2024-06-17 19:24:31 +01:00

286 lines
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# Custom text tags
# https://www.renpy.org/doc/html/custom_text_tags.html
image text_tag_hearts_image = Fixed(love_heart((15, 0), 12, 0.1), love_heart((20, -10), 6, 0.5), love_heart((10, 10), 6, 1), fit_first=True, xsize=32)
init python:
def convert_tags_to_kwargs(contents):
kwargs = {"style": "what"}
for kind, text in contents:
if kind == renpy.TEXT_TAG:
if text.startswith("="):
kwargs["style"] = text.split("=")[1]
if text.startswith("color="):
kwargs["color"] = text.split("=")[1]
if text.startswith("size="):
kwargs["size"] = int(text.split("=")[1])
if text.startswith("outlinecolor="):
kwargs["outlines"] = [(2, text.split("=")[1], 1, 1)]
if text == "b":
kwargs["bold"] = True
if text == "i":
kwargs["italics"] = True
return kwargs
def text_tag_icon(tag, argument):
"""Insert a unicode heart symbol. Usage {heart}"""
return [(renpy.TEXT_DISPLAYABLE, Transform(argument, xysize=(32, 32)))]
def text_tag_unicode(tag, argument, contents):
"""Render contents using a font that supports all/most Unicode characters. Usage {unicode}☺{/unicode}"""
# DejaVuSans is included by default in Ren'py
return [(renpy.TEXT_TAG, "font=DejaVuSans.ttf")] + contents + [(renpy.TEXT_TAG, "/font")]
def text_tag_heart(tag, argument):
"""Insert a unicode heart symbol. Usage {heart}"""
return [(renpy.TEXT_DISPLAYABLE, At(Text("{unicode}❤{/unicode}", style="what", xsize=24, ysize=24), heart_text))]
def text_tag_hearts(tag, argument):
"""Insert multiple unicode heart symbols. Usage {hearts}"""
return [(renpy.TEXT_DISPLAYABLE, Transform("text_tag_hearts_image"))]
def text_tag_number(tag, argument):
"""Convert a number to words if lower than 100 or a multiple of 100. Usage {number=expression}"""
num = int(renpy.store.eval(argument)) # Can be a function or an expression.
words = num_to_word(num) if num < 100 or num % 100 == 0 else str(num)
return [(renpy.TEXT_TEXT, words)]
def text_tag_wave(tag, argument, contents):
rv = []
kwargs = convert_tags_to_kwargs(contents)
for kind, text in contents:
if kind == renpy.TEXT_TEXT:
end_pause = len(text)/100.0
for i, letter in enumerate(text):
start_pause = i/100.0
d = At(Text(letter, **kwargs), wave_text(start_pause, end_pause))
rv.append((renpy.TEXT_DISPLAYABLE, d))
rv.append((kind, text))
return rv
def text_tag_bounce(tag, argument, contents):
rv = []
kwargs = convert_tags_to_kwargs(contents)
for kind, text in contents:
if kind == renpy.TEXT_TEXT:
end_pause = len(text)/100.0
for i, letter in enumerate(text):
start_pause = i/100.0
d = At(Text(letter, **kwargs), bounce_text(start_pause, end_pause))
rv.append((renpy.TEXT_DISPLAYABLE, d))
rv.append((kind, text))
return rv
def text_tag_shake(tag, argument, contents):
rv = []
kwargs = convert_tags_to_kwargs(contents)
for kind, text in contents:
if kind == renpy.TEXT_TEXT:
for i, letter in enumerate(text):
d = At(Text(letter, **kwargs), shake_text)
rv.append((renpy.TEXT_DISPLAYABLE, d))
rv.append((kind, text))
return rv
def text_tag_pulse(tag, argument, contents):
rv = []
kwargs = convert_tags_to_kwargs(contents)
for kind, text in contents:
if kind == renpy.TEXT_TEXT:
d = At(Text(text, **kwargs), pulse_text)
rv.append((renpy.TEXT_DISPLAYABLE, d))
rv.append((kind, text))
return rv
def text_tag_shudder(tag, argument, contents):
rv = []
kwargs = convert_tags_to_kwargs(contents)
for kind, text in contents:
if kind == renpy.TEXT_TEXT:
d = At(Text(text, **kwargs), shudder_text)
rv.append((renpy.TEXT_DISPLAYABLE, d))
rv.append((kind, text))
return rv
def text_tag_flip(tag, argument, contents):
rv = []
kwargs = convert_tags_to_kwargs(contents)
for kind, text in contents:
if kind == renpy.TEXT_TEXT:
d = Transform(At(Text(text, **kwargs), flip_text), pos=(240, -2))
rv.append((renpy.TEXT_DISPLAYABLE, d))
rv.append((kind, text))
return rv
def text_tag_rotate(tag, argument, contents):
rv = []
kwargs = convert_tags_to_kwargs(contents)
for kind, text in contents:
if kind == renpy.TEXT_TEXT:
for i, letter in enumerate(text):
d = Transform(At(Text(letter, **kwargs), rotate_text), pos=(240, -2))
rv.append((renpy.TEXT_DISPLAYABLE, d))
rv.append((kind, text))
return rv
def text_love_heart_func(pos, size, trans, st, at):
warper_rotate = _warper.easein(st / 0.5)
warper_alpha = _warper.easein(st / 1.0)
warper_yoffset = _warper.easein(st / 1.0)
warper_xoffset = _warper.easein(st / 0.2)
trans.child = Text("{unicode}❤{/unicode}", style="what", size=size)
trans.rotate = renpy.atl.interpolate(warper_rotate, -10, 10, renpy.atl.PROPERTIES["alpha"])
trans.yoffset = renpy.atl.interpolate(warper_yoffset, 6, -6, renpy.atl.PROPERTIES["yoffset"])
trans.xoffset = renpy.atl.interpolate(warper_xoffset, -1, 1, renpy.atl.PROPERTIES["xoffset"])
trans.alpha = renpy.atl.interpolate(warper_alpha, 1, 0, renpy.atl.PROPERTIES["alpha"])
return 0.01
def text_shake_func(trans, st, at):
trans.xoffset = absolute(renpy.random.randint(-1, 1))
trans.yoffset = absolute(renpy.random.randint(-1, 1))
return 0.02
transform wave_text(start_pause, end_pause):
subpixel True
yoffset 0
pos (240, -2) # Workaround; Xpos seems to not account for text box offset and text outline?
pause start_pause
easein 0.75 yoffset -6
easein 0.75 yoffset 0
pause end_pause
transform bounce_text(start_pause, end_pause):
subpixel True
yoffset 0
pos (240, -2) # Workaround; Xpos seems to not account for text box offset and text outline?
pause start_pause
easeout_bounce 1 yoffset -6 yzoom 1.1
easein_bounce 1 yoffset 0 yzoom 1.0
pause end_pause
transform pulse_text:
subpixel True
yzoom 1
pos (240, -2) # Workaround; Xpos seems to not account for text box offset and text outline?
pause 1
easeout 0.5 yzoom 1.15
easein 0.25 yzoom 1.0
easeout 0.5 yzoom 1.15
easein 0.25 yzoom 1.0
transform shake_text:
subpixel True
pos (240, -2) # Workaround; Xpos seems to not account for text box offset and text outline?
function text_shake_func
transform shudder_text:
subpixel True
pos (240, -2) # Workaround; Xpos seems to not account for text box offset and text outline?
easeout 0.1 xoffset -3
easeout 0.1 xoffset 3
easeout 0.1 xoffset -3
easeout 0.1 xoffset 3
easeout 0.1 xoffset 0
pause 0.5
transform flip_text:
subpixel True
perspective True
matrixtransform RotateMatrix(0, 0, 0)
pos (0, 0) # Bugs out without explicit pos; We fix the offsets in a parent
easein 1 matrixtransform RotateMatrix(360.0, 0, 0)
pause 1.5
transform rotate_text:
subpixel True
perspective True
matrixtransform RotateMatrix(0, 0, 0)
pos (0, 0) # Bugs out without explicit pos; We fix the offsets in a parent
easein 1 matrixtransform RotateMatrix(0, 0, 360.0)
pause 1.5
transform love_heart(pos, size, pause):
subpixel True
anchor (0.5, 0.5)
xpos 240+pos[0] # Workaround; Xpos seems to not account for text box offset and text outline?
ypos -2+pos[1] # Workaround; Xpos seems to not account for text box offset and text outline?
pause pause
function renpy.partial(text_love_heart_func, pos, size)
transform heart_text:
subpixel True
anchor (0.5, 0.5)
yzoom 1
xzoom 1
pos (256, 14) # Workaround; Xpos seems to not account for text box offset and text outline?
easein 0.25 yzoom 1.05 xzoom 1.05
easein 0.25 yzoom 1.0 xzoom 1.0
easein 0.25 yzoom 1.05 xzoom 1.05
easein 0.25 yzoom 1.0 xzoom 1.0
pause 0.25
pause 0.35
pause 0.45
define config.custom_text_tags = {
"unicode": text_tag_unicode,
"wave": text_tag_wave,
"bounce": text_tag_bounce,
"shake": text_tag_shake,
"shudder": text_tag_shudder,
"pulse": text_tag_pulse,
"flip": text_tag_flip,
"rotate": text_tag_rotate,
define config.self_closing_custom_text_tags = {
"icon": text_tag_icon,
"heart": text_tag_heart,
"hearts": text_tag_hearts,
"number": text_tag_number,