rpy python 3 init python in cli: import os import collections import itertools from renpy.translation import quote_unicode from renpy.parser import elide_filename tl_file_cache = {} def open_tl_file(fn, mode): if fn in tl_file_cache: f = tl_file_cache[fn] if f.mode == mode: return f # elif not f.closed: # # PY 2 only # f.close() if not os.path.exists(fn): dn = os.path.dirname(fn) try: os.makedirs(dn) except Exception: pass f = open(fn, mode, encoding="utf-8") f.write(u"\ufeff") else: f = open(fn, mode, encoding="utf-8") tl_file_cache[fn] = f return f def scan_strings(strings, min_priority=0, max_priority=299, common_only=False): strings.sort(key=lambda s : s.sort_key) rv = [ ] seen = set() for s in strings: if s.priority < min_priority: continue if s.priority > max_priority: continue if common_only and not s.common: continue if s.text in seen: continue seen.add(s.text) rv.append(s) return rv def write_strings(language, strings): stl = renpy.game.script.translator.strings[language] stringfiles = collections.defaultdict(list) seen = set() nstrings = len(strings)-1 for i, s in enumerate(strings): n = round(float(i)/(nstrings)*100) print("\rGenerating strings for {} ... Total progress:{} % ... Stage 2/2".format(language, n), end="") tlfn = renpy.translation.generation.translation_filename(s) if tlfn is None: continue if s.text in seen: continue seen.add(s.text) if language == "None" and tlfn == "common.rpy": tlfn = "common.rpym" stringfiles[tlfn].append(s) for tlfn, sl in list(stringfiles.items()): tlfn = os.path.join(renpy.config.gamedir, renpy.config.tl_directory, language, tlfn) f = open_tl_file(tlfn, mode="w") f.write(u"translate {} strings:\n".format(language)) f.write(u"\n") for s in sl: original = s.text translation = stl.translate(s.text) # Keeps translated strings f.write(u" # {}:{}\n".format(elide_filename(s.filename), s.line)) f.write(u" old \"{}\"\n".format(quote_unicode(original))) f.write(u" new \"{}\"\n".format(quote_unicode(translation))) f.write(u"\n") def retranslate(): translator = renpy.game.script.translator generation = renpy.translation.generation scanstrings = renpy.translation.scanstrings parser = renpy.arguments.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--rebuild", action="store_true", help="Rebuilds the translation pointers and adds missing entries.") parser.add_argument("--empty", action="store_true", help="When combined with rebuild parameter, it will insert an empty string into added entires. Does nothing on its own.") parser.add_argument("--clean", action="store_true", help="Removes translation files that are no longer present within the game files.") parser.add_argument("--dry", action="store_true", help="Simulates the removal of translation files that are no longer present within the game files.") parser.add_argument("--include-mods", action="store_true", help="Include mod files when generating translations.") args = parser.parse_args() scripts = generation.translate_list_files() if not args.include_mods: mods_dir = os.path.join(renpy.config.gamedir, "mods") scripts = [f for f in scripts if not f.startswith(mods_dir)] strings = [] nscripts = len(scripts)-1 for i, filepath in enumerate(scripts): n = round(float(i)/(nscripts)*100) for language in translator.languages: print("\rGenerating dialogues for {} ... Total progress:{} % ... Stage 1/2".format(language, n), end="") for _, trans in translator.file_translates[filepath]: trans_new = translator.language_translates.get((trans.identifier, language)) filter = generation.null_filter if trans_new is None: if not args.rebuild: continue trans_new = trans if args.empty: filter = generation.empty_filter if hasattr(trans, "alternate") and (trans.alternate, language) in translator.language_translates: continue fp = os.path.relpath(filepath, renpy.config.gamedir) fp = os.path.join(renpy.config.gamedir, renpy.config.tl_directory, language, fp) f = open_tl_file(fp, mode="w") f.write(u"# {}:{}\n".format(trans.filename, trans.linenumber)) f.write(u"translate {} {}:\n".format(language, trans.identifier.replace(".", "_"))) f.write(u"\n") for n in trans.block: f.write(u" # " + n.get_code() + "\n") for n in trans_new.block: f.write(u" " + n.get_code(filter) + "\n") f.write(u"\n") strings.extend(scanstrings.scan_strings(filepath)) strings = scan_strings(strings) for language in translator.languages: write_strings(language, strings) if args.clean: translations = [f for f in renpy.list_files() if f.startswith(renpy.config.tl_directory) and f.endswith((".rpy", ".rpym"))] for filepath in translations: fn = os.path.basename(filepath) fp = os.path.relpath(filepath, os.path.join(renpy.config.tl_directory, language)) fp = os.path.join(renpy.config.gamedir, fp) if fp not in scripts: if fn == "common.rpy": continue if filepath in tl_file_cache: f = tl_file_cache.pop(tl_file_cache) f.close() if args.dry: print("Removal required: {}".format(filepath)) else: os.unlink(filepath) os.unlink(filepath + "c") for f in list(tl_file_cache.values()): f.close() tl_file_cache.clear() return False renpy.arguments.register_command("retranslate", retranslate)