* Refactored say functions to be more clear and easier to maintain * Fixed Tonks' hair colour not updating after the temporary change * Fixed character sprites being displayed above CGs when they shouldn't.
129 lines
4.7 KiB
129 lines
4.7 KiB
label update_astoria:
$ name_susan_astoria = renpy.random.choice([_("Suzy"),_("Cow"),_("Cow Tits"),_("Milk Bag"),_("Slut"),_("Whore"),_("Piggy"),_("Pig"),_("Bessie"),_("Moo Moo")])
$ name_tonks_astoria = renpy.random.choice([_("Hag"),_("Old Hag"),_("Punk"),_("Dyke"),_("Lesbo")])
$ name_astoria_tonks = renpy.random.choice([_("Cutie"),_("Kitty"),_("Princess"),_("Cupcake"),_("Honey")])
# Chibi Update
$ astoria_chibi.update()
$ astoria_chibi.position(flip=False)
$ astoria.xzoom = 1
hide screen astoria_cloth_pile
label end_astoria_event:
call ast_chibi("hide")
hide astoria_main
with d3
call update_astoria
$ states.last_girl = states.active_girl
$ states.active_girl = None
$ states.ast.busy = True
$ astoria.wear("all")
$ astoria.set_cum(None)
$ astoria.set_face(tears=False, cheeks=False)
call music_block
jump main_room_menu
define character.astoria_say = Character("name_astoria_genie", show_icon="astoria", dynamic=True)
init python:
def ast(what, mouth=None, eyes=None, eyebrows=None, pupils=None, cheeks=None, tears=None,
emote=None, face=None, xpos=None, ypos=None, pos=None, flip=None, trans=None,
animation=False, **kwargs):
def update_face(face_attrs):
"""Update Astoria's face with provided attributes."""
if any(face_attrs.values()):
return True
return False
def update_position(xpos, ypos):
"""Update Astoria's position based on xpos and ypos."""
if xpos is not None or ypos is not None:
xpos = astoria.pos[0] if xpos is None else sprite_pos.get("x", {}).get(xpos, xpos)
ypos = astoria.pos[1] if ypos is None else sprite_pos.get("y", {}).get(ypos, ypos)
astoria.pos = (xpos, ypos)
return True
return False
def handle_temp_attributes(temp_face):
"""Handle temporary face attributes."""
if temp_face:
last_face = astoria.get_face()
temp_data = dict(zip(temp_face[::2], temp_face[1::2]))
return last_face
return None
def show_astoria(redraw, head_only):
"""Show or hide Astoria depending on the state."""
if redraw and not head_only:
renpy.with_statement({"dolls": trans or d1})
elif head_only:
def reset_attributes(last_face):
"""Reset temporary face attributes."""
if last_face:
# Determine name prefix and suffix
name_prefix = f'Astoria {{size=-20}}"' if name_astoria_genie != "Astoria" else ""
name_suffix = '"{/size}' if name_prefix else ""
# If no visual changes, just make Astoria speak
if not any((mouth, eyes, eyebrows, pupils, cheeks, tears, emote, xpos, ypos, flip, trans, animation)):
character.astoria_say(what, who_prefix=name_prefix, who_suffix=name_suffix, **kwargs)
# Handle position update
redraw = update_position(xpos, ypos)
# Handle emote, animation, and flipping
if emote:
redraw = True
if animation:
astoria.animation = animation
redraw = True
if flip is not None:
astoria.xzoom = -1 if flip else 1
redraw = True
# Handle face update and temporary attributes
face_attrs = {"mouth": mouth, "eyes": eyes, "eyebrows": eyebrows, "pupils": pupils, "cheeks": cheeks, "tears": tears}
redraw = redraw or update_face(face_attrs)
temp_face = renpy.game.context().temporary_attributes
last_face = handle_temp_attributes(temp_face)
redraw = redraw or bool(temp_face)
# Handle display logic
head_only = astoria.pos[1] == sprite_pos.get("y", {}).get("head")
show_astoria(redraw, head_only)
# Handle dialog and doll positioning
if what:
side_doll = None
if head_only:
xpos = sprite_pos.get("x", {}).get("right_corner", 0) - 25 if astoria.xzoom == 1 else sprite_pos.get("x", {}).get("left_corner", 0) + 25
ypos = astoria.pos[1]
side_doll = At(astoria.image, doll_transform((xpos, ypos), astoria.zoom, astoria.xzoom))
character.astoria_say(what, who_prefix=name_prefix, who_suffix=name_suffix, show_side_doll=side_doll, **kwargs)
# Reset face if modified temporarily