# game/scripts/shops/dress/room.rpy:6 translate chinese clothing_store_0b1a4ab1: # maf "I'm sorry luv, but I'm still quite busy working on your previous order." maf "很抱歉,亲爱的,但是我现在还在忙着制作你之前定的服装." # game/scripts/shops/dress/room.rpy:7 translate chinese clothing_store_77783478: # maf "Come back once you received my package." maf "等你收到我的包裹之后再来吧." # game/scripts/shops/dress/room.rpy:13 translate chinese clothing_store_e3fc92c0: # ">You enter to see an old woman sewing together two pieces of long dark fabric." ">当你走进来的时候,你看到一个老女人正在忙碌得缝制着两片黑色的针织布." # game/scripts/shops/dress/room.rpy:14 translate chinese clothing_store_546c5008: # ">The woman is dressed almost entirely in pink and has a warm, approachable air to her." ">这个女人穿着一件几乎全是粉红色的衣服, 给人一种温暖且平易近人的感觉." # game/scripts/shops/dress/room.rpy:15 translate chinese clothing_store_b36972f0: # gen "Hello." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "你好." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/shops/dress/room.rpy:16 translate chinese clothing_store_6a5ef411: # maf "Hello, Professor Dumbledore." maf "你好,邓布利多教授." # game/scripts/shops/dress/room.rpy:17 translate chinese clothing_store_eb8a1484: # maf "What can I do for you? Would you like a new cloak, or do you require some alterations to an existing item?" maf "有什么我可以效劳的? 你想要一件新的长袍吗,还是你想对现有的进行一些修改?" # game/scripts/shops/dress/room.rpy:18 translate chinese clothing_store_899afe6d: # gen "Neither thank you, I'm just here to make a few inquiries." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "都不是,谢谢你的好意, 我只是想来咨询一下." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/shops/dress/room.rpy:19 translate chinese clothing_store_b62ceffd: # maf "Of course sir, what could I help you with?" maf "当然没问题, 有什么我能帮到你的?" # game/scripts/shops/dress/room.rpy:20 translate chinese clothing_store_575044ab: # gen "Firstly, what type of items do you sell?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "你这里卖的都是什么类型的服装?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/shops/dress/room.rpy:21 translate chinese clothing_store_2fbd4a5d: # maf "Well, I'm a tailor. I make uniforms for the staff and students." maf "我是个裁缝. 学校里的职员和学生的制服都是出自我手." # game/scripts/shops/dress/room.rpy:22 translate chinese clothing_store_d120c5c0: # maf "I also perform alterations to existing items. This is mainly when a student goes through a growth spurt or gets a hole in their cloak." maf "我也提供一些衣物整改的服务.一般都是某个学生突然长大了,衣服变得不合身或者他们的袍子出现了一个洞之类的." # game/scripts/shops/dress/room.rpy:23 translate chinese clothing_store_5c6cea44: # gen "I see. Do you ever make custom orders?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "我知道了, 那你有试过定制服装吗?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/shops/dress/room.rpy:24 translate chinese clothing_store_e51e772b: # maf "Not really, although it is my passion. Most of what I'm asked to make are standard black robes." maf "没有, 虽然这是我的一个爱好. 我做的大部分都是标准的黑色长袍." # game/scripts/shops/dress/room.rpy:25 translate chinese clothing_store_562621f0: # gen "So you're interested in making unique outfits?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "那你有兴趣制作一些专属定制的服装吗?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/shops/dress/room.rpy:26 translate chinese clothing_store_ad0ce7a5: # maf "Absolutely, although I would have to order the fabrics in. I don't really have a range of colours at the moment." maf "当然可以 但是我须要订购对应布料.我目前店里还没有足够的布料." # game/scripts/shops/dress/room.rpy:27 translate chinese clothing_store_05d75c16: # maf "What did you have in mind?" maf "你现在是有什么想法吗?" # game/scripts/shops/dress/room.rpy:28 translate chinese clothing_store_57d67319: # gen "A few things. I haven't decided on anything specific yet." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "有一些, 但是有一些细节我还没有决定好." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/shops/dress/room.rpy:29 translate chinese clothing_store_ae2fa257: # maf "Well, while you're making up your mind, feel free to browse the store." maf "好吧, 你什么时候决定好了, 欢迎随时来我的店里咨询." # game/scripts/shops/dress/room.rpy:31 translate chinese clothing_store_e2ea5912: # maf "What can I get you today?" maf "我今天可以为你做点什么?" # game/scripts/shops/dress/room.rpy:35 translate chinese clothing_store_017b29af: # gen "Thank you very much." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "非常感谢你." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") # game/scripts/shops/dress/room.rpy:36 translate chinese clothing_store_6c370b5b: # maf "You're welcome, sir. Come back any time." maf "你太客气了,先生.有空常来."