init python: def mirror_sortfilter(item, sortby="A-z", filtering=None): if filtering == "Locked": item = filter(lambda x: x.is_unlocked(), item) elif filtering == "Unlocked": item = filter(lambda x: x.is_unlocked() is True, item) # Always sort alphabetically first. item = sorted(item, key=lambda x: natsort_key( if sortby == "z-A": item = sorted(item, key=lambda x: natsort_key(, reverse=True) return item label mirror: $ gui.in_context("mirror_menu") call screen room_menu label mirror_menu(xx=150, yy=90): $ mirror_categories = mirror.get_tags() $ items_shown = 36 $ current_page = 0 $ current_category = mirror_categories[0] $ current_filter = "Unlocked" $ current_sorting = "A-z" $ menu_items = mirror_sortfilter(mirror.get_instances_of_tag(current_category), current_sorting, current_filter) $ menu_items_length = len(menu_items) $ current_item = next(iter(menu_items), None) show screen mirror(xx, yy) label .after_init: $ _choice = ui.interact() if _choice[0] == "select": $ current_item = _choice[1] $ current_item.seen = True elif _choice[0] == "category": $ current_category = _choice[1] $ menu_items = mirror_sortfilter(mirror.get_instances_of_tag(current_category), current_sorting, current_filter) $ menu_items_length = len(menu_items) $ current_page = 0 $ current_item = next(iter(menu_items), None) elif _choice == "inc": $ current_page += 1 elif _choice == "dec": $ current_page += -1 elif _choice == "filter": if current_filter == "Unlocked": $ current_filter = None elif current_filter == None: $ current_filter = "Unlocked" $ menu_items = mirror_sortfilter(mirror.get_instances_of_tag(current_category), current_sorting, current_filter) $ menu_items_length = len(menu_items) $ current_page = 0 $ current_item = next(iter(menu_items), None) elif _choice == "sort": if current_sorting == "A-z": $ current_sorting = "z-A" else: $ current_sorting = "A-z" $ menu_items = mirror_sortfilter(mirror.get_instances_of_tag(current_category), current_sorting, current_filter) $ menu_items_length = len(menu_items) $ current_page = 0 $ current_item = next(iter(menu_items), None) elif _choice[0] == "play": $ _choice[1].play() $ renpy.jump_out_of_context("mirror") else: $ enable_game_menu() hide screen mirror return jump .after_init screen mirror(xx, yy): tag mirror zorder 30 modal True add "gui_fade" if use close_button_background use close_button fixed: if settings.get("animations"): at gui_animation use mirror_menu(xx, yy) use mirror_menuitem(xx, yy) screen mirror_menu(xx, yy): window: style "empty" style_prefix gui.theme('achievements') pos (xx, yy) xysize (207, 454) use invisible_button() add gui.format("interface/achievements/{}/panel_left.webp") vbox: style_prefix gui.theme('achievements_categories') pos (6, 41) for category in mirror_categories: vbox: textbutton category: selected (current_category == category) action Return(["category", category]) add gui.format("interface/achievements/{}/spacer_left.webp") vbox: style_prefix gui.theme('achievements_filters') pos (6, 384) if current_filter == None: textbutton "Show: All" action Return("filter") else: textbutton "Show: [current_filter]" action Return("filter") textbutton "Sort by: [current_sorting]" action Return("sort") screen mirror_menuitem(xx, yy): window: style "empty" pos (xx+217, yy-53) xysize (560, 507) use invisible_button() #add "interface/achievements/star.webp" add gui.format("interface/achievements/{}/panel.webp") text "Mirror of Erised" size 22 xalign 0.5 ypos 65 # Add items viewport: style_prefix gui.theme() draggable True mousewheel "vertical" scrollbars "vertical" maximum (512, 290) pos (24, 113) vbox: style_prefix "mirror" for ev in menu_items: $ authors = ", ".join(ev.authors) $ is_unlocked = ev.is_unlocked() button: ysize 30 selected_background Transform(gui.format("interface/achievements/{}/highlight.webp"), ysize=26) selected (current_item == ev) sensitive is_unlocked xfill True action Return(["select", ev]) if is_unlocked and not ev.seen: text "NEW" style "wardrobe_item_caption" anchor (1.0, 1.0) align (1.0, 1.0) offset (-5, -5) if ev.played: add "interface/topbar/icon_check.webp" anchor (1.0, 1.0) align (1.0, 1.0) offset (-5, -5) zoom 0.7 vbox: text text "By {}".format(authors) size 10 add gui.format("interface/achievements/{}/spacer_left.webp") if menu_items_length <= 0: text "Nothing here yet" align (0.5, 0.5) anchor (0.5, 0.5) size 24 if current_item: frame: xalign 0.5 ypos 412 vbox: xalign 0.5 add gui.format("interface/achievements/{}/highlight.webp") add gui.format("interface/achievements/{}/spacer.webp") vbox: yoffset 6 xmaximum 400 text "[current_item.desc]" size 12 text "Tags:{}".format(", ".join(current_item.tags)) size 10 text "[]" xalign 0.5 ypos 3 size 16 textbutton "Play": xalign 0.95 text_size 16 sensitive current_item.is_unlocked() action Return(["play", current_item]) style mirror_button is empty style mirror_button_text: color "#402313" insensitive_color "#40231380" hover_color "#FFF" outlines [] style mirror_text is mirror_button_text: color "#402313" insensitive_color "#40231380" hover_color "#FFF" outlines []