LoafyLemon 24c27d40ce Updated translation files
* Updated translation files and merged them with the current translation
2022-10-26 23:03:39 +01:00

101 lines
3.1 KiB

# game/scripts/utility/common_labels.rpy:309
translate chinese describe_mood_efd31979:
# ">[name] is a little upset with you..."
">[name] is a little upset with you..."
# game/scripts/utility/common_labels.rpy:311
translate chinese describe_mood_4534e495:
# ">[name] is upset with you."
">[name] is upset with you."
# game/scripts/utility/common_labels.rpy:313
translate chinese describe_mood_38a852e4:
# ">[name] is very upset with you."
">[name] is very upset with you."
# game/scripts/utility/common_labels.rpy:315
translate chinese describe_mood_aedbe324:
# ">[name] is mad at you."
">[name] is mad at you."
# game/scripts/utility/common_labels.rpy:317
translate chinese describe_mood_55e50832:
# ">[name] is very mad at you."
">[name] is very mad at you."
# game/scripts/utility/common_labels.rpy:319
translate chinese describe_mood_e5b374cd:
# ">[name] is furious at you."
">[name] is furious at you."
# game/scripts/utility/common_labels.rpy:321
translate chinese describe_mood_48137e89:
# ">[name] hates your guts."
">[name] hates your guts."
# game/scripts/utility/common_labels.rpy:323
translate chinese describe_mood_84ee21e4:
# ">[name] is calm."
">[name] is calm."
# game/scripts/utility/common_labels.rpy:332
translate chinese describe_mood_after_gift_6fc986c9:
# "She's no longer upset with you."
"She's no longer upset with you."
# game/scripts/utility/common_labels.rpy:334
translate chinese describe_mood_after_gift_1a0b1973:
# "But she's still upset with you."
"But she's still upset with you."
# game/scripts/utility/common_labels.rpy:336
translate chinese describe_mood_after_gift_c2819b19:
# "She's still upset with you."
"She's still upset with you."
# game/scripts/utility/common_labels.rpy:348
translate chinese not_implemented_43d05846:
# "Not implemented."
"Not implemented."
# game/scripts/utility/common_labels.rpy:354
translate chinese end_of_content_1f1d2288:
# "SilverStudioGames" "This concludes story progression for this character as of version [config.version].\nThere still may be side events and activities that you have missed, but main story won't progress past this point."
"SilverStudioGames" "This concludes story progression for this character as of version [config.version].\nThere still may be side events and activities that you have missed, but main story won't progress past this point."
# game/scripts/utility/common_labels.rpy:355
translate chinese end_of_content_7ad2124c:
# "SilverStudioGames" "We hope you have enjoyed yourself. Stay tuned for more in the future."
"SilverStudioGames" "We hope you have enjoyed yourself. Stay tuned for more in the future."
# game/scripts/utility/common_labels.rpy:357
translate chinese end_of_content_36b522f8:
# "> All stats have been maxed out. You can now use all of the wardrobe options."
"> All stats have been maxed out. You can now use all of the wardrobe options."
translate chinese strings:
# game/scripts/utility/common_labels.rpy:290
old "[text]"
new "[text]"
# game/scripts/utility/common_labels.rpy:290
old "-Done Reading-"
new "-Done Reading-"