### Luna Inspect Body ### label ll_pf_inspect: if not _events_completed_any: gen "{size=-4}(I think a physical examination is in order...){/size}" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") menu: "\"(Yes, let's do it!)\"": pass "\"(Not right now.)\"": $ _event.cancel() jump luna_favor_menu return label ll_pf_inspect_end: # Setup stop music fadeout 2.0 call hide_characters call lun_chibi("stand", flip=False) call gen_chibi("sit_behind_desk") # Increase level if states.lun.tier == 2: if states.lun.level < 6: $ states.lun.level += 1 elif states.lun.tier == 3: if states.lun.level < 9: $ states.lun.level += 1 jump end_luna_event ### Tier 2 ### label ll_pf_inspect_T2_E1_intro: call ll_pf_inspect gen "Ready for your physical, [name_luna_genie]?" ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "My physical, [name_genie_luna]?" ("open", "base", "raised", "mid") gen "Your inspection!" ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "Oooh...{w=0.3} The inspection!" ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") lun "Yes, I'm ready!" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") gen "Great...{w=0.4} Then you can begin undressing." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "Alright, just give me a--" ("grin", "base", "base", "down") gen "Wait...{w=0.4} Before you do that." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") $ states.gen.masturbating = True $ states.gen.stats.masturbated_to_luna += 1 hide luna_main nar "You take your cock out of your robes and begin stroking it..." call gen_chibi("jerk_off_behind_desk") with d3 pause .8 gen "There we go... Might as well." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "Good thinking, [name_genie_luna]!" ("crooked_smile", "narrow", "base", "mid") gen "Right... Now to give you a full assessment of your goods...{w=0.4} *Err*...{w=0.4} Orifices." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") if luna.is_any_worn("robe", "accessory"): lun "Of course [name_genie_luna]... Let me just take this off..." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") play sound "sounds/cloth_sound3.ogg" $ luna.strip("robe", "accessory") with d3 pause .5 gen "Great." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") if luna.is_worn("top"): gen "Now then..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "Let's start with your breasts." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "Take that top off for me, will you." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "Of course, [name_genie_luna]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") #Luna takes top off play sound "sounds/cloth_sound3.ogg" $ luna.strip("top") with d3 pause .5 gen "Excellent...{w=0.4} And such a lovely pair of breasts as well." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") $ states.lun.status.show_bra = True else: gen "Let's see what we got here..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "*Hmm*..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "Something wrong, [name_genie_luna]?" ("soft", "base", "raised", "mid") gen "Not at all, [name_luna_genie]!" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "I'm just inspecting those lovely breasts of yours!" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "*Ehm*...{w=0.3} Lovely, [name_genie_luna]?" ("soft", "base", "raised", "mid") gen "*Err*...{w=0.4} Healthy! They look very healthy!" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "I see...{w=0.4} Thank you [name_genie_luna]!" ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") gen "But I still need a proper look, so you're going to have to take your bra off as well." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "Certainly [name_genie_luna]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") #Luna takes bra off (Not possible in wardrobe until next tier) play sound "sounds/cloth_sound3.ogg" $ luna.strip("bra") with d3 pause .5 $ states.lun.status.show_tits = True gen "(Nice...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") nar "*Fap* *Fap* *Fap*..." lun "So...{w=0.4} Do you think this should work, [name_genie_luna]?" ("open", "base", "raised", "mid") gen "Oh...{w=0.4} It's working alright." ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") nar "Focusing your attention on the girl's breasts, you feel your cock harden more and more with each stroke..." lun "Great! So, what do I have to do to get the wrackspurts out of them?" ("smile", "base", "base", "mid") gen "*Mmm*...{w=0.4} The what, sorry?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "The wrackspurts, [name_genie_luna]..." ("open", "base", "raised", "mid") gen "*Ah*...{w=0.4} Those bloody things." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "Let's see..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "Tell...{w=0.4} *Ngh*...{w=0.4} Tell me a bit about them..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "Well... As I said, they're invisible--" ("soft", "closed", "base", "mid") gen "Not the spurts! Your breasts, [name_luna_genie]!" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "Ooooh...{w=0.2} What do you need to know about them, [name_genie_luna]?" ("mad", "base", "base", "mid") gen "(How much do they jiggle-- How hard can I pull on your-- What do they taste--)" ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "" ("upset", "base", "raised", "mid") #Confused nar "*Fap* *Fap* *Fap*..." nar "You pick up the pace whilst staring at her tits... An expression of confusion spreading across Luna's face as she waits for a response..." lun "[name_genie_luna]?" ("open", "base", "raised", "mid") gen "What?!" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "Oh yes...{w=0.3} Your tits!" ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "It appears the spurts gather around sensitive areas..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "So with that in mind..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "Would you say that your breasts fit that description, [name_luna_genie]?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "*Hmm*...{w=0.4} Well, my nipples do get a bit hard and sensitive whenever they bothered me previously..." ("open", "narrow", "base", "downL") lun "Is that the kind of thing you meant, [name_genie_luna]?" ("soft", "base", "raised", "mid") gen "*Ah*... Yes, that's exactly it..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") nar "You move your gaze and focus on Lunas erect nipples...{w=0.3} Your cock twitching slightly in your grasp." nar "*Fap* *Fap* *Fap*..." gen "*Hmm*...{w=0.4} They do look a bit hard actually..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun @ cheeks blush "They do?" ("disgust", "base", "base", "mid") lun @ cheeks blush "I've been trying to suppress it the best I can, [name_genie_luna]!" ("clench", "closed", "base", "mid") gen "I see..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "Well, that won't do." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "Fighting it is what's been holding you...{w=0.4} *Err*...{w=0.4} Them back, [name_luna_genie]." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "You need to allow that feeling to build up, or you--{w=0.2} *Ah*...{w=0.4} You won't be able to expel them." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") nar "You keep stroking your cock, thinking about what you'd do to those nipples..." lun @ cheeks blush "Wait...{w=0.4} So I've been doing it wrong the whole time!?" ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") gen "Yes...{w=0.4} *Nghh*...{w=0.4} It appears what you've been feeling is the spurts trying to get out, you see..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "Ooooh..." ("open", "base", "base", "stare") lun "That makes so much sense!" ("grin", "wide", "base", "mid") lun @ cheeks blush "I can't believe I didn't think of that before!" ("angry", "base", "base", "down") nar "Looking up at Luna's face, you notice her expression has changed to that of excitement and lust..." nar "After a moment of silence, you finally speak up, in fear of not being able to finish in time." gen "*Ehm*...{w=0.4} So...{w=0.4} Any other areas that you've noticed being unusually sensitive, [name_luna_genie]?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun @ cheeks blush "Oh, yes [name_genie_luna]!" ("mad", "base", "base", "mid") lun @ cheeks blush "There's this area down here!" ("angry", "base", "base", "down") call lun_walk("desk", "base", speed=1.75) pause .5 call lun_chibi(flip=True) pause .5 #Luna takes her Bottoms, panties and everything else off play sound "sounds/cloth_sound3.ogg" $ luna.strip("clothes") with d3 pause .5 $ states.lun.status.show_pussy = True $ states.lun.status.stripping = True gen "By the great--" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun @ cheeks blush "Do you think I'll be able to expel them from here, [name_genie_luna]?" ("open", "base", "raised", "mid", flip=True) show CG lun_intro luna bendover naked as cg zorder 17: subpixel True zoom 0.5 pos (0, 0) easein_quad 15.0 zoom 1.0 pos (-1040, -600) with fade gen "[name_luna_genie]!" lun "[name_genie_luna]?" gen "*Ahem*...{w=0.4} Yes, I'd say that area is definitely a contender." nar "With a full view of the girl's naked body, you feel your cock throbbing in your hand, and you begin stroking it even faster..." lun "I thought it might be...{w=0.4} It does get just as sensitive as my breasts...{w=0.4} Maybe more even!" nar "*Fap* *Fap* *Fap*..." gen "*Ah*, Yes...{w=0.4} both of those areas do appear to be very susceptible...{w=0.4} To spurts." lun "I knew it!" lun @ cheeks blush "" ("grin", "base", "base", "mid", flip=False) call hide_characters call lun_chibi(flip=False) hide cg with fade nar "Luna turns back around, and as you get a full view of her front, you feel yourself getting close to the edge." lun @ cheeks blush "So that's how you came up with the idea of rubbing your penis, [name_genie_luna]!" ("grin", "wink", "base", "mid", trans=dissolve) lun @ cheeks blush "To bait the wrackspurts to one spot!" ("crooked_smile", "base", "base", "mid") lun @ cheeks blush "Since your penis is a sensitive area, rubbing it gets the wrackspurts all excited..." ("smile", "closed", "base", "mid") nar "*Fap* *Fap* *Fap*..." lun @ cheeks blush "So when you do it, they all start gathering in there until there's nowhere else for them to go, and finally..." ("smile", "narrow", "base", "mid") lun @ cheeks blush "You expel them right out!" ("grin", "base", "annoyed", "mid") gen "*Ah*...{w=0.4} Yes...{w=0.4} That's it girl, you've cracked it!" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun @ cheeks blush "That's geni--" ("crooked_smile", "base", "base", "mid") gen "{size=+5}I'm cumming!{/size}" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") call gen_chibi("cum_behind_desk") call cum_block gen "{size=-5}*Argh*! YES!{/size}" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") call cum_block lun @ cheeks blush "[name_genie_luna], you did it again!" ("grin", "base", "base", "stare") lun @ cheeks blush "I can't believe it!" ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") call cum_block pause .5 call gen_chibi("cum_behind_desk_done") gen "*Ah*...{w=0.4}*Ah*...{w=0.4} What..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun @ cheeks blush "Cumming...{w=0.4} You came again!" ("base", "happyCl", "base", "mid") gen "*Ah*...{w=0.4} I sure did..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "Your naked body was enough for me to--" ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun @ cheeks blush "My naked body helped you release the spurts?" ("mad", "base", "base", "mid") gen "It...{w=0.4} *Ah*...{w=0.4} Yes, it appears so..." ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun @ cheeks blush "What did it feel like?" ("mad", "wide", "base", "mid") gen "Like the biggest relief--" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun @ cheeks blush "Can I try it now?" ("smile", "wide", "base", "mid") menu: "\"Of course!\"": lun @ cheeks blush "Yay!" ("crooked_smile", "happyCl", "base", "mid") gen "Although..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun @ cheeks blush "Although?" ("mad", "narrow", "base", "mid") gen "Well, how would I be sure you're ready for it...{w=0.4} What if you hurt yourself?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") "\"No!\"": lun @ cheeks blush "What?!" ("mad", "base", "base", "mid") lun @ cheeks blush "Why not!?" ("angry", "narrow", "annoyed", "mid") gen "*Err*...{w=0.5} Because it's dangerous!" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun @ cheeks blush "But [name_genie_luna]! You've done it yourself a couple of times already!" ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") gen "Actually..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun @ cheeks blush "And it didn't look very complicated..." ("annoyed", "narrow", "annoyed", "mid") gen "Well. I can assure you..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "Tricking those spurts is not an easy task!" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "As I said, you could end up with some severe burns!" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun @ cheeks blush "But didn't you just--" ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") gen "I am a master baiter, [name_luna_genie]!" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun @ cheeks blush "..." ("mad", "narrow", "base", "downL") #wide eyed gen "Nobody but I have successfully been able to bait those--" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun @ cheeks blush "Then what am I supposed to do?!" ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") lun @ cheeks blush "If I don't expel them soon..." ("mad", "base", "base", "downL") lun @ cheeks blush "I'll go crazy!" ("clench", "wide", "base", "mid") #Crazy stare gen "..." ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") nar "Luna starts grinding her legs together uncomfortably..." gen "Well, perhaps--" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun @ cheeks blush "I know!" ("smile", "wide", "base", "mid") lun @ cheeks blush "[name_genie_luna]...{w=0.2} Why don't you teach me?" ("smile", "base", "base", "mid") gen "..." ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "*Hmm*... I don't know, [name_luna_genie]..." ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun @ cheeks blush "[name_genie_luna], please!" ("mad", "narrow", "base", "mid") hide luna_main with d3 #Luna teleports up to genie play sound "sounds/magic4.ogg" call lun_chibi("stand", 230, 455, flip=True) with flash gen "*Ghk*... How did you--" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun @ cheeks blush "[name_genie_luna], if I can't do it myself, then you'll {size=+5}have{/size} to teach me!" ("clench", "wide", "base", "stare", xpos="mid", ypos="base", flip=True, trans=dissolve) gen "Teach you how to masturbate..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") nar "Luna stares into your eyes as she unconsciously begins grinding her pussy on the edge of your desk." lun @ cheeks blush "Yes, teach me [name_genie_luna]!" ("angry", "wide", "base", "mid") lun @ cheeks blush "I want to be a master baiter too!" ("angry", "happyCl", "base", "mid") nar "Luna's cheeks burns with red as she keeps grinding on the edge of your desk." gen "(Poor girl is literally edging...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "Alright, you have convinced me, [name_luna_genie]... I'll do it!" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") nar "Luna stops her grinding, and begins jumping happily on the spot. Her tits bouncing up and down as she does so." lun @ cheeks blush "Oh, thank you [name_genie_luna]!" ("grin", "narrow", "base", "mid") lun @ cheeks blush "I knew I could count on you!" ("grin", "closed", "base", "mid") gen "Certainly..." ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "But first things first...{w=0.4} I need something from you, [name_luna_genie]." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun @ cheeks blush "Something from me?" ("soft", "narrow", "raised", "mid") gen "Yes, I need a promise." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun @ cheeks blush "Oh..." ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") lun @ cheeks blush "Alright then!" ("soft", "base", "base", "mid") gen "I haven't even told you what it is yet." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun @ cheeks blush "Don't worry [name_genie_luna], I trust you!" ("grin", "narrow", "base", "mid") gen "If we're to be able to have you expel these spurts successfully, then you're going to have to venture into an entirely new venue of magic..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun @ cheeks blush "New venue of magic..." ("angry", "base", "raised", "mid") lun @ cheeks blush "I'm not sure I understand, [name_genie_luna]." ("soft", "narrow", "base", "mid") gen "As you know... These techniques are untested and go beyond the normal boundaries of magical conventions." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun @ cheeks blush "Right." ("soft", "narrow", "base", "downL") gen "It's not the type of magic where you'll have a use for a wand..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(Unless it has a vibrate function.)" ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun @ cheeks blush "I understand..." ("open", "narrow", "base", "downL") gen "There will be no use for any incantations!" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "Barring a safe word or two." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "So you must promise not to tell anyone about what happens in this room, no matter what." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun @ cheeks blush "But..." ("clench", "base", "base", "mid") nar "Luna rocks her pelvis awkwardly..." gen "That is my only requirement..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun @ cheeks blush "*Nngh*...{w=0.4} Alright then." ("clench", "closed", "base", "downL") lun @ cheeks blush "I solemnly swear that I will tell no one what happens within these hallowed walls..." ("mad", "closed", "base", "mid") gen "Fantastic!" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun @ cheeks blush "So, can we please try your techniques, [name_genie_luna]?" ("angry", "narrow", "base", "mid") gen "Another time, [name_luna_genie]... I'll need to recharge--{w=0.4} *Err*...{w=0.4} Contain these spurts first." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun @ cheeks blush "But [name_genie_luna]..." ("clench", "base", "base", "mid") #Looks down blushing gen "..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun @ cheeks blush "Alright..." ("upset", "base", "base", "downL") gen "Now- Now... This is a good thing, [name_luna_genie]." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "Remember what we've learned... The more excited and sensitive you feel, the easier it'll be to spurt...{w=0.3} *Err*...{w=0.4} Expel the spurts!" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "Oh, that is true!" ("soft", "base", "base", "mid") gen "Now, until next time... I want you to do your best to not suppress that feeling." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "Embrace it...{w=0.4} Let it flow over you." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "Yes, [name_genie_luna]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") gen "Just make sure not to touch yourself." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "That will have to wait until I can assist you." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "Alright... I'll try..." ("mad", "narrow", "base", "downL") gen "Trying won't be enough, [name_luna_genie]..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "Don't...{w=0.4} Touch...{w=0.4} Yourself..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun @ cheeks blush "Okay, I won't!" ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") gen "Good...{w=0.3} Then I believe we're done here... For now at least." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun @ cheeks blush "Oh...{w=0.2} Of course." ("soft", "base", "base", "downL") show screen blkfade with d5 play sound "sounds/cloth_sound.ogg" $ luna.wear("all") call lun_chibi("stand", "desk", "base") hide luna_main with fade pause 2 hide screen blkfade with d5 lun "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid", xpos="base", ypos="base", flip=False, trans=dissolve) pause .2 if game.daytime: gen "You better head back to class, [name_luna_genie]." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "Okay." ("open", "base", "base", "mid") lun "Good day then, [name_genie_luna]!" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") else: gen "Now, you better head off to bed." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "Okay." ("open", "base", "base", "mid") lun "Good night, [name_genie_luna]!" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") gen "Good night, [name_luna_genie]." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") call lun_walk(action="leave") gen "..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(Poor girl doesn't even know how to masturbate.)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(How did this school even function without me...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") jump ll_pf_inspect_end label ll_pf_inspect_T2_E2_intro: call ll_pf_inspect gen "Alright, time to give those spurts a run for their money..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "Finally!" ("clench", "narrow", "base", "down") gen "Now, are you sure you're ready for this--" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") if luna.is_any_worn("robe", "accessory"): play sound "sounds/cloth_sound3.ogg" $ luna.strip("robe", "accessory") with d3 pause .5 gen "*Err*..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") if luna.is_worn("top"): play sound "sounds/cloth_sound3.ogg" $ luna.strip("top") with d3 pause .5 gen "Whoa!" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") #Luna takes off Bra (Not possible in wardrobe until next tier) play sound "sounds/cloth_sound3.ogg" $ luna.strip("bra") with d3 pause .5 gen "[name_luna_genie]!" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "..." ("angry", "narrow", "base", "down") # looks up at genie gen "Now that's the kind of self-determination I've been looking for!" ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "Check out those tits!" ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") if luna.is_worn("bottom"): play sound "sounds/cloth_sound3.ogg" $ luna.strip("bottom") with d3 pause .5 gen "*Hmm*... Those panties though...{w=0.4} I'd love to smell them..." ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") #Luna takes off Panties and everything else (Panty strip is not possible in wardrobe until next tier) play sound "sounds/cloth_sound3.ogg" $ luna.strip("clothes") with d3 pause .5 gen "And that pussy... What I'd do to stick my cock in--" ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "*Err*..." ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "I mean I can't wait to--" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun @ cheeks blush "Please [name_genie_luna], they've been bothering me constantly..." ("angry", "narrow", "worried", "mid") gen "(Oh good, she wasn't listening...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "Well, I hope you've followed my instructions, and that you haven't touched yourself..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun @ cheeks blush "I...{w=0.4} I haven't, [name_genie_luna]!" ("soft", "happyCl", "base", "mid") nar "Luna grinds her legs together once more, and you notice a wet streak beginning to run down her leg." gen "Good girl..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "Then come up to me, so we can deal with those spurts, once and for all." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun @ cheeks blush "Thank you [name_genie_luna]..." ("angry", "narrow", "base", "mid") #Luna quickly walks up towards desk, fades to black call lun_walk("desk", "base", speed=1.75) show screen blkfade with d5 nar "You get out of your clothes, as Luna rushes up to you..." nar "Without any further instructions, she plants her cheeks firmly in your lap, waiting for your next move expectantly." #TODO Luna CG in Genie lap hide screen blkfade with d5 nar "Before moving on, you can't help but pick up the sounds of her shallow breaths and the unusual warmth, despite her current state of undress, coming off her body." nar "You feel your cock twitch slightly, as if signalling your eagerness to let it press up in between the girl's cheeks." gen "*Ahem*...{w=0.4} So...{w} The sensitive areas we discussed previously." lun "*Mmm*..." gen "[name_luna_genie]?" lun "(His breath on the back of my neck... It's making me all tingly again...)" gen "Luna?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "I guess we'll start with your breasts then..." #Pose lun "Ooooh!" nar "You give Luna's breasts a light squeeze, which causes a shudder to go down her spine..." gen "How did that feel?" lun "*Ehm*..." gen "Good?" lun "I...{w=0.4} Yes...{w=0.4} I wasn't sure if good was the right word--" gen "Excellent...{w=0.4} Then focus on that feeling..." #Pose nar "You begin kneading Luna's breasts... Her nipples firmly locked between your fingers." lun "*Ah*..." lun "[name_genie_luna]...{w=0.4} I think it's working...{w=0.4} I feel a lot more sensitive than before..." gen "Good...{w=0.4} That means the spurts are building up." lun "*Ah*...{w=0.4} Finally...{w=0.4} Keep going, [name_genie_luna]..." nar "You stop your kneading and give her another squeeze, just slightly harder than previously." #Ass shot Overlay, cock against butthole nar "Luna tightens her thighs around your legs, and subconsciously pushes her ass back towards your abdomen." nar "Her cheeks lightly grace your hardening cock, and as they do, it manages to wiggle its way to rest against her butthole." lun "*Mmm*...{w=0.4} [name_genie_luna]..." gen "You're doing a great job [name_luna_genie]..." gen "Make sure to keep focusing on that feeling." lun "[name_genie_luna], I think I feel something--" lun "*Ah*..." nar "As Luna lets out another moan, she puts more of her weight onto you, heightening the pleasurable sensation at the tip of your cock." gen "*Ngh*--" nar "Just as you start feeling yourself getting engulfed, Luna starts rubbing her ass against you, causing your cock to slide out and rest against her back." lun "*Ah*...{w=0.4} Yes, I'm definitely feeling something...{w=0.4} *Mmm*..." lun "But I'm not sensing that--{w=0.2} *Ah*...{w=0.4} Relief you mentioned..." lun "My body still feels as if--{w=0.2} *Ah*...{w=0.4} As if I'm on fire, [name_genie_luna]..." gen "(If this keeps going, then this bitch in heat will make me bust before she does...)" lun "I think something is happening...{w=0.4} I feel woozy, [name_genie_luna]..." nar "The sound of Luna's voice starts to fade away as her rubbing brings you closer and closer to the edge..." lun "*Ah*... [name_genie_luna]... Something is--" nar "Luna's cheeks pushes against your cock once more, which is enough to bring you over the edge." gen "*ARGH*!!!" gen "(You've done it now slut!)" gen "(Take this!)" #Pose Genie cums nar "With a rush of pleasure, you unload a torrent of semen across Lunas back, completely covering it with your seed." lun "(What's he--)" gen "*Ah*..." nar "And with a soft groan, you let out a final spurt, emptying your entire sack on the girl..." nar "Returning to your senses, you watch as your semen slowly begins sliding down her crack." #Back to Base CG or start blkfade here gen "*Ah*...{w=0.4} *Ah*...{w=0.4} *Ah*..." lun "[name_genie_luna], I think...{w=0.4} I feel a bit faint..." gen "*Ah*...{w=0.4} No, you just need to--{w=0.2} *Ah*...{w=0.4} To push through--" lun "No [name_genie_luna]...{w=0.4} It's as if a chill is going down my spine...{w=0.4} It doesn't feel right." lun "It's nowhere near the feeling of relief that you described..." gen "*Err*...{w=0.4} Well I--" lun "I think I need to--" gen "No, wait!" show screen blkfade with d5 nar "Luna, now shaking slightly, stands up and makes her way to the front of your desk, leaving a noticeable wet streak across your legs." nar "You both begin begin dressing yourselves, and you can't help but notice that Luna is keeping her eyes on the floor the entire time." $ luna.wear("all") hide luna_main call lun_chibi("stand", "desk", "base") hide screen blkfade with d5 #Fade back to Luna in front of your desk. gen "*Ehm*...{w=0.4} So..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") nar "Luna shuffles uncomfortably and then glances up at you, seemingly unable to find what to say..." gen "(Good job me...{w=0.4} I have royally fucked it up this time.)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(Of course, me of all people would blow my load too soon!)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "Look, accidents happen to the best of--" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "I'm sorry [name_genie_luna]!" ("angry", "narrow", "worried", "mid", xpos="base", ypos="base", flip=False, trans=dissolve) gen "..." ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "You were right..." ("upset", "narrow", "worried", "down") lun "I guess I wasn't ready..." ("open", "closed", "worried", "down") gen "What are you--" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "I was so sure that we'd be able to do it..." ("angry", "narrow", "worried", "down") gen "*Err*...{w=0.3} Do \"it\", [name_luna_genie]?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "Cum, [name_genie_luna]..." ("soft", "narrow", "worried", "mid") gen "Oh!" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "Well, it was your first time...{w=0.3} It's not that uncommon for it to end prematurely..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "It's not, [name_genie_luna]?" ("angry", "base", "worried", "stare") gen "Yes...{w=0.3} Actually it's very...{w=0.3} Very common..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "I wasn't expecting you to work it--{w=0.2} *Err*...{w=0.3} For it to work the first time!" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "We'll just have to try it again some other time." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "So you're not disappointed in me, [name_genie_luna]?" ("annoyed", "narrow", "worried", "mid") #Looks down gen "Of course not." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(Quite the opposite...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "Oh...{w=0.3} Okay." ("normal", "narrow", "worried", "down") #Looks down lun "" ("base", "narrow", "worried", "down") #Looks down smile nar "Luna gives off a hopeful smile whilst still staring at her feet." nar "After a couple of seconds, she looks back up at you with a confused expression across her face." lun "[name_genie_luna]...{w=0.3} What was that cold feeling going down my spine?" ("upset", "narrow", "base", "mid") gen "Oh...{w=0.3} That." ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "*Err*...{w=0.3} I wouldn't worry about that, [name_luna_genie]... It happens sometimes." ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "Your body can do all sorts of things when you're moments away from spurting." ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "So we actually almost did it, [name_genie_luna]?" ("clench", "narrow", "base", "mid") gen "We almost did \"it\" alright..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "*Aww*...{w=0.3} Blithering Humdinger..." ("upset", "narrow", "annoyed", "downL") gen "I'll give you some more pointers next time...{w=0.3} I'm sure we'll get there." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "Okay...{w=0.3} Thank you [name_genie_luna]!" ("base", "narrow", "base", "mid") #looks at you smiling if game.daytime: lun "If I may, then I'll head back to class for today, [name_genie_luna]." ("soft", "base", "base", "R") gen "Certainly, [name_luna_genie]." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") else: gen "Now you best be off to bed." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "Of course [name_genie_luna]." ("soft", "base", "base", "R") lun "Good night then..." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") gen "Good night [name_luna_genie]." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") call lun_walk("door") lun @ cheeks blush "(Wait a second...{w=0.3} The thing I felt on my back...)" ("soft", "narrow", "base", "downL", xpos="base", ypos="base", flip=True, trans=dissolve) hide luna_main with d3 #Luna turns to genie call lun_chibi(flip=False) gen "Yes...{w=0.3} Was there something else [name_luna_genie]?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun @ cheeks blush "Oh...{w=0.3} No, that's all, [name_genie_luna]!" ("angry", "narrow", "base", "down", xpos="base", ypos="base", flip=False, trans=dissolve) hide luna_main with d3 #Luna turns to door call lun_chibi(flip=True) gen "Off you go then..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun @ cheeks blush "(Was me rubbing up against him enough to help with his--)" ("soft", "narrow", "base", "down", xpos="base", ypos="base", flip=True, trans=dissolve) lun @ cheeks blush "(Why am I suddenly so woozy again?)" ("angry", "narrow", "base", "downL") call lun_walk(action="leave") jump ll_pf_inspect_end label ll_pf_inspect_T2_E3_intro: $ states.lun.ev.inspect_her_body.t2_e3_complete = True call ll_pf_inspect gen "Ready for another attempt?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "I...{w=0.3} Yes [name_genie_luna], I believe so..." ("open", "narrow", "base", "downL") #Luna walks towards desk and it fades to black call lun_walk("desk") show screen blkfade with d5 nar "As you disrobe, Luna absent-mindedly walks up and scoots in front of you." hide screen blkfade with d5 #TODO Luna on lap CG, either check clothing status or not, depending what works best, (she will always wear underwear at this stage.) gen "*Err*...{w=0.3} I think you've forgotten something, [name_luna_genie]." lun "*Huh*?" if luna.is_any_worn("top", "bottom", "robe", "stockings"): gen "Your clothes..." else: gen "Your underwear..." lun "Oh...{w=0.3} Right..." gen "You seem awfully distracted today." lun "*Ehm*...{w=0.3} To tell you the truth...{w=0.3} I'm a bit worried that it's not going to work again, [name_genie_luna]." gen "Now, I wouldn't worry about that...{w=0.3} I'm confident it will work this time." lun "But how can you be so sure, [name_genie_luna]?" lun "Maybe it's different for us women, maybe we aren't able to expel the wrackspurts like you men do." gen "I'm quite certain that the process isn't too dissimilar...{w=0.3} I'm confident that with my help--" lun "But {i}how{/i} do you know, [name_genie_luna]?" gen "Just trust me on this one [name_luna_genie]." lun "*Hmm*..." gen "(She doesn't seem convinced.)" gen "(Oh, wait...{w=0.3} I know!)" gen "*Ahem*...{w=0.3} [name_luna_genie]?" lun "Yes [name_genie_luna]?" gen "Tell me...{w=0.3} How were those spratters described in your father's paper again?" lun "Let me think.{w=0.5} They're invisible creatures that enter inside your ears and make your brain go all fuzzy." gen "And...{w=0.3} Wasn't there an instruction on how to expel them?" lun "Why yes, by thinking positively..." lun "But that's not working, [name_genie_luna]...{w=0.3} It isn't my brain that's getting all fuzzy because of them..." gen "Then tell me...{w=0.3} What else have we learned about them thus far?" lun "*Uhm*..." lun "We have learned that you can lure them out to a particularly sensitive body area, through positive thoughts. Then, you need to rub that spot energetically to finally expel them..." lun "But we have already tried that [name_genie_luna], and it didn't work!" gen "I managed to do it by myself...{w=0.3} So you must have done something wrong..." lun "*Hmm*..." gen "(Putting the pieces together...{w=0.3} And...)" lun "Oh! I know!" lun "I was possibly thinking too much about the wrackspurts, and how glad I'd be to finally get rid of them." lun "What I should have done instead was project positive thoughts onto the area itself!" gen "Exactly!" gen "Ignore intrusive thoughts that may pop into your head, and just focus on your body, on how it feels..." gen "Let the sensations engulf you completely, until your mind is clear..." gen "Leave the rest to the fate..." lun "That's smart, [name_genie_luna], maybe I should try that." gen "Now then... Ready for another try?" lun "Yes, I'm ready [name_genie_luna]!" if luna.is_any_worn("robe", "top", "bottom", "stockings"): gen "Let's get you out of those clothes first, shall we..." else: gen "Now, let me help you get you out of those pesky undergarments..." if luna.is_any_worn("robe", "top", "bottom", "stockings"): nar "Luna shuffles around for a bit, attempting to get out of her clothing. The limited space between you and the desk is making it somewhat difficult." lun "It's a bit cramped in here, [name_genie_luna]...{w=0.4} Should I scoot out and--" gen "No, that won't be necessary, [name_luna_genie]...{w=0.4} Let me help you." #if luna.is_worn("robe"): #nar "You unclasp Luna's outerwear and let it drop to the ground." if luna.is_worn("top"): nar "You swiftly pull Luna's top over her head...{w=0.4} Her breasts bounce a little, then settle still as the offending piece of clothing is taken off." play sound "sounds/boing02.ogg" pause .4 lun "Whoa!" #Luna always wears underwear at this stage nar "You unhook Luna's bra with ease, and let it drop to the floor, right in front of her." nar "She glances back at you, her cheeks flushed, and a look of surprise painted across her face, caused by your unusual dexterity." lun "Have you done this before, [name_genie_luna]?" gen "Let's not make this about me, [name_luna_genie]. Free your mind of intrusive thoughts." lun "Okay, I'll try." if luna.is_worn("bottom", "panties"): nar "Noticing Luna's ever-increasing excitement, you put your hands on either side of her hips, and pull both fabrics down, in one singular motion..." $ luna.strip("bottom", "panties") elif luna.is_worn("panties"): nar "You ogle at Luna's underwear, before swiftly pulling them down right to her ankles..." lun "[name_genie_luna]!" gen "Yes, [name_luna_genie]?" lun "*Ehm*...{w=0.4} Never mind..." gen "Okay. In that case, let the exorcism commence--." gen "--*Err*, I mean the expulsion." lun "..." nar "Without hesitation, you reach forward and grab and start fondling Luna's breasts." nar "As she feels your touch, any doubts in Luna's mind are washed away, letting the sensations overtake her." lun "*Ah*...{w=0.4} [name_genie_luna]..." nar "You move your attention towards Luna's sensitive areas... Gently sliding your fingers across her nipples, then across the sides of her breasts and back again." lun "*Mmm*..." nar "You continue massaging Luna's breasts and the silence is only broken by her moans as your fingers pass across her nipples." lun "*Ah*...{w=0.4} *Ah*...{w=0.4} *Mmmm*..." nar "Luna, getting more and more excited by your touch, pushes her ass towards you once more." nar "As it graces your cock, you struggle not to get hard..." gen "(Nnnn-{w=0.2} Not today!)" nar "Determined to keep your composure this time, you move your gaze down to see Luna rubbing her thighs together." gen "(Well then...{w=0.4} Looks like she's ready.)" nar "As you remove your hands from Luna's breasts, she opens her eyes, confused as to why you stopped." nar "Without saying anything, you place your hand across her pussy, and give it a gentle rub." lun "Ooooh!" nar "A shudder passes through Luna's body from your initial touch." nar "You then begin moving your forefinger up and down her slit with increasing ease, as her pussy becomes wetter and wetter." lun "*Ah*...{w=0.4} [name_genie_luna]...{w=0.4} This feels a lot different to you--{w=0.2} *Ah*...{w=0.4} Touching my breasts..." gen "(You ain't seen nothing yet...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") nar "As you continue rubbing her, the excitement in her voice gnaws at your steadily decreasing patience..." lun "*Ah*...{w=0.3} *Ah*...{w=0.3} *Ah*..." gen "Ready, [name_luna_genie]?" gen "[name_luna_genie]?" gen "..." gen "(Fuck it...)" play sound "sounds/slick_02.ogg" with kissiris pause .5 lun "..." lun "[name_genie_luna]!" nar "As you penetrate Luna with your index finger, she clenches her legs together in surprise." lun "[name_genie_luna]...{w=0.4} Your finger slipped inside of me..." gen "I know..." lun "What do you--" play background "sounds/slickloop.ogg" fadein 2 nar "You begin moving your finger inside of Luna, slowly increasing the pace, her words are soon replaced by the sounds of increasing pleasure." lun "*Ah*...{w=0.4} My word...{w=0.3} *Ah*...{w=0.4} I never...{w=0.3} *Ah*..." gen "(*Hmm*...{w=0.4} Perhaps I shouldn't go so hard on her...)" stop background fadeout 2 nar "You stop your movement for a second to give Luna some breathing room, but as you do, she starts moving her hips back and forth on her own." gen "(Never mind, then...)" gen "*Tsk*... Such impatience with the youths these days..." lun "..." gen "Very well [name_luna_genie]..." gen "In that case, I won't hold back on you." play sound "sounds/slick_02.ogg" with kissiris lun "*Ah*!!!" play background "sounds/slickloopfast.ogg" nar "You insert another finger and begin pumping them in and out, the walls of her pussy clinging onto your fingers with each insertion." lun "*Ah*...{w=0.3} *Ah*...{w=0.3} *Ah*..." nar "Luna, now completely lost in pleasure, begins shaking slightly, prompting you to pick up the pace even further." play background "sounds/slickloopveryfast.ogg" lun "[name_genie_luna]...{w=0.3} This...{w=0.3} is...{w=0.3} amazing...{w=0.3} I... {w=0.3} never...{w=0.3} thought--" gen "Then don't...{w=0.3} Focus on the feeling!" lun "*Ah*...{w=0.3} Yes...{w=0.3} [name_genie_luna]." lun "*N-n-ngh*!!!" nar "Not showing her any mercy, you continue pumping your fingers in and out of her rapidly." lun "*Ah*...{w=0.5} [name_genie_luna]...{w=0.4} I think this is it!" lun "I'm...{w=0.3} *Ah*...{w=0.3} I'm--" gen "Yes girl, let all of it out!" nar "You insert your fingers one last time... As Luna's body finally gives in, her entire weight drops onto your hand and your fingers penetrates her down to the base." lun "I'm cumming!!" lun "*Nngh*...{w=0.8}{nw}" with kissiris stop background fadeout 2 play sound "sounds/slick_01.ogg" lun @ cheeks blush "*Nngh*...{fast} *Ah*!" gen "(By the great--)" with kissiris play sound "sounds/slick_01.ogg" lun "*AAAAAH*!!!" nar "Your fingers now locked inside of Luna, you feel her entire body spasms as wave after wave of pleasure passes through her body." lun "Wow...{w=0.5} That was--{w=0.8}{nw}" with kissiris play sound "sounds/slick_01.ogg" lun "Wow... That was--{fast} *Ah*..." lun "*Mmm*...{w=0.4} You were right...{w=0.3} That...{w=0.3} That relief..." show screen blkfade with d5 #TODO hide CG nar "Luna attempts to stand up, but her legs give way, and she slumps forward onto your desk, completely limp." nar "Luckily her grip around your fingers finally loosens enough for you to free yourself, and you swiftly pull them out, which causes her to shudder once more." play sound "sounds/slick_02.ogg" lun "*Ah*..." nar "Admiring your work, you watch as a streak of liquid runs down her leg before settling on the floor." lun @ cheeks blush "[name_genie_luna]..." ("base", "base", "base", "mid", xpos="base", ypos="base", flip=False, trans=dissolve) $ luna.wear("all") centered "{size=+7}{color=#cbcbcb}Some time later...{/color}{/size}" call lun_chibi("stand", "desk", "base") hide screen blkfade with d5 lun "[name_genie_luna], that was incredible!" ("base", "narrow", "base", "mid") lun "Did you see how many wrackspurts I expelled?" ("crooked_smile", "base", "raised", "mid") gen "Very impressive indeed." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "I can't believe we finally did it!" ("crooked_smile", "happyCl", "base", "mid") lun "Finally, a foolproof way of expelling wrackspurts from other areas than your brain!" ("crooked_smile", "narrow", "base", "mid") gen "Quite the discovery! I'm sure we'll be able to help a lot of backed up people." ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "Yes!" ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") lun "So, what next? We've solved it now, right?" ("grin", "base", "raised", "mid") gen "Solved--" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "Now I think you're getting a bit ahead of yourself [name_luna_genie]." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "But--" ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") gen "Masturbation is only a temporary solution, so perfecting it is vital... Until I've come up with a more permanent solution, that is..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "Then I'll practice as soon as I get to my dorm!" ("smile", "narrow", "base", "mid") gen "No!" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "I need to watch--{w=0.2} *Err*...{w=0.4} Instruct you, so you can alleviate yourself properly and safely." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "Oh, of course [name_genie_luna]!" ("mad", "base", "base", "mid") lun "Hopefully the wrackspurts will leave me alone until then..." ("angry", "narrow", "base", "downL") #blush looking down gen "Hopefully..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(Although I doubt it.)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") if game.daytime: gen "Well then, you've got class to attend [name_luna_genie]." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "Off you go." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "Yes [name_genie_luna], thank you [name_genie_luna]..." ("base", "wink", "base", "mid") else: gen "Well then, it's getting late so you best head to your dorm, [name_luna_genie]." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "Off you go." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "Yes [name_genie_luna]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") lun "Good night, [name_genie_luna]." ("base", "wink", "base", "mid") gen "Good night [name_luna_genie]." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") call lun_walk(action="leave") gen "(She sure is a eager one...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") nar "You look down and see something's caught onto your robes." gen "(*Hmm*... What's this?)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") $ hair_luna_ITEM.owned = 1 call give_reward("You found a string of blonde hair!", gift=hair_luna_ITEM) gen "(Looks like she's left me a parting gift.)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") if states.map.snape_office.intro_e2: gen "Maybe I could use this for one of my potions..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") else: gen "Maybe I'll find some use for this later..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") jump ll_pf_inspect_end label ll_pf_inspect_T2_E4_repeat: call ll_pf_inspect gen "How are you feeling, [name_luna_genie]?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "Have those spratters been bothering you any further?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "I'm feeling a little bit better, [name_genie_luna]." ("soft", "narrow", "low", "down") lun "Although I began feeling them move around again once I was on the way to my dorm, just thinking about our last session." ("upset", "narrow", "base", "downL") gen "Well, that's to be expected." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "Until we've found a foolproof way to deal with them, I'm afraid this will have make do as a regular treatment." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "Alright..." ("soft", "narrow", "base", "downL") lun "I suppose that's not too bad." ("base", "narrow", "base", "down") gen "Good to hear..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "Now then, ready for your treatment, [name_luna_genie]?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "Yes [name_genie_luna]..." ("grin", "base", "base", "mid") gen "Great, then come here, and we'll get started." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") #Luna walks towards desk and it fades to black call lun_walk("desk") show screen blkfade with d5 $ luna.strip("clothes") #TODO Fades back to Luna in your lap CG hide screen blkfade with d5 gen "Now then..." gen "Time to get these spratters worked up..." nar "You grab onto Luna's breasts and begin massaging them." lun "*Eeek*!!" gen "[name_luna_genie]?" lun "Oh...{w=0.2} Sorry, [name_genie_luna]!" lun "Your hands are a bit cold." gen "Then let's get them warmed up, shall we?" nar "You spread your fingers apart and drag them across the sides of Luna's nipples, increasing your grip around them with each motion." lun "*Ah*..." gen "How's this, [name_luna_genie]?" gen "Feeling any build up yet?" lun "*Mmm*...{w=0.4} Yes, [name_genie_luna]..." gen "Good..." nar "You begin moving your hands in a circular motion, squeezing her breasts together and pulling them apart over and over..." lun "*Mmm*..." nar "Luna, whose thoughts are now enveloped by the sensations of your touch, pushes her crotch towards you once again, as if desperate to feel you inside of her..." gen "*Hmm*...{w=0.4} Looks like someone's eager..." gen "Very well then, [name_luna_genie]." #Pose touch pussy lun "Ooooh..." nar "Luna shivers slightly as your hand graces her pussy..." nar "You notice that she's already wet, as your fingers slide across her with ease..." gen "Looks like someone's been looking forward to this..." gen "Better not let you wait any further then." lun "I--" play sound "sounds/slick_02.ogg" with kissiris lun "{heart}*Ngh*{heart}..." gen "There we go..." lun "You're...{w=0.4} They're inside me again..." gen "Yes indeed [name_luna_genie]..." gen "And two fingers already...{w=0.4} Looks like you're getting better at this..." lun "Oh...{w=0.4} Thank--" play background "sounds/slickloop.ogg" fadein 2 nar "You begin pumping your fingers quickly into Luna's pussy..." lun "*Ah*!!!" nar "Taken by surprise, Luna clenches her thighs, which only strengthens her grip around your fingers..." lun "*Ah*... [name_genie_luna]!" gen "That's it [name_luna_genie]...{w=0.4} Keep that grip steady, and this will be over before you know it..." lun "*Ah*...{w=0.3} *Ah*...{w=0.3} But [name_genie_luna]--" nar "As you keep pumping your fingers repeatedly inside of Luna, you feel her grip loosen slightly..." lun "I...{w=0.4} I..." lun "{size=+5}I don't want it to be over!{/size}" gen "Too bad!" nar "Not showing any mercy on the girl, you keep pumping faster and faster in and out of her pussy." play background "sounds/slickloopfast.ogg" lun "*Ah*...{w=0.4} *Ah*...{w=0.4} No..." lun "Not yet!" play background "sounds/slickloopveryfast.ogg" nar "Luna, trying to keep that sensation going, attempts to get a hold of herself as not to let herself cum." lun "*Ah*...{w=0.2} *Ah*...{w=0.2} *Ah*..." nar "Taking it as a challenge, you insert your fingers all the way in, which proves to be enough for the girl." #ahegao pose lun @ cheeks blush "*Ah*...{w=0.2} No...{w=0.3} I'm cumming!!" ("clench", "happyCl", "worried", "mid") with kissiris play sound "sounds/slick_01.ogg" lun "*AAAAAH*!!!" nar "Luna's thighs clench around you, as waves of pleasure washes over her." lun "*Ah*...{w=0.2} I'm...{w=0.2} I'm--" with kissiris play sound "sounds/slick_01.ogg" stop background fadeout 2 lun "*Ah*..." lun "*Mmm*..." show screen blkfade with d5 $ luna.wear("all") nar "Luna, completely exhausted, slumps onto your desk once again." nar "You pull your chair back to give her some space." lun @ cheeks blush "*Mmm*..." ("base", "narrow", "base", "down", xpos="base", ypos="base", flip=False, trans=dissolve) centered "{size=+7}{color=#cbcbcb}Some time later...{/color}{/size}" call lun_chibi("stand", "desk", "base") #TODO hide CG hide screen blkfade with d5 gen "Well done, [name_luna_genie]!" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "Looks like you managed to spurt even more than last time!" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun @ cheeks blush "*Mmm*...{w=0.4} Thank you, [name_genie_luna]." ("base", "closed", "base", "mid") gen "Holding them in for as long as possible was very clever!" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun @ cheeks blush "Oh-- I...{w=0.3} Yes, thank you!" ("soft", "narrow", "base", "downR") gen "Are you okay, [name_luna_genie]?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun @ cheeks blush "Oh, yes [name_genie_luna]...{w=0.4} I'm...{w=0.3} I feel great!" ("crooked_smile", "narrow", "base", "mid") gen "You look exhausted, you better get some rest..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") if game.daytime: lun @ cheeks blush "*Ehm*...{w=0.4} I've still got classes..." ("soft", "narrow", "base", "R") gen "Right..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "Maybe I should go a bit easier on you during the--" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun @ cheeks blush "No, it's fine!" ("mad", "narrow", "base", "mid") gen "..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun @ cheeks blush "I mean... I'll be okay [name_genie_luna]..." ("soft", "narrow", "base", "mid") lun @ cheeks blush "Off I go then..." ("open", "narrow", "base", "R") else: gen "Off you go." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun @ cheeks blush "Alright." ("soft", "narrow", "base", "R") lun @ cheeks blush "Good night, [name_genie_luna]." ("base", "narrow", "base", "mid") gen "Good night [name_luna_genie]." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") call lun_walk(action="leave") jump ll_pf_inspect_end label ll_pf_inspect_T3_E1_repeat: call ll_pf_inspect gen "Would you like me to help you with--" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "Yes please!" ("grin", "base", "base", "stare") #Luna walks towards desk and it fades to black call lun_walk("desk") show screen blkfade with d5 $ luna.strip("clothes") if luna.is_any_worn("clothes"): nar "Luna quickly rushes up to your desk, and begins undressing both you and herself..." else: nar "Luna quickly rushes up to your desk, and begins undressing you..." #Fades back to Luna in your lap CG hide screen blkfade with d5 gen "You didn't even let me finish my sentence..." lun "Oh...{w=0.4} Was this not what you meant, [name_genie_luna]?" gen "That's not the...{w} Well I suppose..." lun "I hope I'm not too much of a bother, [name_genie_luna]..." lun "I know your time is valuable." gen "Assisting my students is part of my job, [name_luna_genie]." if game.daytime: gen "Even if that meant treating you for an entire day, then so be it..." else: gen "Even if that meant treating you all night, then so be it..." lun "Really? You'd do that?" gen "If that's what is required of me..." lun "*Hmm*..." gen "(Is she really considering it?)" lun "I wouldn't want you to feel obligated just because it's part of your job..." lun "I think I will still be fine with the amount of time we're spending on the treatment for now." gen "Good to hear." gen "(I've got enough wankers cramp as it is...)" gen "So, are you ready to begin your treatment?" lun "Yes... Please go ahead, [name_genie_luna]..." gen "Then just relax, and let me take care of it." #Pose groping breasts nar "Grabbing onto Luna's breasts, you begin massaging them gently." lun "*Ah*..." nar "Luna immediately shudders, and lets out a soft moan as a response to your touch." gen "(All day... Such a silly girl, I doubt she'd last an hour...)" nar "You let go of Luna's breasts and give her nipples a quick pinch." lun "Ouch!" gen "Whops." menu: "-Pinch her again-": nar "You quickly pinch Luna's nipples again, and she jumps slightly by surprise." lun "Ow, Ow, Ow!!" lun "[name_genie_luna]!" gen "Just give it a moment... It will feel better soon..." lun "Are you--" nar "You pinch her again, even harder this time, and Luna suddenly jerks her body forward." lun "Stop it [name_genie_luna]...{w=0.4} I can't..." nar "As you let go of her tits, Luna's words trail off slightly..." gen "Can't what, [name_luna_genie]?" lun "That's odd..." lun "It feels kind of nice, after you let go of them." gen "More sensitive?" lun "Yes..." lun "Do it again [name_genie_luna]!" gen "Again?" lun "Yes, again!" gen "If you say so..." nar "You pinch Luna's nipples again, and being fully ready for it this time, you only hear a short intake of breath." nar "Releasing your grip on her nipples, you begin brushing your fingertips along the sides of her breasts, up and around her nipples." lun "*Ah*...{w=0.4} How...{w=0.4} How strange..." nar "Luna, now enjoying the heightened sensitivity of her nipples, begins to relax, her breathing slowing down more and more." lun "..." gen "(Am I just giving her a massage now?)" "-Don't-": lun "Please be careful [name_genie_luna]..." nar "Trying not to give into the temptation, you resume massaging Luna's breasts." nar "Her breathing soon begins slowing down, and you feel her previously tense grip around your legs starting to relax." lun "..." gen "*Hmm*..." gen "(Am I just giving her a massage now?)" lun "*Ah*....." ("base", "closed", "base", "mid") nar "You suddenly feel her beginning to go limp in your hands, and realise that your grip is the only thing preventing her from slumping forward." gen "*Err*... Are you--" lun "*Mmm*..." gen "[name_luna_genie]?" lun "..." gen "[name_luna_genie]?" nar "You let go of Luna's breasts, and she goes stiff, opening her eyes in confusion." lun "*Huh*?" gen "I believe our purpose here isn't for me to massage you until you fall asleep..." lun "Oh... Right..." nar "You stick your hand down between Luna's legs, and begin rubbing your fingers along her slit." lun "*Ah*..." nar "As you brush up against her, you notice how wet she is already." gen "*Hmm*... Looks like that massage helped after all..." lun "*Ah*...{w=0.4} *Ah*...{w=0.4} *Ah*..." nar "Moving your forefinger up and down against Luna, you hear her breathing becoming more and more erratic, and you feel your cock twitch slightly against her." gen "(Time to bust this thing wide open...)" nar "You stop your movements, giving Luna just a brief moment of anticipation before you push a finger inside." play sound "sounds/slick_02.ogg" with kissiris lun "{heart}*Ngh*{heart}..." play background "sounds/slickloop.ogg" fadein 2 nar "You begin moving your finger inside Luna's pussy, as if playfully searching for her weak spot." lun "*Ah*... What are... What are you doing [name_genie_luna]..." gen "Oh... You know... Just looking for something..." lun "*Ah*...{w=0.4} Looking...{w=0.4} *Ah*...{w=0.4} What are you--" gen "Why I'll never find it at this rate... Better get some of my friends to help." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") play sound "sounds/slick_02.ogg" play background "sounds/slickloopfast.ogg" nar "You push another finger inside her, and begin moving them around." lun "*Ah*...{w=0.4} [name_genie_luna]..." gen "*Hmm*... Some lousy friends they are... I still can't find it..." lun "*Ah*...{w=0.3} *Ah*...{w=0.3} Are you...{w=0.3} Are you sure..." nar "You keep moving your fingers inside Luna, and as you do, you feel her clench around them slightly." gen "Yes...{w=0.3} Although maybe it's just hiding..." #Pose, genie pulls out and pushes on her stomach lun "*Ah*...{w=0.3} It...{w=0.3} What is--" gen "I think it's around here!" nar "You suddenly push hard against Luna's womb." lun "*Oooooh*!!!" gen "Seems like it... So, what do you say? Think I can reach all the way in here?" #Pose fingering play background "sounds/slickloopveryfast.ogg" nar "You push your fingers deep inside Luna, then start pumping them quickly in and out." lun "*Ah*...{w=0.2} *Ah*...{w=0.2} *Ah*..." nar "Luna's moans reverberates around your office, and you notice her legs beginning to shake slightly." #Pose closed legs nar "Luna's moans suddenly stops, and she clenches her thighs tight around your hand." lun "*Ah*...{w=0.2} I'm...{w=0.3} I'm cumming!!" with kissiris play sound "sounds/slick_01.ogg" #Pose ahegao with kissiris play sound "sounds/slick_01.ogg" stop background fadeout 2 lun "*AAAAAH*!!!" nar "Even with your hand locked firmly between her thighs, you still manage to keep your fingers going." lun "*Ah*...{w=0.2} I'm...{w=0.2} I'm--" lun "*Mmm*..." show screen blkfade with d5 $ luna.wear("all") nar "Luna's legs buckle completely as she puts her full weight onto your desk." nar "You watch her body move up and down for a while, her legs twitching slightly every now and then as liquid runs down her legs." nar "After some time, she manages to push herself up and get off your desk." hide luna_main call lun_chibi("stand", "desk", "base") #TODO hide CG hide screen blkfade with d5 gen "How was that, [name_luna_genie]?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "How did you do that, [name_genie_luna]?" ("mad", "base", "base", "mid", xpos="base", ypos="base", flip=False, trans=dissolve) gen "Do what?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "The thing you did... When you pushed near my stomach..." ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") gen "Oh that...{w=0.4} Well, I can't reveal all my secrets, can I?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "..." ("base", "narrow", "base", "stare") gen "So, feeling better now?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "Yes, [name_genie_luna]...{w=0.4} Thank you..." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") if game.daytime: gen "Then you better make your way to class, [name_luna_genie]." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") else: gen "Then you best be off to bed, [name_luna_genie]." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "Okay..." ("soft", "base", "base", "R") lun "Let me know if you want to..." ("open", "narrow", "base", "mid") lun "*Ehm*... I mean, I'll let you know if I need any more assistance..." ("open", "base", "base", "down") gen "Certainly..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") call lun_walk(action="leave") jump ll_pf_inspect_end label ll_pf_inspect_T4_E1_repeat: call ll_pf_inspect gen "Need a hand?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "A hand, [name_genie_luna]?" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") gen "I thought you might be feeling the effects of the spurts... So, I figured you might want to sit in my lap and let me help you out for a bit." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "But, didn't you already teach me how to take care of them myself?" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") gen "Yes, and I'm sure you've had a lot of practice, but since I'm available, there's the option of me helping out..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "Or would you rather do it yourself?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "Of course not!" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") lun "I mean..." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") lun "What about you, [name_genie_luna]?" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") gen "This is as important for you, as it is for me." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "It is?" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") gen "If the spurts manage to get to you, then you won't be able to assist me with my research at the required level." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "Required level?" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") gen "See! You can't even focus, [name_luna_genie]!" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "But I am--" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") gen "If you're unable to focus on the task, who knows what might happen!" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "The spurts could force you to slap my cheek!" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "Your cheek?!" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") gen "My cheek!" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "Or even worse... Make you to pull my finger!" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "Really?!" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") gen "Yes, and trust me... You'd want to avoid that at all cost." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "Why... What would--" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") gen "Irreversible consequences!" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "!!!" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") gen "Let's just say that the desert didn't used to be the wasteland that it is today." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "My heavens!" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") if luna.is_any_worn("clothes"): hide luna_main pause .5 $ _wearing_clothes = True $ luna.strip("clothes") lun "[name_genie_luna], help me before it's too late!" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") gen "Whoa, how did you do that so fast?!" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") #Luna quickly walks up towards desk, fades to black call lun_walk("desk", "base", speed=1.75) show screen blkfade with d5 nar "As you undress, Luna rushes up to your desk, and jumps into your lap with such force that you fall into the chair." #TODO Fade to CG Luna in lap hide screen blkfade with d5 lun "Hurry, [name_genie_luna]! Put your fingers inside me!" gen "Already? But, what about the foreplay?" gen "(Wait... Since when did I start caring about foreplay?)" lun "Just do it already!" gen "Suit yourself..." nar "You move your hand down to Luna's pussy and attempt to push a finger inside." lun "Ouch!" lun "Wait! What's going on?!" gen "I was trying to tell you..." gen "Sometimes you're going to need a bit of--" lun "It's the wrackspurts, and their naughty tricks!" lun "They must be blocking the entrance somehow!" gen "..." lun "[name_genie_luna], we must lure them away from the entrance! Grab my breasts!" gen "(By the great desert sands... What have I created...)" #Genie grabs Luna's breasts lun "Good...{w=0.4} Now if you massage them, I'm sure the wrackspurts--" lun "Wait...{w=0.4} I'm so silly, why am I telling you what to do... Of course you already know!" gen "Certainly, [name_luna_genie]... Although while you know that I know, how am I supposed to know that you know what I know?" lun "*Huh*?" gen "I'm proposing that you could be the one to instruct me what I'm supposed to do during this session." gen "That way, I can ensure that you've remembered everything that I've shown you so far." lun "Oh, good idea [name_genie_luna]!" lun "Then massage my breasts!" gen "One breast massage coming up." gen "Or is it \"breasts\" massage, since you've got two of--" lun "Hurry!" gen "Righto..." #Genie massages breasts nar "Following Luna's outcry, you begin gently massaging her breasts." lun "*Ah*...{w=0.4} I--{w=0.2} *Ngh*...{w=0.4} I think it's working." lun "I can feel them gathering already." gen "Truly?" lun "*Ah*...{w=0.4} How...{w=0.4} How do you feel, [name_genie_luna]?" gen "Me?" lun "*Mmm*...{w=0.4} Yes, please tell me." gen "I'm not sure what you're talking--" lun "My breasts...{w=0.4} Do they feel nice?" menu: "\"Of course!\"": gen "They're very pleasant." "\"I've felt better.\"": lun "Oh..." gen "Your nipples must not be hard enough yet." "\"If you can call these breasts...\"": lun "W--{w=0.4} What?!" gen "The word \"breasts\" is not enough to describe these glorious mounds of flesh!" lun "*Ah*...{w=0.4} Really?" lun "So...{w=0.4} What do you like about them exactly?" gen "Well... They're soft, squishy, and fun to play with, there's nothing better than a good pair of--" nar "Luna suddenly clenches her ass around your cock, which makes you lose your focus for a moment." gen "*Ahem*...{w=0.4} That said, it is quite a contentious subject..." lun "*Mhm*?" gen "*Ah*...{w=0.4} Yes, some people prefer the roundness and firmness of an--" lun "[name_genie_luna]?" gen "Yes?" lun "You've stopped massaging me." gen "So I have..." #Genie massages breasts lun "*Mmm*..." lun "So, you think my breasts are fun to play with?" gen "Very much so." lun "*Giggles*" gen "What's so funny about that?" lun "Well, it's just that I had never really considered playing with them..." lun "Before you showed me, they were just sort of... There." gen "I suppose the reason I find them fascinating and fun to play with is due to not having access to them at all times." gen "I mean, it's all for the sake of research, of course.... I'm taking mental notes of all the differences between men and women... Yes, that's it..." lun "In that case, should we to try to find out if there's a way to lure them away from your penis next?" gen "*Err*..." lun "I presume we wouldn't want your penis to get clogged up with spurts like what just happened to me, right?" gen "Right... However, since I have you, I'm assured that won't happen." lun "Let's hope..." gen "Either way, let's not forget that we're focusing on you right now..." lun "Oh, right..." lun "In that case..." lun "Could you perhaps assist me with testing the sensitivity of my nipples?" gen "Certainly..." #Genie pinches nipples nar "You give Luna's nipples a quick pinch, and in return, you feel her ass clench around your cock." lun "*Ngh*!" gen "How was that?" lun "*Ah*...{w=0.4} Very...{w=0.4} fun..." gen "Truly?" lun "Yes..." gen "*Hmm*... Then let's try it again." nar "You pinch Luna's nipples again and feel her ass clench even harder around your cock." lun "Ouch!" gen "How's that?" lun "I...{w=0.4} Very, very fun, [name_genie_luna]!" gen "There's no need to be untruthful with me, [name_luna_genie]..." lun "*Ah*...{w=0.4} *Ah*...{w=0.4} But, I am--" gen "So, what now? Would you like me to move on to something else?" lun "*Ah*...{w=0.4} *Ah*...{w=0.4} You could--{w=0.2} Could you stroke my breasts for a bit, [name_genie_luna]?" gen "Good idea...{w=0.4} We should take advantage of your heightened sensitivity..." #Genie strokes breasts nar "Placing your fingers along the sides of her nipples, you begin brushing them gently against her skin." lun "*Mmm*..." nar "As you continue stroking her, you notice some wetness forming in-between Luna's legs." gen "*Ahem*...{w=0.4} [name_luna_genie]." nar "Luna, fully focused on the sensations of your fingers, begins shuffling around slightly in your lap." lun "*Ah*...{w=0.4} *Ah*...{w=0.4} *Ah*..." gen "[name_luna_genie], don't you think you're--" #Pose ahegao with kissiris $ renpy.sound.play("sounds/slick_01.ogg") stop bg_sounds fadeout 2 lun "*Aaaah*!!!" nar "With a jolt, Luna's entire body suddenly starts shaking." gen "What the--" lun "[name_genie_luna]!!!" lun "*Ah*..." lun "What--{w=0.4} What just happened?" gen "*Heh-heh*...{w=0.4} It appears you've managed to get there on your own." lun "W--{w=0.2} What?!" show screen blkfade with d5 nar "Luna suddenly jumps off your lap and turns around, and her eyes lock onto a wet patch on the top of your robes." nar "Her legs still quivering from the intense pleasure she stumbles backwards a bit, then grabs a hold of the side of your desk." nar "Finally, after catching her breath, she lets go and addresses the situation." call lun_chibi("stand", "desk", "base") #TODO hide CG hide screen blkfade with d5 lun "How...{w=0.4} How on earth did that happen?!" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") gen "You may not have realised, but you were rubbing up against me for quite a while..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "I--{w=0.2} I was?" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") gen "Indeed... You almost had me going at one point." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "You... Going..." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") gen "(Here we go...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "Going where?" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") if game.daytime: gen "I think it's about time for you to head back to class..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") else: gen "I think it's about time you went to bed..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "Oh...{w=0.4} Okay!" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") if _wearing_clothes: $ renpy.sound.play("sounds/cloth_sound3.ogg") $ luna.wear("all") with d3 pause .5 gen "Perhaps we should consider having you pick up \"English\" as a secondary subject." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "English?" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") lun "But, [name_genie_luna]... There are no \"English\" classes at Hogwarts." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") gen "What?!" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "Our mummies and daddies are meant to teach us certain subjects before we start proper schooling." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") lun "Well... My daddy did in my case..." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") gen "But, do your parents not need to work?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "Well... There's also the option of private tutoring." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") lun "And if you're muggle born, you are usually put in a muggle school before being transferred to Hogwarts." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") gen "But what if you're not a muggle born, and you can't afford a private tutor?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "I... I don't know." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") gen "(How do they expect me to do my job when the system is flawed at its core...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(Oh, well... It's clear that nobody else gives a rat's ass about the future of this country, so why should I...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "[name_genie_luna], why are you asking me these questions?" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") gen "*Huh*?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "Oh... *Err*... I just thought I'd show you how important it is to be able to identify and analyse the flaws in our society..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "Identifying, analysing and finding solutions is needed... To progress as a species and all that..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "I see... Finding solutions..." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") lun "What if we established a system in which the affluent allocate a portion of their income to make resources such as private tutoring accessible to everyone, thereby guaranteeing a higher standard of education for all?" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") gen "Good one." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") #confused call ctc gen "Anyhow... I presume you feel better now?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "Oh... Yes, thank you, [name_genie_luna]!" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") gen "You're very welcome." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") if game.daytime: lun "I better head to bed then." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") gen "Don't you mean \"class\"?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "Oh, yeah!" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") lun "Bye!" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") else: lun "I better head back to class then." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") gen "Don't you mean \"bed\"?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") lun "Oh, yeah...{w=0.4} Good night!" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") call lun_walk(action="leave") gen "(That girl is something else...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") $ _wearing_clothes = False jump ll_pf_inspect_end