# base potions: # Polyjuice potion (Luna, Cat, Lamia) # Expanding Elixir (Breast, Ass) # Moreish mead (cum) # Transparent tincture (Transparency potion) # Coloring concoction (hair colors) # Cum addiction = Moreish mead? + wormwood + your cum # Ass expansion = Expanding Elixir + knotgrass # Breast expansion = Expanding Elixir + Root of aconite # Cat potion = Polyjuice + Cat hair # Luna potion = Polyjuice + Luna's hair # Lamia potion = Polyjuice + Basilisk scale # Transparency potion = Transparent tincture + Niffler's fancy # Cum addiction: wormwood+your cum (jerk off into it) # Ass expansion: knotgrass # Breast expansion: Root of aconite # Luna potion: Luna's hair # Transparency potion: Niffler's fancy # Lamia potion: Basilisk scale # wormwood = forbidden forest # knotgrass = ? # root_of_aconite =? # cat_hair # luna_hair = brush from room? # basilisk_scale = ? # all the metadata for the objects is stored statically any information # that needs to be persistent is stored in a separate known dict value default potion_lib = PotionCollection( lib = [ PotionIngredient( id = "ing_wormwood", name = "Wormwood", effect = "", description = "Wormwood is sometimes found in the forbidden forest.", picture = "" ), PotionIngredient( id = "ing_knotgrass", name = "Knotgrass", effect = "", description = "You can sometimes find Knotgrass by the forbidden forest.", picture = "" ), PotionIngredient( id = "ing_aconite_root", name = "Root of Aconite", effect = "", description = "Root of Aconite can be found down by the lake.", picture = "" ), PotionIngredient( id = "ing_niffler_fancy", name = "Niffler's fancy", effect = "", description = "*Hmm*... I think I heard that it's found by the lake.", picture = "" ), PotionIngredient( id = "ing_luna_hair", name = "Luna's Hair", effect = "", description = "The hair of Luna Lovegood.", picture = "" ), PotionIngredient( id = "ing_cat_hair", name = "Cat Hair", effect = "", description = "The hair of a common cat.", picture = "" ), PotionIngredient( id = "ing_basilisk_scale", name = "Basilisk Scale", effect = "", description = "The scale of what appears to be a large snake.", picture = "" ), Potion( id = "p_transparent_tincture", cost = 20, whoring_rec = 3, name = "Transparent Tincture", effect = "", description = "" ), Potion( id = "p_polyjuice_potion", cost = 40, whoring_rec = 5, name = "Polyjuice Potion", effect = "", description = "" ), Potion( id = "p_expanding_elixir", cost = 30, whoring_rec = 8, name = "Expanding Elixir", effect = "", description = "" ), Potion( id = "p_imperius_potion", cost = 45, whoring_rec = 14, name = "Imperius Potion", effect = "", description = "" ), Potion( id = "p_moreish_mead", cost = 60, whoring_rec = 14, name = "Moreish Mead", effect = "", description = "" ), Potion( id = "p_cum_addiction", ingredients = ["ing_wormwood","p_moreish_mead"], name = "Cum Addiction Potion", effect = "Cum Addiction", start_label = "potion_scene_3_1_1", description = "" ), Potion( id = "p_ass_expansion", ingredients = ["ing_knotgrass","p_expanding_elixir"], name = "Ass Expansion Potion", effect = "Ass Expansion", start_label = "potion_scene_2_2", description = "" ), Potion( id = "p_breast_expansion", ingredients = ["ing_aconite_root","p_expanding_elixir"], name = "Breast Expansion Potion", effect = "Breast Expansion", start_label = "potion_scene_2_1_1", description = "" ), Potion( id = "p_cat_transformation", ingredients = ["ing_cat_hair","p_polyjuice_potion"], name = "Cat Transformation Potion", effect = "Cat Ears", start_label = "potion_scene_1_1_1", description = "" ), Potion( id = "p_luna_transformation", ingredients = ["ing_luna_hair","p_polyjuice_potion"], name = "Luna Transformation Potion", effect = "Luna Potion", start_label = "potion_scene_1_2", description = "" ), Potion( id = "p_lamia_transformation", ingredients = ["ing_basilisk_scale","p_polyjuice_potion"], name = "Lamia Transformation Potion", start_label = "potion_scene_1_3", effect = "Snek", description = "" ), Potion( id = "p_transparency", ingredients = ["ing_niffler_fancy","p_transparent_tincture"], name = "Transparency Potion", effect = "Transparent Clothes", start_label = "potion_scene_4", description = "" ), Potion( id = "p_hypno", ingredients = ["ing_aconite_root","p_imperius_potion"], name = "Hypno Potion", effect = "Hypno Potion", start_label = "potion_scene_3_3_1", description = "" ), Potion( id = "p_clone", ingredients = ["p_polyjuice_potion","p_imperius_potion"], name = "Clone Potion", effect = "Clone Potion", start_label = "potion_scene_1_4", description = "" ), Potion( id = "p_milk_potion", name = "Lactantium", effect = "Lactantium", start_label = "potion_scene_11", description = "" ), Potion( id = "p_veritaserum", name = "Veritaserum", effect = "", description = "" ), Potion( id = "p_voluptatem", name = "Voluptatem", effect = "Voluptatem", start_label = "potion_scene_3_4_1", description = "" ) ] ) default potion_inv = PotionInventory() default p_inv = {} # this stores the id and quantity of items the player has persistently ### Potions Room ### screen potions_room(): tag room_screen if game.daytime: add "images/rooms/_bg_/corridor.webp" #Need day image. else: add "images/rooms/_bg_/corridor.webp" zorder 0 label potions_room: show screen blkfade with d3 call room("potions_room") call gen_chibi("hide") if store_intro_done: call gen_chibi("stand", "left", "base") call hide_blkfade else: call gen_chibi("stand", 0, "base") call hide_blkfade call gen_walk("left", "base") pause.2 jump potions_menu label potions_menu: python: items_menu = [] for potion in potion_lib.get_craftables(): if potion_inv.can_craft(potion): items_menu.append(potion.get_craft_menu_item()) else: items_menu.append(potion.get_craft_menu_item(True)) items_menu.append(("-Never mind-", "nvm")) potion_choice = renpy.display_menu(items_menu) if potion_choice == "nvm": jump return_office elif isinstance(potion_choice, Potion): $ renpy.say( None, potion_choice.get_mix_text() ) if potion_choice.id == "p_cum_addiction": ">... but it's missing the most important part." menu: "-Cum into the Potion-": # TODO: add jerk_off here at some point ">you cum into the potion" $ renpy.say(None,">You received the item: \""+potion_choice.name+"\".") python: for ingredient in potion_choice.ingredients: potion_inv.remove(ingredient) $ potion_inv.add(potion_choice.id) else: show screen blktone ">You lack the required materials to make this." $ missing_items = [] $ tmp_txt = "You still need " python: for item in potion_choice: if not potion_inv.has(item): missing_items.append(item) for i in range(len(missing_items)): tmp_txt += "{size=+5}{b}"+potion_lib.get_name_by_id(missing_items[i])+"{/b}{/size}" if len(missing_items) > 1: if i < len(missing_items)-2: tmp_txt += ", " if i == len(missing_items)-2: tmp_txt += " and " $ tmp_txt += " to craft this" $ renpy.say(None, tmp_txt) #$ renpy.say(None,"You need {size=+5}{b}"+potion_lib.get_name_by_id(potion_choice[0])+"{/b}{/size} and {size=+5}{b}"+potion_lib.get_name_by_id(potion_choice[1])+"{/b}{/size} to craft this") hide screen blktone jump potions_menu init -1 python: class PotionBase(object): id = "" def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.__dict__.update(**kwargs) def __repr__(self): return self.id def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return self.id == other.id else: return False def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) class Potion(PotionBase): id = "" cost = 0 ingredients = [] name = "" effect = "" description = "" picture = "" whoring_rec = 0 start_label = None def get_store_menu_item(self, disabled=False): if disabled: return gui.menu_item('-{}-'.format(self.name), None, style="disabled") else: return gui.menu_item('-{}-'.format(self.name), self) def get_craft_menu_item(self, disabled=False): if disabled: return gui.menu_item('-Craft: "{}"-'.format(self.name), self.ingredients, style="disabled") else: return gui.menu_item('-Craft: "{}"-'.format(self.name), self.id) def get_mix_text(self): return ">You mix the {i}" + potion_lib.get_name_by_id(self.ingredients[0]) \ + "{/i} with the {i}" + potion_lib.get_name_by_id(self.ingredients[1]) + "{/i}" class PotionIngredient(PotionBase): id = "" cost = 0 name = "" effect = "" description = "" picture = "" class PotionCollection(object): lib = [] def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.__dict__.update(**kwargs) def get_name_by_id(self,id): for item in self.lib: if item.id == id: return item.name return None def is_valid_id(self, id): for item in self.lib: if item.id == id: return True return False def get_id_by_name(self, name): for item in self.lib: if item.name == name: return item.id return None def get_craftables(self): craftable = [] for item in self.lib: if hasattr(item, 'ingredients') and len(item.ingredients) > 0: craftable.append(item) return craftable def get_buyables(self): buyable = [] for item in self.lib: if hasattr(item, 'cost') and item.cost > 0: buyable.append(item) return buyable def get_start_label(self, id): for item in self.lib: if hasattr(item, 'start_label') and item.id == id: return item.start_label return None def get_playables(self): requests = [] for item in self.lib: if hasattr(item, 'start_label') and item.start_label != None: requests.append(item) return requests class PotionInventory(object): def can_craft(self, potion): global p_inv for ing_id in potion.ingredients: if ing_id in p_inv.keys(): if p_inv[ing_id] < 1: return False else: return False return True def has(self, potion): global p_inv if isinstance(potion, Potion): potion = potion.id return potion in p_inv.keys() def add(self, potion, quant=1): global p_inv, potion_lib if isinstance(potion, Potion): potion = potion.id if potion_lib.get_id_by_name(potion) != None: potion = potion_lib.get_id_by_name(potion) if potion_lib.is_valid_id(potion): if potion in p_inv.keys(): p_inv[potion] = p_inv[potion] + quant else: p_inv[potion] = quant return True else: return False def extend(self, list): for item in list: self.add(item) def remove(self, potion, quant=1): global p_inv if isinstance(potion, Potion): potion = potion.id if potion in p_inv.keys(): p_inv[potion] = p_inv[potion] - quant if p_inv[potion] < 1: p_inv.pop(potion, None) return True else: return False