label hermione_map_BJ: stop weather fadeout 1 stop music fadeout 1 $ $ hermione.equip(her_outfit_s_rain) call expression 'forest_BJ_'+str(states.her.ev.forest_bj.stage) $ states.her.busy = True call set_her_map_location("gryffindor_room") #End event stop background fadeout 1 $ hermione.set_cum(None) $ hermione.wear("all") $ hermione.equip(her_outfit_last) jump return_office label forest_BJ_1: #BJ in the forest interrupted by moaning myrtle show screen blkfade with d3 call gen_chibi("hide") play background "sounds/night.ogg" fadein 1 play sound "sounds/steps_grass.ogg" nar "Sure enough, the map seems to {b}magically{/b} guide you towards the girl at the edge of the forest..." nar "As you get closer, you finally spot her outline in the moonlight, followed by little clouds of condensation escaping her mouth with each breath of midnight air." nar "After getting your hopes up, you realise that the cause for her heavy breathing is due to her being preoccupied with scraping some resin off a tree..." show her_forest bj as cg zorder 15 hide screen blkfade with d3 gen "[name_hermione_genie]? What are you doing out here at this time of night?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="base") show genie zorder 16 with None her "[name_genie_hermione]! I--{w=0.2} *Ehm*...{w=0.4} I wasn't doing anything bad, I swear!" ("angry", "wide", "base", "R", xpos="base", ypos="base", trans=d5) gen "..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="base") her "*Ugh*, fine! If you must know, I was out here gathering up some mastic resin." ("upset", "narrow", "worried", "down") her "I know students aren't {i}technically{/i} supposed to touch the stuff, since it's normally used to make belch powder..." ("annoyed", "base", "base", "R") her "But I'm using it in my research for a non-addictive analgesic!" ("open", "closed", "base", "mid") gen "Right..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="base") menu: "-Let her get back to her botany-": gen "Well, I better leave you be then..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="base") her "Really?" ("upset", "wide", "worried", "shocked") her "You mean you don't want to--" ("upset", "wide", "worried", "shocked") her "..." ("upset", "narrow", "worried", "down") nar "You turn away from the miffed girl." gen "..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="base") gen "(What's wrong with me?)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="base") return "-Tell her to take care of your stem-": gen "Well, seeing that we're all alone out here..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="base") her "Oh...{w=0.4} I--{w=0.2} *Ehm*...{w=0.4} I suppose we are..." ("open", "wide", "base", "R") gen "How about you take care of this dick?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="base") her "Oh, thank goodness...{w=0.4} I thought you were going to murder me for a second..." ("base", "happyCl", "base", "mid", trans=hpunch) gen "What? How could you even think of such a thing!" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="base") her "Sorry [name_genie_hermione]... I don't know why I said that!" ("angry", "narrow", "base", "mid") her "I should just learn to shut my mouth sometimes..." ("base", "narrow", "base", "mid") gen "How about you open it instead, and let me ensure that you can't voice such nonsense?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="base") her "*Hmm*...{w=0.4} Alright..." ("base", "narrow", "base", "down") $ states.her.ev.forest_bj.stage = 2 play sound "sounds/cloth_sound3.ogg" $ hermione.strip("robe") $ hermione.equip(her_top_school5) with d3 nar "The girl carefully removes her robes and tie, then puts them on the cool grass before kneeling down on them, in front of your steaming cock." hide hermione_main hide genie show her_forest bj h1 as cg with fade her "*Mmm*...{w=0.4} Don't you ever get sick of me sucking your cock?" gen "The only thing I'll get sick of is having to wait for you to put it in your mouth." show her_forest bj h2 as cg her "*Hmph*...{w=0.4} Now, now, [name_genie_hermione]...{w=0.4} Patience is a virtue." show her_forest bj h3 as cg her "Besides, doesn't my hand feel nice?" gen "Not as nice as your mouth." her "Alright then...{w=0.4} Have it your way." show her_forest bj h4 as cg nar "Hermione leans forward and engulfs the head of your cock in her mouth." anon "{size=-4}Wow...{/size}" show her_forest bj h5 as cg her "{shake}!!!{/shake}" her "Did you hear something?" gen "I don't believe so..." gen "Not unless you count the sounds of you putting your headmaster's dick in your mouth..." gen "Speaking of which..." show her_forest bj h6 as cg her "..." show her_forest bj h7 as cg nar "Hermione goes back to work, slobbering her way up and down your cock." gen "Gods...{w=0.4} They'd make you a queen for sucking cock like this in Agrabah..." show her_forest bj h8 as cg her "(Where?)" gen "*Mmm*... Fuck yes..." play sound "sounds/giggle2_loud.ogg" anon "{size=-8}*Te-he-he-he*...{/size}" show her_forest bj h5 as cg her "{shake}!!!{/shake}" show her_forest bj h9 as cg her "Please tell me you heard something that time, [name_genie_hermione]!" menu: "-Tell her to get back to work-": gen "All I hear is a mouth that needs to get back to sucking." show her_forest bj h10 as cg her "Not now, [name_genie_hermione]!" her "I think someone else is here..." her "Or something else..." gen "Wait..." gen "You don't mean..." "-Agree with her-": show her_forest bj h10 as cg gen "You might be right..." gen "Did it sound like someone laughing?" her "Yeah..." her "{size=+10}Show yourselves!!!{/size}" show her_forest bj h9 m1 as cg myr "*Te-he-he-he*... Hi Hermione..." show her_forest bj h11 m1 as cg with hpunch gen "{size=+10}AH! A G-G-GHOST!{/size}" myr "*Ha-ha-ha-hah*!" myr "Good one Dumbledore! You always were a joker." her "Myrtle!" her "This isn't what it looks like!" myr "Isn't it?" myr "I think it looks lovely..." her "Please don't tell anyone!!!" show screen blkfade with d3 nar "Hermione hastily covers up and sprints away, as the ghostly apparition fades away..." nar "You stumble back to your office in a confused and blue-balled stupor..." return label forest_BJ_2: $ states.her.ev.forest_bj.stage = 3 show screen blkfade with d3 call gen_chibi("hide") play background "sounds/night.ogg" fadein 1 play sound "sounds/steps_grass.ogg" nar "The map, yet again, leads you to the curly haired girl at the edge of the forest, who's currently in the midst of picking mushrooms." show her_forest bj as cg zorder 15 hide screen blkfade with d3 gen "More late night gardening?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="base") show genie zorder 16 with None pause.1 her "{size=+10}[name_genie_hermione]!{/size}" ("shock", "wide", "base", "stare", xpos="base", ypos="base", trans=hpunch) her "Don't startle me like that!" ("annoyed", "base", "base", "R") her "And yes, I've been collecting some mushroom samples." ("soft", "base", "base", "mid") gen "Fascinating..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="base") her "What are you doing out here?" ("base", "base", "base", "mid") her "I didn't expect to see anyone at this time of night." ("soft", "squint", "base", "mid") gen "Oh, you know me... Just looking for any opportunity to connect with my students..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="base") her "*Mhmmm*...{w=0.4} That's what you're down here for? To {i}connect{/i}?" ("base", "happy", "base", "mid") gen "In a sense..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="base") her "Fine...{w=0.4} Just let me take my robes off..." ("base", "base", "base", "R") play sound "sounds/cloth_sound3.ogg" $ hermione.strip("robe") $ hermione.equip(her_top_school5) with d3 nar "Hermione quietly folds up her robe and places it, along with her tie on the cold ground before kneeling down on them." hide hermione_main hide genie show her_forest bj h12 as cg with fade gen "So...{w=0.4} You're not afraid that the ghost might show up again?" her "Are you talking about Myrtle?" gen "Yeah, that ghost girl." show her_forest bj h10 as cg her "Ghosts aren't really scary... It's only her tendency to gossip that I'm worried about..." gen "Gossip?" show her_forest bj h13 as cg her "Of course! Everyone knows that Myrtle's the biggest gossiper in the history of gossips..." show her_forest bj h4 as cg nar "Hermione quickly pops your cock into her mouth in between her words..." show her_forest bj h10 as cg her "*Pop*...{w=0.4} Not to mention the fact that she never forgets! Can you believe that she's {b}still{/b} going on about the whole McCartney thing?" show her_forest bj h8 as cg her "*Shlrp* *Schkk* *Slurp*" gen "*Mmmm*..." gen "So, have you heard of any gossip floating around then?" show her_forest bj h10 as cg her "Surprisingly not..." show her_forest bj h14 as cg her "*Slurp* *Schkk* *Shlrp*" show her_forest bj h13 as cg her "Perhaps she doesn't want to upset you..." show her_forest bj h4 as cg her "*Shlrp* *Schkk* *Slurp*" gen "*Mmmm*..." show her_forest bj h10 as cg her "Still...{w=0.4} I didn't think she'd be able to help herself..." show her_forest bj h14 as cg her "*Slurp* *Schkk* *Shlrp*" show her_forest bj h15 as cg her "Albus Dumbledore having his {b}cock{/b} sucked by Hermione Granger in the forest..." show her_forest bj h16 as cg her "*Slurp* *Schkk* *Shlrp*" show her_forest bj h12 as cg her "It'd be the gossip of the century..." show her_forest bj h18 as cg her "*Slurp* *Schkk* *Shlrp*" gen "You almost sound disappointed that she didn't tell anyone." show her_forest bj h17 as cg her "What? How could you say such a thing!" show her_forest bj h16 as cg her "*Slurp* *Schkk* *Shlrp*" show her_forest bj h19 as cg her "I'd never be able to show my face around Hogwarts again..." show her_forest bj h20 as cg her "*Slurp* *Schkk* *Shlrp*" show her_forest bj h21 as cg her "Everyone would just be imagining me on my knees..." show her_forest bj h18 as cg her "*Slurp* *Schkk* *Shlrp*" show her_forest bj h21 as cg her "{b}Covered{/b} in your thick spunk..." show her_forest bj h20 as cg her "*Slurp* *Schkk* *Shlrp*" show her_forest bj h17 as cg her "Word of it would probably even reach my mom and dad..." show her_forest bj h16 as cg her "*Slurp* *Schkk* *Shlrp*" show her_forest bj h19 as cg her "Imagine what they'd think if they heard that their little girl--" show her_forest bj h18 as cg her "*Slurp* *Schkk* *Shlrp*" show her_forest bj h21 as cg her "-- Is sucking such copious amounts of cum out her headmaster's fat, {size=+2}juicy,{/size} {size=+2}cock...{/size}{heart}" gen "{shake}*Argh*!! That's it girl!{/shake}" gen "Here it comes!" show her_forest bj h22 as cg nar "You grab a hold of the back of Hermione's head and thrust forward, planting your cock firmly down her throat." show her_forest bj h22 m1 as cg myr "Wow...{w=0.4} I never thought you'd fit all of it..." show her_forest bj h23 m1 as cg her "{shake}!!!{/shake}" nar "Not even the sudden appearance of a ghost could stop your colossal orgasm at this point--" nar "--and you start firing off a thick deluge of cum down Hermione's tender throat, the presence of someone else only serving to coax more out of your balls..." gen "{shake}*ARGH*!!!{/shake}" show her_forest bj h24 m1 as cg call cum_block her "{shake}!!!!!!{/shake}" show her_forest bj h25 m1 as cg call cum_block gen "Gods, I needed this!" show her_forest bj h26 m1 as cg myr "So much...{heart}{heart}{heart}" show her_forest bj h25 m1 as cg nar "Your balls continue to pump more and more cum down Hermione's throat." show her_forest bj h26 m1 as cg her "..." show her_forest bj h25 m1 as cg myr "Bye Hermione...{heart}{heart}{heart}" show screen blkfade with d3 nar "Eventually your orgasm subsides, and you allow your softening member to slide out of Hermione's cum coated throat." show her_forest bj none as cg hide screen blkfade with d3 her "I can't believe you just did that!" ("shock", "base", "angry", "mid") gen "Really? After everything that we've done?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="base") show genie zorder 16 with None her "It's a figure of speech! And more importantly..." ("angry", "closed", "angry", "mid") her "{size=+10}You just came down my throat, in front of moaning Myrtle!{/size}" ("scream", "closed", "angry", "mid") her "She's going to tell everyone about this now!" ("annoyed", "base", "angry", "mid") gen "So?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="base") her "*Ugh*!" ("disgust", "squint", "angry", "R") her "You can't keep treating me like some {heart}dirty{heart} little--" ("angry", "closed", "annoyed", "mid") gen "Cum dump?" ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="base") her "Yes! You can't just keep using me as you please!" ("angry", "squint", "base", "mid") her "Can't keep coating me in your, filthy, nasty {b}{heart}cum{heart}{/b}..." ("angry", "narrow", "angry", "R") her "..." ("angry", "narrow", "base", "dead") her "Well...{w=0.4} I hope you've learned your lesson!" ("open", "narrow", "base", "stare") her "I'm going to go back, and..." ("angry", "closed", "base", "R") her "*Geh*...{w=0.4} Wash the taste out of my mouth..." ("open", "squint", "worried", "up") her "And remember for next time--" ("open", "narrow", "base", "up") her "Don't{size=-1}... {b}cum{/b}... {size=-1}so... {size=-1}much... {size=-1}down... {size=-1}my... {size=-1}throat...{heart}{heart}{heart}{/size}{/size}{/size}{/size}{/size}{/size}" ("angry", "narrow", "base", "dead") show screen blkfade hide cg with d3 nar "With that, Hermione staggers back to the castle, still coated in your thick layer of seed." return label forest_BJ_3: #Complete BJ with Myrtle appearing after the cumshot $ states.her.ev.forest_bj.stage = 4 show screen blkfade with d3 call gen_chibi("hide") play background "sounds/night.ogg" fadein 1 play sound "sounds/steps_grass.ogg" nar "Surely enough, the map once again manages to lead you to the lone girl at the edge of an imposing forest." nar "However, she doesn't appear to be preoccupied with her usual botany." show her_forest bj as cg zorder 15 hide screen blkfade with d3 gen "Good evening, [name_hermione_genie]." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="base") show genie zorder 16 with None her "Good evening, [name_genie_hermione]...{w=0.4} Fancy meeting you here." ("soft", "base", "base", "R", xpos="base", ypos="base", trans=d5) gen "What are you doing out here at this hour? You don't appear to be collecting anything." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="base") her "Oh...{w=0.4} I just thought I'd come out here to--{w=0.2} Get some fresh air..." ("open", "base", "base", "down", xpos="base", ypos="base") play sound "sounds/sniff.ogg" her "*Aah*..." ("base", "base", "base", "mid", xpos="base", ypos="base") gen "I see..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="base") gen "So you're not waiting out here for your headmaster to arrive, just so you can suck his cock out in the open?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="base") her "What! O-of course not!" ("base", "narrow", "worried", "down") her "I'm just out here to admire the moon!" ("base", "base", "base", "R") gen "What moon?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="base") nar "Hermione frantically looks at the cloudy sky, unable to even glimpse the moon through the impenetrable greyness." her "Oh...{w=0.4} *Uhm*..." ("open", "happy", "base", "R") gen "It's alright...{w=0.4} Just admit that you're a dirty little cumslut, [name_hermione_genie]." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="base") her "It's not like that!" ("upset", "narrow", "annoyed", "mid") her "{size=-4}I--{w=0.2} I just wanted to...{/size}" ("upset", "narrow", "base", "R_soft") gen "So you don't want me to cover you in cum like the cumslut you are?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="base") her "..." ("base", "narrow", "worried", "down") her "*Ugh*...{w=0.4} If you must..." ("base", "narrow", "base", "dead") show screen blkfade with d3 nar "Hermione studiously removes, folds, and lays her robe and tie on the cool night grass." show her_forest bj h15 as cg hide hermione_main hide genie hide screen blkfade with d3 her "(Maybe I wouldn't have ended up a dirty little cumslut if your dick wasn't so enticing...)" #Hermione sucks Genie's cock show her_forest bj h16 as cg pause her "*Glck* *Shlrp* *Gluck*" show her_forest bj h17 as cg her "{bounce}*Ah*...{/bounce}{heart}{heart}{heart}" her "I'm surprised how often we bump into each other out here, [name_genie_hermione]..." show her_forest bj h16 as cg her "*Glck* *Shlrp* *Gluck*" show her_forest bj h19 as cg her "It's almost as if you knew I was going to be here..." show her_forest bj h18 as cg her "*Glck* *Shlrp* *Gluck*" gen "I'm sure it's just a coincidence...{w=0.4} Although speaking of bumping, how about you help me bump this dick into the back of your throat." show her_forest bj h20 as cg her "*Khes* *sh-r*! (Yes sir!)" show her_forest bj h27 as cg nar "In response to your request, Hermione thrusts her entire lithe frame forwards, forcing your thick cock all the way down her throat." show her_forest bj h28 as cg gen "*Ugh*.... That's it, [name_hermione_genie]!" show her_forest bj h29 as cg gen "I'm surprised anyone could even take it this deep." show her_forest bj h17 as cg her "*Hmm*...{w=0.4} I suppose I've had a good teacher." show her_forest bj h19 as cg gen "That's true..." nar "You lower your hand and rest it on the back of the little sluts head..." show her_forest bj h30 as cg gen "This--" pause show her_forest bj h31 as cg gen "-can't be taught!" show her_forest bj h30 as cg her "*Glck* *Shlrp* *Gluck*" show her_forest bj h31 as cg nar "You vigorously start fucking the poor girl's throat with little regard for her well-being." show her_forest bj h32 as cg her "*Glck* *Shlrp* *Gluck*" show her_forest bj h33 as cg gen "You were destined to be a cocksucker." show her_forest bj h32 as cg her "*Glck* *Shlrp* *Gluck*" show her_forest bj h33 as cg gen "It's just taken you until now to realise." show her_forest bj h32 as cg her "*Glck* *Shlrp* *Gluck*" show her_forest bj h33 as cg show her_forest bj m2 as cg with d9 nar "You're so focused on your face fucking session, that you almost fail to notice the ghostly apparition of an attractive little witch appearing behind Hermione." play sound "sounds/giggle2_loud.ogg" pause .3 show her_forest bj h32 as cg gen "{shake}!!!{/shake}" show her_forest bj h33 as cg nar "Before you even have time to scream, the ghost, raises her finger to her lips, shushing you." show her_forest bj h32 as cg nar "Instead of making herself known, it appears like she only wants to watch Hermione have her throat fucked silly..." show her_forest bj h34 as cg gen "Well, if it's a show you want, {size=+3}it's{/size} {size=+3}a{/size} {size=+3}show{/size} {size=+3}you'll{/size} {size=+3}get!{/size}" show her_forest bj h35 as cg her "???" show her_forest bj h34 as cg nar "Coaxed on by the prospect of an ethereal audience, you begin to get into a firm, and rough rhythm of properly fucking Hermione's throat raw." show her_forest bj h35 as cg her "*Glck*-*Glck*-*Glck*!!" show her_forest bj h34 as cg her "*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*" show her_forest bj h35 as cg myr "..." show her_forest bj h34 as cg her "*Slurp*! *Gulp*! *Slurp*!" show her_forest bj h35 as cg gen "Yes, just like that...{w=0.4} That's a good little slut..." show her_forest bj h34 as cg her "*Slurp*! *Slurp*! *Slurp*!" show her_forest bj h35 as cg gen "Now, go a bit deeper, would you?" show her_forest bj h34 as cg her "*Slurp*! *Slurp*! *Slurp*!" show her_forest bj h35 as cg gen "Come on, [name_hermione_genie]." show her_forest bj h36 as cg her "*Slurp*! *Gobble*! *Gobble*!" show her_forest bj h37 as cg gen "Deeper!" show her_forest bj h36 as cg her "*Gobble-gobble-slurp-gobble*!" show her_forest bj h37 as cg gen "Yes, like that!" show her_forest bj h36 as cg her "{size=+5}*Gobble-gobble-slurp-gobble*!{/size}" show her_forest bj h34 as cg gen "{size=+5}Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!{/size}" show her_forest bj h35 as cg gen "See? I told you that your body was made for this..." show her_forest bj h36 as cg her "{size=+5}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{/size}" show her_forest bj h37 as cg gen "Made to take my cock!" show her_forest bj h36 as cg her "{size=+5}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{/size}" show her_forest bj h37 as cg gen "Any time of day!" show her_forest bj h34 as cg her "{size=+5}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{/size}" show her_forest bj h35 as cg gen "Anywhere you can get it!" show her_forest bj h34 as cg her "{size=+5}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{/size}" show her_forest bj h37 as cg gen "And in front of anyone who will watch you!" show her_forest bj h38 as cg her "{size=+10}!!!{/size}" show her_forest bj h37 as cg myr "*He-he-he*...{w=0.4} Hi Hermione..." show her_forest bj h36 as cg her "*Glck* Sto--{w=0.3}! *glck*{heart}*glck*" show her_forest bj h37 as cg nar "Hermione's throat momentarily lessens its grip around your cock." nar "Her face now even redder than before, she starts to pull back, either due to embarrassment or lack of air..." show her_forest bj h36 as cg nar "Unfortunately for the petite witch, her shame only serves to intensify your pleasure." show her_forest bj h37 as cg gen "{size=+4}*ARGH*!!! HERE IT COMES, [name_hermione_genie]!{/size}" show her_forest bj h36 as cg call cum_block gen "{shake}*ARGH*!{/shake}" show her_forest bj h37 as cg gen "{size=+7}Eat my cum, slut!{/size}" show her_forest bj h34 as cg call cum_block show her_forest bj h39 as cg call cum_block nar "Your cock starts firing off a huge load against the back of the poor girl's throat, quickly overflowing all the way up through her nostrils and back at you." her "{shake}!!!{/shake}" myr "{size=+3}Oh{/size} {size=+3}my{/size} {size=+3}God!{/size}" show her_forest bj h39 as cg call cum_block myr "I've never seen this much cum in my whole life, or even since then!" myr "Look over here Dumbledore, and shoot some more!" show screen blkfade with d3 show her_forest bj h39 m3 as cg nar "Moaning Myrtle rises up from the dewy ground, and flashes her spectral breasts towards you." show her_forest bj h41 m3 as cg hide screen blkfade with d3 call cum_block gen "{size=+7}*ARGH*! YES!!!{/size}" show her_forest bj h42 m3 as cg nar "Your orgasm now renewed by the sight of some heavenly cans, you begin shooting cum down Hermione's throat anew." show her_forest bj h41 m3 as cg call cum_block her "{shake}*Gulp* *Gargggglelggg* *Gobble*{/shake}" show her_forest bj h42 m3 as cg call cum_block myr "{shake}More, Dumbledore, more!{/shake}" show her_forest bj h41 m3 as cg call cum_block gen "{size=+15}*ARGH*!!!!{/size}" show her_forest bj h42 m3 as cg call cum_block her "*Gllllgggggg*..." show her_forest bj h41 m3 as cg call cum_block myr "{size=+14}MORE!!!{/size}" show her_forest bj h42 m3 as cg call cum_block show her_forest bj -m3 as cg with d9 nar "Eventually, your orgasm comes to a halt, and you finally pull your sloppy cock out of Hermione's well-used hole..." show screen blkfade with hpunch play sound "sounds/fall.ogg" nar "She then collapses onto her robe, no longer held up by your member." show her_forest bj none as cg hide screen blkfade with d9 gen "You did good, [name_hermione_genie]..." ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="base") show genie zorder 16 with None gen "Wouldn't you say the same, ghost?" ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="base") gen "Ghost?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="base") gen "Oh well..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="base") nar "You notice that the limp body of Hermione has started to shiver in the cold air..." gen "I suppose I better get you back to the castle..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="base") show screen blkfade hide cg hide genie with d3 play sound "sounds/steps_grass.ogg" stop background fadeout 1 nar "You wrap Hermione's robe over her like a blanket, and carry her back to your office." play sound "sounds/fire_woosh.ogg" nar "You carefully place her into a chair in front of the fireplace, light it, and then drape her cum covered robes over her." menu: gen "(Should I clean her up a bit?)" "-clean her up-": gen "(I suppose I should...)" nar "You grab the edge of her robes and wipe her face clean with it." her "*Zzz*...{w=0.4} No...{w=0.4} *Zzz*...{w=0.4} I wanna be a--{w=0.2} *zzz*...{w=0.4} Cumslut..." gen "*Shhh*...{w=0.4} Don't worry, [name_hermione_genie]...{w=0.4} There's plenty where that came from..." "-leave her be-": gen "(She looks better like this anyway...)" nar "Just as you're about to turn to walk over to your desk, you notice a content smile spreading across Hermione's face as she pulls her robes up over her shoulders." her "{size=-4}Night [name_genie_hermione]...{/size}" her "{size=-8}I love you...{/size}" nar "You walk over and sit down behind your desk, and then fall soundly asleep..." her "*Ouch*..." nar "After some time, you awake at just the right moment to see Hermione stumble, and then slip out through the office door." $ hermione.equip(her_outfit_last) hide screen blkfade return label forest_BJ_4: #Moaning myrtle dirty talk (Repeatable) (Threaten to expose) $ states.her.ev.forest_bj.stage = 3 #Repeats 3rd event after this one. show screen blkfade with d3 call gen_chibi("hide") play background "sounds/night.ogg" fadein 1 play sound "sounds/steps_grass.ogg" nar "Once more, the marauders map leads you to Hermione at the edge of the forest, waiting patiently, apparently having dropped all pretences botanical." show her_forest bj as cg zorder 15 hide screen blkfade with d3 gen "[name_hermione_genie]..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="base") show genie zorder 16 with None her "About time you got here, [name_genie_hermione]!" ("upset", "narrow", "annoyed", "mid", xpos="base", ypos="base", trans=d5) her "Do you know how long I've been waiting out here in the cold?" ("annoyed", "happy", "base", "mid") menu: "-Apologise-": gen "Sorry about that..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="base") gen "I'll try and be on time for our blowjobs from now on." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="base") her "Good...{w=0.4} It's the least you can do..." ("base", "closed", "angry", "mid") "\"You know where my office is.\"": her "*Hmph*..." ("upset", "narrow", "angry", "R") show screen blkfade with d3 nar "Hermione removes her robes and tie, then kneels down onto a pillow and rug that she must have prepared before your arrival." nar "You quickly walk over to the girl, and present her with your thick cock." show her_forest bj h15 as cg hide hermione_main hide genie hide screen blkfade with d3 her "*Mmmmm*..." show her_forest bj h17 as cg her "I can't believe you're making me come down here during these circumstances..." gen "Say what?" her "You heard me..." show her_forest bj h19 as cg her "Not only that, the only thing you're allowing me as a way to keep myself warm is sucking your dick..." show her_forest bj h16 as cg nar "Hermione quickly pops her head forward, wrapping her soft lips around the tip of your shaft." her "*Mmmmm*..." show her_forest bj h18 as cg her "*Slurp* *Glck* *Slrp*" show her_forest bj h20 as cg gen "*Ughhhh*...{w=0.4} That's it, [name_hermione_genie]..." gen "Be a good little cockslut for your headmaster..." show her_forest bj h16 as cg her "*Slurp*{heart}*Slurp*{heart}*Glck*" #Myrtle fade in show her_forest bj h16 m2 as cg gen "And for Casper, the slutty ghost here..." show her_forest bj h43 m2 as cg her "*Slurp*!!!*Slurp*!!!*Glck*!!!" menu: nar "Hermione, once again, tries to pull her mouth off your cock..." "-Let her-": nar "Reluctantly, you allow the girl to pull herself off your throbbing member..." show her_forest bj h10 m2 as cg her "Myrtle! Why are you always showing up like this?" myr "Aren't I allowed a bit of fun in my afterlife?" myr "It's not like I ever got any when I was alive..." show her_forest bj h6 m2 as cg her "Oh, alright then..." show her_forest bj h10 m2 as cg her "Just don't go blabbing to everyone in the girls' bathroom, okay?" myr "Deal." gen "Good..." "-Face fuck her-": pass show her_forest bj h28 m2 as cg nar "You place your hand on the back of Hermione's head, and pull it hard onto your waiting cock, impaling the poor girl's throat..." show her_forest bj h29 m2 as cg her "{shudder}!!!{/shudder}" show her_forest bj h30 m2 as cg gen "*Ugh*...{w=0.4} Fuck yes..." show her_forest bj h31 m2 as cg her "{size=+5}*Gobble-gobble-slurp-gobble!* !!!{/size}" show her_forest bj h30 m2 as cg gen "{size=+5}Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!{/size}" show her_forest bj h31 m2 as cg myr "Wow...{w=0.4} You're so rough on her..." show her_forest bj h32 m2 as cg her "{size=+5}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{/size}" show her_forest bj h33 m2 as cg gen "*Ugh*...{w=0.4} Don't worry...{w=0.4} She loves it..." show her_forest bj h32 m2 as cg her "{size=+5}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{/size}" show her_forest bj h33 m2 as cg gen "She's probably wetter than the Nile down there..." her "{size=+5}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{/size}" show her_forest bj h32 m2 as cg myr "You think so?" her "{size=+5}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{/size}" show her_forest bj h33 m2 as cg gen "Go see for yourself!" show her_forest bj h32 m2 as cg her "{size=+5}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{/size}" show her_forest bj h33 m2 as cg myr "..." show her_forest bj h32 m2 as cg her "{size=+5}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{/size}" show her_forest bj h33 m2 as cg nar "Myrtle floats down into the earth." show her_forest bj h34 as cg her "{size=+10}!!!{/size}" show her_forest bj h35 as cg myr "She's dripping!" show her_forest bj h34 as cg her "{size=+5}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{/size}" show her_forest bj h35 as cg myr "Not to mention, she isn't wearing any panties!" show her_forest bj h34 as cg her "{size=+5}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{/size}" show her_forest bj h35 as cg gen "Yes, she tends to take them off whenever she gets the chance." show her_forest bj h34 as cg her "{size=+5}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{/size}" show her_forest bj h35 m2 as cg myr "Hermione! You dirty little minx!" show her_forest bj h34 m2 as cg her "{size=+5}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{/size}" show her_forest bj h35 m2 as cg myr "Just wait until everyone in the girls' bathrooms hears about this tonight!" gen "What--" nar "You look over at Myrtle who gives you a quick wink." show her_forest bj h34 m2 as cg her "{size=+5}*Glck*HNNOOO*glck*{/size}" show her_forest bj h44 m2 as cg myr "So long as you're alright with that, Sir...{w=0.4} I don't have to mention you! It can just be Hermione!" show her_forest bj h34 m2 as cg her "{size=+5}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{/size}" show her_forest bj h35 m2 as cg menu: "\"Go nuts.\"": show her_forest bj h34 m2 as cg myr "Really?" show her_forest bj h35 m2 as cg her "{size=+5}*Glck*{heart}PRFFSSRR!!!{heart}*Glck*{/size}" show her_forest bj h34 m2 as cg myr "Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!" show her_forest bj h35 m2 as cg her "{size=+5}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{/size}" show her_forest bj h34 m2 as cg myr "This is going to be the best decade of my afterlife!" show her_forest bj h35 m2 as cg her "{size=+5}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{/size}" show her_forest bj h34 m2 as cg "\"You can say it was me.\"": show her_forest bj h34 m2 as cg myr "{size=+2}{b}Really?{/b}{/size}" show her_forest bj h35 m2 as cg her "{size=+5}*Glck*{heart}WHHTT!!!{heart}*Glck*{/size}" show her_forest bj h34 m2 as cg myr "Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!" show her_forest bj h35 m2 as cg her "{size=+5}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{/size}" show her_forest bj h34 m2 as cg myr "This is going to be the best decade of my afterlife!" show her_forest bj h35 m2 as cg her "{size=+5}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{/size}" show her_forest bj h34 m2 as cg myr "I can't wait to tell everyone!!!" show her_forest bj h35 m2 as cg her "{size=+5}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{/size}" show her_forest bj h34 m2 as cg myr "I'll go to rave--{w=0.2} No... The Slytherin bathroom first!" show her_forest bj h44 m2 as cg her "{size=+5}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{/size}" show her_forest bj h34 m2 as cg myr "Then Gryffindor's!" show her_forest bj h35 m2 as cg her "{size=+5}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{/size}" show her_forest bj h34 m2 as cg myr "Then Ravenclaw's!" show her_forest bj h35 m2 as cg her "{size=+5}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{/size}" show her_forest bj h34 m2 as cg myr "Can't forget Hufflepuff!" show her_forest bj h35 m2 as cg her "{size=+5}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{/size}" show her_forest bj h34 m2 as cg myr "Or the prefects' bathroom!" show her_forest bj h35 m2 as cg her "{size=+5}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{/size}" show her_forest bj h34 m2 as cg myr "Then there's the teachers'!" show her_forest bj h35 m2 as cg her "{size=+5}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{heart}*Glck*{/size}" show her_forest bj h34 m2 as cg myr "And Hogsmeade!" show her_forest bj h35 m2 as cg myr "{size=+2}THEN{/size} {size=+2}THE{/size} {size=+2}WHOLE{/size} {size=+2}WORLD!!!{/size}" show her_forest bj h34 m2 as cg gen "*ARGH*, HERE IT COMES, SLUTS!" show her_forest bj h35 m2 as cg gen "{size=+7}*ARGH*!{/size}" show her_forest bj h34 m2 as cg gen "{size=+7}Eat my cum, [name_hermione_genie]!{/size}" show screen blkfade with d3 show her_forest bj h34 as cg nar "At the edge of your orgasm, Hermione forcefully pushes herself off your dick, then rips her top and skirt off in one swoop, before wrapping her hair around your cock." show her_forest bj h45 m2 as cg hide screen blkfade with d3 her "{size=+5}That's it, [name_genie_hermione]! Cum for me! Cover me, in front of Myrtle!{/size}" with hpunch gen "{size=+5}What the hell is this?!{/size}" show her_forest bj h46 m2 as cg her "{size=+5}Go on [name_genie_hermione]! Didn't you call me a dirty little cumslut?{/size}" gen "*Argh*! You cum obsessed whore!" show her_forest bj h45 m2 as cg her "{size=+5}Yes I am!{/size}" her "{size=+5}Nothing but your cum hungry little slut, [name_genie_hermione]!{/size}" show her_forest bj h47 m2 as cg her "{size=+5}Now, show Myrtle what a real load looks like!{/size}" with hpunch gen "{size=+7}*Argh*!!!{/size}" gen "{size=+7}Take this!!!{/size}" show screen white pause .1 hide screen white with hpunch show her_forest bj h48 m2 as cg her "{size=+5}*Ah*! Yes, [name_genie_hermione]! Yes! Cum all over me!{/size}" show screen white pause.1 hide screen white show her_forest bj h49 m2 as cg pause.2 show screen white pause .1 hide screen white with hpunch gen "{size=+7}*ARGH*!{/size}" gen "{size=+7}*Argh*!!! YES!!!{/size}" show her_forest bj h50 m2 as cg her "{heart}{heart}{heart}{heart}" show screen blkfade with d3 #Genie and Hermione back in the forest... $ hermione.set_cum(hair="heavy") $ hermione.strip("clothes") show her_forest bj none as cg hide screen blkfade with d3 her "Wow, that was--" ("angry", "narrow", "worried", "down") her "Hold on...{w=0.4} Where's Myrtle?" ("angry", "narrow", "worried", "mid_soft") gen "Oh, she probably left to do that gossiping you were so worried about." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="base") show genie zorder 16 with None her "So you're telling me I got my hair all sticky for--" ("upset", "closed", "annoyed", "mid_soft") her "{size=+4}Wait, what did you say?!{/size}" ("scream", "wide", "base", "stare") gen "Yeah, didn't she say something about visiting the girls' bathrooms--" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="base") her "She can't do that! I'll have to stop her!" ("angry", "wide", "annoyed", "stare") play sound "sounds/giggle2_loud.ogg" myr "*Giggles*" gen "*Heh*-*Heh*!" ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="base") her "Oh...{w=0.4} So, she was just making a fool out of me..." ("soft", "narrow", "angry", "down") gen "I mean, it's not that difficult, seeing that you're standing naked in a forest, with your hair drenched in semen." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="base") her "*Hmm*...{w=0.4} Yes, I should probably get dressed..." ("soft", "base", "base", "down") gen "Go ahead...{w=0.4} But leave the semen in your hair, would you?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="base") her "But, what if someone--" ("angry", "wide", "base", "stare") gen "*Hmm*?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="base") her "Of course, [name_genie_hermione]..." ("soft", "narrow", "base", "down") play sound "sounds/giggle2_loud.ogg" myr "*Giggles*" gen "Good girl..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="base") show screen blkfade hide cg with d3 nar "After Hermione gets dressed, you both head back to the castle together. Along the way, she complains about how sticky her hair feels." return