It is used in a txt draft which I didn't change, it can be done if deemed necessary I think this function should be kept off, as it is both more dangerous and slower than the workarounds
223 lines
7.2 KiB
223 lines
7.2 KiB
init python early:
# Import commonly used python modules
import time
import datetime
import math
import random
import pygame
import colorsys
import fnmatch
import posixpath
import re
import string
import functools
import timeit as timeit_module
from bisect import bisect
from operator import itemgetter
from operator import add as _add
from collections import OrderedDict
get_volume_preference =
def num_to_word(n, readable=True):
"""Transcript numbers (integers) into readable words."""
n = int(n)
units = ("","one","two","three","four","five","six","seven","eight","nine")
teens = ("","eleven","twelve","thirteen","fourteen","fifteen","sixteen","seventeen","eighteen","nineteen")
tens = ("","ten","twenty","thirty","forty","fifty","sixty","seventy","eighty","ninety")
thousands = ("","thousand","million","billion","trillion","quadrillion","quintillion","sextillion","septillion","octillion","nonillion","decillion","undecillion","duodecillion","tredecillion","quattuordecillion","sexdecillion","septendecillion","octodecillion","novemdecillion","vigintillion")
output = []
if n == 0:
s = str(n)
groups = (len(s)+2)//3
s = s.zfill(groups*3)
for i in range(0, groups*3, 3):
h,t,u = int(s[i]), int(s[i+1]), int(s[i+2])
g = groups-(i//3+1)
if h > 0:
output.append(units[h]+" hundred")
if t > 1:
if u > 0:
elif t == 1:
if u > 0:
if u > 0:
if g > 0 and (h+t+u) > 0:
if i == (groups*3)-6:
output.append(thousands[g]+" and")
if readable:
output = " ".join(output)
return output
def clamp(n, smallest, largest):
return max(smallest, min(n, largest))
def white_tint(image):
return Transform( image, matrixcolor=TintMatrix((1.1, 1.1, 1.1)) )
def gray_tint(image):
return Transform( image, matrixcolor=SaturationMatrix(0.0) )
def yellow_tint(image):
return Transform( image, matrixcolor=TintMatrix((1.2, 1.1, 0.7)) )
def image_hover(image, brightness=0.12):
"""Returns slightly brighter image used during hover events"""
return Transform( image, matrixcolor=BrightnessMatrix(brightness) )
def image_alpha(image, alpha=0.5):
"""Returns an image with changed alpha 0 - fully transparent 1 - fully visible"""
return Transform( image, matrixcolor=OpacityMatrix(alpha) )
def set_clipboard(txt):
txt = str(txt)
pygame.scrap.put(pygame.scrap.SCRAP_TEXT, txt.encode())
def get_clipboard():
clipboard = pygame.scrap.get(pygame.scrap.SCRAP_TEXT)
if clipboard:
return clipboard.decode()
return None
def evaluate(txt):
return __import__('ast').literal_eval(txt)
except Exception as e:
print("Error evaluating data:")
def disable_game_menu():
setattr(, "_game_menu_screen", None)
def enable_game_menu():
setattr(, "_game_menu_screen", "save_screen")
def make_revertable(obj):
if isinstance(obj, _list):
return [make_revertable(x) for x in obj]
elif isinstance(obj, _dict):
return dict((make_revertable(k), make_revertable(v)) for (k,v) in obj.items())
return obj
def is_integer(s):
s = str(s)
if not s:
return False
if s[0] in ("-", "+"):
# calling lstrip("0+-") would be faster but not exactly identical
s = s[1:]
if s.lstrip("0").isdigit():
return True
return False
def timeit(func, loops=10000, args=(), kwargs={}):
rv = timeit_module.timeit("func(*args, **kwargs)", number=loops, globals=dict(func=func, args=args, kwargs=kwargs))
print(f"The task has taken {rv} seconds to finish")
def autorange(func, args=(), kwargs={}):
loops, time = timeit_module.Timer("func(*args, **kwargs)", globals=dict(func=func, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)).autorange()
print(f"The task has taken {time/loops} seconds to finish ({loops} iterations in {time} seconds)")
def list_swap_values(l, val1, val2):
"""Mutates the original list."""
l[val1], l[val2] = l[val2], l[val1]
def natsort_key(s, pattern=re.compile("([0-9]+)")):
return [int(t) if t.isdigit() else t.lower() for t in pattern.split(str(s))]
def tts(s):
def is_in_lead(house):
if isinstance(house, str):
house = getattr(, house)
return (house == max(gryffindor, slytherin, ravenclaw, hufflepuff))
def play_potion_return(who):
if game.daytime:
for i in inventory.get_instances_of_type("potion"):
if not who in i.usable_on:
if not i.in_progress[who]:
def strip(s):
# We need a custom strip implementation because we cannot tell
# if the raw argument isn't encapsulated in double, or triple quotes
if s.startswith(('"', "'")) and s.endswith(('"', "'")):
return s[1:-1]
return s
def matches(s1, s2, filter=" "):
return s1.replace(filter, "") == s2.replace(filter, "")
def istype(inst, clss):
if isinstance(clss, (list, tuple, set)):
return type(inst) in clss
return type(inst) is clss
class IntLike(python_object):
# Does not support rollback
def __init__(self, callable):
self._callable = callable
def __call__(self):
return self._callable()
def __repr__(self):
return repr(self())
def __add__(self, value):
raise Exception("IntLike does not support add")
def __eq__(self, value):
return self._callable() == value
def __gt__(self, value):
return self._callable() > value
def __lt__(self, value):
return self._callable() < value
def __ge__(self, value):
return self.__gt__(value) or self.__eq__(value)
def __le__(self, value):
return self.__lt__(value) or self.__eq__(value)
def __len__(self):
return len(self._callable())
def execute_callbacks(callbacks):
for callback in callbacks: callback()
def extract_number(key):
match = re.match(r'^(\d+)', key)
if match:
return int(
return float('inf') # Return a large number for non-numeric keys