label ton_chibi(action=None, xpos=None, ypos=None, flip=False): $ tonks_chibi.position(xpos, ypos, flip) if action == "hide": $ tonks_chibi.hide() return elif action == "leave": hide tonks_main hide screen bld1 hide screen blktone play sound "sounds/door.ogg" $ tonks_chibi.hide() with d3 pause .5 return elif action == "reset": $ return $ return label ton_walk(xpos=None, ypos=None, speed=1.0, action=None, reduce=False, path=None, flip=False): call hide_characters hide screen bld1 hide screen blktone with d3 if action == "enter": play sound "sounds/door.ogg" call ton_chibi(None, "door", "base", flip) with d3 if xpos or ypos: $ tonks_chibi.move((xpos, ypos), speed, reduce) elif action == "leave": $ $ tonks_chibi.move(("door", "base"), speed, reduce) play sound "sounds/door.ogg" $ tonks_chibi.hide() with d3 pause .5 elif path: $ $ tonks_chibi.move(path, speed, reduce) else: $ $ tonks_chibi.move((xpos, ypos), speed, reduce) return # Screens screen ton_cloth_pile(position=(440, 425)): # Default position: Right of desk, below feet. tag ton_cloth_pile zorder tonks_chibi.zorder add "characters/chibis/cloth_pile_r.webp" pos position zoom 0.5 label ton_sit(xpos=nxpos, ypos=nypos, flip=None, chair=True): # TODO: replace this with the regular chibi call and add a sitting pose/action -- call ton_chibi("sit", chair=False) # call ton_sit(chair=False, xpos=0, ypos=0) # Quidditch stands position: xpos=-140, ypos=125 python: xpos = nxpos ypos = nypos if flip != None: tonks.xzoom = -1 if flip else 1 show screen tonks_sit_ani(nxpos, nypos, chair) return screen tonks_sit_ani(xpos=nxpos, ypos=nypos, chair=True): # TODO: use Tonks' regular chibi position for this -- tonks_chibi.pos tag ton_chibi zorder tonks_chibi.zorder if chair == True: add "ch_ton sit_chair" xpos nxpos ypos nypos xzoom tonks.xzoom add "ch_ton sit" xpos nxpos ypos nypos xzoom tonks.xzoom if tonks.is_worn("bottom"): add "ch_ton sit_trousers" xpos nxpos ypos nypos xzoom tonks.xzoom if tonks.is_any_worn("bottom", "stockings"): add "ch_ton sit_shoes" xpos nxpos ypos nypos xzoom tonks.xzoom if tonks.is_worn("top"): add "ch_ton sit_top" xpos nxpos ypos nypos xzoom tonks.xzoom screen with_tonks_animated(): tag ton_chibi zorder tonks_chibi.zorder if game.daytime: add "ch_gen toast_goblet_daytime" xpos 435 ypos 200 else: add "ch_gen toast_goblet" xpos 435 ypos 200 add "ch_ton sit_chair" xpos 610 ypos 175 add "ch_ton sit" xpos 610 ypos 175 if tonks.is_worn("bottom"): add "ch_ton sit_trousers" xpos 610 ypos 175 if tonks.is_any_worn("bottom", "stockings"): add "ch_ton sit_shoes" xpos 610 ypos 175 if tonks.is_worn("top"): add "ch_ton sit_top" xpos 610 ypos 175 if tonks.is_worn("neckwear"): add "ch_ton sit_choker" xpos 610 ypos 175 # Chibi definition default tonks_chibi = Chibi("tonks", ["fix", "base", "bottom", "shoes", "top", "robe", "gloves", "neck"], update_tonks_chibi) init python: def update_tonks_chibi(chibi): # Assume chibi action has a matching image definition chibi_image = "ch_ton {}".format(chibi.action or "stand") chibi["base"] = chibi_image # Determine clothing state if tonks.is_worn("top"): chibi["top"] = "nt_top.webp" if tonks.is_worn("bottom"): if chibi.action == "walk": chibi["bottom"] = "ch_ton walk trousers" else: chibi["bottom"] = "nt_trousers.webp" if tonks.is_worn("gloves"): chibi["gloves"] = "nt_gloves.webp" if tonks.is_worn("robe"): chibi["robe"] = "nt_robe.webp" if tonks.is_worn("bottom") or tonks.is_worn("stockings"): if chibi.action == "walk": chibi["shoes"] = "ch_ton walk shoes" else: chibi["shoes"] = "nt_shoes.webp" if tonks.is_worn("neckwear"): chibi["neck"] = "nt_choker.webp" # Sets up a chibi scene with Tonks and Genie in it label ton_chibi_scene(action="reset", xpos="mid", ypos="base", trans=None): if trans != None: call hide_characters if trans: # Not sure if this part is needed, depends on context? hide screen bld1 hide screen blkfade call ton_chibi("hide") call gen_chibi("hide") $ menu_y = 0.75 if action == "reset": $ menu_y = 0.5 call ton_chibi("stand", xpos, ypos) call gen_chibi("sit_behind_desk") # Blowjob elif action in ('bj_desk', 'bj_desk_shocked'): show screen tonks_chibi_desk(action) if trans: with trans return screen tonks_chibi_desk(action): tag tonks_chibi_scene zorder desk_zorder # Works with any image that matches the desk area add "ch_ton [action]" xpos 370 ypos 336 xanchor 0.5 yanchor 0.5