init python:
    def shop_dress_sortfilter(item, sortby="Price (Asc)", filtering=None):
        # Always sort alphabetically first.
        item = sorted(item, key=lambda x: natsort_key(

        if sortby == "Price (Asc)":
            item.sort(key=lambda x: x.price, reverse=False)
        elif current_sorting == "Price (Desc)":
            item.sort(key=lambda x: x.price, reverse=True)
        if sortby == "Lewdness (Asc)":
            item.sort(key=get_outfit_score, reverse=False)
        elif current_sorting == "Lewdness (Desc)":
            item.sort(key=get_outfit_score, reverse=True)
        return item

label shop_dress:
    $ gui.in_context("shop_dress_menu")

label shop_dress_menu:

        current_sorting = "Price (Asc)"
        category_items = {"hermione": hermione.outfits, "tonks": tonks.outfits, "cho": cho.outfits, "luna": luna.outfits, "astoria": astoria.outfits, "susan": susan.outfits}
        current_category = "hermione"
        store_cart = set()
        menu_items = shop_dress_sortfilter((x for x in category_items.get(current_category, []) if (x.unlocked == False and x.price > 0 and x not in store_cart)), current_sorting)
        current_item = next(iter(menu_items), None)
        parcel_callbacks = []

    show screen shop_dress()

    label .after_init:

    $ renpy.dynamic(__choice = ui.interact())

    if __choice[0] == "category":
        $ current_category = __choice[1]
        $ menu_items = shop_dress_sortfilter((x for x in category_items.get(current_category, []) if (x.unlocked == False and x.price > 0 and x not in store_cart)), current_sorting)
        $ current_item = next(iter(menu_items), None)
    elif __choice[0] == "buy":
        show screen blktone
        with d3
        if < __choice[1].price:
            gen "(I don't have enough gold.)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
            if len(store_cart) < 5:
                $"purchase_outfit", __choice[1])

                play sound "sounds/money.ogg"
                $ -= __choice[1].price
                $ store_cart.add(__choice[1])
                $ menu_items = shop_dress_sortfilter((x for x in category_items.get(current_category, []) if (x.unlocked == False and x.price > 0 and x not in store_cart)), current_sorting)
                $ current_item = next(iter(menu_items), None)

                if len(store_cart) < 5:
                    maf "Anything else?"
                    maf "That was your fifth order, sir, I'm afraid it will have to be your last one."
                maf "I'm sorry luv but that's as much as you can order for now."
        hide screen blktone
        with d3

    elif __choice == "sort":
        if current_sorting == "Price (Asc)":
            $ current_sorting = "Price (Desc)"
        elif current_sorting == "Price (Desc)":
            $ current_sorting = "Lewdness (Asc)"
        elif current_sorting == "Lewdness (Asc)":
            $ current_sorting = "Lewdness (Desc)"
        elif current_sorting == "Lewdness (Desc)":
            $ current_sorting = "Price (Asc)"

        $ menu_items = shop_dress_sortfilter([x for x in category_items.get(current_category, []) if bool(x.unlocked == False and x.price > 0 and not x in store_cart)], current_sorting)
    else: # Close
        if len(store_cart) < 5:
            show screen blktone
            with d3
                maf "Are you finished shopping, dearie?"

                "-Yes, I'm done-":
                "-Not yet-":
                    hide screen blktone
                    with d3
                    jump .after_init

        if store_cart:
            $ transit_time = len(store_cart)+1
            $ packaging_fee = 45 + ( (len(store_cart)-1) * 20 )

                maf "If you pay extra, I could hire a bunch of elves to speed things up..."
                "\"Fine. ([packaging_fee] gold)\"" if >= packaging_fee:
                    $ -= packaging_fee
                    $ transit_time = int(transit_time/2)
                "\"Fine. ([packaging_fee] gold)\"" (style="disabled") if < packaging_fee:
                    maf "Sorry luv, but it appears you have no gold left."
                "-No thanks-":

            hide screen shop_dress
            hide screen blktone

            $ _tmp = "tomorrow" if transit_time == 1 else "in about {} days".format(str(transit_time))
            maf "You can expect a parcel [_tmp]."

            # Executes callbacks upon receival of the parcel.
            $ curry = renpy.curry(execute_callbacks)(parcel_callbacks) if parcel_callbacks else None
            $ parcel_callbacks = []
            $ Parcel(contents=[(k, 1) for k in store_cart], wait=transit_time, func=curry).send()

            gen "Nothing has caught my eye I'm afraid." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
            maf "Maybe next time."

    jump .after_init

screen shop_dress():
    tag shop_dress
    zorder 15
    modal True

    add "gui_fade"

        use close_button_background
    use close_button

        if settings.get("animations"):
            at gui_animation

        use shop_dress_menu()
        use shop_dress_menuitem()

screen shop_dress_menu():
    tag shop_menu
    zorder 15
    style_prefix "shop"

    default icon_bg = gui.format("interface/achievements/{}/iconbox.webp")
    default icon_frame = Frame(gui.format("interface/frames/{}/iconframe.webp"), 6, 6)
    default panel = gui.format("interface/frames/{}/panel_left.webp")
    default highlight = gui.format("interface/achievements/{}/highlight_left_b.webp")

        pos (150, 90)
        xysize (207, 454)
        background panel

        use invisible_button()

            pos (6, 6)
            for category in category_items.keys():
                if get_character_unlock(category):
                    $ icon = Fixed(icon_bg, Frame( Transform("interface/icons/head/{}.webp".format(category), fit="contain"), xysize=(42, 42), offset=(3, 3)), "interface/achievements/glass_iconbox.webp")

                        textbutton category:
                            style "empty"
                            xysize (195, 48)
                            text_align (0.6, 0.5)
                            text_xanchor 0.5
                            text_size 20

                            foreground icon
                            hover_background highlight
                            selected_background highlight
                            selected (current_category == category)
                            action Return(["category", category])

                        add gui.format("interface/frames/{}/spacer_left.webp")

            style_prefix gui.theme('achievements_filters')

            pos (6, 384)
            button action None
            textbutton "Sort by: [current_sorting]" action Return("sort")

screen shop_dress_menuitem():

    tag shop_menuitem
    zorder 16
    style_prefix "shop"

    default icon_size = (144, 288)
    default icon_frame = Frame(gui.format("interface/frames/{}/iconframe.webp"), 6, 6)
    default panel = gui.format("interface/frames/{}/panel.webp")

        pos (367, 37)
        xysize (560, 501)
        background panel

        use invisible_button()

        text "Shop" size 22 xalign 0.5 ypos 65

        if current_item:

                xalign 0.5
                ypos 412

                    xalign 0.5
                    add gui.format("interface/achievements/{}/highlight.webp")# pos (112, 375)
                    add gui.format("interface/achievements/{}/spacer.webp")# pos (120, 398)
                    text "[current_item.desc]" size 12 yoffset 6

                text "[]" xalign 0.5 ypos 3 size 16

                $ frame = Frame(gui.format("interface/frames/{}/iconframe.webp"), 6, 6)

                textbutton "Buy":
                    style "inventory_button"
                    background frame
                    xalign 0.95
                    action Return(["buy", current_item])

            rows 1
            xspacing 5
            yspacing 2
            draggable True
            mousewheel "horizontal"
            scrollbars "horizontal"
            xmaximum 512
            ypos 106
            xalign 0.5

            at transform:
                mesh True

            for item in menu_items:
                $ icon = Transform(item.image, crop=(215, 0, 680, 1200), mesh=True, gl_pixel_perfect=True)
                $ is_modded = item.is_modded()
                $ is_affordable = bool( >= item.price)

                    style "shop_outfit_button"
                    xysize icon_size
                    background Transform(icon, xsize=144, ysize=288, fit="contain", anchor=(0.5, 1.0), align=(0.5, 1.0), yoffset=-6)
                    selected (current_item == item)
                    action SetVariable("current_item", item)

                    add icon_frame

                    if is_affordable:
                        text "{color=#daa520}G{/color} [item.price]" xalign 0.5 ypos 10 color "#ffffff" outlines [ (1, "#000", 0, 0) ] style "shop_outfit_text"
                        text "{color=#daa520}G{/color} {color=#ff0000}[item.price]{/color}" xalign 0.5 ypos 10 color "#ffffff" outlines [ (1, "#000", 0, 0) ] style "shop_outfit_text"

                    if config.developer:
                        $ outfit_score = get_outfit_score(item)
                        text "{color=#fff}score{/color} [outfit_score]" align (0.1, 0.98) color "#ffffff" outlines [ (1, "#000", 0, 0) ] size 8

                        offset (5, -5)
                        align (0.0, 1.0)

                        if is_modded:
                            text "M" color "#00b200"

style shop_window is empty

style shop_outfit_button is empty:
    foreground None
    hover_foreground "#ffffff80"
    selected_foreground "#ffffff40"
    activate_sound "sounds/click.ogg"

style shop_outfit_button_text is default:
    size 14

style shop_outfit_text:
    size 20