label clothing_upgrades: call upgrades if _return is False: jump tonks_talk gen "[tonks_name]..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "Do you think you could change this outfit?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "You know..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "Make it sluttier!" ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") ton "Let me see..." ("base", "base", "base", "down") show screen blkfade with d3 ton "Oh I really like this one." ("open", "base", "raised", "down") call play_sound("cloth_upgrade") ton "I could make some adjustments here..." ("base", "base", "raised", "down") ton "Maybe make this a bit shorter and..." ("horny", "base", "base", "down") call play_sound("giggle") hide screen blkfade with d3 ton "There you go, [ton_genie_name], all done." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") gen "Nice!" ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") gen "Thanks a ton!" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head") ton "Don't mention it, [ton_genie_name]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid") jump tonks_talk return init python: def upgrades_sortfilter(item, sortby=False): return item default upgrades_show_locked = False default upgrades_show_complete = True default item_bought = False # TEMP var - Used as a return value out of context. default her_upgrade_school2 = DollOutfit([her_hair_base, her_top_school2, her_bottom_school2, her_panties_base1, her_bra_base1, her_stockings_base1], hidden=True) default her_upgrade_school3 = DollOutfit([her_hair_base, her_top_school3, her_bottom_school3, her_panties_base1, her_bra_base1, her_stockings_base1], hidden=True) default her_upgrade_school4 = DollOutfit([her_hair_base, her_top_school4, her_bottom_school4, her_panties_base1, her_bra_base1, her_stockings_base1], hidden=True) ### default her2_upgrade_school2 = DollOutfit([her_hair_base, her_top_school2, her_bottom_school2, her_panties_base1, her_bra_base1, her_stockings_base1], hidden=True) default her2_upgrade_school3 = DollOutfit([her_hair_base, her_top_school3, her_bottom_school3, her_panties_base1, her_bra_base1, her_stockings_base1], hidden=True) default her2_upgrade_school4 = DollOutfit([her_hair_base, her_top_school4, her_bottom_school4, her_panties_base1, her_bra_base1, her_stockings_base1], hidden=True) ### default her3_upgrade_school2 = DollOutfit([her_hair_base, her_top_school2, her_bottom_school2, her_panties_base1, her_bra_base1, her_stockings_base1], hidden=True) default her3_upgrade_school3 = DollOutfit([her_hair_base, her_top_school3, her_bottom_school3, her_panties_base1, her_bra_base1, her_stockings_base1], hidden=True) default her3_upgrade_school4 = DollOutfit([her_hair_base, her_top_school4, her_bottom_school4, her_panties_base1, her_bra_base1, her_stockings_base1], hidden=True) label upgrades: python: her_upgrade_school2.price = 50 her_upgrade_school3.price = 75 her_upgrade_school4.price = 100 # her2_upgrade_school2.price = 15 her2_upgrade_school3.price = 30 her2_upgrade_school4.price = 45 # her3_upgrade_school2.price = 100 her3_upgrade_school3.price = 100 her3_upgrade_school4.price = 100 $ gui.in_context("upgrades_menu") return item_bought label upgrades_menu(xx=150, yy=90): $ upgrades_dict = { "Tonks": {"ico": "tonks", "flag": tonks_unlocked, "outfits": {"school": []}}, "Hermione": {"ico": "hermione", "flag": hermione_unlocked, "outfits": {"school": [her_outfit_default, her_upgrade_school2, her_upgrade_school3, her_upgrade_school4], "other": [her_outfit_default, her2_upgrade_school2, her2_upgrade_school3, her2_upgrade_school4], "other2": [her_outfit_default, her3_upgrade_school2, her3_upgrade_school3, her3_upgrade_school4], "other3": [her_outfit_default, her_upgrade_school2, her_upgrade_school3, her_upgrade_school4]}}, "Cho": {"ico": "cho", "flag": cho_unlocked, "outfits": {"school": []}}, "Luna": {"ico": "luna", "flag": luna_unlocked, "outfits": {"school": []}}, "Astoria": {"ico": "astoria", "flag": astoria_unlocked, "outfits": {"school": []}}, "Susan": {"ico": "susan", "flag": susan_unlocked, "outfits": {"school": []}} } $ upgrades_categories_sorted = ["Tonks", "Hermione", "Cho", "Luna", "Astoria", "Susan"] $ upgrades_categories_sorted_length = len(upgrades_categories_sorted) $ current_category = last_character.capitalize() if last_character else upgrades_categories_sorted[0] $ current_item = 0 $ current_subcategory = "overview" $ current_sorting = upgrades_show_locked $ category_items = [] $ menu_items = category_items $ menu_items_length = len(menu_items) $ item_bought = False show screen upgrades_menu(xx, yy) show screen upgrades_menuitem(xx, yy) with d3 label .after_init: $ renpy.dynamic(__choice = ui.interact()) if __choice[0] == "category": $ current_category = __choice[1] $ category_items = 0 $ menu_items = upgrades_sortfilter([], current_sorting) $ menu_items_length = len(menu_items) $ current_item = 0 elif __choice[0] == "subcat": if __choice[1] != current_subcategory: $ current_subcategory = __choice[1] elif __choice[0] == "buy": if >= __choice[1] and ton_friendship >= __choice[3]*25: python:'sounds/money.ogg') -= __choice[1] _list = __choice[2] _iter = __choice[3] item_bought = True for i in range(1, min(_iter+1, len(_list))): if not _list[i].unlocked: _list[i].unlock() ton_clothing_upgrades += 1 elif ton_friendship < __choice[4]: $'sounds/fail.ogg') "> Tonks doesn't like you enough." else: $'sounds/fail.ogg') "> You don't have enough gold." else: hide screen upgrades_menu hide screen upgrades_menuitem return jump .after_init screen upgrades_menu(xx, yy): tag upgrades_menu zorder 30 modal True use close_button frame: style "empty" pos (xx, yy) xsize 207 ysize 454 add gui.format("interface/achievements/{}/panel_left.webp") vbox: pos (6, 384) button action NullAction() style "empty" xsize 195 ysize 32 frame: style "empty" textbutton "Show locked:": style gui.theme("overlay_button") xsize 195 ysize 32 text_align (0.4, 0.5) text_size 12 action ToggleVariable("upgrades_show_locked", True, False) add gui.theme("check_{}").format(str(upgrades_show_locked).lower()) xalign 0.8 ypos 4 vbox: pos (6, 6) for category in upgrades_categories_sorted: if upgrades_dict[category]["flag"]: frame: style "empty" xysize (195, 50) vbox: textbutton category: style "empty" xysize (195, 46) text_align (0.6, 0.5) text_xanchor 0.5 text_size 20 if current_category == category: background gui.format("interface/achievements/{}/highlight_left_b.webp") else: hover_background gui.format("interface/achievements/{}/highlight_left_b.webp") action Return(["category", category]) add gui.format("interface/achievements/{}/spacer_left.webp") $ image_zoom = crop_image_zoom("interface/icons/head/"+upgrades_dict.get(category).get("ico")+".webp", 42, 42) button: style gui.theme("overlay_button") background gui.format("interface/achievements/{}/iconbox.webp") foreground "interface/achievements/glass_iconbox.webp" xysize (48, 48) add image_zoom align (0.5, 0.5) screen upgrades_menuitem(xx, yy): tag upgrades_menuitem zorder 30 frame: style "empty" style_prefix gui.theme() pos (xx+217, yy-53) xysize (560, 507) add gui.format("interface/achievements/{}/panel.webp") text "Outfit Upgrades" size 22 xalign 0.5 ypos 65 hbox: spacing 5 pos (18, 70) add "interface/icons/small/gold.webp" text str( size 15 ypos 4 add "interface/icons/small/tonks.webp" text str(ton_friendship) size 15 ypos 4 vpgrid: cols 1 xysize (548, 400) pos (6, 101) draggable True mousewheel "change" scrollbars "vertical" xfill True yfill True # TODO: Reduce the clutter and optimize the code. for i in upgrades_dict[current_category]["outfits"].values(): $ linear_price = 0 if len(i) > 0 and (i[0].unlocked or upgrades_show_locked): vbox: hbox: spacing 0 for x in range(len(i)): if x < len(i)-1: if not i[x+1].unlocked: $ linear_price += i[x+1].price $ actual_price = linear_price-i[x+1].price $ favor_req = (x)*25 elif x == len(i)-1: $ actual_price = linear_price $ favor_req = 75 frame: style "empty" xysize (95, 130) xpos 10 if x < len(i): add Flatten(i[x].get_image()) align (1.0, 1.0) zoom 0.125 alpha (1.0 if (( >= actual_price and ton_friendship >= favor_req) or i[x].unlocked) else 0.5) if i[x].unlocked: add "interface/topbar/icon_check.webp" zoom 0.5 align (0.85, 1.0) else: button: style gui.theme("overlay_button") xysize (76, 130) action Return(["buy", actual_price, i, x, favor_req]) if x < len(i)-1: frame: style "empty" xysize (50, 50) yalign 0.5 text ("" if (linear_price <= 0) else str(favor_req+25)+"{unicode}\u2764{/unicode}") color ("#b20000" if (ton_friendship < favor_req+25) else "#402313") size 14 align (0.5, 0.25) text (str(linear_price)+"g" if linear_price > 0 else "Sold!") color ("#b20000" if (0 < linear_price > else "#402313") size 14 align (0.5, 0.7) text "{unicode}\u0362{/unicode}" size 65 align (1.0, 0.5) xoffset 5 add gui.format("interface/achievements/{}/spacer.webp") yalign 1.0 xpos 274 xanchor 0.5