default color_history = [] default color_favorites = [[167, 77, 42, 255], [237, 179, 14, 255], [89, 116, 194, 255], [216, 163, 10, 255], [58, 115, 75, 255], [205, 205, 206, 255], [251, 198, 10, 255], [51, 43, 54, 255]] screen color_picker(color, alpha, title, pos_xy, color_default): tag color_picker zorder 25 modal True # Screen variables default rgba = color default rgba_old = color default hue = 0 default sat = 0 default val = 0 default _alpha = 0 # Avoid name conflict with 'alpha' screen variable in other active screens default edit_mode = False default preview_old = Solid(rgba) $ preview_new = Solid(rgba) $ gradient_map = SVGradientButton( color_picker_clicked, Fixed( Color( tuple( x * 255 for x in colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(1 - hue, 1, 1) ) ), Frame("interface/color_picker/saturation_value_gradient.webp") ), xysize=(255, 255), #area=(25, 25, 255, 255), focus_mask=None, keyboard_focus=False, key_events=False ) default icon_frame = Frame(gui.format("interface/frames/{}/iconframe.webp"), 6, 6) default icon_transparent = Frame("interface/color_picker/checker.webp", tile=True) default slider_thumb = Image(gui.format("interface/color_picker/{}/cursor_h.webp"), xalign=0.5) # Set HSVA variables based on RGBA when screen shows on "show" action Function(color_picker_update_hsva) frame: style_prefix gui.theme() if pos_xy and False: pos pos_xy else: align (0.5, 0.5) padding (18, 18) vbox: spacing 12 # Colour swatches hbox: ysize 80 spacing 12 vbox: spacing 12 #pos (0,0) hbox: spacing 12 text "Colour swatches" textbutton "Edit": yoffset -4 text_size 12 action [SelectedIf(edit_mode),ToggleScreenVariable("edit_mode", True, False)] hbox: spacing 2 for i in range(8): $ is_valid = (i < len(color_favorites)) $ background = Fixed(icon_transparent, Color(tuple(color_favorites[i])), icon_frame) if is_valid else icon_frame if edit_mode: if is_valid: $ action = Return(["rem_swatch", i]) $ icon = Text("X", color="#b20000", align=(0.5, 0.5), outlines=[(1, "#000", 0, 0)]) $ tooltip = "Remove" else: $ action = Return(["add_swatch", list(rgba)]) $ icon = Image("interface/icons/small/star_yellow.webp", align=(0.5, 0.5)) $ tooltip = "Add" elif is_valid: $ action = Return(["use_swatch", color_favorites[i]]) $ icon = None $ tooltip = "Select" button: xysize (32, 32) background background hover_foreground "#ffffff80" tooltip tooltip action action add icon vbox: text "History" frame: xsize 140 background icon_frame viewport id "history": scrollbars "vertical" mousewheel True draggable False pagekeys True side_yfill True vbox: for c in color_history[::-1]: textbutton rgba_to_hex(c): style "empty" xfill True ysize 16 text_size 11 text_color "#000" text_hover_color "#fff" text_outlines [(1, "#fff", 0, 0)] text_hover_outlines [(1, "#000", 0, 0)] text_align (0.5, 0.5) background Color(tuple(c)) action Return(["history", c]) # Colour picker text title xalign 0.5 text_align 0.5 hbox: spacing 12 fixed: xysize (255, 255) fit_first True add gradient_map add icon_frame draggroup: # Allow cursor to extend 8 pixels outside map area (-8, -8, 255 + 16, 255 + 16) drag: pos (int(sat * 253), int((1 - val) * 253)) anchor (0, 0) child gui.format("interface/color_picker/{}/cursor_sq.webp") focus_mask None dragged color_picker_dragged # Hue slider # frame: # margin (-6, -6) fixed: fit_first True add hue_gradient_image vbar: xysize (30, 255) value ScreenVariableValue("hue", range=1.0, action=Function(color_picker_update_rgba)) base_bar icon_frame thumb slider_thumb thumb_offset 0 top_gutter 0 bottom_gutter 0 vbox: xysize (110, 255) fixed: yfill False fit_first True # TODO: Merge RGB(A) input into a single action, add HEX(A) and add copy/paste functionality vbox: textbutton "Red: " + str(int(rgba[0])): xfill True size_group "rgba" text_size 12 clicked Return(["input", 0]) textbutton "Green: " + str(int(rgba[1])): size_group "rgba" text_size 12 clicked Return(["input", 1]) textbutton "Blue: " + str(int(rgba[2])): size_group "rgba" text_size 12 clicked Return(["input", 2]) if alpha: textbutton "Alpha: " + str(int(rgba[3])): size_group "rgba" text_size 12 clicked Return(["input", 3]) if color_default: textbutton "Reset": size_group "rgba" text_size 12 text_xalign 0.5 clicked Return("reset") add icon_frame # Selected color fixed: fit_first True xysize (110, 110) yalign 1.0 add Frame("interface/color_picker/checker.webp", tile=True, ) frame: area (0, 0, 55, 110) background preview_new text "New" xalign 0.5 color "#fff" outlines [(1, "#00000080", 1, 0)] frame: area (55, 0, 55, 110) background preview_old text "Old" xalign 0.5 color "#fff" outlines [(1, "#00000080", 1, 0)] add icon_frame if alpha: # Opacity slider fixed: xysize (255, 30) fit_first True add Fixed(Frame("interface/color_picker/checker.webp", tile=True), Transform(alpha_gradient_image, matrixcolor=ColorizeMatrix(rgba, rgba))) bar: xysize (255, 30) value ScreenVariableValue("_alpha", range=1.0, action=Function(color_picker_update_rgba)) base_bar icon_frame thumb Image(gui.format("interface/color_picker/{}/cursor_v.webp"), xalign=0.5) thumb_offset 0 top_gutter 0 bottom_gutter 0 # Window buttons hbox: align (1.0, 1.0) spacing 6 textbutton "Cancel" action Return("cancel") textbutton "Apply" action Return(["apply", rgba]) default picking_color = None define alpha_gradient_image = AlphaSlider() define hue_gradient_image = HueSlider() init -1 python: def color_picker(color=[0,0,0,0], alpha=True, title="Pick a colour", pos_xy=(240, 130), color_default=None): # TODO: Remove external dependencies and utilise built-in Color class instead. global picking_color picking_color = color # Color object (list) to be updated live start_color = list(color) # Keep a copy renpy.show_screen("color_picker", tuple(color), alpha, title, pos_xy, color_default) while True: _return = ui.interact() if _return[0] == "input": color_picker_input(_return[1]) elif _return == "reset": scope = renpy.get_screen("color_picker").scope scope["rgba"] = tuple(color_default) color_picker_update_hsva() update_picking_color(color_default) elif _return[0] == "use_swatch": scope = renpy.get_screen("color_picker").scope scope["rgba"] = tuple(_return[1]) color_picker_update_hsva() update_picking_color(_return[1]) elif _return[0] == "add_swatch": color_picker_add(_return[1]) elif _return[0] == "rem_swatch": color_picker_rem(_return[1]) elif _return[0] == "history": scope = renpy.get_screen("color_picker").scope scope["rgba"] = tuple(_return[1]) color_picker_update_hsva() update_picking_color(_return[1]) elif _return == "cancel": hide_color_picker() update_picking_color(start_color) # Reset live color object picking_color = None return start_color elif _return[0] == "apply": hide_color_picker() picking_color = None return color # Return live color object instead of _return tuple def hide_color_picker(): renpy.hide_screen("color_picker") def update_picking_color(rgba): global picking_color for (i, x) in enumerate(rgba): picking_color[i] = x def color_picker_input(comp): scope = renpy.get_screen("color_picker").scope x = renpy.input(["Red", "Green", "Blue", "Alpha"][comp], str(scope["rgba"][comp]), "0123456789", length=3) x = max(0, min(255, int(x))) tuplist = list(scope["rgba"]) tuplist[comp] = x scope["rgba"] = tuple(tuplist) color_picker_update_hsva() update_picking_color(scope["rgba"]) def color_picker_update_hsva(): scope = renpy.get_screen("color_picker").scope (r, g, b, a) = scope["rgba"] (h, s, v) = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(r / 255.0, g / 255.0, b / 255.0) scope["hue"] = 1 - h scope["sat"] = s scope["val"] = v scope["_alpha"] = a / 255.0 def color_picker_update_rgba(): scope = renpy.get_screen("color_picker").scope (r, g, b) = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(1 - scope["hue"], scope["sat"], scope["val"]) r = int(r * 255) g = int(g * 255) b = int(b * 255) a = int(scope["_alpha"] * 255) scope["rgba"] = (r, g, b, a) update_picking_color(scope["rgba"]) renpy.restart_interaction() #def color_picker_clicked(offset, size): def color_picker_clicked(x, y, size): # Mouse screen position to local position # (x, y) = renpy.get_mouse_pos() # x = max(0, min(x - offset[0], size[0])) # y = max(0, min(y - offset[1], size[1])) # Update screen variables scope = renpy.get_screen("color_picker").scope scope["sat"] = float(x) / size[0] scope["val"] = 1 - float(y) / size[1] color_picker_update_rgba() color_picker_history() def color_picker_dragged(drags, drop=None): # Compensate for draggable area width = drags[0].parent_width - drags[0].w height = drags[0].parent_height - drags[0].h x = drags[0].x y = drags[0].y # Update screen variables scope = renpy.get_screen("color_picker").scope scope["sat"] = float(x) / width scope["val"] = 1 - float(y) / height color_picker_update_rgba() color_picker_history() def color_picker_history(): global color_history scope = renpy.get_screen("color_picker").scope color_history.append(scope["rgba"]) if len(color_history) > 30: del color_history[0] def color_picker_add(item): global color_favorites color_favorites.append(item) def color_picker_rem(item): global color_favorites del color_favorites[item] def rgba_to_hex(c): return '#%02x%02x%02x%02x' % (c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]) class HueSlider(renpy.Displayable, NoRollback): def __init__(self, size=(30,255), **properties): super(HueSlider, self).__init__(**properties) self.size = size def render(self, width, height, st, at): w, h = self.size rv = renpy.Render(w, h) canvas = rv.canvas() surf = canvas.get_surface() for x in range(w): for y in range(h): hue = float(y) / h r, g, b = Color(hsv=(hue, 1.0, 1.0)).rgb color = (r * 255, g * 255, b * 255) surf.set_at((x, y), color) #surf = renpy.display.scale.smoothscale(surf, (w, h)) rv.blit(surf, (0, 0)) return rv def event(self, ev, x, y, st): return class AlphaSlider(renpy.Displayable, NoRollback): def __init__(self, size=(255,30), **properties): super(AlphaSlider, self).__init__(**properties) self.size = size def render(self, width, height, st, at): w, h = self.size rv = renpy.Render(w, h) canvas = rv.canvas() surf = canvas.get_surface() for x in range(w): for y in range(h): hue = float(y) / h color = (255.0, 255.0, 255.0, x) surf.set_at((x, y), color) #surf = pygame.transform.scale(surf, (w, h)) rv.blit(surf, (0, 0)) return rv def event(self, ev, x, y, st): return class GradientImageBase(im.ImageBase): def __init__(self, **properties): super(GradientImageBase, self).__init__(**properties) self.size = properties.get('size') self.cached_surf = None class SVGradientButton(ImageButton): def __init__(self, on_click, idle_image, *args, **kwargs): kwargs['sensitive'] = True kwargs['action'] = NullAction() super(SVGradientButton, self).__init__(idle_image, *args, **kwargs) self.width = 0 self.height = 0 self.on_click = on_click def render(self, width, height, st, at): rv = super(SVGradientButton, self).render(width, height, st, at) self.width, self.height = rv.get_size() return rv def event(self, ev, x, y, st): if ev.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP and 0 <= x <= self.width and 0 <= y <= self.height: self.on_click(x, y, (self.width, self.height)) return super(SVGradientButton, self).event(ev, x, y, st) # image testsurface = HueSlider() # screen testzone(): # tag testzone # zorder 1000 # add "testsurface" #align (0.5, 0.5)