init offset = 3 default studio.faces = None default studio.choices = None default studio.drags = None init python in studio: import os import functools import posixpath Transform = Flatten = Drag = get_character_object = @functools.cache def get_faces(): d = _dict() for charname in charobj = get_character_object(charname) extensions = charobj.extensions for part in charobj.face._face.keys(): path = posixpath.join("characters", charname, "poses", charobj.pose, "face", part) for f in renpy.list_files(): fp, fn = os.path.split(f) fn, ext = os.path.splitext(fn) expression = os.path.split(fp)[1] if part in ("cheeks", "tears"): expressions = d.setdefault(charname, _dict()).setdefault(part, _list((False,))) else: expressions = d.setdefault(charname, _dict()).setdefault(part, _list()) if not fp.startswith(path) or not ext in extensions: continue if not expression in expressions: expressions.append(expression) return d def get_choices(): d = {} for i in d[i] = di = {} fi = faces[i] di["eyebrows"] = fi.get("eyebrows", [None]).index("base") di["eyes"] = fi.get("eyes", [None]).index("base") di["mouth"] = fi.get("mouth", [None]).index("base") di["pupils"] = fi.get("pupils", [None]).index("mid") di["cheeks"] = fi.get("cheeks", [False]).index(False) di["tears"] = fi.get("tears", [False]).index(False) di["zoom"] = 0.5 di["flip"] = 1 di["alpha"] = 1.0 d["background"] = { "image": 0, "alpha": 1.0, "hue": 0, "saturation": 1.0, "brightness": 0.0, "blur": 0.0, "list": ["wall_day", "castle", "forest", "quidditch_pitch", "highlight", "versus", "corridor", "custom"] } d["overlay"] = { "image": 0, "alpha": 1.0, "hue": 0, "saturation": 1.0, "brightness": 0.0, "blur": 0.0, "list": [None, "curtains", "card", "g_bottom", "g_left", "g_circular"] } return d def get_drags(): active_girl = d = {} for i in d[i] = [drag_init(getattr(, i)), (i == active_girl)] return d def get_face(char): cho = choices[char] eyebrows = cho["eyebrows"] eyes = cho["eyes"] mouth = cho["mouth"] pupils = cho["pupils"] cheeks = cho["cheeks"] tears = cho["tears"] fa = faces[char] d = { "eyebrows": fa["eyebrows"][eyebrows], "eyes": fa["eyes"][eyes], "mouth": fa["mouth"][mouth], "pupils": fa["pupils"][pupils], "cheeks": fa["cheeks"][cheeks], "tears": fa["tears"][tears], } return d def drag_init(obj): char_obj = obj char_name = d = Transform(Flatten(char_obj.image), zoom=choices[char_name]["zoom"], xzoom=choices[char_name]["flip"], alpha=choices[char_name]["alpha"]) pos = (250, 0) drag = Drag(d, activated=drag_activated, drag_offscreen=True, focus_mask=True) drag.char_obj = char_obj drag.char_name = char_name drag.initial_pos = pos = pos return drag def drag_activated(drag): drag = drag[0] = drag.char_obj = drag.char_name renpy.restart_interaction() return def drag_update(drag): drag.char_obj.set_face(**get_face(drag.char_name)) cho = choices[drag.char_name] zoom = cho["zoom"] flip = cho["flip"] alpha = cho["alpha"] d = Flatten(drag.char_obj.image) d = Transform(d, zoom=zoom, xzoom=flip, alpha=alpha) drag.set_child(d) return def drag_reset(drag): cho = choices[drag.char_name] fa = faces[drag.char_name] cho["eyebrows"] = fa["eyebrows"].index("base") cho["eyes"] = fa["eyes"].index("base") cho["mouth"] = fa["mouth"].index("base") cho["pupils"] = fa["pupils"].index("mid") cho["cheeks"] = fa["cheeks"].index(False) cho["tears"] = fa["tears"].index(False) cho["zoom"] = 0.5 cho["flip"] = 1 cho["alpha"] = 1.0 drag.char_obj.set_face(**get_face(drag.char_name)) x, y = drag.initial_pos drag.snap(x, y, 0) drag_update(drag) return label studio(char): # TODO: Finish adding presets saving. # Add character drag offset based on zoom. hide screen wardrobe python: last_char = char_active last_girl = states.active_girl last_face = last_char.get_face() studio.faces = studio.get_faces() studio.choices = studio.get_choices() char_active.set_face(**studio.get_face(states.active_girl)) studio.drags = studio.get_drags() call screen studio # Reset $ char_active = last_char $ states.active_girl = last_girl $ char_active.set_face(**last_face) return screen studio(): tag studio zorder 30 style_prefix "studio" predict False default icon_size = (32, 32) default take_screenshot = False $ bg_hue = HueMatrix(studio.choices["background"]["hue"]) $ bg_saturation = SaturationMatrix(studio.choices["background"]["saturation"]) $ bg_brightness = BrightnessMatrix(studio.choices["background"]["brightness"]) $ bg_blur = studio.choices["background"]["blur"] $ bg_matrix = bg_hue*bg_saturation*bg_brightness $ bg_image = studio.choices["background"]["list"][studio.choices["background"]["image"]] $ bg_image = f"images/rooms/_bg_/{bg_image}.webp" $ bg = Transform(bg_image, matrixcolor=bg_matrix, blur=bg_blur) $ ov_hue = HueMatrix(studio.choices["overlay"]["hue"]) $ ov_saturation = SaturationMatrix(studio.choices["overlay"]["saturation"]) $ ov_brightness = BrightnessMatrix(studio.choices["overlay"]["brightness"]) $ ov_blur = studio.choices["overlay"]["blur"] $ ov_alpha = studio.choices["overlay"]["alpha"] $ ov_matrix = ov_hue*ov_saturation*ov_brightness $ ov_image = studio.choices["overlay"]["list"][studio.choices["overlay"]["image"]] if ov_image is not None: $ ov = Transform(f"images/rooms/overlays/{ov_image}.webp", matrixcolor=ov_matrix, blur=ov_blur, alpha=ov_alpha) else: $ ov = None $ active_drag = studio.drags[states.active_girl][0] add bg draggroup: for i in studio.drags.values(): if i[1]: add i[0] add ov if not _windows_hidden: use close_button(action=Confirm("Exit Photo Studio?\n{size=-4}All changes will be lost.{/size}", Return("Close"))) hbox: pos (25, 25) style_prefix gui.theme("studio") vbox: label (states.active_girl) $ drag_update = Function(studio.drag_update, active_drag) $ drag_reset = Function(studio.drag_reset, active_drag) hbox: add "interface/studio/eyebrows.webp" size icon_size bar value DictValue(studio.choices[states.active_girl], "eyebrows", len(studio.faces[states.active_girl]["eyebrows"])-1, False, step=1, force_step=True, action=drag_update) tooltip "Character eyebrows" hbox: add "interface/studio/eyes.webp" size icon_size bar value DictValue(studio.choices[states.active_girl], "eyes", len(studio.faces[states.active_girl]["eyes"])-1, False, step=1, force_step=True, action=drag_update) tooltip "Character eyes" hbox: add "interface/studio/pupils.webp" size icon_size bar value DictValue(studio.choices[states.active_girl], "pupils", len(studio.faces[states.active_girl]["pupils"])-1, False, step=1, force_step=True, action=drag_update) tooltip "Character pupils" hbox: add "interface/studio/mouth.webp" size icon_size bar value DictValue(studio.choices[states.active_girl], "mouth", len(studio.faces[states.active_girl]["mouth"])-1, False, step=1, force_step=True, action=drag_update) tooltip "Character mouth" hbox: add "interface/studio/blush.webp" size icon_size bar value DictValue(studio.choices[states.active_girl], "cheeks", len(studio.faces[states.active_girl]["cheeks"])-1, False, step=1, force_step=True, action=drag_update) tooltip "Character blush" hbox: add "interface/studio/tears.webp" size icon_size bar value DictValue(studio.choices[states.active_girl], "tears", len(studio.faces[states.active_girl]["tears"])-1, False, step=1, force_step=True, action=drag_update) tooltip "Character tears" hbox: add "interface/studio/scale.webp" size icon_size bar value DictValue(studio.choices[states.active_girl], "zoom", 1.0, False, step=0.1, force_step=True, action=drag_update) tooltip "Character Scale" hbox: add "interface/studio/opacity.webp" size icon_size bar value DictValue(studio.choices[states.active_girl], "alpha", 1.0, False, step=0.1, force_step=True, action=drag_update) tooltip "Character Opacity" textbutton "Flip" action [ToggleDict(studio.choices[states.active_girl], "flip", -1, 1), drag_update] xpos 4 textbutton "Reset" action drag_reset xpos 4 vbox: label "Background" default bg_dict = studio.choices["background"] hbox: add "interface/studio/background.webp" size icon_size bar value DictValue(bg_dict, "image", len(bg_dict["list"])-1, False, step=1, force_step=True) tooltip "Background Image" hbox: add "interface/studio/hue.webp" size icon_size bar value DictValue(bg_dict, "hue", 360.0, False, step=1.0, force_step=True) tooltip "Background Hue" hbox: add "interface/studio/saturation.webp" size icon_size bar value DictValue(bg_dict, "saturation", 1.0, False, step=0.1, force_step=False) tooltip "Background Saturation" hbox: add "interface/studio/brightness.webp" size icon_size bar value DictValue(bg_dict, "brightness", 1.0, False, step=0.1, force_step=False) tooltip "Background Brightness" hbox: add "interface/studio/blur.webp" size icon_size bar value DictValue(bg_dict, "blur", 50.0, False, step=1.0, force_step=True) tooltip "Background Blur" vbox: label "Overlay" default ov_dict = studio.choices["overlay"] hbox: add "interface/studio/overlay.webp" size icon_size bar value DictValue(ov_dict, "image", len(ov_dict["list"])-1, False, step=1, force_step=True) tooltip "Overlay Image" if ov_dict["image"] > 0: hbox: add "interface/studio/hue.webp" size icon_size bar value DictValue(ov_dict, "hue", 360.0, False, step=1.0, force_step=True) tooltip "Overlay Hue" hbox: add "interface/studio/saturation.webp" size icon_size bar value DictValue(ov_dict, "saturation", 1.0, False, step=0.1, force_step=False) tooltip "Overlay Saturation" hbox: add "interface/studio/brightness.webp" size icon_size bar value DictValue(ov_dict, "brightness", 1.0, False, step=0.1, force_step=False) tooltip "Overlay Brightness" hbox: add "interface/studio/blur.webp" size icon_size bar value DictValue(ov_dict, "blur", 50.0, False, step=1.0, force_step=True) tooltip "Overlay Blur" hbox: add "interface/studio/opacity.webp" size icon_size bar value DictValue(ov_dict, "alpha", 1.0, False, step=0.1, force_step=True) tooltip "Overlay Opacity" vbox: label "Characters" vbox: for k, v in studio.drags.items(): $ active = (states.active_girl == k and v[1]) $ unlocked = get_character_unlock(k) if not v[1]: $ action = [ SetDict(studio.drags[k], 1, True), Function(studio.drag_activated, [v[0]]), renpy.restart_interaction ] elif not states.active_girl == k: $ action = [ Function(studio.drag_activated, [v[0]]), renpy.restart_interaction] else: $ action = [ SetDict(studio.drags[k], 1, False), renpy.restart_interaction ] if unlocked: textbutton k: action action selected v[1] text_color ("#009900" if active else "#f9d592") text_hover_color "#fff" text_first_indent 20 background Transform(f"interface/icons/head/{k}.webp", size=(16, 16), offset=(22, 3)) vbox: align (1.0, 1.0) xoffset -12 label "Actions" hbox: imagebutton: idle Transform(image_alpha("interface/studio/screenshot.webp"), size=icon_size) hover Transform("interface/studio/screenshot.webp", size=icon_size) action [Function(_hide_windows), SetScreenVariable("take_screenshot", True)] tooltip "Screenshot (Prnt Scrn)" imagebutton: idle Transform(image_alpha("interface/studio/hide.webp"), size=icon_size) hover Transform("interface/studio/hide.webp", size=icon_size) action Function(_hide_windows) tooltip "Hide interface (H)" if _windows_hidden: use invisible_button(action=Function(_hide_windows)) if take_screenshot: timer 0.2 action [_screenshot, Function(_hide_windows), SetScreenVariable("take_screenshot", False)] style studio_hbox: spacing 25 style studio_label_text: color "#f9d592" outlines [ (2, "#00000080", 0, 0) ] style studio_bar: xsize 112 xalign 0.5 style studio_button: xsize 106 xalign 0.5 style studio_button_text: size 12 style dark_studio_bar is dark_slider: xsize 160 yalign 0.5 style light_studio_bar is light_slider: xsize 160 yalign 0.5 style light_studio_hbox is studio_hbox style dark_studio_hbox is studio_hbox style studio_hbox: spacing 5 style light_studio_button is light_radio_button style dark_studio_button is dark_radio_button style light_studio_button_text: first_indent 6 size 10 color "#f9d592" hover_color "#fff" outlines [ (2, "#00000080", 0, 0) ] style dark_studio_button_text: first_indent 6 size 10 color "#9b8d84" hover_color "#fff" outlines [ (2, "#00000080", 0, 0) ]