##################################### ## Created by briandeheus ## ## https://github.com/briandeheus ## ## Implementation and changes ## ## LoafyLemon ## ##################################### init python in image_payload: import binascii import struct import zlib CHUNK_TYPE_END = "IEND" CHUNK_TYPE_PUNK = "wtSi" MAX_BYTES = 2147483647 SIGNATURE_BYTES = 8 BYTES_IN_KB = 2014 def bytes_to_hex(b): return b.hex() def bytes_to_utf(b): return b.decode() def bytes_to_int(b): return int(bytes_to_hex(b), 16) def read_bytes(f, byte_count: int): return f.read(byte_count) def rewind_bytes(f, byte_count): f.seek(f.tell() - byte_count) def get_file_length(f): f.seek(0, os.SEEK_END) file_length = f.tell() f.seek(0) return file_length def read_chunk(f): chunk_size = read_bytes(f, 4) chunk_type = read_bytes(f, 4) chunk_content = read_bytes(f, bytes_to_int(chunk_size)) chunk_crc = read_bytes(f, 4) return [chunk_size, chunk_type, chunk_content, chunk_crc] def inject_punk_chunk(f, content): chunk_size = len(content) if chunk_size > MAX_BYTES: raise ValueError(f"Cannot inject more than {MAX_BYTES} bytes") print(f"Injecting {CHUNK_TYPE_PUNK} chunk {chunk_size / BYTES_IN_KB} kb") # Create a byte array to store our chunk data in. tmp_bytes = bytearray() # First write the chunk type tmp_bytes.extend(CHUNK_TYPE_PUNK.encode()) # Now write the bytes of whatever we're trying to hide tmp_bytes.extend(content) # Write the chunk size f.write(bytearray(struct.pack("!i", chunk_size))) # And the content f.write(tmp_bytes) crc = binascii.crc32(tmp_bytes) crc_bytes = crc.to_bytes(4, "big") print("Chunk CRC", bytes_to_hex(crc_bytes)) f.write(crc_bytes) print("Chunk injected!") def list(input): path = os.path.join(config.gamedir, "outfits", input) with open(path, "rb") as input_file: input_file_length = get_file_length(input_file) input_file.read(SIGNATURE_BYTES) while True: chunk_size, chunk_type, chunk_content, chunk_crc = read_chunk(input_file) chunk_type_str = bytes_to_utf(chunk_type) print(f"Chunk {chunk_type_str}, {bytes_to_int(chunk_size)} bytes") if input_file.tell() >= input_file_length: return def inject(input, output, content): input_path = os.path.join(config.gamedir, "outfits", input) output_path = os.path.join(config.gamedir, "outfits", output) content = zlib.compress(str(content).encode()) with open(input_path, "rb") as input_file, open(output_path, "wb") as output_file: input_file_length = get_file_length(input_file) output_file.write(input_file.read(SIGNATURE_BYTES)) while True: chunk_size, chunk_type, chunk_content, chunk_crc = read_chunk(input_file) chunk_type_str = bytes_to_utf(chunk_type) print(f"Chunk {chunk_type_str}, {bytes_to_int(chunk_size)} bytes") if chunk_type_str == CHUNK_TYPE_END: inject_punk_chunk(output_file, content) output_file.write(chunk_size) output_file.write(chunk_type) output_file.write(chunk_content) output_file.write(chunk_crc) if input_file.tell() >= input_file_length: return def extract(input): print("Attempting to extract punked data from", input) path = os.path.join(config.gamedir, "outfits", input) with open(path, "rb") as input_file: input_file_length = get_file_length(input_file) input_file.read(SIGNATURE_BYTES) while True: chunk_size, chunk_type, chunk_content, chunk_crc = read_chunk(input_file) chunk_type_str = bytes_to_utf(chunk_type) if chunk_type_str == CHUNK_TYPE_PUNK: print("Found a punk chunk worth", bytes_to_int(chunk_size), "bytes") return zlib.decompress(chunk_content).decode() if input_file.tell() >= input_file_length: print("No punked data found") return