LoafyLemon 102d23d47f Bug fixes
* Fixed generic update image creator
* Fixed new side image type regression
* Fixed MyMod game version inside manifest
* Fixed MyMod missing from release
* Fixed android mods detection
* Removed android searchpaths (superseded)
* Moved engine related changes into its own file
2022-06-27 22:31:51 +01:00

283 lines
9.7 KiB

init python:
import binascii
import requests
UPDATE_URL = binascii.unhexlify("687474703a2f2f3135332e39322e3232312e3234362f757064617465732e6a736f6e")
class CheckUpdates(Action):
def __init__(self, interval=3600*6, simulate=None, onetime=False, autostart=True, **kwargs):
self.url = UPDATE_URL
self.interval = interval
self.simulate = simulate
self.onetime = onetime
self.autostart = autostart
self.kwargs = kwargs
def __call__(self):
# Since source files are publicly available,
# we need to forbid updater from affecting
# GIT-supplied versions of the game to avoid bugs.
if (not updater.can_update() or config.developer) and not self.simulate:
check = True
url = self.url
if self.onetime and url in updater.checked:
check = False
if time.time() < persistent._update_last_checked.get(url, 0) + self.interval:
check = False
if check:
persistent._update_last_checked[url] = time.time()
updater.Updater(url, check_only=True, simulate=self.simulate, **self.kwargs)
UPDATE_VER = persistent._update_version.get(url, "")
if self.autostart:
renpy.invoke_in_new_context(updater.update, self.url, simulate=self.simulate, **self.kwargs)
class InstallUpdates(Action):
def __init__(self, simulate=None, **kwargs):
self.url = UPDATE_URL
self.simulate = simulate
self.kwargs = kwargs
def __call__(self):
renpy.invoke_in_new_context(updater.update, self.url, simulate=self.simulate, **self.kwargs)
def version_float():
control, major, minor = config.version.split(" ")[0].split(".")
return float("{}.{}{}".format(control, major, minor))
def version_patch():
if renpy.is_init_phase():
# Don't update save files from when game recovers from a crash.
latest = version_float()
# For unknown reasons, sometimes version is missing from the save, so we need a fallback
current = getattr(renpy.store, "version", latest)
if current > latest:
raise Exception("Loaded save file is incompatible. (Save Version: {}, Game Version: {})".format(current, latest))
if current < latest:
setattr(renpy.store, "version", latest)
message = "Have fun!"
renpy.call_in_new_context("modal_popup", "Update Successful", "\nYour save file has been successfully updated to version {{b}}{}{{/b}}.\n\n{}".format(config.version, message), None, "Hurray!")
def version_logo():
filename = "logo_{}.webp".format(UPDATE_VER)
path = os.path.join(config.basedir, "update", filename)
# Read file if exists
if os.path.isfile(path):
with open(path, "rb") as f:
data = f.read()
return im.Data(data, path)
# Fetch file if doesn't exist
url = url.split("updates.json")[0] + "logo.webp"
response = requests.get(url, timeout=5)
data = response.content
with open(path, "wb") as f:
return im.Data(data, path)
path = os.path.join(config.basedir, "update", "generic.webp")
with open(path, "rb") as f:
data = f.read()
return Fixed(im.Data(data, path), Text(UPDATE_VER, size=96, align=(0.5, 0.8), color="#000000", outlines=[( 1, "#ffffff", 0, 0 )]), fit_first=True)
define update_message_list = [
"Spinning up disks",
"Lubricating Hermione",
"Filling up Tonks' glass",
"Rendering Cho's marvellous abs",
"Teaching Astoria some manners",
"Gazing into the crystal ball",
"Waxing Cho's broom",
"Sanitizing Dumbledore's desk",
"Confiscating Hermione's panties",
"Adjusting the dress code",
"Deleting Hermiobrine",
"Initializing Snape walk physics",
"Loading Genie's name mispronunciation engine",
"Generating {s}dad{/s} bad jokes",
"Perverting common nouns",
"Inserting obscure pop culture references",
"Loading wardrobe feature fondling",
"Corrupting Teachers",
"Ignoring plot holes",
"Inflating Susan's tits",
"Hiding Room of Requirement",
"Predicting images",
"Initializing sex-drive",
"Loading loading screen",
"Bribing ministry of magic employees",
"Maximizing student gullibility levels",
"Tuning out Luna's rambles",
"Filling cupboard with trash",
"Shredding rule violation reports",
"Adding tissue box of holding to desk",
"Ignoring established lore",
"Neglecting minor characters",
"Hiding the marauders map",
"Injecting British slang",
"Stiffening nipples",
"Nickering at knickers",
"Greasing Snape's hair",
"Increasing Genie's imagination levels",
"Adding illusion of choice dialogue options",
"Redirecting blood flow",
"Slutifying Slytherins",
"Dampening Genie's powers",
"Sleeving wizard cards",
"Breaking old save files",
"Loading pointless bird petting mechanics",
"Applying desk chair cushioning charm",
"Calculating semen trajectory",
"Opening spank-bank account at Gringotts",
"Scratching Genie's leg",
"Polishing Genie's wand",
"Defiling Cho's panties",
"Eliminating common sense",
"Applying lube",
"Restocking chocolate frog supply",
"Charming students",
"Breaking the fourth wall",
"Shortening skirts",
"Undressing house-elves",
"Lewdifying spells",
"Inserting sexual innuendoes",
"Searching for the g-spot",
"Adjusting refractory period levels",
"Indexing breast sizes",
"Prolonging the inevitable heat death of the universe",
"Redefining the big bang",
"Insert disc 2",
screen updater:
tag menu
default msg = renpy.random.choice(update_message_list)
default logo = version_logo()
use game_menu(_("Updater"), scroll="viewport"):
style_prefix "updater"
spacing gui.pref_spacing
xfill True
xalign 0.5
action OpenURL("https://www.silverstudiogames.org/")
add logo xysize(570, 324)
if u.state == u.ERROR:
text _("An error has occured:")
elif u.state == u.CHECKING:
text _("Fetching for updates.")
elif u.state == u.UPDATE_NOT_AVAILABLE:
text _("This program is up to date.")
elif u.state == u.UPDATE_AVAILABLE:
text _("[u.version] is available. Do you want to install it?")
xalign 0.5
textbutton "Changelog" action OpenURL("https://www.silverstudiogames.org/p/changelog.html")
textbutton "Patreon" action OpenURL("https://patreon.com/silverstudiogames")
textbutton "Discord" action OpenURL("https://discord.gg/UbQeTCJ5RW")
elif u.state == u.PREPARING:
text _("Preparing to download the updates.")
elif u.state == u.DOWNLOADING:
text _("Downloading the updates.")
elif u.state == u.UNPACKING:
text _("Unpacking the updates.")
elif u.state == u.FINISHING:
text _("Finishing up.")
elif u.state == u.DONE:
text _("The updates have been installed. The program will restart.")
elif u.state == u.DONE_NO_RESTART:
text _("The updates have been installed.")
elif u.state == u.CANCELLED:
text _("The updates were cancelled.")
if u.message is not None:
text "[u.message!q]"
if u.progress is not None:
bar value (u.progress or 0.0) range 1.0 style "updater_bar"
text "[msg]" color "#fff" size 10 yoffset 5
xalign 0.5
if u.can_proceed:
textbutton _("Proceed") action u.proceed keysym "K_RETURN"
if u.can_cancel:
textbutton _("Cancel") action u.cancel keysym "K_ESCAPE"
timer 2.0 action SetScreenVariable("msg", renpy.random.choice(update_message_list)) repeat True
style updater_text:
xalign 0.5
style updater_button_text is gui_button_text
style updater_label is gui_label:
xsize 209
right_padding 17
style updater_label_text is gui_label_text:
xalign 1.0
text_align 1.0
outlines [(2, "#000", 0, 0)]
style updater_bar is empty:
ysize gui.bar_size
left_bar Frame("gui/bar/left.png", Borders(8, 8, 8, 8), tile=False)
right_bar Frame("gui/bar/right.png", Borders(8, 8, 8, 8), tile=False)
style update_available_button:
xalign 0.5
style update_available_button_text:
color "#F9A001"
hover_color "#fff"
xalign 0.5
label before_main_menu():
if settings.get("updates"):
CheckUpdates(onetime=True, autostart=False)()