# game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:6 translate chinese give_cho_gift_545dbb3b: # cho "" (xpos="mid", ypos="base", trans=d5) cho "" (xpos="mid", ypos="base", trans=d5) # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:12 translate chinese give_cho_gift_63cd109b: # cho "Sweets?" (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "糖果?" (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:13 translate chinese give_cho_gift_38a6bb74: # cho "My team captain hasn't let me buy any to keep my blood sugar balanced, whatever that means." (mouth="soft", face="annoyed") cho "我们队长不让我们买零食维持血糖平衡,什么都不行。" (mouth="soft", face="annoyed") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:15 translate chinese give_cho_gift_d3a6c4cc: # cho "But thanks, [cho_genie_name]." (face="neutral") cho "谢谢,[cho_genie_name]。" (face="neutral") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:18 translate chinese give_cho_gift_63cd109b_1: # cho "Sweets?" (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "糖果?" (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:20 translate chinese give_cho_gift_175b6c5d: # cho "Thank you, [cho_genie_name] I do think I deserve one at least after winning our first match." ("smile", "base", "base", "L") cho "谢谢你,[cho_genie_name] 我认为在每场比赛胜利之后这是应得的奖励。" ("smile", "base", "base", "L") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:23 translate chinese give_cho_gift_63cd109b_2: # cho "Sweets?" (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "糖果?" (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:24 translate chinese give_cho_gift_1e90145b: # cho "But we're up against Gryffindor soon, I don't want to get addicted to sugar..." (mouth="soft", face="annoyed") cho "很快我们就要和格兰芬多交手了,我不想沉迷碳水化合物..." (mouth="soft", face="annoyed") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:26 translate chinese give_cho_gift_17dc76b5: # cho "Thank you, [cho_genie_name]." ("smile", "base", "base", "L") cho "谢谢,[cho_genie_name]。" ("smile", "base", "base", "L") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:29 translate chinese give_cho_gift_63cd109b_3: # cho "Sweets?" (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "糖果?" (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:31 translate chinese give_cho_gift_2178af74: # cho "I'll keep it for later, I like licking it in front of my teammates to tease them a bit." ("open", "base", "raised", "mid") cho "我会留着的,我喜欢在队友面慢慢舔,挑逗他们。" ("open", "base", "raised", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:32 translate chinese give_cho_gift_583b159c: # cho "*Mmmh*, but in the future... I'm more of a savoury kind of girl when it comes to sucking on things..." ("horny", "wink", "base", "mid") cho "*嗯*,但以后...我想吸些更有品位的东西..." ("horny", "wink", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:33 translate chinese give_cho_gift_38a3efb5: # cho "But thanks, [cho_genie_name]." ("smile", "base", "base", "L") cho "谢谢,[cho_genie_name]。" ("smile", "base", "base", "L") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:38 translate chinese give_cho_gift_2c77899a: # cho "Chocolate?" (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "巧克力?" (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:39 translate chinese give_cho_gift_75574445: # cho "I probably shouldn't... although." (pupils="R", face="horny") cho "我可能不...虽然。" (pupils="R", face="horny") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:41 translate chinese give_cho_gift_9373df6e: # cho "I'll take it, [cho_genie_name]!" (face="happy") cho "我会收下的,[cho_genie_name]!" (face="happy") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:44 translate chinese give_cho_gift_f725b1ae: # cho "Chocolate... now that would be a treat..." (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "巧克力...太奢侈了..." (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:46 translate chinese give_cho_gift_fd44549d: # cho "What the heck, I deserve it." ("smile", "base", "base", "L") cho "说什么呢,这是我应得的。" ("smile", "base", "base", "L") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:47 translate chinese give_cho_gift_5fc9c32a: # cho "Thank you, [cho_genie_name]." ("open", "base", "base", "L") cho "谢谢你,[cho_genie_name]。" ("open", "base", "base", "L") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:50 translate chinese give_cho_gift_2c77899a_1: # cho "Chocolate?" (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "巧克力?" (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:51 translate chinese give_cho_gift_1e90145b_1: # cho "But we're up against Gryffindor soon, I don't want to get addicted to sugar..." (mouth="soft", face="annoyed") cho "但我们很快就要和格兰芬多比赛了,我不想沉迷于可可碱和碳水化合物..." (mouth="soft", face="annoyed") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:53 translate chinese give_cho_gift_c2814dca: # cho "Thanks." ("base", "base", "base", "L") cho "谢谢。" ("base", "base", "base", "L") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:56 translate chinese give_cho_gift_2c77899a_2: # cho "Chocolate?" (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "巧克力?" (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:58 translate chinese give_cho_gift_96613eed: # cho "YES!" ("smile", "base", "base", "L") cho "好耶!" ("smile", "base", "base", "L") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:59 translate chinese give_cho_gift_4047e64a: # cho "I've been trying to stay away from it but since the season is over I can have as much as I'd like..." ("open", "wide", "base", "L") cho "我一直在可知自己,自从赛季结束后,我可以随心所欲了..." ("open", "wide", "base", "L") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:60 translate chinese give_cho_gift_79ba7985: # cho "Within reason." ("base", "base", "base", "L") cho "在合理范围内。" ("base", "base", "base", "L") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:65 translate chinese give_cho_gift_8b85d1d8: # cho "A toy?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "玩具?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:67 translate chinese give_cho_gift_d9317435: # cho "My team would probably laugh if they saw me with this..." (mouth="open", face="annoyed") cho "如果我队友看的话,他们可能会笑我..." (mouth="open", face="annoyed") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:68 translate chinese give_cho_gift_9a8ad4ec: # cho "I guess it's cute..." (face="annoyed") cho "估计很可爱吧..." (face="annoyed") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:71 translate chinese give_cho_gift_b41057f6: # cho "A toy?" (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "玩具?" (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:73 translate chinese give_cho_gift_f3e8eab6: # cho "That's very nice of you [cho_genie_name] but I'd probably be made fun of owning this..." ("annoyed", "base", "base", "mid") cho "你真好 [cho_genie_name],但我可能会因为有这个而被取笑..." ("annoyed", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:74 translate chinese give_cho_gift_5a20d69b: # cho "I guess I could give it to someone." ("open", "base", "base", "down") cho "我想我可以把它送给别人。" ("open", "base", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:77 translate chinese give_cho_gift_b41057f6_1: # cho "A toy?" (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "玩具?" (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:79 translate chinese give_cho_gift_eae59d11: # cho "I'm not a child [cho_genie_name]..." ("annoyed", "base", "base", "mid") cho "我不是孩子 [cho_genie_name]..." ("annoyed", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:80 translate chinese give_cho_gift_435536a3: # cho "Thank you I guess..." ("open", "base", "base", "down") cho "谢谢,大概..." ("open", "base", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:83 translate chinese give_cho_gift_b41057f6_2: # cho "A toy?" (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "玩具?" (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:85 translate chinese give_cho_gift_8e17fd21: # cho "Not the kind of Toy I'd like..." ("horny", "narrow", "raised", "mid") cho "不是我想要的那种玩具..." ("horny", "narrow", "raised", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:86 translate chinese give_cho_gift_99e80c3d: # cho "Thank you I suppose." ("annoyed", "base", "base", "mid") cho "谢谢你,我猜。" ("annoyed", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:91 translate chinese give_cho_gift_f728991e: # cho "Butterbeer?" (face="disgusted", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "黄油啤酒?" (face="disgust", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:92 translate chinese give_cho_gift_74dce64b: # cho "Isn't this supposed to be alcoholic? I'm not supposed to drink during the season..." (face="annoyed") cho "这不是酒吗?我不应该在赛季中喝酒..." (face="annoyed") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:95 translate chinese give_cho_gift_806018f2: # cho "Butterbeer?" (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "黄油啤酒?" (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:96 translate chinese give_cho_gift_49aaba17: # cho "Yes, I'll take it... turns out my team mates had been lying about the alcohol content to mess with me." ("open", "narrow", "base", "mid") cho "是的,我会接受的...原来我队友一直在谎报这个不含酒精来骗我。" ("open", "narrow", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:97 translate chinese give_cho_gift_5857d137: # cho "I guess I'll finally find out what I've been missing out on!" ("soft", "base", "raised", "L") cho "看看我发现我错过了什么!" ("soft", "base", "raised", "L") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:99 translate chinese give_cho_gift_acec5e44: # cho "Thank you, [cho_genie_name]." (face="neutral") cho "谢谢你,[cho_genie_name]。" (face="neutral") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:102 translate chinese give_cho_gift_806018f2_1: # cho "Butterbeer?" (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "黄油啤酒?" (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:103 translate chinese give_cho_gift_7eebbe2a: # cho "It's a bit tame isn't it? I chugged a lot of it after our last win and can't say I felt a buzz even." ("open", "narrow", "base", "L") cho "酒劲儿有点小,不是吗?在我们上次赢了比赛后,我喝了好几瓶,都没感觉到醉。" ("open", "narrow", "base", "L") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:105 translate chinese give_cho_gift_d093f917: # cho "Thank you I suppose, [cho_genie_name]." (face="neutral") cho "谢谢,大概吧,[cho_genie_name]。" (face="neutral") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:108 translate chinese give_cho_gift_806018f2_2: # cho "Butterbeer?" (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "黄油啤酒?" (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:109 translate chinese give_cho_gift_cbe6a99d: # cho "Don't you have any firewhisky?" ("annoyed", "base", "base", "mid") cho "你没有火焰威士忌吗?" ("annoyed", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:111 translate chinese give_cho_gift_d093f917_1: # cho "Thank you I suppose, [cho_genie_name]." (face="neutral") cho "谢谢你,[cho_genie_name]。" (face="neutral") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:116 translate chinese give_cho_gift_22a50209: # cho "Oh, I heard that they put out a new formula for broom polish in this issue." (mouth="open", pupils="R", face="neutral", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "哦,我听说他们在这一期出了一个新的扫帚抛光配方。" (mouth="open", pupils="R", face="neutral", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:118 translate chinese give_cho_gift_acec5e44_1: # cho "Thank you, [cho_genie_name]." (face="neutral") cho "谢谢,[cho_genie_name]。" (face="neutral") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:121 translate chinese give_cho_gift_e69885f3: # cho "*Hmm*... Broom aerodynamics and how to utilise your opponents slipstream..." (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "*嗯*...扫帚空气动力学以及如何利用对手的气流..." (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:122 translate chinese give_cho_gift_884adac8: # cho "Interesting..." ("smile", "base", "base", "mid") cho "有趣..." ("smile", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:124 translate chinese give_cho_gift_acec5e44_2: # cho "Thank you, [cho_genie_name]." (face="neutral") cho "谢谢,[cho_genie_name]。" (face="neutral") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:127 translate chinese give_cho_gift_6939f2c9: # cho "Five steps to modify your brooms legally..." (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "合法改装扫帚的五个步骤..." (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:128 translate chinese give_cho_gift_88239aa4: # cho "Sounds useful." ("smile", "base", "base", "mid") cho "听起来很有用。" ("smile", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:130 translate chinese give_cho_gift_acec5e44_3: # cho "Thank you, [cho_genie_name]." (face="neutral") cho "谢谢,[cho_genie_name]。" (face="neutral") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:133 translate chinese give_cho_gift_03e6d130: # cho "Experts guide, How to maintain and store your Quidditch gear." (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "专家指导,如何维护和保养您的魁地奇装备。" (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:134 translate chinese give_cho_gift_dc12539f: # cho "Isn't that what a broom closet is for?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "这不就是扫帚柜的用途吗?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:136 translate chinese give_cho_gift_acec5e44_4: # cho "Thank you, [cho_genie_name]." (face="neutral") cho "谢谢你,[cho_genie_name]。" (face="neutral") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:141 translate chinese give_cho_gift_8d886c9a: # cho "Girls magazines, what do you think I am... a gi--" (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "少女杂志,你以为我是...一个女--" (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:142 translate chinese give_cho_gift_a44c513f: # cho "I'm good thank you..." ("open", "base", "base", "L", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "谢谢..." ("open", "base", "base", "L", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:145 translate chinese give_cho_gift_78e0bc41: # cho "Girls magazines?" (pupils="down", face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "少女杂志?" (pupils="down", face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:147 translate chinese give_cho_gift_481e7c37: # cho "I don't usually read these types of magazines, the boys used to make fun of me for it." (face="annoyed") cho "我通常不看这类杂志,男孩们常常为此取笑我。" (face="annoyed") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:148 translate chinese give_cho_gift_ffc40366: # cho "But they can't get into the girls dorm." (face="neutral") cho "但是她们不能进女生宿舍。" (face="neutral") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:149 translate chinese give_cho_gift_acec5e44_5: # cho "Thank you, [cho_genie_name]." (face="neutral") cho "谢谢你,[cho_genie_name]。" (face="neutral") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:152 translate chinese give_cho_gift_752bb3c8: # cho "Girls magazines?" (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "少女杂志?" (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:154 translate chinese give_cho_gift_11f573c9: # cho "They do have some interesting stuff on skincare I suppose..." ("annoyed", "closed", "base", "mid") cho "他们确实有一些关于护肤的有趣东西,我想..." ("annoyed", "closed", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:155 translate chinese give_cho_gift_acec5e44_6: # cho "Thank you, [cho_genie_name]." (face="neutral") cho "谢谢你,[cho_genie_name]。" (face="neutral") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:158 translate chinese give_cho_gift_752bb3c8_1: # cho "Girls magazines?" (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "少女杂志?" (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:159 translate chinese give_cho_gift_875f16b5: # cho "I did enjoy last months issue about cultural appropriation with traditional clothing..." ("smile", "base", "base", "mid") cho "我确实很喜欢上个月关于传统服装文化的问题..." ("smile", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:161 translate chinese give_cho_gift_27a64902: # cho "Don't tell the boys I said that." ("soft", "closed", "base", "mid") cho "不要告诉男孩们是我说的。" ("soft", "closed", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:162 translate chinese give_cho_gift_acec5e44_7: # cho "Thank you, [cho_genie_name]." (face="neutral") cho "谢谢你,[cho_genie_name]。" (face="neutral") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:167 translate chinese give_cho_gift_2848bba9: # cho "Adult magazines?" ("angry", "wide", "raised", "mid", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "成人杂志?" ("angry", "wide", "raised", "mid", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:168 translate chinese give_cho_gift_083e9e69: # cho "This is highly inappropriate [cho_genie_name]!" ("scream", "narrow", "raised", "mid") cho "这是非常不合适 [cho_genie_name]!" ("scream", "narrow", "raised", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:169 translate chinese give_cho_gift_e8ab5875: # cho "Is this the kind of thing you usually give to people?" ("angry", "base", "base", "L") cho "这是你通常会送这种东西给别人的吗?" ("angry", "base", "base", "L") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:172 translate chinese give_cho_gift_225105cb: # cho "Adult magazines?" (face="disgusted", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "成人杂志?" (face="disgust", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:174 translate chinese give_cho_gift_23577a46: # cho "These people do have nice, posture..." (face="horny") cho "这些人的姿势确实很好..." (face="horny") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:175 translate chinese give_cho_gift_93ff7557: # cho "I... I guess they could be useful." (face="horny") cho "我...我想我可能用得上。" (face="horny") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:176 translate chinese give_cho_gift_acec5e44_8: # cho "Thank you, [cho_genie_name]." (face="neutral") cho "谢谢你,[cho_genie_name]。" (face="neutral") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:179 translate chinese give_cho_gift_a6866875: # cho "Adult magazines?" (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "成人杂志?" (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:181 translate chinese give_cho_gift_8ded2d48: # cho "They're all so fit in these magazines, totally my type." ("open", "wide", "raised", "down") cho "他们都非常适合这些杂志,完全是我的类型。" ("open", "wide", "raised", "down") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:182 translate chinese give_cho_gift_d7ce8101: # cho "Does this one model in the nude?" ("horny", "base", "base", "L") cho "这是裸体模特吗?" ("horny", "base", "base", "L") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:183 translate chinese give_cho_gift_acec5e44_9: # cho "Thank you, [cho_genie_name]." (face="neutral") cho "谢谢你,[cho_genie_name]。" (face="neutral") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:186 translate chinese give_cho_gift_a6866875_1: # cho "Adult magazines?" (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "成人杂志?" (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:188 translate chinese give_cho_gift_7c7a0f40: # cho "Wow, look at that guys abs..." ("horny", "base", "base", "down") cho "哇,看看这家伙的腹肌..." ("horny", "base", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:189 translate chinese give_cho_gift_3c8c603a: # cho "And that girls..." ("soft", "base", "raised", "down") cho "还有那个女孩的..." ("soft", "base", "raised", "down") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:190 translate chinese give_cho_gift_cefbc953: # cho "I'll take it." ("open", "narrow", "base", "mid") cho "我要买这个。" ("open", "narrow", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:191 translate chinese give_cho_gift_acec5e44_10: # cho "Thank you, [cho_genie_name]." (face="neutral") cho "谢谢你,[cho_genie_name]。" (face="neutral") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:196 translate chinese give_cho_gift_b2c55ed2: # cho "What is this!?!" ("angry", "wide", "raised", "mid", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "这是什么!?!" ("angry", "wide", "raised", "mid", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:197 translate chinese give_cho_gift_53a64957: # cho "Porn magazines?" ("open", "wide", "angry", "mid") cho "色情杂志?" ("open", "wide", "angry", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:198 translate chinese give_cho_gift_fa360ef2: # cho "Sir, why would you even think of giving me something like this?" ("scream", "narrow", "angry", "L", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "先生,你怎么能给我这种东西?" ("scream", "narrow", "angry", "L", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:199 translate chinese give_cho_gift_e6b39329: # cho "" ("angry", "base", "angry", "down") cho "" ("angry", "base", "angry", "down") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:202 translate chinese give_cho_gift_8c4d406a: # cho "What is this?" (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "这什么?" (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:203 translate chinese give_cho_gift_8d82f12c: # cho "Porn magazines? Sir, that's too much even for you..." ("annoyed", "narrow", "base", "down") cho "色情杂志?先生,这太过分了..." ("annoyed", "narrow", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:204 translate chinese give_cho_gift_63cf93e3: # cho "Is that a snitch in her sna-- No... just no..." ("open", "wide", "raised", "down") cho "这不是-不...只是..." ("open", "wide", "raised", "down") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:205 translate chinese give_cho_gift_e6b39329_1: # cho "" ("angry", "base", "angry", "down") cho "" ("angry", "base", "angry", "down") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:208 translate chinese give_cho_gift_fbd0e583: # cho "What's this?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "这是什么?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:210 translate chinese give_cho_gift_65d65257: # cho "What's with these positions? Is that a broom handle up her..." (mouth="open", eyes="wide", eyebrows="raised", pupils="down") cho "这是怎么回事?这是扫帚吗..." (mouth="open", eyes="wide", eyebrows="raised", pupils="down") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:211 translate chinese give_cho_gift_9d152bd8: # cho "Oh my..." (mouth="soft", pupils="R", face="disgusted") cho "天啊..." (mouth="soft", pupils="R", face="disgust") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:214 translate chinese give_cho_gift_9c7c938b: # cho "Porn magazines?" (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "色情杂志?" (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:215 translate chinese give_cho_gift_ae4a7b83: # cho "Ooh, are those two doing it on a broom? That's impressive..." ("open", "wide", "raised", "down") cho "哦,这两个是在扫帚上做吗?这很让人佩服..." ("open", "wide", "raised", "down") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:216 translate chinese give_cho_gift_7140b7b5: # cho "[cho_genie_name], this is naughty. Even for you..." ("horny", "wink", "base", "L") cho "[cho_genie_name],太淘气了..." ("horny", "wink", "base", "L") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:217 translate chinese give_cho_gift_3342e774: # cho "I've got my eyes on you." ("base", "narrow", "raised", "L") cho "我已经盯上你了。" ("base", "narrow", "raised", "L") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:219 translate chinese give_cho_gift_52e817f9: # cho "Thank you." ("smile", "base", "base", "mid") cho "谢谢你。" ("smile", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:224 translate chinese give_cho_gift_bf4a57dc: # cho "A Viktor Krum poster?" (mouth="open", eyes="wide", eyebrows="raised", pupils="mid", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "维克多 克鲁姆的海报?" (mouth="open", eyes="wide", eyebrows="raised", pupils="mid", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:225 translate chinese give_cho_gift_731345f8: # cho "Professor, he doesn't have his shirt on!" ("scream", "wide", "base", "down") cho "教授,他没穿上衣!" ("scream", "wide", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:226 translate chinese give_cho_gift_5316f358: # cho "That's...{w=0.3} highly inappropriate..." ("open", "narrow", "base", "downR") cho "这...{w=0.3} 非常不合适..." ("open", "narrow", "base", "downR") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:227 translate chinese give_cho_gift_f1b5b06c: # cho "I can't...{w=0.3} I can't accept this." ("upset", "closed", "base", "mid") cho "我不能...{w=0.3} 不能接受这个。" ("upset", "closed", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:228 translate chinese give_cho_gift_4bbdda3f: # cho "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") cho "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:231 translate chinese give_cho_gift_c808ef48: # cho "A Viktor Krum poster?" (mouth="soft", eyes="wide", eyebrows="raised", pupils="mid", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "维克多 克鲁姆的海报?" (mouth="soft", eyes="wide", eyebrows="raised", pupils="mid", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:232 translate chinese give_cho_gift_5bd4e938: # cho "He really is quite muscular isn't he..." ("open", "narrow", "base", "down") cho "他的肌肉真的很厉害不是吗..." ("open", "narrow", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:233 translate chinese give_cho_gift_cdcbaac5: # cho "I'll use it..." ("smile", "base", "base", "mid") cho "我会用它..." ("smile", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:235 translate chinese give_cho_gift_745db35c: # cho "As a motivational poster that is!" ("open", "wide", "raised", "L") cho "当作张励志海报!" ("open", "wide", "raised", "L") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:236 translate chinese give_cho_gift_d82e70a0: # cho "Thank you [cho_genie_name]." (face="neutral") cho "谢谢 [cho_genie_name]。" (face="neutral") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:239 translate chinese give_cho_gift_a18a2806: # cho "A Viktor Krum poster?" (mouth="smile", eyes="wide", eyebrows="raised", pupils="mid", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "维克多 克鲁姆的海报?" (mouth="smile", eyes="wide", eyebrows="raised", pupils="mid", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:240 translate chinese give_cho_gift_c6f86b97: # cho "Wasn't his nudes leaked in Wizard Hunks weekly?" ("open", "narrow", "base", "mid") cho "他的裸体不是每周都在《大巫师》放出吗?" ("open", "narrow", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:241 translate chinese give_cho_gift_d6ddf643: # cho "..." ("angry", "wide", "raised", "down") cho "..." ("angry", "wide", "raised", "down") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:242 translate chinese give_cho_gift_3967fe90: # cho "Not that I'd read such a thing." ("upset", "base", "base", "downR") cho "并不是说我读过这样的东西。" ("upset", "base", "base", "downR") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:244 translate chinese give_cho_gift_d82e70a0_1: # cho "Thank you [cho_genie_name]." (face="neutral") cho "谢谢 [cho_genie_name]。" (face="neutral") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:247 translate chinese give_cho_gift_20ed5fbb: # cho "A Viktor Krum poster?" (mouth="scream", eyes="wide", eyebrows="raised", pupils="mid", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "维克多 克鲁姆的海报?" (mouth="scream", eyes="wide", eyebrows="raised", pupils="mid", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:248 translate chinese give_cho_gift_22dfe84d: # cho "I'll take that if you don't mind." (pupils="downR", face="horny") cho "如果你不介意,我会接受的。" (pupils="downR", face="horny") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:250 translate chinese give_cho_gift_e7778240: # cho "(...)" (mouth="soft", pupils="up", face="horny") cho "(...)" (mouth="soft", pupils="up", face="horny") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:251 translate chinese give_cho_gift_f5e803c3: # cho "I love it, [cho_genie_name]." (pupils="mid", face="horny") cho "我喜欢它,[cho_genie_name]。" (pupils="mid", face="horny") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:256 translate chinese give_cho_gift_2baabbb3: # cho "Lingerie?" ("annoyed", "narrow", "raised", "down", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "内衣?" ("annoyed", "narrow", "raised", "down", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:257 translate chinese give_cho_gift_5f090701: # cho "Sir, are you expecting me to wear this?" ("open", "wide", "raised", "mid") cho "先生,您希望我穿这个吗?" ("open", "wide", "raised", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:258 translate chinese give_cho_gift_a3feef0d: # cho "Are you insane?!" ("scream", "wide", "raised", "L") cho "你疯了?!" ("scream", "wide", "raised", "L") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:259 translate chinese give_cho_gift_6918fbeb: # cho "No thank you..." ("open", "base", "angry", "down") cho "不,谢谢..." ("open", "base", "angry", "down") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:260 translate chinese give_cho_gift_7611ca60: # cho "" ("annoyed", "base", "base", "mid") cho "" ("annoyed", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:263 translate chinese give_cho_gift_32086aba: # cho "Lingerie?" ("annoyed", "narrow", "base", "down", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "内衣?" ("annoyed", "narrow", "base", "down", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:264 translate chinese give_cho_gift_47e731b8: # cho "Why would I want this? I have plenty of clothes I like already..." ("open", "wide", "raised", "down") cho "我为什么要这个?我已经有很多我喜欢的衣服了..." ("open", "wide", "raised", "down") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:265 translate chinese give_cho_gift_e05531e6: # cho "I'll pass on that one, thanks." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") cho "这就算了吧,谢谢。" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:268 translate chinese give_cho_gift_977d65dd: # cho "Lingerie?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "内衣?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:269 translate chinese give_cho_gift_f5e9ff37: # cho "Seems pretty flexible. I might be able use these when stretching." (mouth="annoyed", pupils="down", face="annoyed") cho "看起来很灵活。我也许可以在做拉伸时穿。" (mouth="annoyed", pupils="down", face="annoyed") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:271 translate chinese give_cho_gift_d82e70a0_2: # cho "Thank you [cho_genie_name]." (face="neutral") cho "谢谢 [cho_genie_name]。" (face="neutral") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:274 translate chinese give_cho_gift_b4e3e10f: # cho "Lingerie?" (mouth="open", eyes="wide", eyebrows="raised", pupils="mid", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "内衣?" (mouth="open", eyes="wide", eyebrows="raised", pupils="mid", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:275 translate chinese give_cho_gift_553cac44: # cho "Sexy... Did you pick them out yourself?" ("horny", "wide", "base", "down") cho "好性感啊...你挑的吗?" ("horny", "wide", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:276 translate chinese give_cho_gift_5090fab6: # cho "You've got good taste... I tore mine last year during the ball..." ("base", "base", "raised", "mid") cho "很有品味...我去年在舞会上撕破了我的..." ("base", "base", "raised", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:277 translate chinese give_cho_gift_27842c88: # cho "Well, they got torn at one point at least..." ("smile", "narrow", "base", "down") cho "好吧,只是不小心被撕破了..." ("smile", "narrow", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:279 translate chinese give_cho_gift_d82e70a0_3: # cho "Thank you [cho_genie_name]." (face="neutral") cho "谢谢 [cho_genie_name]。" (face="neutral") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:284 translate chinese give_cho_gift_c2f9c14e: # cho "stockings?" ("annoyed", "narrow", "raised", "down", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "丝袜?" ("annoyed", "narrow", "raised", "down", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:285 translate chinese give_cho_gift_662b5cd6: # cho "Surely that must be against some kind of dresscode..." ("open", "wide", "raised", "mid") cho "当然,这是违反着装要求的..." ("open", "wide", "raised", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:286 translate chinese give_cho_gift_b1ab5a5d: # cho "I'll pass..." ("open", "base", "angry", "down") cho "我不要..." ("open", "base", "angry", "down") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:287 translate chinese give_cho_gift_7611ca60_1: # cho "" ("annoyed", "base", "base", "mid") cho "" ("annoyed", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:290 translate chinese give_cho_gift_10869d19: # cho "Stockings?" ("annoyed", "narrow", "base", "down", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "丝袜?" ("annoyed", "narrow", "base", "down", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:291 translate chinese give_cho_gift_a8a7fcf8: # cho "I guess I wont get sunburnt on my legs wearing these..." ("open", "narrow", "base", "mid") cho "我想我穿这我的腿不会被晒伤..." ("open", "narrow", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:293 translate chinese give_cho_gift_d82e70a0_4: # cho "Thank you [cho_genie_name]." (face="neutral") cho "谢谢 [cho_genie_name]。" (face="neutral") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:296 translate chinese give_cho_gift_10869d19_1: # cho "Stockings?" ("annoyed", "narrow", "base", "down", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "丝袜?" ("annoyed", "narrow", "base", "down", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:297 translate chinese give_cho_gift_b8ac6238: # cho "I can almost see right through these..." (mouth="annoyed", pupils="down", face="annoyed") cho "我几乎可以看..." (mouth="annoyed", pupils="down", face="annoyed") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:299 translate chinese give_cho_gift_d82e70a0_5: # cho "Thank you [cho_genie_name]." (face="neutral") cho "谢谢 [cho_genie_name]。" (face="neutral") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:302 translate chinese give_cho_gift_10869d19_2: # cho "Stockings?" ("annoyed", "narrow", "base", "down", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "丝袜?" ("annoyed", "narrow", "base", "down", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:303 translate chinese give_cho_gift_26a8e95c: # cho "But my legs gets to itchy in these, I'd rather go without any leggings..." ("open", "narrow", "base", "mid") cho "但我的腿很痒,我宁愿不穿任何紧身裤..." ("open", "narrow", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:308 translate chinese give_cho_gift_5910757e: # cho "Condoms?" (mouth="open", eyes="wide", eyebrows="raised", pupils="mid", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "避孕套?" (mouth="open", eyes="wide", eyebrows="raised", pupils="mid", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:309 translate chinese give_cho_gift_3876fa59: # cho "You're expecting me to go and fuck the teachers, is that what you want?" ("scream", "narrow", "raised", "L") cho "你是要我去和那些老师做爱,这是你想要的吗?" ("scream", "narrow", "raised", "L") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:310 translate chinese give_cho_gift_6d5e2b4e: # cho "I'm not one of those Slytherin skanks that impale themselves on the daily." ("angry", "narrow", "base", "mid") cho "我不是那些靠下体思考的斯莱特林妓女。" ("angry", "narrow", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:311 translate chinese give_cho_gift_ca44fb81: # cho "You can take those and go fuck yourself with them..." ("soft", "narrow", "angry", "mid") cho "你可以拿着这些东西去搞你自己..." ("soft", "narrow", "angry", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:314 translate chinese give_cho_gift_5910757e_1: # cho "Condoms?" (mouth="open", eyes="wide", eyebrows="raised", pupils="mid", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "避孕套?" (mouth="open", eyes="wide", eyebrows="raised", pupils="mid", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:315 translate chinese give_cho_gift_bce85fc8: # cho "I'm not the kind of girl to go around banging everything I come across..." ("soft", "base", "base", "down") cho "我不是那种到处乱搞的女孩,我遇到什么就搞什么。..." ("soft", "base", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:316 translate chinese give_cho_gift_90ba6b23: # cho "Thanks but no thanks..." ("open", "base", "base", "mid") cho "谢谢你,但还是不用了..." ("open", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:319 translate chinese give_cho_gift_5910757e_2: # cho "Condoms?" (mouth="open", eyes="wide", eyebrows="raised", pupils="mid", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "避孕套?" (mouth="open", eyes="wide", eyebrows="raised", pupils="mid", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:320 translate chinese give_cho_gift_b0279fa4: # cho "Are you expecting that I should use these? I know safe sex is important and all but I know what you're insinuating." ("angry", "narrow", "raised", "L") cho "你想我该用这些吗?我知道安全性行为很重要,但我知道你在暗示什么。" ("angry", "narrow", "raised", "L") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:321 translate chinese give_cho_gift_34d4b82e: # cho "Keep them..." ("soft", "base", "base", "down") cho "你留着吧..." ("soft", "base", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:322 translate chinese give_cho_gift_7611ca60_2: # cho "" ("annoyed", "base", "base", "mid") cho "" ("annoyed", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:325 translate chinese give_cho_gift_44c78e48: # cho "Condoms?" (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "避孕套?" (pupils="down", face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:327 translate chinese give_cho_gift_d4dbc6e5: # cho "I do surround myself with mostly boys, so having these at hand could be useful..." (pupils="downR", face="horny") cho "我身边大部分都是男孩,所以手头有这些可能会很有用..." (pupils="downR", face="horny") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:328 translate chinese give_cho_gift_133917e4: # cho "Thank you for your concerns, [cho_genie_name]..." (mouth="soft", pupils="mid", face="neutral") cho "谢谢你的关心,[cho_genie_name]..." (mouth="soft", pupils="mid", face="neutral") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:333 translate chinese give_cho_gift_9f385363: # cho "A vibrator?" (mouth="open", eyes="wide", eyebrows="raised", pupils="mid", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "振动棒?" (mouth="open", eyes="wide", eyebrows="raised", pupils="mid", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:334 translate chinese give_cho_gift_95671f0e: # cho "Sir, are you out of your mind?" ("scream", "wide", "raised", "L") cho "先生,你是不是疯了?" ("scream", "wide", "raised", "L") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:335 translate chinese give_cho_gift_6d8d0bae: # cho "I'm your student for crying out loud, giving gifts in general is a bit weird but sex toys..." ("angry", "wide", "base", "mid") cho "我是你的学生,大声说出来,一般来说,送礼物是有点奇怪,但情趣用品..." ("angry", "wide", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:336 translate chinese give_cho_gift_0bee65e8: # cho "Seriously?!" ("scream", "wide", "raised", "L") cho "真的?!" ("scream", "wide", "raised", "L") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:339 translate chinese give_cho_gift_9f385363_1: # cho "A vibrator?" (mouth="open", eyes="wide", eyebrows="raised", pupils="mid", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "振动棒?" (mouth="open", eyes="wide", eyebrows="raised", pupils="mid", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:340 translate chinese give_cho_gift_42770d5f: # cho "Why would you give me that..." ("angry", "base", "base", "down") cho "你为什么要给我那个..." ("angry", "base", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:341 translate chinese give_cho_gift_54dd9017: # cho "Give it to Granger, I'm sure she'd love to accept a sex toy from her headmaster." ("smile", "narrow", "angry", "mid") cho "给格兰杰,我相信她会很乐意接受校长给她的情趣用品。" ("smile", "narrow", "angry", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:344 translate chinese give_cho_gift_67df1f2c: # cho "A vibrator?" (face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "振动棒?" (face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:345 translate chinese give_cho_gift_3f7c5d09: # cho "Sir, I don't think this would be appropriate to bring to my dorm..." ("soft", "narrow", "base", "down") cho "先生,我认为这不适合带到我的宿舍..." ("soft", "narrow", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:346 translate chinese give_cho_gift_2bfaba8c: # cho "The girls... they'd hear it... not that I want it or anything!" ("quiver", "wide", "base", "downR") cho "女孩们...她们会听到...这不是我想要的!" ("quiver", "wide", "base", "downR") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:349 translate chinese give_cho_gift_544df971: # cho "A Vibrator?" (face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "振动器?" (face="horny", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:351 translate chinese give_cho_gift_4facb9b1: # cho "Ahh, It does promote a healthy lifestyle..." (face="horny") cho "啊,它确实促进了健康的生活方式..." (face="horny") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:352 translate chinese give_cho_gift_b6e10317: # cho "Thank you, [cho_genie_name]." (face="happy") cho "谢谢你,[cho_genie_name]。" (face="happy") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:357 translate chinese give_cho_gift_fb24e9de: # cho "A lubricant?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "润滑剂?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:358 translate chinese give_cho_gift_b0017979: # cho "What the hell, why do you think this is an appropriate gift? What's wrong with you..." ("angry", "wide", "raised", "L") cho "什么鬼,为什么你认为这是一个合适的礼物?你这人怎么回事..." ("angry", "wide", "raised", "L") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:359 translate chinese give_cho_gift_41e6c87a: # cho "Senile old man..." ("angry", "narrow", "base", "mid") cho "年迈的老人..." ("angry", "narrow", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:362 translate chinese give_cho_gift_fb24e9de_1: # cho "A lubricant?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "润滑剂?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:363 translate chinese give_cho_gift_c884d5b7: # cho "*Ew* Why are you giving me this... when would I ever have the need for lube." ("angry", "wide", "raised", "down") cho "*Ew* 你为什么要给我这个...我什么时候需要润滑油。" ("angry", "wide", "raised", "down") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:364 translate chinese give_cho_gift_c0fe33e2: # cho "Give it to one of those Slytherin skanks, they probably go through a ton of it every week." ("base", "narrow", "raised", "mid") cho "把它给一个斯莱特林的臭鼬,他们可能每周都会经历很多。" ("base", "narrow", "raised", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:367 translate chinese give_cho_gift_1da3b0f2: # cho "Anal lube?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "肛门油?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:368 translate chinese give_cho_gift_0bf7a7b8: # cho "Why would I need something like this? The broom goes under my butt, not in my butt..." ("soft", "wide", "raised", "L") cho "为什么我需要这样的东西?扫帚在我的屁股下面,而不是在我的屁股..." ("soft", "wide", "raised", "L") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:371 translate chinese give_cho_gift_948c52d7: # cho "Anal Lubricant?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "肛门润滑剂?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:373 translate chinese give_cho_gift_05dd9851: # cho "You should've given me this yesterday, [cho_genie_name]." (mouth="soft", face="annoyed") cho "你昨天应该给我这个的,[cho_genie_name]。" (mouth="soft", face="annoyed") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:374 translate chinese give_cho_gift_a91f094f: # cho "I haven't been able to sit on a broom all day after yesterday's game..." (mouth="annoyed", pupils="down", face="annoyed") cho "昨天的比赛结束后,我一整天都无法坐在扫帚上..." (mouth="annoyed", pupils="down", face="annoyed") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:379 translate chinese give_cho_gift_6d1f2a4e: # cho "Ball gag... and cuffs?" (pupils="down", face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "球塞...和袖口?" (pupils="down", face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:380 translate chinese give_cho_gift_e05b62d9: # cho "Wait, is this a sex thing?" ("soft", "wide", "raised", "mid") cho "等等,这是色情吗?" ("soft", "wide", "raised", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:381 translate chinese give_cho_gift_0a7728b5: # cho "Professor, that's disgusting... why would you give me this." ("angry", "wide", "raised", "mid") cho "教授,真恶心...你为什么要给我这个。" ("angry", "wide", "raised", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:384 translate chinese give_cho_gift_3f69dbca: # cho "Ball gag and cuffs?" (pupils="down", face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "球塞和袖口?" (pupils="down", face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:385 translate chinese give_cho_gift_4c4da493: # cho "Sir, this is highly inappropriate gift to give to a student!" ("scream", "narrow", "raised", "mid") cho "先生,这是送给学生的非常不合适的礼物!" ("scream", "narrow", "raised", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:386 translate chinese give_cho_gift_0efd7d2a: # cho "Why would you give me these, how is this going to help me with Quidditch?" ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") cho "你为什么要给我这些,这对我的魁地奇比赛有什么帮助?" ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:389 translate chinese give_cho_gift_20641bdc: # cho "Ball gag and cuffs?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "球塞和袖口?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:390 translate chinese give_cho_gift_3ab9f314: # cho "I prefer not to lock myself up, I'm a free spirit." ("soft", "base", "raised", "L") cho "我不想把自己锁起来,我是一个自由的灵魂。" ("soft", "base", "raised", "L") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:391 translate chinese give_cho_gift_b138a3b8: # cho "Thanks... but no thanks." ("open", "base", "base", "mid") cho "谢谢...但不,谢谢。" ("open", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:394 translate chinese give_cho_gift_3f69dbca_1: # cho "Ball gag and cuffs?" (pupils="down", face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "球塞和袖口?" (pupils="down", face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:396 translate chinese give_cho_gift_fe67259f: # cho "How progressive... do they require a safe-word to open?" (face="horny") cho "多么进步...他们需要安全词才能打开吗?" (face="horny") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:397 translate chinese give_cho_gift_a83821c0: # cho "Wait, how would a safe-word work when you have a ball in your mouth..." (mouth="quiver", eyes="wide", eyebrows="raised", pupils="down") cho "等等,当你嘴里叼着一个球时,一个安全词怎么会起作用..." (mouth="quiver", eyes="wide", eyebrows="raised", pupils="down") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:402 translate chinese give_cho_gift_dd2cbe30: # cho "Anal plugs?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "肛塞?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:403 translate chinese give_cho_gift_14d79e06: # cho "That's disgusting... why do you think it's a good idea to give these to me?" ("angry", "wide", "raised", "L") cho "真恶心...为什么你认为把这些给我是个好主意?" ("angry", "wide", "raised", "L") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:404 translate chinese give_cho_gift_58f1b896: # cho "That one has a tail on it..." ("angry", "narrow", "raised", "mid") cho "那个有尾巴的..." ("angry", "narrow", "raised", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:407 translate chinese give_cho_gift_dd2cbe30_1: # cho "Anal plugs?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "肛塞?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:408 translate chinese give_cho_gift_c70108c4: # cho "Why do you have these? They're not used are they..." ("angry", "wide", "raised", "L") cho "为什么你有这些?没用过是不是..." ("angry", "wide", "raised", "L") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:409 translate chinese give_cho_gift_8b6f3511: # cho "*Ew* Just, no..." ("open", "narrow", "raised", "mid") cho "*Ew* 只是,不..." ("open", "narrow", "raised", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:410 translate chinese give_cho_gift_7611ca60_3: # cho "" ("annoyed", "base", "base", "mid") cho "" ("annoyed", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:413 translate chinese give_cho_gift_dd2cbe30_2: # cho "Anal plugs?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "肛塞?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:414 translate chinese give_cho_gift_3d460361: # cho "Sir, are you expecting me to wear this?" ("angry", "base", "base", "L") cho "先生,您希望我穿这个吗?" ("angry", "base", "base", "L") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:415 translate chinese give_cho_gift_8e0f2da2: # cho "During Quidditch?" ("angry", "wide", "raised", "L") cho "魁地奇比赛期间?" ("angry", "wide", "raised", "L") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:416 translate chinese give_cho_gift_4a18c2a5: # cho "No, no, no, no noooo." ("open", "narrow", "raised", "mid") cho "不,不,不,不,不。" ("open", "narrow", "raised", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:417 translate chinese give_cho_gift_af22e7a1: # cho "NO!" ("scream", "wide", "raised", "mid") cho "不!" ("scream", "wide", "raised", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:418 translate chinese give_cho_gift_7611ca60_4: # cho "" ("annoyed", "base", "base", "mid") cho "" ("annoyed", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:421 translate chinese give_cho_gift_dd2cbe30_3: # cho "Anal plugs?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "肛塞?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:423 translate chinese give_cho_gift_d2c4e574: # cho "But these would stick out under my robes..." (face="annoyed") cho "但这些会在我的长袍下露出来..." (face="annoyed") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:424 translate chinese give_cho_gift_587d9dfb: # cho "Maybe people would just think it's a tail or something..." (face="horny") cho "也许人们会认为它是尾巴什么的..." (face="horny") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:425 translate chinese give_cho_gift_acec5e44_11: # cho "Thank you, [cho_genie_name]." (face="neutral") cho "谢谢你,[cho_genie_name]。" (face="neutral") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:430 translate chinese give_cho_gift_70eca624: # cho "Is that a strap-on?" ("open", "wide", "worried", "down", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "那是绑带吗?" ("open", "wide", "worried", "down", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:431 translate chinese give_cho_gift_de446383: # cho "It's huge!" ("scream", "wide", "raised", "L") cho "它超大!" ("scream", "wide", "raised", "L") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:432 translate chinese give_cho_gift_e659de2f: # cho "I mean, why are you showing me this?" ("annoyed", "narrow", "base", "mid") cho "我的意思是,你为什么要给我看这个?" ("annoyed", "narrow", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:433 translate chinese give_cho_gift_03137661: # cho "get it away from me." ("soft", "narrow", "base", "mid") cho "把它从我身边拿开。" ("soft", "narrow", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:436 translate chinese give_cho_gift_edbb6f15: # cho "A strap-on?" ("open", "wide", "worried", "down", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "绑带?" ("open", "wide", "worried", "down", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:437 translate chinese give_cho_gift_f71e5dc2: # cho "Seriously? Why are you giving me this..." ("angry", "wide", "base", "down") cho "严重地?为什么给我这个..." ("angry", "wide", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:438 translate chinese give_cho_gift_d21b727d: # cho "That's disgusting..." ("open", "narrow", "base", "mid") cho "真恶心..." ("open", "narrow", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:441 translate chinese give_cho_gift_edbb6f15_1: # cho "A strap-on?" ("open", "wide", "worried", "down", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "束带?" ("open", "wide", "worried", "down", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:442 translate chinese give_cho_gift_72ed7142: # cho "But it's so big..." ("horny", "wide", "raised", "mid") cho "这么大..." ("horny", "wide", "raised", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:443 translate chinese give_cho_gift_5ff9a0ec: # cho "I.. I don't want it..." ("open", "narrow", "base", "down") cho "我..我不想..." ("open", "narrow", "base", "down") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:444 translate chinese give_cho_gift_4bbdda3f_1: # cho "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") cho "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:447 translate chinese give_cho_gift_edbb6f15_2: # cho "A strap-on?" ("open", "wide", "worried", "down", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "束带?" ("open", "wide", "worried", "down", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:449 translate chinese give_cho_gift_2864ad1e: # cho "How would that even fit in anyone?" (mouth="quiver", eyes="wide", eyebrows="raised", pupils="down") cho "这是给人穿的" (mouth="quiver", eyes="wide", eyebrows="raised", pupils="down") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:456 translate chinese give_cho_gift_7119e0dc: # cho "A broom... yes! Finally something better than my old--" (mouth="scream", eyes="wide", eyebrows="raised", pupils="down", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "扫帚...好啊!终于有了更好的东西了--" (mouth="scream", eyes="wide", eyebrows="raised", pupils="down", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:457 translate chinese give_cho_gift_50880455: # cho "Hold on, is that a double ended dildo sticking out of it?!?" ("angry", "wide", "base", "mid") cho "等等,那是双头假鸡巴吗?!?" ("angry", "wide", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:458 translate chinese give_cho_gift_8840dad8: # cho "What's wrong with you?" ("scream", "wide", "base", "L") cho "你这人怎么回事?" ("scream", "wide", "base", "L") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:459 translate chinese give_cho_gift_0c44462b: # cho "Get that away from my... from me!" ("angry", "narrow", "base", "mid") cho "把它从我的...给我拿走!" ("angry", "narrow", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:462 translate chinese give_cho_gift_c6c9a9de: # cho "Is that a broom with dildos on it?" ("open", "wide", "worried", "down", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "那是带有假鸡巴的扫帚吗?" ("open", "wide", "worried", "down", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:463 translate chinese give_cho_gift_7d16830f: # cho "Professor, seriously... why... just why." ("angry", "narrow", "base", "mid") cho "教授,说真的...为什么...我就问你为什么。" ("angry", "narrow", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:466 translate chinese give_cho_gift_a5fc669f: # cho "A broom?" ("open", "wide", "worried", "down", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "扫帚?" ("open", "wide", "worried", "down", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:467 translate chinese give_cho_gift_ad335053: # cho "A sex broom? Where did you even get this..." ("open", "wide", "raised", "mid") cho "情趣扫帚?你这是从哪里弄来的..." ("open", "wide", "raised", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:468 translate chinese give_cho_gift_b00e449d: # cho "No..{w=0.3} I don't...{w=0.3} I don't want that." ("horny", "narrow", "base", "mid") cho "不..{w=0.3} 我不想...{w=0.3} 我不想那样。" ("horny", "narrow", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:471 translate chinese give_cho_gift_855f69b8: # cho "Is that a Lady Speed Stick-2000, with a built-in vibrator and pulse function?" (mouth="scream", eyes="wide", eyebrows="raised", pupils="down", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "是那款带有内置振动棒和脉冲功能的女巫速度棒-2000 吗?" (mouth="scream", eyes="wide", eyebrows="raised", pupils="down", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:473 translate chinese give_cho_gift_e8b23532: # cho "I mean..." (pupils="downR", face="horny") cho "我是说..." (pupils="downR", face="horny") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:474 translate chinese give_cho_gift_2418b406: # cho "Thank you, [cho_genie_name]..." (mouth="soft", pupils="down", face="horny") cho "谢谢你,[cho_genie_name]..." (mouth="soft", pupils="down", face="horny") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:475 translate chinese give_cho_gift_63779226: # cho "I can't wait to try it out..." (pupils="mid", face="happy") cho "我迫不及待想尝试一下..." (pupils="mid", face="happy") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:480 translate chinese give_cho_gift_a72eb0a6: # cho "A sex doll? What the heck... why do you have this?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "充气娃娃?什么鬼...你为什么会有这个?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:481 translate chinese give_cho_gift_8f321775: # cho "And more importantly..." ("smile", "closed", "base", "mid") cho "而且更重要的是..." ("smile", "closed", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:482 translate chinese give_cho_gift_302508d2: # cho "{size=+4}Why are you giving it to me?{/size}" ("scream", "wide", "base", "L") cho "{size=+4}你为什么要给我?{/size}" ("scream", "wide", "base", "L") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:483 translate chinese give_cho_gift_c277f945: # cho "You disgust me..." ("open", "narrow", "angry", "mid") cho "就一个字,恶心..." ("open", "narrow", "angry", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:486 translate chinese give_cho_gift_fa416b4f: # cho "A sex doll?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "充气娃娃?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:487 translate chinese give_cho_gift_bf412aa6: # cho "Why would you give this to me? Wait, did you use this?" ("angry", "wide", "base", "L") cho "你为什么要把这个给我?等等,你用过这个吗?" ("angry", "wide", "base", "L") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:488 translate chinese give_cho_gift_443e99cd: # cho "Get it away from me..." ("open", "wide", "raised", "L") cho "赶紧给我拿走..." ("open", "wide", "raised", "L") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:491 translate chinese give_cho_gift_fa416b4f_1: # cho "A sex doll?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "充气娃娃?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:492 translate chinese give_cho_gift_f3aab64f: # cho "Why would I need this, it's a girl doll..." ("annoyed", "wide", "base", "L") cho "为什么我要这个,它是一个女的娃娃..." ("annoyed", "wide", "base", "L") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:493 translate chinese give_cho_gift_3f060d06: # cho "I mean, why would I need a sex doll in general. I'm not into this sort of thing..." ("open", "wide", "raised", "mid") cho "我的意思是,我为什么需要充气娃娃。我不喜欢这种东西..." ("open", "wide", "raised", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:496 translate chinese give_cho_gift_fa416b4f_2: # cho "A sex doll?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "充气娃娃?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:498 translate chinese give_cho_gift_3a8d0e11: # cho "It says Joanne on it..." (face="disgusted") cho "上面写着乔安妮..." (face="disgust") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:499 translate chinese give_cho_gift_e88b7907: # cho "I leave it in the boys changing room, should be a good reward after a practice." (face="annoyed") cho "我会把它留在男更衣室里,这是练习后给男孩的奖励。" (face="annoyed") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:504 translate chinese give_cho_gift_73f55544: # cho "Anal beads?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "肛珠?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:505 translate chinese give_cho_gift_bad66b4c: # cho "Yeah, that's not going anywhere near their intended target..." ("angry", "wide", "raised", "L") cho "是的,你想都别想..." ("angry", "wide", "raised", "L") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:508 translate chinese give_cho_gift_73f55544_1: # cho "Anal beads?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "肛珠?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:509 translate chinese give_cho_gift_f9ebbff6: # cho "How... where did you..." ("angry", "wide", "raised", "L") cho "怎么...你在哪里..." ("angry", "wide", "raised", "L") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:510 translate chinese give_cho_gift_44a13ab1: # cho "*Gross!" ("open", "narrow", "raised", "mid") cho "*恶心*!" ("open", "narrow", "raised", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:511 translate chinese give_cho_gift_7611ca60_5: # cho "" ("annoyed", "base", "base", "mid") cho "" ("annoyed", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:514 translate chinese give_cho_gift_73f55544_2: # cho "Anal beads?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "肛珠?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:515 translate chinese give_cho_gift_142533ab: # cho "Sir, how would I be able to sit on a broom if I used these?" ("angry", "base", "base", "L") cho "先生,如果我用了这个的话,我怎么能坐上扫帚?" ("angry", "base", "base", "L") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:516 translate chinese give_cho_gift_ce4d5623: # cho "Not that I would ever use them!" ("angry", "wide", "raised", "L") cho "我就是打个比方!" ("angry", "wide", "raised", "L") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:517 translate chinese give_cho_gift_deda9e5d: # cho "Get those away from me!" ("open", "narrow", "raised", "mid") cho "离我远点!" ("open", "narrow", "raised", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:518 translate chinese give_cho_gift_7611ca60_6: # cho "" ("annoyed", "base", "base", "mid") cho "" ("annoyed", "base", "base", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:521 translate chinese give_cho_gift_73f55544_3: # cho "Anal beads?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "肛珠?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:523 translate chinese give_cho_gift_f864567c: # cho "Surely my butt would hurt after using these..." (face="annoyed") cho "用了这些,我的屁股肯定会痛的..." (face="annoyed") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:524 translate chinese give_cho_gift_5bd2a3c0: # cho "Although I do have a cushioning charm on my broom for a reason..." (face="horny") cho "我的扫帚上确实有缓冲咒是有原因的..." (face="horny") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:525 translate chinese give_cho_gift_acec5e44_12: # cho "Thank you, [cho_genie_name]." (face="neutral") cho "谢谢你,[cho_genie_name]。" (face="neutral") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:530 translate chinese give_cho_gift_7e77eebd: # cho "A wine bottle?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "葡萄酒?" (face="annoyed", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:531 translate chinese give_cho_gift_4399a136: # cho "[cho_genie_name], I cannot drink alcohol, it would ruin my career.." ("open", "narrow", "angry", "mid") cho "[cho_genie_name],我不能喝酒,这会毁了我的职业生涯的.." ("open", "narrow", "angry", "mid") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:534 translate chinese give_cho_gift_7851c2b4: # cho "A wine bottle?" (face="neutral", xpos="mid", ypos="base") cho "葡萄酒?" (face="neutral", xpos="mid", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:535 translate chinese give_cho_gift_48b12670: # cho "Thank you, [cho_genie_name] but I can't take it." (face="neutral") cho "谢谢你,[cho_genie_name],但我还是不要了。" (face="neutral") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:536 translate chinese give_cho_gift_2d03f6d9: # cho "{size=-4}Maybe to celebrate after I win the Quidditch Cup..{/size}" (face="horny") cho "{size=-4}也许在我赢得魁地奇杯后再庆祝一下...{/size}" (face="horny") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:540 translate chinese give_cho_gift_38a5cc58: # cho "Firewhisky?" (face="happy", xpos="mid", ypos="base", trans=d5) cho "火焰威士忌?" (face="happy", xpos="mid", ypos="base", trans=d5) # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:541 translate chinese give_cho_gift_9e53591b: # cho "Why are you giving it to me?" ("annoyed", "wide", "base", "L") cho "你为什么给我这个?" ("annoyed", "wide", "base", "L") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:544 translate chinese give_cho_gift_ff20ca82: # cho "" (xpos="base", ypos="base") cho "" (xpos="base", ypos="base") # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:556 translate chinese cho_mood_857ece07: # "Cho's mood worsened slightly." "张秋的心情稍微变差了。" # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:558 translate chinese cho_mood_2d8f681b: # "Cho's mood just got a whole lot worse!" "张秋的心情变得更糟了!" # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:561 translate chinese cho_mood_8f261ab1: # "Cho's mood has improved slightly." "张秋的心情稍微好转。" # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:563 translate chinese cho_mood_a5cdee4d: # "Cho's mood has improved significantly." "张秋的心情明显好转。" # game/scripts/characters/cho/gifts.rpy:565 translate chinese cho_mood_cb2c6c82: # "Cho's mood hasn't changed." "张秋的心情没有改变。"