label summon_tonks: $ active_girl = "tonks" $ last_character = "tonks" $ tonks_busy = True call update_ton_tier call update_tonks call play_music("tonks") call play_sound("door") $ renpy.checkpoint(hard=True) # Clothes Events call tonks_summon_setup label tonks_requests: # Reset call reset_menu_position ton "" (xpos="base",ypos="base") menu: # Talk "-Talk-" (icon="interface/icons/small/talk.webp"): if ton_mood > 0: ton "I have a headache right now, let's talk later." jump tonks_requests call tonks_chitchat jump tonks_talk # Favours "-Sexual favours-" (icon="interface/icons/small/condom.webp"): jump tonks_favor_menu # Fireplace Chats "-Let's hang-" (icon="interface/icons/small/toast.webp") if (wine_ITEM.owned > 0 and nt_he_drink.counter == 0) or (firewhisky_ITEM.owned > 0 and nt_he_drink.counter > 0): jump tonks_hangout "-Let's hang-" (icon="interface/icons/small/toast.webp", style="disabled") if (firewhisky_ITEM.owned < 1 and nt_he_drink.counter > 0): gen "(I don't have any firewhisky...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") jump tonks_requests "-Let's hang-" (icon="interface/icons/small/toast.webp", style="disabled") if (wine_ITEM.owned < 1 and nt_he_drink.counter == 0): gen "(I don't have any wine...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") jump tonks_requests # Wardrobe "-Wardrobe-" (icon="interface/icons/small/wardrobe.webp") if tonks_wardrobe_unlocked: hide tonks_main with d1 call wardrobe # Hair fix $ tonks_haircolor = [c for c in tonks.get_equipped("hair").color] jump tonks_requests "-Hidden-" (style="disabled") if not tonks_wardrobe_unlocked: call nar(">You haven't unlocked this feature yet.") jump tonks_requests "-Give Item-" (icon="interface/icons/small/gift.webp"): hide tonks_main with d1 call gift_menu jump tonks_requests # Dismiss "-Never mind-": stop music fadeout 3.0 if game.daytime: ton "Alright, back to work then..." else: ton "Sweet dreams, [ton_genie_name]." call play_sound("door") jump end_tonks_event # Tonks level up label update_ton_tier: if ton_tier == 1 and nt_he.favors_E2: $ ton_level_up = 1 return label tonks_level_up(tier=None): call bld if tier == 1: gen "(Time to teach those students something useful!)" ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") $ ton_tier = tier+1 $ ton_level_up = None pause.5 call nar(">Tonks has reached level "+str(ton_tier)+"!") call update_ton_tier return # Tonks Requests Menu label tonks_favor_menu: # call update_tonks_favors menu: "-Level Up-" (icon="interface/icons/small/levelup.webp") if ton_level_up != None: call tonks_level_up(tier=ton_level_up) jump tonks_requests "-Personal Favours-" (icon="interface/icons/small/heart_red.webp", style="disabled"): call not_available jump tonks_favor_menu # # Uncomment once favours are ready # # label .personal: # python: # menu_choices = [] # for i in nt_favor_list: # if i in []: # Not in the game yet. # menu_choices.append(gui.menu_item("-Not available-", "na", style="disabled")) # elif i.start_tier > ton_tier: # menu_choices.append(gui.menu_item("-Not ready-", "vague", style="disabled")) # else: # menu_choices.append(i.get_menu_item()) # menu_choices.append(("-Never mind-", "nvm")) # result = renpy.display_menu(menu_choices) # if result == "nvm": # jump tonks_favor_menu # elif result == "vague": # call favor_not_ready # jump .personal # elif result == "na": # call not_available # jump .personal # else: # $ renpy.jump(result) "-Public Requests-" (icon="interface/icons/small/star_yellow.webp") if game.daytime and tonks_requests_unlocked: jump tonks_requests_menu "-Public Requests-" (icon="interface/icons/small/star_yellow.webp", style="disabled") if not game.daytime or not tonks_requests_unlocked: if not tonks_requests_unlocked: call nar(">You haven't unlocked this feature yet.") elif not game.daytime: call nar(">Public requests are available during the day only.") jump tonks_favor_menu "-Never mind-": jump tonks_requests label tonks_requests_menu: call update_ton_requests python: menu_choices = [] for i in nt_requests_list: if i in []: # Not in the game yet. menu_choices.append(gui.menu_item("-Not available-", "na", style="disabled")) elif i.start_tier > ton_tier: menu_choices.append(gui.menu_item("-Not ready-", "vague", style="disabled")) else: menu_choices.append(i.get_menu_item()) menu_choices.append(("-Never mind-", "nvm")) result = renpy.display_menu(menu_choices) if result == "nvm": jump tonks_favor_menu elif result == "vague": call favor_not_ready jump tonks_requests_menu elif result == "na": call not_available jump tonks_requests_menu else: $ renpy.jump(result) label update_ton_requests: # Set event tier to current Tonks tier if they are different python: for i in nt_requests_list: i.tier = ton_tier return