# TODO: Translation updated at 2024-05-01 22:38 translate chinese strings: # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:2 old "Lollipop Candy" new "棒棒糖" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:2 old "A lollipop candy. An adult candy for kids or kids candy for adults?" new "一个棒棒糖.给孩子的成人糖果或者给成人的儿童糖果?" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:2 old "Give" new "给予" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:3 old "Chocolate" new "巧克力" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:3 old "The recipe for this delicious milk chocolate is kept a secret. (Rumoured to contain dried faeries)." new "这种美味牛奶巧克力的配方是保密的. (传说里面有风干的仙子)." # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:4 old "Plush owl" new "毛绒猫头鹰" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:4 old "A Toy owl stuffed with feathers of an actual owl. It's so cuddly!" new "填充有猫头鹰羽毛的玩具猫头鹰.太可爱了!" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:5 old "Butterbeer" new "黄油啤酒" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:5 old "Girls can't resist this beverage's buttery texture. Therefore it's always in high demand among the boys." new "女孩无法抗拒这种饮料的黄油质地.因此,它在男孩中总是有很高的需求." # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:6 old "Educational Magazines" new "教育杂志" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:6 old "Educational magazines.\nthe Trusty companions of every social outcast." new "教育杂志.\n每个社会弃儿的可靠伙伴." # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:7 old "Girly Magazines" new "少女杂志" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:7 old "Girly magazines.\nAll cool girls are reading these." new "少女杂志.\n所有酷女孩都在读这些." # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:8 old "Adult magazines" new "成人杂志" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:8 old "Your boyfriend is turning into a nice guy?\nYour husband won't abuse you anymore?\nAll you wanted to know about relationships, love and sex. Mostly about sex." new "你男朋友正在变成一个好人? \n你丈夫不会再虐待你了? \n所有你想知道的关系,爱情和性.主要是关于性." # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:9 old "Porn magazines" new "色情杂志" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:9 old "Give these to your girlfriend to test her, to your wife to shame her and to your daughter to avoid \"the talk\"." new "把这些给你的女朋友测试她,给你的妻子羞辱她,给你的女儿避免\"登dua郎的谈话\"." # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:10 old "Viktor Krum Poster" new "维克托 克鲁姆海报" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:10 old "A skilled Quidditch Seeker, Viktor has been selected to play for the Bulgarian National Quidditch team despite still going to school, and is widely regarded as one of the best players in the world." new "维克托是一名技术娴熟的魁地奇找球手,尽管仍在上学,但他仍被选中为保加利亚国家魁地奇球队效力,并被大众认可是世界上最好的球员之一." # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:11 old "Sexy Lingerie" new "性感内衣" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:11 old "Sexy lingerie \"Fairy Godmother\". Charm your wizard in bed or empress your sisters at a Sabbath." new "情趣内衣 \"仙女教母\". 在床上迷住你的巫师或在安息日让你的姐妹成为皇后." # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:12 old "Sexy Stockings" new "性感丝袜" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:12 old "Somewhere between now and the dark-ages came the invention of stockings, when you want to show some skin but not too much." new "从现在到黑暗时代之间的某个地方出现了长袜的发明,当你想展示一些皮肤但又不想太多时." # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:13 old "A Pack Of Condoms" new "一包避孕套" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:13 old "Unleash the one-horned beast!\n{size=-4}May contain traces of actual unicorn saliva.{/size}" new "粉色独角兽避孕套!\n{size=-4}释放独角兽!可能含有实际独角兽唾液的痕迹.{/size}" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:14 old "Vibrator" new "振动棒" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:14 old "A magnificent, magically enhanced vibrator made of vine wood, with a dragon heartstring core." new "一个由藤木制成的宏伟的魔法增强振动器,带有龙心弦核心." # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:15 old "A Jar full of lube, Buy this for your loved one - show that you care." new "一个装满润滑油的罐子,为您所爱的人买这个 - 表明您在乎." # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:16 old "Ball gag and cuffs" new "口球和手铐" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:16 old "Ball gag and cuffs, Turn your soulmate into your cellmate." new "口球和手铐,把你的灵魂伴侣变成你的狱友." # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:17 old "Anal plugs" new "肛门塞" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:17 old "Anal plugs decorated with actual tails. Sizes vary to satisfy expert practitioners and beginner alike." new "用实际尾巴装饰的肛塞.尺寸各不相同,以满足专家从业者和初学者的一致好评." # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:18 old "Thestral strap-on.\nWhen you see it, you'll shit bricks." new "夜骐束带.\n当你看到它的时候,你会情绪失常." # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:19 old "Lady Speed Stick-2000" new "女巫速度棒-2000" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:19 old "{size=-2}The \"Lady Speed Stick-2000\", an elegant way of transportation for passionate witches. The trademarked saddle guarantees full satisfaction. Get one for your witch and she won't use her boring old broom ever again!{/size}" new "{size=-2}\"女巫速度棒-2000\",热情女巫的优雅交通方式.标志性马鞍保证完全满意.给你的女巫买一把,她再也不会用她那无聊的旧扫帚了!{/size}" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:20 old "Sex doll \"Joanne\"" new "性玩偶\"乔安妮\"" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:20 old "It's so realistic. Almost looks like a real human under the influence of a spell of some sort." new "这太真实了.在某种咒语的影响下几乎看起来像一个真正的人类." # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:21 old "Anal beads engraved with a strange inscription \"Property of L.C.\"." new "肛门拉珠上刻着奇怪的铭文\"L.C.的私人财产\"." # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:23 old "Wine" new "葡萄酒" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:23 old "For the more refined palate." new "更精致的口感." # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:24 old "Firewhisky" new "火焰威士忌" # game/scripts/inventory/gifts.rpy:24 old "Great taste with a fiery burn." new "味道很好,喝起来很烧."