label summon_cho: #call play_music("cho") #call play_sound("door") $ active_girl = "cho" $ last_character = "cho" $ cho_busy = True #call update_cho_tier call update_cho $ renpy.checkpoint(hard=True) if has_cho_panties: if cho_tier == 2: jump cho_panties_response_T2 elif cho_tier == 3: jump cho_panties_response_T3 # Slytherin Quidditch Intro. if cho_tier == 2 and not cho_quid.E5_complete: jump cho_quid_E5 # Gryffindor Quidditch Intro. elif cho_tier == 3 and not cho_quid.E10_complete: jump cho_quid_E10 # Quidditch Outro elif cho_tier == 4 and not cho_quid.E14_complete: jump cho_quid_E14 # Clothes Events call cho_summon_setup label cho_requests: # Reset call reset_menu_position cho "" (xpos="base", ypos="base") menu: # Main Matches "-Start Hufflepuff Match-" (icon="interface/icons/small/huff.webp") if (cho_tier == 1 and hufflepuff_match == "ready"): if cho_reputation == 0: gen "(If I want Cho to do anything in public with those {i}Muffletuffs{/i} I better do it before the match.)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(Although maybe not...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") menu: "Are you ready to begin the match?" "-Yes-": pass "-no-": jump cho_requests jump start_hufflepuff_match "-Start Slytherin Match-" (icon="interface/icons/small/slyt.webp") if (cho_tier == 2 and slytherin_match == "ready" and cho_quid.E7_complete): if cho_reputation <= 3: gen "(If I want Cho to do anything in public with those {i}Slythershits{/i} I better do it before the match.)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(Although maybe not...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") menu: "Are you ready to begin the match?" "-Yes-": pass "-no-": jump cho_requests jump start_slytherin_match "-Start Gryffindor Match-" (icon="interface/icons/small/gryf.webp") if (cho_tier == 3 and gryffindor_match == "ready" and cho_quid.E13_complete): if cho_reputation <= 6: gen "(If I want Cho to do anything in public with those {i}Gryphoncucks{/i} I better do it before the match.)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(Although maybe not...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") show screen blktone with d3 ">Starting the match will progress Cho's story to the next stage." ">Make sure to save your game in case you want to return to this stage later." hide screen blktone with d3 pause.5 menu: "Are you ready to begin the match?" "-Yes-": pass "-No-": jump cho_requests jump start_gryffindor_match # Talk "-Talk-" (icon="interface/icons/small/talk.webp"): if cho_mood > 0: cho "I have nothing to say to you, [cho_genie_name]..." (face="annoyed") jump cho_requests call cho_chitchat jump cho_talk # Quidditch Training "-Training-" (icon="interface/icons/small/quidditch.webp") if cho_tier < 4 and not cho_quid.lock_training: if cho_mood > 0: gen "Ready to get back to training?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") if cho_mood >= 5: cho "No.{w=0.5} And I don't want to hear of it right now, Sir." (face="angry") else: cho "I'm sorry, [cho_genie_name]. But I don't feel like training today." ("soft", "base", "worried", "down") call nar(">Cho is still upset with you.") jump cho_requests jump cho_training "-Training-" (icon="interface/icons/small/quidditch.webp", style="disabled") if cho_tier < 4 and cho_quid.lock_training: gen "(She's as ready as one can be.)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") jump cho_requests "-Sexual favours-" (icon="interface/icons/small/condom.webp") if cho_favors_unlocked: if cho_mood > 0: cho "I'm sorry, [cho_genie_name]. But I don't feel like it today..." ("upset", "base", "worried", "mid") jump cho_requests else: jump cho_favor_menu "-Sexual favours-" (icon="interface/icons/small/condom.webp", style="disabled") if not cho_favors_unlocked: if cho_tier == 1: gen "(I need to help her with her Quidditch training, before I can ask for something like this.)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") elif cho_tier == 4: gen "(I have a feeling this is as far as I can progress with her at the moment.)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") else: gen "(I should ask her about the next Quidditch match first. See who we're up against...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") jump cho_requests "-Wardrobe-" (icon="interface/icons/small/wardrobe.webp") if cho_wardrobe_unlocked: hide cho_main with d1 call wardrobe jump cho_requests "-Hidden-" (style="disabled") if not cho_wardrobe_unlocked: call nar(">You haven't unlocked this feature yet.") jump cho_requests "-Give Item-" (icon="interface/icons/small/gift.webp"): hide cho_main with d1 call gift_menu jump cho_requests # Dismiss "-Dismiss Her-": stop music fadeout 3.0 if cho_mood == 0: cho "Goodbye, [cho_genie_name]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") else: cho "Goodbye, [cho_genie_name]." ("annoyed", "base", "base", "L") call play_sound("door") jump end_cho_event # Cho Favor Menu label cho_favor_menu: call update_cho_favors menu: "-Personal Favours-" (icon="interface/icons/small/heart_red.webp"): label .personal: python: menu_choices = [] for i in cc_favor_list: if i in []: # Not in the game yet. menu_choices.append(gui.menu_item("-Not available-", "na", style="disabled")) elif i.start_tier > cho_tier: menu_choices.append(gui.menu_item("-Not ready-", "vague", style="disabled")) else: menu_choices.append(i.get_menu_item()) menu_choices.append(("-Never mind-", "nvm")) result = renpy.display_menu(menu_choices) if result == "nvm": jump cho_favor_menu elif result == "vague": call favor_not_ready jump .personal elif result == "na": call not_available jump .personal else: $ renpy.jump(result) "-Public Requests-" (icon="interface/icons/small/star_yellow.webp", style="disabled") if not game.daytime or not cho_requests_unlocked: if not cho_requests_unlocked: call nar(">Progress further to unlock public requests.") elif not game.daytime: call nar(">Public requests are available during the day only.") jump cho_favor_menu "-Public Requests-" (icon="interface/icons/small/star_yellow.webp") if game.daytime and cho_requests_unlocked: jump cho_requests_menu "-Never mind-": jump cho_requests label update_cho_favors: python: for i in cc_favor_list: i.tier = cho_tier return # Cho Requests Menu label cho_requests_menu: call update_cho_requests python: menu_choices = [] for i in cc_requests_list: if i in []: # Not in the game yet. menu_choices.append(gui.menu_item("-Not available-", "na", style="disabled")) menu_choices.append(gui.menu_item()) elif i.start_tier > cho_tier: menu_choices.append(gui.menu_item("-Not ready-", "vague", style="disabled")) else: menu_choices.append(i.get_menu_item()) menu_choices.append(("-Never mind-", "nvm")) result = renpy.display_menu(menu_choices) if result == "nvm": jump cho_favor_menu elif result == "vague": call favor_not_ready jump cho_requests elif result == "na": call not_available jump cho_requests else: $ renpy.jump(result) label update_cho_requests: # Set event tier to current Cho tier if they are different python: for i in cc_requests_list: i.tier = cho_tier return label favor_not_ready: call nar(">You can't do this favour just yet.") return label not_available: $ TBA_message("This feature is currently not available as of version %s." % config.version) return