label deck_builder: python: for card in playerdeck: card.playercard = True label deck_builder_jump: show screen deck_builder_screen $ renpy.block_rollback() $ _choice = ui.interact() if _choice in unlocked_cards: $ selectcard = unlocked_cards.index(_choice) jump deck_builder_jump elif _choice == "gallery": hide screen deck_builder_screen show screen deck_builder_gallery elif _choice == "back": hide screen deck_builder_gallery show screen deck_builder_screen elif _choice == "Close": $ selectcard = -1 hide screen deck_builder_screen jump main_room_menu elif _choice == "guide": $ selectcard = -1 hide screen deck_builder_screen jump deck_builder_guide elif _choice == "inc": $ currentpage += 1 $ selectcard = -1 jump deck_builder_jump elif _choice == "dec": $ currentpage -= 1 $ selectcard = -1 jump deck_builder_jump elif _choice == "unselect": $ selectcard = -1 jump deck_builder_jump else: if not selectcard == -1: python: if unlocked_cards[selectcard].copies > -1: unlocked_cards[selectcard].copies -= 1 add_card_to_deck(playerdeck[int(_choice)].title) playerdeck[int(_choice)] = unlocked_cards[selectcard] selectcard = -1 pass jump deck_builder_jump else: jump deck_builder_jump screen deck_builder_screen(): zorder 8 $ card_shown=5 imagebutton idle "images/cardgame/deck_builder.webp" action Return("unselect") for i in range(0, clamp(card_shown, 0, (len(unlocked_cards))-(card_shown*currentpage))): use cardrender(unlocked_cards[clamp(i+(currentpage*card_shown), 0, len(unlocked_cards))], 18,17+80*i, True) if not selectcard == -1: use cardrender(unlocked_cards[selectcard], 885, 316) #add im.Scale(unlocked_cards[selectcard].imagepath, card_width*0.5, card_height*0.5) xpos 885 ypos 316 vbox: xpos 560 ypos 320 xsize 340 ysize 33 text "{size=-3}"+unlocked_cards[selectcard].get_title()+"{/size}" xalign 0 yalign 0.5 size 22 vbox: xpos 760 ypos 520 xsize 112 ysize 33 text unlocked_cards[selectcard].get_amount() xalign 1 yalign 0.5 vbox: xpos 560 ypos 520 xsize 112 ysize 33 text "{color=#ffffff}Value:{/color}"+unlocked_cards[selectcard].get_totalvalue() xalign 0 yalign 0.5 vbox: xpos 560 ypos 350 xsize 300 ysize 500 text "{size=-5}"+unlocked_cards[selectcard].get_description()+"{/size}" for i in range(0,5): use cardrender(playerdeck[i], 223+165*i, 17, True, return_value=i, color=True) imagebutton: xpos 200 ypos 380 idle "images/cardgame/scrollup.webp" if not currentpage <= 0: hover "images/cardgame/scrollup_hover.webp" action Return("dec") imagebutton: xpos 200 ypos 430 idle "images/cardgame/scrolldown.webp" if currentpage < math.ceil((len(unlocked_cards)-1)/card_shown): hover "images/cardgame/scrolldown_hover.webp" action Return("inc") #Page info $ str_currentpage = currentpage+1 $ str_currentpage_max = int(math.ceil((len(unlocked_cards)-1)/card_shown)+1.0) text "{color=#FFFFFF}{size=-5}Page [str_currentpage]/[str_currentpage_max]{/size}{/color}" xpos 215 ypos 360 text_align 0.5 xalign 0.5 #Gallery button imagebutton: xpos 274 ypos 310 idle "images/cardgame/gallery.webp" hover "images/cardgame/gallery_hover.webp" action [Show("deck_builder_gallery"), Hide("deck_builder_screen")] #Guide button imagebutton: xpos 274 ypos 400 idle "images/cardgame/guide.webp" hover "images/cardgame/guide_hover.webp" action Return("guide") #Exit button imagebutton: xpos 274 ypos 502 idle "images/cardgame/exit.webp" hover "images/cardgame/exit_hover.webp" action Return("Close") keysym "game_menu" #Easter egg # hbox: # xpos 1020 # ypos 296 # xsize 40 # ysize 40 # button action Jump("color_change") background "#ffffff00" # #add Solid(get_hex_string(playercolor_rgb)) screen deck_builder_gallery(): zorder 8 imagebutton idle "interface/desk/_bg_.webp" action NullAction() text "{size=+15}Gallery{/size}" ypos 15 xalign 0.5 for i, card in enumerate(cards_all): $ col = (i // 4) % 13 $ row = i % 4 use cardrender(card, 18+80*col, 67+125*row, False, cardzoom=0.25, color=card_exist(unlocked_cards, card)) imagebutton: anchor (1.0, 0.0) ypos 18 xalign 0.98 idle "images/cardgame/back.webp" hover "images/cardgame/back_hover.webp" action [Show("deck_builder_screen"), Hide("deck_builder_gallery")] keysym "game_menu" label color_change: python: playercolor_rgb = tuple(color_picker(playercolor_rgb), False, "Player border") enemycolor_rgb = tuple(color_picker(enemycolor_rgb), False, "Enemy border") jump deck_builder label deck_builder_guide: $ deck_guide_page = 0 $ deck_guide_zone = "" $ deck_guide_helper = "" play music "music/GrapeSodaIsFuckingRawbyjrayteam6.ogg" fadein 1 if_changed show screen deck_builder_tutorial with dissolve nar "The goal of Wizard cards is to own the most cards on the playing field until all 9 slots are filled." nar "To win the game you have to pay attention to your deck but also the enemy deck." # Sides guide $ deck_guide_zone = "player_zone" nar "This is your deck." nar "You can have a maximum of five cards in your active deck." $ deck_guide_zone = "enemy_zone" nar "This is your opponent's deck." nar "Your opponent's deck is also limited to five cards." # Inspection guide $ deck_guide_zone = "" $ deck_guide_page = 1 nar "You can inspect cards by clicking on them." $ deck_guide_page = 2 nar "In the current version of the game you can also inspect enemy cards." nar "This might change later on if we feel like the game is not difficult enough." # Card guide $ deck_guide_page = 1 nar "To place down a card, simply select it and click on any of the empty fields." $ deck_guide_page = 3 nar "You can place only one card per turn." $ deck_guide_zone = "card_zone" $ deck_guide_helper = "border_guide" nar "Every card you place down is displayed with a Blue border and signifies that you own the card." nar "Your opponent's cards are displayed in red." $ deck_guide_helper = "numbers_guide" nar "Numbers on the sides, top, and bottom indicate the power of the card in a specific direction." $ deck_guide_helper = "tier_guide" nar "This is what we call a card tier." nar "The shape and colour of it indicates the rarity of the card, while the number tells you the overall power of it." $ deck_guide_helper = "" nar "The card currently displayed is a special card." nar "Special cards are unique and cannot be obtained more than once." $ deck_guide_page = 33 nar "This card, for example, is simply called a girl card." $ deck_guide_helper = "cho_stage2" nar "They also cannot be obtained more than once, but the picture changes depending on how many challenges you have won." nar "You'll learn more about those as you play, but the gist is..." $ deck_guide_helper = "cho_stage3" nar "The more challenges you beat, the fewer clothes a character wears." nar "Cool, right?" gen "Hell yes!" ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") $ deck_guide_helper = "" $ deck_guide_page = 3 nar "Moving on." gen "..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # $ deck_guide_zone = "fight_zone" $ deck_guide_helper = "fight_guide" $ deck_guide_page = 4 nar "Once a card is played, it can be taken by the opponent when they place a card with a number higher than the side of the card facing that number." $ deck_guide_helper = "border_guide" nar "When a card is taken, its border changes colour." $ deck_guide_zone = "" $ deck_guide_helper = "" $ deck_guide_page = 5 nar "The player with the most cards of their colour by the end wins the game." if not states.sna.ev.cardgame.known: gen "(Seems simple enough....)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(Wait... who the fuck do I play against?)" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(Maybe I should ask my good ole pal Snape if he has any cards...)" ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(*Shudders*)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(Well... might as well...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") #$ _choice = ui.interact() #if _choice == "back": call music_block hide screen deck_builder_tutorial jump deck_builder screen deck_builder_tutorial(): zorder 18 #imagebutton idle "interface/desk/_bg_.webp" action None add "images/cardgame/guide/[deck_guide_page].webp" if not deck_guide_zone == "": add "images/cardgame/guide/[deck_guide_zone].webp" if deck_guide_helper == "border_guide": add "images/cardgame/guide/[deck_guide_helper].webp" xpos 600 ypos 250 if deck_guide_helper == "numbers_guide": add "images/cardgame/guide/[deck_guide_helper].webp" xpos 540 ypos 300 xalign 0.5 yalign 0.5 if deck_guide_helper == "tier_guide": add "images/cardgame/guide/[deck_guide_helper].webp" xpos 500 ypos 200 xanchor 0.5 if deck_guide_helper == "cho_stage2": add "images/cardgame/guide/[deck_guide_helper].webp" xpos 540 ypos 300 xalign 0.5 yalign 0.5 if deck_guide_helper == "cho_stage3": add "images/cardgame/guide/[deck_guide_helper].webp" xpos 540 ypos 300 xalign 0.5 yalign 0.5 if deck_guide_helper == "cho_stage4": add "images/cardgame/guide/[deck_guide_helper].webp" xpos 540 ypos 300 xalign 0.5 yalign 0.5 if deck_guide_helper == "fight_guide": add "images/cardgame/guide/[deck_guide_helper].webp" xpos 540 ypos 360 xalign 0.5 ##Back button #imagebutton: # xpos 930 # ypos 480 # idle "images/cardgame/back.webp" # hover "images/cardgame/back_hover.webp" # action Return("back") # keysym "game_menu"