init -1000 python early: if renpy.version_tuple < (7,5,3,22090809): raise RuntimeWarning("Your Ren'Py launcher is outdated, the current minimal requirement is\nPlease perform an update and try launching the game again.") from renpy.uguu import glGetString, GL_VENDOR, GL_RENDERER, GL_VERSION def get_gpu_info(): try: info = "\n".join([glGetString(GL_VENDOR), glGetString(GL_RENDERER), glGetString(GL_VERSION)]) except: info = "ERR: Unknown or incompatible driver." return info def get_renderer(): return "DirectX" if preferences.renderer == "angle2" else "OpenGL" def detect_orphaned_rpyc_files(): excluded = ["tl/"] files = renpy.list_files(common=True) compiled = [x for x in files if x.endswith(".rpyc") if not any(x.startswith(i) for i in excluded)] scripts = [x for x in files if x.endswith(".rpy")] orphaned = [] for i in compiled: if not i[:-1] in scripts: orphaned.append(i) if orphaned: raise Exception("Orphaned compiled scripts detected, please delete them before continuing:\n{}".format(orphaned)) detect_orphaned_rpyc_files() init python: config.missing_image_callback = missing_image_func if config.developer: renpy.arguments.register_command("whitespace", save_whitespace) else: config.missing_label_callback = missing_label_func config.return_not_found_label = "missing_return" init -1 python: def missing_image_func(path): global systemerror systemerror = ["Missing image", path] file, ext = os.path.splitext(path) if renpy.loadable(file + ".png"): return Image(file + ".png") if config.developer: raise IOError("Missing image: {}".format(path)) return Image("images/blank.webp") def missing_label_func(name): global systemerror systemerror = ["Missing label", name] return "missing_label" def TBA_message(msg="Currently unavailable, check in later versions of the game."): renpy.show_screen("blktone") renpy.with_statement(d3) renpy.say(nar, msg) renpy.hide_screen("blktone") renpy.with_statement(d3) return def save_whitespace(refresh=False): """ Generates a whitespace information file. """ global whitespace_dict ap = renpy.arguments.ArgumentParser("Generates a whitespace information file.", require_command=False) ap.add_argument("--refresh", action="store_true", help="Recalculate for all images.") args = ap.parse_args() if args.refresh or refresh: whitespace_dict = {} path = os.path.normpath(config.gamedir) images = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for file in fnmatch.filter(files, "*.webp"): img = os.path.join(root, file).replace("\\", "/").split("/game/")[1] images.append(img) c = len(images) for i, img in enumerate(images): # stdout causes issues on Windows # sys.stdout.write("\rCalculating whitespace... {:3.0f}%".format(i / float(c - 1) * 100.0)) # sys.stdout.flush() crop_whitespace(img) file = os.path.normpath(config.gamedir + "/images.whitespace") with open(file, "w") as f: for img, box in sorted(whitespace_dict.iteritems()): f.write(u"{}:{},{},{},{}\n".format(img, *box)) print "\rCalculating whitespace... Done!" return False label missing_label(): $ renpy.choice_for_skipping() $ err_msg1 = systemerror[0] $ err_msg2 = systemerror[1] "{color=#7a0000}System{/color}" "Uh-oh. Looks like you've encountered a bug. Don't worry, we will try to return you back to the office after displaying the error message, your save file won't be affected." "{color=#7a0000}System{/color}" "{color=#7a0000}Error:{/color} [err_msg1] '{color=#7a0000}[err_msg2]{/color}'\n\n\n{size=-4}You can report this bug on our {a=}discord{/a}.{/size}" $ active_girl = None $ systemerror = [None, None] jump main_room label missing_return(): $ renpy.choice_for_skipping() "{color=#7a0000}System{/color}" "Uh-oh. Looks like you've encountered a bug. Don't worry, we will try to return you back to the office after displaying the error message, your save file won't be affected." "{color=#7a0000}System{/color}" "{color=#7a0000}Error:{/color} Point of no return.\n\n\n{size=-4}You can report this bug on our {a=}discord{/a}.{/size}" $ active_girl = None jump main_room screen placeholder(): tag cg zorder 16 # above dolls add Placeholder("bg") add Placeholder("girl") init 2000 python hide: def set_screen_layer(layer, *screens): for scr_name in screens: for _, scr in renpy.display.screen.get_all_screen_variants(scr_name): scr.layer = layer set_screen_layer("interface", "_performance", "_image_load_log")