label cho_summon_setup: $ states.cho.wardrobe_unlocked = True # Reset doll state $ cho.wear("all") $ cho.set_cum(None) $ cho.animation = None # Unlock favours at tier 3 # this will probably move to a cho_quid_E# event once we've implemented Gryffindor lead-up events if states.cho.tier == 3: $ states.cho.favors_unlocked = True if states.cho.wardrobe_scheduling: $ cho.equip_random_outfit() play sound "sounds/door.ogg" call cho_chibi("stand", "mid", "base") with d3 #Cho greeting. play music "music/fuzzball-parade-by-kevin-macleod.ogg" fadein 1 if_changed if states.cho.mood > 0: if 5 > states.cho.mood >= 1: cho "Yes, [name_genie_cho]?" ("annoyed", "base", "base", "mid", xpos="base", ypos="base", trans=d3) elif 10 > states.cho.mood >= 5: cho "*sigh*... Yes, [name_genie_cho]?" ("open", "base", "base", "R", xpos="base", ypos="base", trans=d3) elif 20 > states.cho.mood >= 10: cho "What is it, [name_genie_cho]?" ("annoyed", "base", "angry", "mid", xpos="base", ypos="base",trans=d3) elif 30 > states.cho.mood >= 20: cho "What do you want, \"[name_genie_cho]\"?" ("angry", "narrow", "angry", "mid", xpos="base", ypos="base",trans=d3) elif 40 > states.cho.mood >= 30: cho "*Hmph*..." ("upset", "base", "angry", "R", xpos="base", ypos="base",trans=d3) elif 50 > states.cho.mood >= 40: cho "*Tsk*" ("soft", "narrow", "angry", "R", xpos="base", ypos="base",trans=d3) elif states.cho.mood >= 50: cho "I can't believe you've done this!" ("scream", "wide", "angry", "mid", xpos="base", ypos="base",trans=d3) cho "" ("upset", "wide", "angry", "mid") call describe_mood("Cho", states.cho.mood) call tutorial("moodngifts") else: if game.daytime: cho "Good morning, [name_genie_cho]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid", xpos="base", ypos="base", trans=d3) else: cho "Good evening, [name_genie_cho]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid", xpos="base", ypos="base", trans=d3) if states.cho.tier == 1: # Intro hints if not states.sna.ev.hangouts.cho_e1 or not states.cho.ev.intro.e4_complete: label .hint_menu: menu: "-Talk-" (icon="interface/icons/small/talk.webp"): cho "Have you gotten Hermione to stop spreading rumours about me?" ("annoyed", "narrow", "base", "mid") gen "Oh, was I supposed to do that?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") cho "Yes!" ("angry", "base", "base", "mid") gen "Right..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "(Hmm... I think I could use this tension between those two...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") if not states.sna.ev.hangouts.cho_e1: gen "(Better tell Snape about my plan before confronting Miss Granger...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") elif not states.cho.ev.intro.e4_complete: gen " (I should probably talk to Hermione...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") jump cho_summon_setup.hint_menu "-Dismiss Her-": stop music fadeout 3.0 if states.cho.mood == 0: cho "Goodbye, [name_genie_cho]." (face="happy") else: cho "Goodbye, [name_genie_cho]." (face="annoyed") play sound "sounds/door.ogg" jump end_cho_event return