init offset = -1 screen nvl(dialogue, items=None): null # init python: # import re # def text_inner_thought(string, pattern=re.compile(r"\(([^)]+)\)")): # return re.findall(pattern, string) screen say(who, what, side_image=None, icon=None): style_prefix "say" layer "interface" zorder 0 if states.settings.interface_hidden: use hider window: id "textbox" style "textbox" at gui_show_hide # Ren'py hard crashes without textbox windows, # this is the workaround that just works. if states.settings.interface_hidden: yoffset 1000 if who: window: id "namebox" style "namebox" text who id "who" style "who" text what id "what" style "what" use quickbox add SideImage() screen hider(): variant "pc" if states.settings.interface_hidden: button action ToggleVariable("states.settings.interface_hidden", True, False) style "empty" window: id "hider" style "hider" style_prefix "hider" textbutton "󰈈" action ToggleVariable("states.settings.interface_hidden", True, False) tooltip _("Unhide Interface") default states.settings.quickbox_expanded = True default states.settings.interface_hidden = False default states.settings.interface_alpha = 0.5 screen quickbox(): variant "pc" window: id "quickbox" style "quickbox" style_prefix "quickbox" hbox: xalign 1.0 if states.settings.quickbox_expanded: textbutton "󰈉" action ToggleVariable("states.settings.interface_hidden", True, False) tooltip _("Hide Interface") # Hide Interface (\F0209) textbutton "󰇚" action QuickSave() tooltip _("Quick Save") # File Save (\F01DA) textbutton "󰕒" action QuickLoad() tooltip _("Quick Load") # File Load (\F0552) textbutton "󰁪" action Preference("auto-forward", "toggle") tooltip _("Auto-Forward Dialogue") # Autoplay (\F18F2) textbutton "󰒓" action ShowMenu("preferences") tooltip _("Game Options") # Settings (\F0493) textbutton "󰮫" action ToggleVariable("states.settings.quickbox_expanded", True, False) tooltip _("Toggle Quick Action Box") # Menu (\F0BAB) style quickbox_button style quickbox_button_text: font gui.glyph_font color "#bbbbbb" hover_color "#ffffff" selected_color "#EA8E61" outlines [(2, "#000000", 1, 1)] size 24 style textbox: ysize 125 align (0.5, 1.0) background Transform(Image("gui/creamy_pumpkin_pie/textbox.png", xalign=0.5, yalign=1.0, oversample=4), alpha=0.5) style what: xpos 0.5 ypos 10 xsize 500 xoffset -240 color "#fff" outlines [(2, "#000000", 1, 1)] hinting "bytecode" size 24 justify True style namebox: ysize 22 # Halved due to oversampling padding (32, 0, 32, 0) fit_first True xpos 0.5 yalign 1.0 xanchor 0.0 offset (-320, -125) background Transform(Frame(Image("gui/creamy_pumpkin_pie/namebox.png", oversample=4), 32, 0, 32, 0, tile=True), alpha=0.5) style who: color "#EA8E61" outlines [(2, "#000000", 1, 1)] hinting "auto" font gui.bold_font size 32 style quickbox is namebox: padding (32, 0, 32, 0) xanchor 1.0 xoffset 320 style hider is namebox: align (0.5, 1.0) offset (0, 0) padding (50, 0, 50, 0) style hider_button is quickbox_button style hider_button_text is quickbox_button_text screen choice(items): style_prefix "choice" layer "interface" zorder 1 variant "pc" # default max_progress = max(len(e.kwargs.get("progress", [])) for e in items) default has_icons = any(x is not None for x in [e.kwargs.get("icon", None) for e in items]) # add Image("gui/creamy_pumpkin_pie/fade_top.png", oversample=2) alpha 0.5 vbox: for i, entry in enumerate(items, 1): $ scale = (1.0 * (32 / max(32, len(entry.caption)))) $ icon = entry.kwargs.get("icon", None) $ progress = entry.kwargs.get("progress", None) vbox: spacing 2 button: action entry.action if i < 10 and entry.action: keysym ("K_"+str(i), "K_KP"+str(i)) text "[i]" style "choice_number": at gui_perspective hbox: null width 16 at gui_perspective, gui_perspective_hover # if progress: # for j in range(max_progress): # if j < len(progress): # add progress[j] xysize (32, 32) # else: # null width 32 if has_icons: if icon: add icon xysize (32, 32) xcenter 12 yalign 1.0 yoffset -4 else: null width 32 text entry.caption size 32 * scale if progress: bar value StaticValue(progress[0], progress[1]) offset (-16, 22) transform gui_perspective: perspective True matrixanchor (0.5, 0.0) matrixtransform RotateMatrix(45.0, -12.5, 0.0) transform gui_perspective_hover: perspective True on hover: easein 0.1 matrixtransform ScaleMatrix(1.05, 1.05, 1.05) easeout 0.1 matrixtransform ScaleMatrix(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) transform gui_show_hide(new_widget=None, old_widget=None): delay 0.1 on start: alpha 0 zoom 1.05 easein 0.1 zoom 1.00 alpha 1 on hide: easeout 0.1 zoom 0.95 alpha 0 style choice_vbox is vbox style choice_button is button style choice_button_text is button_text style choice_vbox: xalign 0.5 yanchor 1.0 ypos 0.75 spacing 10 style choice_hbox: spacing 2 style choice_button: ysize 24 xmaximum 0.6 xalign 0.5 padding (48, 0, 24, 0) background Transform(Frame(Image("gui/creamy_pumpkin_pie/choice.png", oversample=4), 24, 0, 24, 0, tile=True, xmaximum=0.9, xalign=0.5), matrixcolor=SaturationMatrix(0.0)) hover_background Fixed( Frame(Image("gui/creamy_pumpkin_pie/choice_arrow.png", oversample=4), 48, 0, 96, 0, tile=True, xoffset=8), Frame(Image("gui/creamy_pumpkin_pie/choice.png", oversample=4), 24, 0, 24, 0, tile=True, xmaximum=0.9, xalign=0.5) ) style choice_text: color "#dddddd" hover_color "#ffffff" outlines [(1, "#000000", 1, 2), (1, "#000000", 0, 1), (1, "#000000", 0, 0)] hinting "bytecode" size 32 style choice_number is choice_text: offset (0, 5) size 16 style choice_bar is empty: ysize 10 left_bar Transform(Frame(Image("gui/creamy_pumpkin_pie/choice_bar_full.png", oversample=4), 24, 0, 24, 0, tile=True), matrixcolor=SaturationMatrix(0.5)) hover_left_bar Frame(Image("gui/creamy_pumpkin_pie/choice_bar_full.png", oversample=4), 24, 0, 24, 0, tile=True) right_bar Frame(Image("gui/creamy_pumpkin_pie/choice_bar_empty.png", oversample=4), 24, 0, 24, 0, tile=True) # define blacklist_screens = {"say", "letter", "bld1"} # define choice_width = int(config.screen_width/2) # screen choice(items, menu_yalign=.6): # tag menu # zorder 0 # layer "interface" # style_prefix gui.theme("menu") # default blacklist_tags = set(get_character_tag(x) for x in states.dolls) # # Dont add the fade if character or saybox is present (They have their own triggers for fading) # if not any(renpy.get_screen(x) for x in blacklist_screens) and not any(renpy.showing(x, layer="screens") for x in blacklist_tags): # add "interface/bld.webp" at fade_hide(0.15) # window at fade_show_hide(0.15): # style "empty" # xalign .5 # yalign menu_yalign # vbox: # spacing 0 # default max_progress = max(len(e.kwargs.get("progress", [])) for e in items) # for i, entry in enumerate(items, 1): # $ style_part = entry.kwargs.get("style", None) # button: # xsize choice_width # ypadding 5 # action entry.action # sensitive bool(entry.action) # if i < 10 and entry.action: # keysym ("K_"+str(i), "K_KP"+str(i)) # fixed: # style "empty" # if style_part: # style_prefix gui.theme(f"{style_part}_menu") # fit_first "height" # text entry.caption: # xsize choice_width-120 # Leave enough margin for number and icon # align (0.5, 0.5) # if i < 10 and entry.action: # text "{size=-2}[i].{/size}" xpos 5 yalign 0.5 # $ icon = entry.kwargs.get("icon", None) # if icon: # add icon xcenter 40 yalign 0.5 # $ progress = entry.kwargs.get("progress", None) # if progress: # hbox: # spacing 2 # xpos choice_width - 5 # xanchor 1. # yalign .5 # for i in range(max_progress): # if i < len(progress): # add progress[i] # else: # null width 21 # Assume icon width # style menu_text is default: # hover_color "#fff" # text_align 0.5 # outlines [(1, "#00000080", 1, 0)] # style dark_menu_text: # color "#9b8d84" # insensitive_color "#6c625c" # style light_menu_text: # color "#f9d592" # insensitive_color "#ae9566" # style dark_disabled_menu_text: # color "#6c625c" # style light_disabled_menu_text: # color "#ae9566" # style menu_button is default: # activate_sound "sounds/qubodup-click1.ogg" # hover_sound "sounds/qubodup-hover1.ogg" # style dark_menu_button: # background "#5d5151e6" # hover_background "#897e75" # insensitive_background "#9e8449" # style light_menu_button: # background "#ac8d5ae6" # hover_background "#97681f" # insensitive_background "#d1a02eb3" # Input screen # # This screen is used to display renpy.input. The prompt parameter is used to # pass a text prompt in. # # This screen must create an input displayable with id "input" to accept the # various input parameters. # # screen input(prompt): zorder 30 style_prefix "say" window: id "window" style gui.theme("say_window") if prompt: window: style gui.theme("namebox") text prompt: style gui.theme("say_label") input id "input": style gui.theme("say_dialogue")