label lun_chibi(action=None, xpos=None, ypos=None, flip=False): hide screen luna_chibi_scene # screen tag $ luna_chibi.position(xpos, ypos, flip) if action == "hide": $ luna_chibi.hide() return elif action == "leave": hide luna_main hide screen bld1 hide screen blktone play sound "sounds/door.ogg" $ luna_chibi.hide() with d3 pause .5 return elif action == "reset": $ return $ return label lun_walk(xpos=None, ypos=None, speed=1.0, action=None, reduce=False, path=None, flip=False): scene onlayer dolls hide screen bld1 hide screen blktone with d3 if action == "enter": play sound "sounds/door.ogg" call lun_chibi(None, "door", "base", flip) with d3 if xpos or ypos: $ luna_chibi.move((xpos, ypos), speed, reduce) elif action == "leave": $ $ luna_chibi.move(("door", "base"), speed, reduce) play sound "sounds/door.ogg" $ luna_chibi.hide() with d3 pause .5 elif path: $ $ luna_chibi.move(path, speed, reduce) else: $ $ luna_chibi.move((xpos, ypos), speed, reduce) return # Chibi definition default luna_chibi = Chibi("luna", ["base"], update_luna_chibi, actions=luna_chibi_actions) define luna_chibi_actions = { "lie": (False, "chibi_lie", "float_move"), "float_move": (False, "chibi_float_move", 0) } init python: def update_luna_chibi(chibi): if chibi.action == "walk": if luna.is_worn("robe"): chibi["base"] = "ch_lun walk_robe" elif luna.is_worn("top") and luna.is_worn("bottom"): chibi["base"] = "ch_lun walk_a" elif luna.is_worn("bottom"): chibi["base"] = "ch_lun walk_topless" else: chibi["base"] = "ch_lun walk_n" elif not chibi.action or chibi.action in ("stand", "lie", "float_move"): if luna.is_worn("robe"): chibi["base"] = "ch_lun blink_robe" elif luna.is_worn("top") and luna.is_worn("bottom"): chibi["base"] = "ch_lun blink_a" elif luna.is_worn("bottom"): chibi["base"] = "ch_lun blink_topless" else: chibi["base"] = "ch_lun blink_n" else: # Assume chibi action has a matching image definition chibi_image = "ch_lun {}".format(chibi.action or "stand") chibi["base"] = chibi_image # Sets up a chibi scene with Luna and Genie in it label lun_chibi_scene(action="reset", xpos="mid", ypos="base"): hide screen bld1 hide screen blkfade call lun_chibi("hide") call gen_chibi("hide") if == "main_room": $ desk_OBJ.hidden = True $ chair_left_OBJ.hidden = True if action == "reset": call lun_chibi("stand", xpos, ypos) call gen_chibi("sit_behind_desk") elif action in ("sit_on_lap", "sit_on_lap_grope"): show screen luna_chibi_scene("ch_lun_scene " + action, pos=(218, 205)) elif action in ( "inspect_idle", "inspect_idle_naked", "inspect_lean_idle_naked", "inspect_grope_breasts_naked", "inspect_grope_vagina_naked", "inspect_lean_grope_breasts_naked", "inspect_lean_grope_vagina_naked" ): show screen luna_chibi_scene("ch_lun_scene " + action, pos=(218, 205)) return screen luna_chibi_scene(img, pos=None): tag luna_chibi_scene zorder states.desk_chibi_zorder add img pos pos