return self._build_button(self._hash, current_subcategory) def clear_button_cache(self): self.build_button.cache_clear() def exists(self): return (self in self.char.outfits) def export_data(self, filename, tofile=True): """Exports outfit to .png file or clipboard text.""" exported = [[0].name] for i in if i.color: color = [j.hexcode for j in i.color] exported.append([, color]) # Encode data if tofile: path = os.path.join(config.gamedir, "outfits") if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) path = os.path.join(path, "_temp.png") d = Transform(self.image, crop=(210, 200, 700, 1000), anchor=(0.5, 1.0), align=(0.5, 1.0), xsize=310, ysize=470, fit="contain") d = Fixed( "interface/wardrobe/export_background.webp", d, "interface/wardrobe/export_frame.webp", Text(states.active_girl, align=(0.5, 0.995)), Text(f"Ver. {config.version}", size=10, align=(0.99, 0.99)) ) displayable_to_file(d, path, size=(310, 470) ) ImagePayload().inject("_temp.png", filename, str(exported)) os.remove(path) else: set_clipboard(exported) renpy.notify("Export successful!") def unlock(self): """Unlocks outfit and respective clothing objects from which they were cloned.""" self.unlocked = True for i in i.unlock() for i in self.addons: i.unlock() def save(self): """Overwrites this outfit with clothes currently equipped by the character.""" = [x[0].clone() for x in self.char.states.values() if x[0]] return def is_modded(self): """Returns True if one of the group items comes from a mod.""" for i in if i.is_modded(): return True return False def get_modname(self): """Returns a list of mods contained within the outfit group.""" return list(set([i.get_modname() for i in if i.is_modded()])) def get_schedule(self): """Returns a dictionary with the current schedule.""" return self.schedule def set_schedule(self, **kwargs): for k, v in kwargs.items(): self.schedule[k] = v def has_type(self, *args): """Takes argument(s) containing string cloth type(s). Returns True if worn, False otherwise.""" types = set(x.type for x in for arg in args: if arg in self.multislots: if not any(x.startswith(arg) for x in types): return False else: if not arg in types: return False return True def has_any_type(self, *args): """Takes arguments containing string cloth types. Returns True if ANY of them is worn, False otherwise.""" if "clothes" in args: for k in self.char.states.keys(): if not k.startswith(self.blacklist_toggles): if self.has_type(k): return True else: for arg in args: if self.has_type(arg): return True return False