
1430 lines
71 KiB

# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:12
translate chinese ending_after_93dffb9c:
# centered "{size=+7}{color=#cbcbcb}Somewhere outside of time and space...{/color}{/size}\n\n{#LINT_IGNORE}"
centered "{size=+7}{color=#cbcbcb}在时间和空间之外的某个地方...{/color}{/size}\n\n{#LINT_IGNORE}"
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:15
translate chinese ending_after_ad1342ef:
# g2 "Where... where am I...?" with d5
g2 "我这是...在哪里...?" with d5
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:16
translate chinese ending_after_d8ce2399:
# g2 "Am I dead... is this the end...?"
g2 "我这是死了吗...结束了吗...?"
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:17
translate chinese ending_after_bfede09e:
# g2 "Genies aren't supposed to die are they?"
g2 "精灵不是死不了的...吗?"
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:18
translate chinese ending_after_271741f6:
# g12 "No wait... this is different...{w=0.4} what is this feeling?"
g12 "不,等等...不一样的...{w=0.4}这是什么感觉?"
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:19
translate chinese ending_after_36409f92:
# g12 "I feel..."
g12 "我感觉得到..."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:23
translate chinese ending_after_986b7ccb:
# g14 "Everything!" with hpunch
g14 "一切!" with hpunch
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:24
translate chinese ending_after_4b67a3fa:
# g14 "The...{w=0.4} The cosmic power is running through me!"
g14 "宇...{w=0.4} 宇宙的力量在我身上运行!"
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:25
translate chinese ending_after_49873dff:
# g14 "I can see it, the universe... No...{w=0.4} Multiple universes... all around me."
g14 "我能看到它,宇宙...不...{w=0.4}多元宇宙...都在围绕着我."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:26
translate chinese ending_after_53e71d74:
# g14 "But... Why?"
g14 "但...为什么?"
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:27
translate chinese ending_after_8c8a771c:
# g14 "Why am I not back yet!?"
g14 "为什么我还没回家!?"
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:33
translate chinese ending_after_64721cea:
# g15 "*ARGH*!" with hpunch
g15 "*嗨呀*!" with hpunch
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:34
translate chinese ending_after_985d74af:
# g15 "My form is being pulled in multiple directions!"
g15 "我的身体被正在往多个方向延申!"
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:35
translate chinese ending_after_8f884366:
# g15 "If I don't get out of here I'll be torn apart!"
g15 "如果我不赶快离开这里,我会被这股力量撕裂!"
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:40
translate chinese ending_after_372414a2:
# g14 "Wait...{w=0.8} I know..." with d3
g14 "等等...{w=0.8}我知道了..." with d3
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:41
translate chinese ending_after_c2903936:
# g14 "This... it must be my magic!"
g14 "这...这一定是膜法!"
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:42
translate chinese ending_after_1fd58992:
# g14 "I need to focus where I want to be... Or I'll be stuck... stuck here forever!"
g14 "我需要专注的去想我想去的地方...否则我会被钦定...永远的被困在这里!"
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:43
translate chinese ending_after_2c956139:
# g14 "Stupid... life choices!"
g14 "愚蠢的...人生选择!"
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:45
translate chinese ending_after_00c9d695:
# g14 "Focus..."
g14 "专心...我...要...搞个...大...新闻"
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:46
translate chinese ending_after_e651482e:
# g14 "I just left a bunch of Sluts at that school!"
g14 "我刚刚做了一点微小的工作--在那所学校留下了一群荡妇!"
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:47
translate chinese ending_after_6f82301b:
# g14 "But... I need to get home!"
g14 "但...我必须回家!"
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:51
translate chinese ending_after_b2024e55:
# g14 "What should I do?" nointeract
g14 "我该怎么办?" nointeract
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:53
translate chinese ending_after_8f538afc:
# g14 "Yes, that is probably for the best..."
g14 "是的,这可能是坠吼的决定..."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:58
translate chinese ending_after_e5c49609:
# g15 "Agrabah... here I come! You better prepare yourself..." with hpunch
g15 "按照基本法...阿格拉巴...我来了!你最好做好准备..." with hpunch
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:67
translate chinese ending_after_916ef3db:
# g14 "On the other hand..."
g14 "另一方面..."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:68
translate chinese ending_after_99134dcb:
# g14 "Who doesn't love..."
g14 "作为一个长者..."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:73
translate chinese ending_after_d6f593ed:
# g15 "Who doesn't love...{fast} a good old time paradox!" with hpunch
g15 "谁不爱...{fast}时间悖论呢!" with hpunch
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:74
translate chinese ending_after_44203fe6:
# g15 "It better be worth it...{w=0.4} Here I go!"
g15 "最好值得一试...{w=0.4} 我来了!"
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:86
translate chinese ending_after_49996e46:
# gen "Goodbye, world of bizarre magic..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "再见,奇异魔法的世界..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:87
translate chinese ending_after_870e9e9f:
# gen "Goodbye, my whor--" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "再见,我的婊--" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:88
translate chinese ending_after_bb67d251:
# gen "Wait..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "等等..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:96
translate chinese ending_after_229f19b6:
# gen "What the fuck am I doing..." ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "我他妈的在做什么..." ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:97
translate chinese ending_after_d083f394:
# gen "Why leave now when I'm the king of a castle filled with women ready to serve!?" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "当我是一座学院的校长,城堡里挤满了准备服侍我的女人,为什么现在就离开!?" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:107
translate chinese ending_after_c243dde3:
# ">You hastily make your way back to the castle, wondering what kind of impulse made you want to leave in the first place..."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:112
translate chinese ending_after_4a1b6a9d:
# ">Arriving at the great hall you glance through the doors and spot Hermione who's currently enjoying the attention she's receiving from some of the other students."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:113
translate chinese ending_after_935a1e2b:
# ">You decide it's probably best to head back to your office. But before you get the chance to slip into the shadows Hermione has already begun making her way in your direction."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:114
translate chinese ending_after_712a2b6a:
# ">As she steps through the door you notice some Slytherin students looking in your direction, smirks spreading across their faces."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:117
translate chinese ending_after_22fb51f9:
# her "Back so soon?" ("base", "happy", "base", "L", cheeks="blush", ypos="head", flip=False)
her "这么快就回来了?" ("base", "happy", "base", "L", cheeks="blush", ypos="head", flip=False)
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:118
translate chinese ending_after_6bdf2d4b:
# gen "I um...{w=0.4} had a change of heart." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "我...呃...{w=0.4}我改变了主意了." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:119
translate chinese ending_after_183735cd:
# her "Cold outside?" ("base", "base", "base", "mid")
her "外面冷吗?" ("base", "base", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:120
translate chinese ending_after_004e3f7b:
# gen "Yes...{w=0.5} that's it." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "冷...{w=0.5}外面很冷." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:122
translate chinese ending_after_7efa7732:
# ">Standing there in silence, looking at Hermione, you can't help but struggle with what to say."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:123
translate chinese ending_after_a98ad166:
# ">Hermione looks at you expectantly and breaks the silence by extending one of her arms to you."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:125
translate chinese ending_after_86089428:
# her "Care for a dance?" ("open", "squint", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
her "想跳舞吗?" ("open", "squint", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:126
translate chinese ending_after_c2ccf318:
# gen "I...{w=0.5} of course!" ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "我...{w=0.5}当然了!" ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:127
translate chinese ending_after_c6dc9ba3:
# her "..." ("base", "base", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
her "..." ("base", "base", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:128
translate chinese ending_after_02672cf3:
# ">With your arms wrapped around Hermione's waist the two of you begin moving along with the music."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:129
translate chinese ending_after_881a2aab:
# ">As some time passes it's very clear that the Slytherin students are looking at you both through the doorway."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:130
translate chinese ending_after_a442a6ab:
# gen "Miss Granger..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "格兰杰小姐..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:131
translate chinese ending_after_a3a66cab:
# her "Yes?" ("base", "narrow", "base", "stare_soft", cheeks="blush")
her "是的?" ("base", "narrow", "base", "stare_soft", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:133
translate chinese ending_after_e4a080e1:
# her "..." ("soft", "happyCl", "base", "up", cheeks="blush")
her "..." ("soft", "happyCl", "base", "up", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:134
translate chinese ending_after_58e5cc6f:
# her "Hey! At least warn me!" ("clench", "narrow", "annoyed", "L", cheeks="blush")
her "嘿,至少告诉我一声啊!" ("clench", "narrow", "annoyed", "L", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:135
translate chinese ending_after_fcc4acb4:
# ">Swiftly taking your hand away from Hermione's butt, you give a quick smirk towards your audience."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:136
translate chinese ending_after_1a21ba3c:
# her "I didn't say stop..." ("soft", "narrow", "base", "L", cheeks="blush")
her "我可没说停..." ("soft", "narrow", "base", "L", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:137
translate chinese ending_after_8a0cdc2e:
# gen "Of course..." ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "Of course..." ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:138
translate chinese ending_after_9364c2f3:
# ">Without a moments hesitation you lift her skirt up, holding it against her back and leaving her panties exposed."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:139
translate chinese ending_after_37ed39b0:
# her "Sir..." ("crooked_smile", "base", "base", "down", cheeks="blush")
her "先生..." ("crooked_smile", "base", "base", "down", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:140
translate chinese ending_after_72141deb:
# ">Now firmly gripping her butt with your other hand, you begin to massage her cheeks whilst moving along with the music."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:141
translate chinese ending_after_02ad06ee:
# her "..." ("grin", "narrow", "worried", "up", cheeks="blush")
her "..." ("grin", "narrow", "worried", "up", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:142
translate chinese ending_after_cb667ebd:
# ">Your hand finds its way back down, pulling Hermione's panties down with it."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:143
translate chinese ending_after_fcb70081:
# her "Sir...{w=0.4} what are you doing?" ("open", "happyCl", "base", "stare", cheeks="blush")
her "先生...{w=0.4}你在做什么?" ("open", "happyCl", "base", "stare", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:144
translate chinese ending_after_34310345:
# gen "You seem a little bit tense... just giving you a hand..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "你看起来有点紧张...只是在帮你一把..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:145
translate chinese ending_after_4f59c8c1:
# her "But... What if someone notices..." ("annoyed", "base", "base", "R", cheeks="blush")
her "但...如果有人注意到..." ("annoyed", "base", "base", "R", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:146
translate chinese ending_after_b65aff9a:
# ">Ignoring her pleas you begin rubbing your fingers between her thighs, not bothering to be discreet."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:147
translate chinese ending_after_d62b3387:
# her "*Ah*...{w} Sir..." ("open", "happyCl", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
her "*啊*...{w} Sir..." ("open", "happyCl", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:148
translate chinese ending_after_cfb88690:
# ">As you move your hand higher up her thighs, Hermione's breathing quickens and a wetness begins to spread across the side of your hand, her legs shaking slightly as she tries to keep it together."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:149
translate chinese ending_after_e7e23b4f:
# her "Sir...{w=0.4} I..." ("open", "happyCl", "base", "down", cheeks="blush")
her "先生...{w=0.4}我..." ("open", "happyCl", "base", "down", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:150
translate chinese ending_after_92d70669:
# ">With the music soon coming to a close you shift your hand and begin stroking against her vagina with even more vigour than before."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:151
translate chinese ending_after_3b9e5823:
# her "Sir...{w=0.3} *Ah*...{w=0.5} they'll...{w=0.2} they'll hear me..." ("mad", "happyCl", "base", "L", cheeks="blush")
her "先生...{w=0.3} *啊*...{w=0.5} 他们会...{w=0.2} 他们会听到的..." ("mad", "happyCl", "base", "L", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:152
translate chinese ending_after_fbf6fb39:
# gen "You better \"come\" quietly then..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "那你\"最好\"安静一点..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:153
translate chinese ending_after_959f192f:
# her "Sir... this isn't the time for..." ("open", "happyCl", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
her "先生... 现在不是..." ("open", "happyCl", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:154
translate chinese ending_after_09ed1387:
# ">As the music reaches it's peak, Hermione moves one of her hands off your back and puts it against her mouth to quickly try and stifle herself."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:155
translate chinese ending_after_20cae206:
# her "*Mmmmf*..."
her "*嗯嗯*..."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:159
translate chinese ending_after_43a89509:
# ">Hermione shudders in your arms and then quickly lets go as the music comes to an end."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:160
translate chinese ending_after_05304a5f:
# her "*Ah*...{w=0.8}*Ah*...{w=0.8}*Ah*..." ("soft", "happyCl", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
her "*啊*...{w=0.8}*哈*...{w=0.8}*啊*..." ("soft", "happyCl", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:161
translate chinese ending_after_712a03a0:
# ">With a quick glance towards the doorway you notice some Slytherin students have blocked it with their backs towards you."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:162
translate chinese ending_after_dd1a6ba9:
# gen "You look tired girl, you'd better pull yourself together..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "你看起来很累,女孩,你最好振作起来..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:163
translate chinese ending_after_3f5f4faf:
# her "Yes...{w=0.3} *Ah*...{w=0.6} I just need to...{w=0.3} catch my breath..." ("open", "squint", "worried", "L", cheeks="blush")
her "是...{w=0.3} *啊*...{w=0.6} 我只需要...{w=0.3}喘口气..." ("open", "squint", "worried", "L", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:164
translate chinese ending_after_29f10f98:
# gen "Perhaps sooner rather than later, the music has stopped..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "音乐早就停了..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:165
translate chinese ending_after_5e4e958e:
# her "Oh...{w=0.3} *Ah*...{w=0.3} I didn't even notice..." ("open", "happy", "worried", "mid", cheeks="blush")
her "哦...{w=0.3} *啊*...{w=0.3}我都没注意到..." ("open", "happy", "worried", "mid", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:166
translate chinese ending_after_24acd251:
# ">Hermione moves to stand up but stumbles as she tries to compose herself..."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:167
translate chinese ending_after_f6bef4c8:
# ">As she gets on her feet she looks up and notices the backs of the Slytherins in the doorway. She spins around to look at you, a red colour quickly spreading across her cheeks."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:168
translate chinese ending_after_f4bbbee3:
# her "I...{w=0.3} I think I'd better head off to bed then..." ("mad", "squint", "base", "stare_soft", cheeks="blush")
her "我...{w=0.3} 我想我最好去睡觉了..." ("mad", "squint", "base", "stare_soft", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:169
translate chinese ending_after_54d7ad5e:
# gen "Sounds like a good idea..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "听起来是个好主意..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:170
translate chinese ending_after_8d26eb39:
# her "Okay then..." ("soft", "squint", "worried", "R", cheeks="blush")
her "好的,那..." ("soft", "squint", "worried", "R", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:171
translate chinese ending_after_eef7eeae:
# her "Good night..." ("base", "squint", "worried", "mid", cheeks="blush")
her "晚安..." ("base", "squint", "worried", "mid", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:172
translate chinese ending_after_44a7c6f1:
# gen "Good night Miss Granger." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "晚安,格兰杰小姐." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:185
translate chinese ending_after_a1295a77:
# gen "Good night princess..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "晚安,小公主..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:194
translate chinese ending_after_67d12705:
# centered "{size=+7}{color=#cbcbcb}The next morning...{/color}{/size}"
centered "{size=+7}{color=#cbcbcb}第二天一早...{/color}{/size}"
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:199
translate chinese ending_after_62a9f17b:
# gen "What did I tell you about knocking!" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "我跟你说了多少次了,进来之前要敲门!" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:200
translate chinese ending_after_ab252373:
# sna "Who rule..." ("snape_03", ypos="head")
sna "谁定的规矩..." ("snape_03", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:201
translate chinese ending_after_13cc8ec6:
# sna "You mother fucker..." ("snape_01")
sna "你这狗娘养的..." ("snape_01")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:202
translate chinese ending_after_7252ea22:
# sna "I knew it!" ("snape_02")
sna "我就知道!" ("snape_02")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:203
translate chinese ending_after_ac6473be:
# sna "I knew you couldn't make yourself leave yet." ("snape_02")
sna "我知道你还会离开." ("snape_02")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:204
translate chinese ending_after_6df5e869:
# gen "Hey, it's not my fault this place has so many..." ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "嘿,这地方这么多人不是我的错..." ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:205
translate chinese ending_after_05fbdf15:
# gen "I have urges okay!" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "是我冲动了,好吧!" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:206
translate chinese ending_after_ea164500:
# sna "How very uncharacteristic of you..." ("snape_01")
sna "你还真是与众不同..." ("snape_01")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:207
translate chinese ending_after_08abbf61:
# sna "But good news nonetheless..." ("snape_02")
sna "但还是有好消息..." ("snape_02")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:208
translate chinese ending_after_aeb70690:
# sna "So I take it you have... unfinished business before you depart?" ("snape_37")
sna "所以我认为你...在离开之前还有未尽的事宜?" ("snape_37")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:209
translate chinese ending_after_3b9dabb4:
# gen "A headmaster can't just up and leave before the school year is over can he?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "校长不能在学年结束前就起身离开,是吧?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:210
translate chinese ending_after_cafe1da0:
# gen "Also I'm getting quite fond of the place... Not that I want to pick out curtains or anything." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "我也很喜欢这个地方...并不是说我想挑选窗帘或任何东西." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:211
translate chinese ending_after_b5604143:
# sna "..." ("snape_45")
sna "..." ("snape_45")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:212
translate chinese ending_after_ca5b5ea5:
# sna "Very well... our little scheme continues." ("snape_02")
sna "很好...我们的小计划还在继续." ("snape_02")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:213
translate chinese ending_after_d0ebf676:
# sna "Although at the moment I've got a class to attend to." ("snape_01")
sna "虽然现在我有课要上课." ("snape_01")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:215
translate chinese ending_after_6a48b680:
# gen "Yes... I also have very important business to get on with..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "是的...我还有很重要的事情要处理..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:216
translate chinese ending_after_c39a82c1:
# sna "Sure you do..." ("snape_01")
sna "当然..." ("snape_01")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:222
translate chinese ending_after_718bb862:
# ">Arriving at the great hall you decide to take a quick glance through the doors before heading back to your office."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:223
translate chinese ending_after_1cde06d5:
# ">Hermione is currently occupied looking out one of the windows and doesn't notice your presence."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:224
translate chinese ending_after_c36eb1d9:
# ">You glance over at the teachers table and lock eyes with Snape who hastily stands up and quickly slides towards you."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:225
translate chinese ending_after_3a8868b6:
# sna "Good evening sir...{w=0.5} I...{w=0.8} I didn't expect you so soon." ("snape_29", ypos="head")
sna "晚上好,校长...{w=0.5} 我...{w=0.8}我没想到你这么快就来了." ("snape_29", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:226
translate chinese ending_after_5c9f0113:
# gen "Hello again Severus." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "你好,西弗勒斯." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:227
translate chinese ending_after_2efba705:
# gen "I have returned..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "我回来了..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:228
translate chinese ending_after_f9fe48dc:
# sna "*Ahem...*{w=0.4} I see..." ("snape_06")
sna "*嗯哼...*{w=0.4}我看到了..." ("snape_06")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:229
translate chinese ending_after_ce7ab4fb:
# sna "Well...{w=0.5} Here it goes..." ("snape_04")
sna "好吧...{w=0.5}给你..." ("snape_04")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:230
translate chinese ending_after_8729a4c7:
# sna "Who...{w=0.5} who rules?" ("snape_09")
sna "谁...{w=0.5}谁定的规矩?" ("snape_09")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:231
translate chinese ending_after_f70f1bd0:
# gen "..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:232
translate chinese ending_after_627deb4f:
# sna "............." ("snape_25")
sna "............." ("snape_25")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:233
translate chinese ending_after_224a410c:
# sna "..." ("snape_26")
sna "..." ("snape_26")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:234
translate chinese ending_after_6ed3a485:
# gen "Robin Williams." ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "罗宾 威廉姆斯." ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:235
translate chinese ending_after_02145734:
# sna "You mother fucker!" ("snape_20")
sna "你他妈的这个糟老头子!" ("snape_20")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:236
translate chinese ending_after_56610d9e:
# gen "..." ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "..." ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:237
translate chinese ending_after_82d1cdc5:
# sna "..." ("snape_12")
sna "..." ("snape_12")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:238
translate chinese ending_after_00c51803:
# sna "About the thing I said earlier." ("snape_12")
sna "关于我之前说过的事情." ("snape_12")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:239
translate chinese ending_after_c8c4eed1:
# gen "yes?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "嗯?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:240
translate chinese ending_after_39d5ef16:
# sna "The whole friend thing..." ("snape_14")
sna "关于朋友的事情..." ("snape_14")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:241
translate chinese ending_after_d8fed4ba:
# gen "*Ah*... yes..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "*啊*...对啊..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:242
translate chinese ending_after_ffab6078:
# gen "I mean, I was leaving and all that--" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "我是说,我正要离开--" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:243
translate chinese ending_after_983cbcee:
# sna "No...{w=0.4} Even that being the case... I did mean it...{w=0.4} good ones are hard to come by." ("snape_24")
sna "不...{w=0.4}即便如此...我是认真的...{w=0.4}知己难寻." ("snape_24")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:244
translate chinese ending_after_32007298:
# gen "Well... even if you didn't mean it, I bet you ain't never had a friend like me." ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "好吧...即使你不是故意的,我敢打赌你从来没有像我这样的朋友." ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:245
translate chinese ending_after_29d85b31:
# sna "Ain't that true...{w=0.3}" ("snape_45")
sna "这是真的吗...{w=0.3}" ("snape_45")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:246
translate chinese ending_after_644135f2:
# sna "So...{w=0.4} You're staying then?" ("snape_46")
sna "所以...{w=0.4}你打算留下来?" ("snape_46")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:247
translate chinese ending_after_14e44a9f:
# gen "Can't just leave in the middle of the school year can I? What kind of headmaster would do that?" ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "我不能在学年中离开.什么样的校长会这样吊儿郎当的?" ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:248
translate chinese ending_after_38ad9f2c:
# sna "Is that so..." ("snape_47")
sna "是这样吗..." ("snape_47")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:249
translate chinese ending_after_0d1efae8:
# gen "There are still plenty of girls that haven't seen me at my best!" ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "这儿仍然有很多女孩没有见过我小兄弟雄伟的样子!" ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:250
translate chinese ending_after_fea122c2:
# sna "There it is..." ("snape_02")
sna "又来了..." ("snape_02")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:251
translate chinese ending_after_6e9e2477:
# sna "Well then...{w=0.4} Business as usual tomorrow?" ("snape_05")
sna "那么...{w=0.4} 明天一切照常?" ("snape_05")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:252
translate chinese ending_after_9c234d89:
# gen "Business as usual..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "一切照旧..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:253
translate chinese ending_after_077f2398:
# sna "{size=-4}Fuck yes!{/size}" ("snape_47")
sna "{size=-4}他娘的!太棒了!{/size}" ("snape_47")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:254
translate chinese ending_after_22edcc71:
# gen "What did you say?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "你说什么?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:255
translate chinese ending_after_f553b3f1:
# sna "Nothing..." ("snape_38")
sna "没什么..." ("snape_38")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:256
translate chinese ending_after_25240f0a:
# gen "Okay then..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "那好吧..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:257
translate chinese ending_after_e1f4353b:
# gen "In that case I'll head back to my office." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "以防万一,我先回办公室去." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:260
translate chinese ending_after_42e28721:
# ">As Snape slides back towards the teachers table, Hermione notices your presence and quickly starts walking towards you."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:261
translate chinese ending_after_8bc04035:
# ">Before you can even attempt to slip into the shadows again, she's already come through the doorway with one of her arms held out in front of her."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:262
translate chinese ending_after_3f84e43a:
# her "Care for a dance?" ("base", "happy", "base", "L", cheeks="blush", ypos="head", flip=False)
her "想跳支舞吗?" ("base", "happy", "base", "L", cheeks="blush", ypos="head", flip=False)
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:263
translate chinese ending_after_22199a1a:
# gen "I...{w=0.4} Oh, what the hell... why not." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "我...{w=0.4} 哦,见鬼...为什么不呢?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:264
translate chinese ending_after_9a421d74:
# her "..." ("base", "narrow", "base", "down", cheeks="blush")
her "..." ("base", "narrow", "base", "down", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:265
translate chinese ending_after_02d672c8:
# ">With your arms wrapped around Hermione's waist, the two of you begin moving along with the music."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:266
translate chinese ending_after_c0deec7d:
# ">After some time passes you can't help but look down on Hermione's butt sticking out below your hands."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:267
translate chinese ending_after_a442a6ab_1:
# gen "Miss Granger..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "格兰杰小姐..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:268
translate chinese ending_after_19f9afa0:
# her "Yes?" ("open", "base", "base", "L", cheeks="blush")
her "怎么了?" ("open", "base", "base", "L", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:269
translate chinese ending_after_42b84a1a:
# ">Hands now wandering down towards Hermione's butt she smiles and tightens her grip around you."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:270
translate chinese ending_after_2c4a7f42:
# ">Gently resting your hands against her cheeks you return to slowly moving along with the music."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:271
translate chinese ending_after_0e814629:
# her "Sir..." ("base", "base", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
her "先生..." ("base", "base", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:272
translate chinese ending_after_a63ca652:
# gen "Yes Miss Granger?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "是的,格兰杰小姐?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:273
translate chinese ending_after_00aff683:
# her "Could..." ("normal", "closed", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
her "为什么..." ("normal", "closed", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:274
translate chinese ending_after_adfb5482:
# her "Why can't this moment go on forever?" ("soft", "base", "worried", "mid", cheeks="blush")
her "为什么这一刻不能永远持续下去?" ("soft", "base", "worried", "mid", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:275
translate chinese ending_after_a2e173ca:
# gen "We both know that everything has to come to an end..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "我们都知道一切都必须结束..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:276
translate chinese ending_after_543267ac:
# gen "But hopefully I've been able to teach you how to cherish every moment." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "但希望我能教会你如何珍惜每一刻." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:277
translate chinese ending_after_6b95d903:
# ">Hermione tightens her arms even more as you continue the dance in silence."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:278
translate chinese ending_after_fa651c1d:
# ">After a while, her grip loosens slightly as she shifts her head to look up at you."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:279
translate chinese ending_after_32e6c418:
# her "I..." ("open", "squint", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
her "我..." ("open", "squint", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:280
translate chinese ending_after_aed6d098:
# her "I just wanted to say that...{w=0.5} I'm glad I have you." ("open", "happyCl", "worried", "mid", cheeks="blush")
her "我只是想说...{w=0.5}我很高兴遇到你." ("open", "happyCl", "worried", "mid", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:281
translate chinese ending_after_d64c2e76:
# gen "Where's this suddenly coming from Miss Granger?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "怎么突然这么说,格兰杰小姐?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:282
translate chinese ending_after_6f879efa:
# her "I don't know... it's just..." ("upset", "happy", "base", "L", cheeks="blush")
her "我也不知道...只是..." ("upset", "happy", "base", "L", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:283
translate chinese ending_after_1c2c3ff6:
# her "I couldn't help having this bad feeling in my stomach the entire day." ("soft", "closed", "base", "stare", cheeks="blush")
her "我今天一整天都种不好的感觉." ("soft", "closed", "base", "stare", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:284
translate chinese ending_after_4ddc4803:
# her "It's stayed there up until now...{w} But now it's finally feeling as if the pain has started to go away..." ("upset", "happy", "base", "R", cheeks="blush")
her "这感觉一直持续到刚才...{w} 现在这种感觉终于开始消失了..." ("upset", "happy", "base", "R", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:285
translate chinese ending_after_b130ff2c:
# ">Not knowing how to respond, you stand there in silence for a moment until Hermione pulls you towards her and you both begin moving along with the music once more."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:286
translate chinese ending_after_382ce86c:
# ">After what only feels like seconds the music comes to a close and Hermione takes a step back to look up at you."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:287
translate chinese ending_after_32cb08c0:
# gen "You look tired girl, you'd better head off to bed...{w=0.4} there's always tomorrow." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "你看起来很累,女孩,你最好去睡觉...{w=0.4}明天永远会到来的." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:288
translate chinese ending_after_62ebd5f5:
# her "Oh, yes... I suppose so..." ("soft", "base", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
her "噢,对...我想是这样的..." ("soft", "base", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:289
translate chinese ending_after_d503bf66:
# her "Good night then..." ("base", "happy", "base", "R", cheeks="blush")
her "那晚安了..." ("base", "happy", "base", "R", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:290
translate chinese ending_after_d75abcb3:
# gen "Good night." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "晚安." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:291
translate chinese ending_after_a312bb5a:
# her "Oh... wait,{w=0.3} before you go..." ("open", "happyCl", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
her "哦...等等,{w=0.3}你走之前..." ("open", "happyCl", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:292
translate chinese ending_after_96ee6266:
# gen "Yes?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "嗯?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:296
translate chinese ending_after_10a2e0a5:
# her "..." ("base", "narrow", "worried", "mid", cheeks="blush")
her "..." ("base", "narrow", "worried", "mid", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:297
translate chinese ending_after_8c4b81e0:
# gen "What was that for?" ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "这是为了什么?" ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:298
translate chinese ending_after_e5c754a4:
# her "Nothing, I just felt like you earned it." ("base", "base", "base", "R", cheeks="blush")
her "没什么,我只是觉得你赚到了." ("base", "base", "base", "R", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:299
translate chinese ending_after_a680f3d4:
# her "See you tomorrow..." ("base", "base", "worried", "mid", cheeks="blush")
her "明天见..." ("base", "base", "worried", "mid", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:300
translate chinese ending_after_44a7c6f1_1:
# gen "Good night Miss Granger." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "晚安,格兰杰小姐." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:315
translate chinese ending_after_a1295a77_1:
# gen "Good night princess..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "晚安,我的小公主..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
translate chinese strings:
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:50
old "-Go home, to Agrabah!\n{size=-4}(exit to main menu){/size}-"
new "-回家吧,到阿格拉巴去!\n{size=-4}(退出主菜单){/size}-"
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:50
old "-Cause a time paradox at Hogwarts-"
new "-留在霍格沃茨,引发时间悖论-"
# TODO: Translation updated at 2023-07-05 18:23
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:17
translate chinese ending_after_271ee459:
# g2 "Am I dead...? Is this the end...?"
g2 "我这是死了吗...结束了吗...?"
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:18
translate chinese ending_after_2c4997ae:
# g2 "Genies aren't supposed to die, are they?"
g2 "精灵不是死不了的...吗?"
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:19
translate chinese ending_after_17a0c343:
# g12 "No wait...{w=0.4} This is different...{w=0.4} What is this feeling?"
g12 "不,等等...不一样的...{w=0.4}这是什么感觉?"
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:26
translate chinese ending_after_6f133932:
# g14 "I can see it...{w=0.4} The universe...{w=0.4} No...{w=0.4} Multiple universes... all around me."
g14 "我能看到它,宇宙...不...{w=0.4}多元宇宙...都在围绕着我."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:27
translate chinese ending_after_42c267ad:
# g14 "But...{w=0.4} Why?"
g14 "但...为什么?"
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:42
translate chinese ending_after_1b261da4:
# g14 "This...{w=0.4} It must be my magic!"
g14 "这...这一定是膜法!"
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:43
translate chinese ending_after_9f3889b9:
# g14 "I need to focus where I want to be... Or I'll be stuck...{w=0.4} Stuck here forever!"
g14 "我需要专注的去想我想去的地方...否则我会被钦定...永远的被困在这里!"
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:47
translate chinese ending_after_6ddcfa79:
# g14 "I just left a bunch of sluts at that school!"
g14 "我刚刚做了一点微小的工作--在那所学校留下了一群荡妇!"
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:110
translate chinese ending_after_e34933be:
# nar "You hastily make your way back to the castle, wondering what kind of impulse made you want to leave in the first place..."
nar "你匆匆赶回学院,想知道是什么样的冲动让你一开始就想离开..."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:115
translate chinese ending_after_62ffe0de:
# nar "Arriving at the great hall, you glance through the doors and spot Hermione who's currently enjoying the attention she's receiving from some of the other students."
nar "到达大厅后,你可以透过门看到赫敏,她现在正享受着其他学生对她的关注."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:116
translate chinese ending_after_2c8a0832:
# nar "You decide it's probably best to head back to your office... But before you get the chance to slip into the shadows, Hermione has already begun making her way in your direction."
nar "你决定赶快回办公室.但是在你溜进阴影之前,赫敏已经开始朝着你的方向前进了."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:117
translate chinese ending_after_9c1dab9f:
# nar "As she enters the hallway, you notice some Slytherin students looking in your direction, smirks spreading across their faces."
nar "当她进门时,你注意到一些斯莱特林的学生朝你的方向望去,脸上洋溢着微笑."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:120
translate chinese ending_after_63ea09d6:
# her @ cheeks blush "Back so soon?" ("base", "happy", "base", "L", ypos="head", flip=False)
her @ cheeks blush "这么快就回来了?" ("base", "happy", "base", "L", ypos="head", flip=False)
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:121
translate chinese ending_after_2708321c:
# gen "I... *Err*...{w=0.4} had a change of heart." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "我...呃...{w=0.4}我改变了主意了." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:122
translate chinese ending_after_b2a020cb:
# her "I see... Yes, it is quite cold outside tonight, isn't it?" ("base", "base", "base", "mid")
her "我明白了... 对,今天外面很冷,不是吗?" ("base", "base", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:125
translate chinese ending_after_647bfe54:
# nar "Standing there in silence, looking at Hermione, you can't help but struggle with what to say."
nar "静静地站在那里,看着赫敏,你忍不住想说些什么."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:126
translate chinese ending_after_25f2ba34:
# nar "Hermione looks at you expectantly and breaks the silence by extending one of her arms to you."
nar "赫敏期待地看着你,她伸出一只胳膊,打破了沉默."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:128
translate chinese ending_after_10f9905b:
# her @ cheeks blush "Care for a dance?" ("open", "squint", "base", "mid")
her @ cheeks blush "想跳舞吗?" ("open", "squint", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:130
translate chinese ending_after_3c909b55:
# her @ cheeks blush "..." ("base", "base", "base", "mid")
her @ cheeks blush "..." ("base", "base", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:131
translate chinese ending_after_39989289:
# nar "With your arms wrapped around Hermione's waist, the two of you begin moving along with the music."
nar "你双臂搂住赫敏的腰,你们俩开始随着音乐一起移动."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:132
translate chinese ending_after_cb265c44:
# nar "As some time passes, it's very clear that the Slytherin students are looking at you both through the doorway."
nar "随着时间的推移,越来越多的斯莱特林学生从门口看着你们俩."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:134
translate chinese ending_after_47734896:
# her @ cheeks blush "Yes?" ("base", "narrow", "base", "stare_soft")
her @ cheeks blush "是的?" ("base", "narrow", "base", "stare_soft")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:136
translate chinese ending_after_dcf882ff:
# her @ cheeks blush "..." ("soft", "happyCl", "base", "up")
her @ cheeks blush "..." ("soft", "happyCl", "base", "up")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:137
translate chinese ending_after_66e7e2c4:
# her @ cheeks blush "Hey! At least warn me!" ("clench", "narrow", "annoyed", "L")
her @ cheeks blush "嘿,至少告诉我一声啊!" ("clench", "narrow", "annoyed", "L")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:138
translate chinese ending_after_3d6d2286:
# nar "Swiftly taking your hand away from Hermione's butt, you give a quick smirk towards your audience."
nar "你迅速地把手从赫敏的屁股上拿开,对着观众笑了笑."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:139
translate chinese ending_after_d93a4e31:
# her @ cheeks blush "I didn't say stop..." ("soft", "narrow", "base", "L")
her @ cheeks blush "我可没说停..." ("soft", "narrow", "base", "L")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:141
translate chinese ending_after_3e3ff460:
# nar "Without a moments hesitation you lift her dress up, holding it against her back and leaving her panties exposed."
nar "你毫不犹豫地把她的裙子提了起来,把裙子放到她的背上,让她的内裤露在外面."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:142
translate chinese ending_after_730b13b3:
# her @ cheeks blush "Sir..." ("crooked_smile", "base", "base", "down")
her @ cheeks blush "先生..." ("crooked_smile", "base", "base", "down")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:143
translate chinese ending_after_3387635d:
# nar "Now firmly gripping her butt with your other hand, you begin to massage her cheeks whilst moving along with the music."
nar "此刻,你用一只手紧紧抓住她的屁股,一边随着音乐移动,一边用另一只手开始按摩她的臀部."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:144
translate chinese ending_after_e4e862aa:
# her @ cheeks blush "..." ("grin", "narrow", "worried", "up")
her @ cheeks blush "..." ("grin", "narrow", "worried", "up")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:145
translate chinese ending_after_3745b1da:
# nar "Your hand finds its way back down, pulling Hermione's panties down with it."
nar "你的手向下伸,把赫敏的内裤拉了下来."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:146
translate chinese ending_after_7ce7ab1b:
# her @ cheeks blush "Sir...{w=0.4} what are you doing?" ("open", "happyCl", "base", "stare")
her @ cheeks blush "先生...{w=0.4}你在做什么?" ("open", "happyCl", "base", "stare")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:147
translate chinese ending_after_002ef058:
# gen "You seem a little bit tense... Just giving you a hand..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "你看起来有点紧张...只是在帮你一把..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:148
translate chinese ending_after_833eb157:
# her @ cheeks blush "But... What if someone notices..." ("annoyed", "base", "base", "R")
her @ cheeks blush "但...如果有人注意到..." ("annoyed", "base", "base", "R")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:149
translate chinese ending_after_b9206503:
# nar "Ignoring her pleas you begin rubbing your fingers between her thighs, not bothering to be discreet."
nar "你无视她的请求,你开始用手指在她的大腿之间摩擦,不屑于谨慎行事."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:150
translate chinese ending_after_9150c719:
# her @ cheeks blush "*Ah*...{w} Sir..." ("open", "happyCl", "base", "mid")
her @ cheeks blush "*啊*...{w} 先生..." ("open", "happyCl", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:151
translate chinese ending_after_5c97e977:
# nar "As you move your hand higher up her thighs, Hermione's breathing quickens and a wetness begins to spread across the side of your hand, her legs shaking slightly as she tries to keep it together."
nar "当你把你的手往大腿上伸的时候,赫敏的呼吸加快了,你的手湿透了,她的腿在微微颤抖,因为她试着把腿并在一起."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:152
translate chinese ending_after_d22e2ea8:
# her @ cheeks blush "Sir...{w=0.4} I..." ("open", "happyCl", "base", "down")
her @ cheeks blush "先生...{w=0.4}我..." ("open", "happyCl", "base", "down")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:153
translate chinese ending_after_ab1e64cf:
# nar "With the music soon coming to a close, you shift your hand and begin stroking against her vagina with even more vigour than before."
nar "随着音乐即将结束,你开始用手用比以前更有力的力量抽插她的阴道."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:154
translate chinese ending_after_3e3527d3:
# her @ cheeks blush "Sir...{w=0.3} *Ah*...{w=0.5} they'll...{w=0.2} they'll hear me..." ("mad", "happyCl", "base", "L")
her @ cheeks blush "先生...{w=0.3} *啊*...{w=0.5} 他们会...{w=0.2} 他们会听到的..." ("mad", "happyCl", "base", "L")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:156
translate chinese ending_after_da32bca4:
# her @ cheeks blush "Sir... this isn't the time for..." ("open", "happyCl", "base", "mid")
her @ cheeks blush "先生... 现在不是..." ("open", "happyCl", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:157
translate chinese ending_after_54b79ccf:
# nar "As the music reaches its peak, Hermione moves one of her hands off your back and puts it against her mouth to quickly try and stifle herself."
nar "当音乐达到高潮时,赫敏把她的一只手从你的背上移开,放在嘴边,试图让自己不发出声音."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:162
translate chinese ending_after_5b2c10c7:
# nar "Hermione shudders in your arms and then quickly lets go as the music comes to an end."
nar "赫敏在你怀里发抖,随着音乐的结束,她很快就放手了."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:163
translate chinese ending_after_5f518c7c:
# her @ cheeks blush "*Ah*...{w=0.8}*Ah*...{w=0.8}*Ah*..." ("soft", "happyCl", "base", "mid")
her @ cheeks blush "*啊*...{w=0.8}*哈*...{w=0.8}*啊*..." ("soft", "happyCl", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:164
translate chinese ending_after_aee47466:
# nar "With a quick glance towards the doorway, you notice some Slytherin students have blocked it with their backs towards you."
nar "你快速扫了一眼门口,发现斯莱特林的一些学生背对着你挡住了门."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:166
translate chinese ending_after_55df8945:
# her @ cheeks blush "Yes...{w=0.3} *Ah*...{w=0.6} I just need to...{w=0.3} catch my breath..." ("open", "squint", "worried", "L")
her @ cheeks blush "是...{w=0.3} *啊*...{w=0.6} 我只需要...{w=0.3}喘口气..." ("open", "squint", "worried", "L")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:168
translate chinese ending_after_eff0e5ab:
# her @ cheeks blush "Oh...{w=0.3} *Ah*...{w=0.3} I didn't even notice..." ("open", "happy", "worried", "mid")
her @ cheeks blush "哦...{w=0.3} *啊*...{w=0.3}我都没注意到..." ("open", "happy", "worried", "mid")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:169
translate chinese ending_after_b6353f75:
# nar "Hermione moves to stand up but stumbles as she tries to compose herself..."
nar "赫敏站了起来,但在努力恢复镇定时被裙子绊倒了..."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:170
translate chinese ending_after_f78d5792:
# nar "As she gets on her feet, she looks up and notices the backs of the Slytherins in the doorway. She spins around to look at you, a red colour quickly spreading across her cheeks."
nar "当她站起来时,她抬起头来,注意到门口斯莱特林学生的背影.她转过身来看着你,脸上的红色很快蔓延开来."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:171
translate chinese ending_after_3ff5d68d:
# her @ cheeks blush "I...{w=0.3} I think I'd better head off to bed then..." ("mad", "squint", "base", "stare_soft")
her @ cheeks blush "我...{w=0.3} 我想我最好去睡觉了..." ("mad", "squint", "base", "stare_soft")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:173
translate chinese ending_after_ffb754ad:
# her @ cheeks blush "Okay then..." ("soft", "squint", "worried", "R")
her @ cheeks blush "好的,那..." ("soft", "squint", "worried", "R")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:174
translate chinese ending_after_9e2e121b:
# her @ cheeks blush "Good night..." ("base", "squint", "worried", "mid")
her @ cheeks blush "晚安..." ("base", "squint", "worried", "mid")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:175
translate chinese ending_after_ad59d22b:
# gen "Good night, Miss Granger." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "晚安,格兰杰小姐." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:203
translate chinese ending_after_c5867e83:
# sna "You motherfucker..." ("snape_01")
sna "你这个混蛋..." ("snape_01")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:206
translate chinese ending_after_334b7c68:
# gen "Hey, it's not my fault this place has so many--" ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "嘿,这地方这么多人不是我的错..." ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:207
translate chinese ending_after_8e51d864:
# gen "I have urges, okay?" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "是我冲动了,好吧?" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:210
translate chinese ending_after_375c70e9:
# sna "So I take it that you have... unfinished business to complete before you depart?" ("snape_37")
sna "所以我认为你...在离开之前还有未尽的事宜?" ("snape_37")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:211
translate chinese ending_after_7d3ad333:
# gen "A headmaster can't just up and leave before the school year is over, can he?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "校长不能在学年结束前就起身离开,是吧?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:212
translate chinese ending_after_1305dfaf:
# gen "Also, I'm getting quite fond of the place... Not that I want to pick out curtains or anything." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "我也很喜欢这个地方...并不是说我想挑选窗帘或任何东西." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:214
translate chinese ending_after_4dbe1811:
# sna "Very well... Our little scheme continues." ("snape_02")
sna "很好...我们的小计划还在继续." ("snape_02")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:218
translate chinese ending_after_433a95fb:
# sna "I'm sure you do..." ("snape_01")
sna "我相信你会的..." ("snape_01")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:224
translate chinese ending_after_6ea9be50:
# nar "Arriving at the great hall, you decide to take a quick glance through the doorway before heading back to your office."
nar "到达秋季舞会会堂后,你决定在返回办公室之前看一下现场的状况."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:225
translate chinese ending_after_06463283:
# nar "Hermione is currently looking out one of the windows and is not aware of your presence."
nar "赫敏现在正忙着往窗外看,没有注意到你的存在."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:226
translate chinese ending_after_f263da31:
# nar "You glance over at the high table and lock eyes with Snape, who quickly stands up and then slides towards you."
nar "你瞥了一眼老师的席位,斯内普注意到了你,他急忙站起来,迅速向你跑了过来."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:230
translate chinese ending_after_d112e65e:
# sna "*Ahem*...{w=0.4} I see..." ("snape_06")
sna "*嗯哼...*{w=0.4}我看到了..." ("snape_06")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:232
translate chinese ending_after_47f7525d:
# sna "Who...{w=0.5} Who rules?" ("snape_09")
sna "谁...{w=0.5}谁定的规矩?" ("snape_09")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:237
translate chinese ending_after_2379d336:
# sna "You motherfucker!" ("snape_20")
sna "你这个混蛋!" ("snape_20")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:243
translate chinese ending_after_c9e78da8:
# gen "Ah... Yes..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "*啊*...对啊..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:249
translate chinese ending_after_6fcbf9b9:
# gen "Can't just leave in the middle of the school year, can I? What kind of headmaster would do that?" ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "我不能在学年中离开.什么样的校长会这样吊儿郎当的?" ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:259
translate chinese ending_after_68466655:
# gen "In that case, I'll head back to my office." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "以防万一,我先回办公室去." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:262
translate chinese ending_after_e2d93220:
# nar "As Snape slides back towards the teacher's table, Hermione notices your presence and quickly starts walking towards you."
nar "当斯内普回到老师的席位时,赫敏注意到你的存在,并迅速向你走来."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:263
translate chinese ending_after_456cba90:
# nar "Before you can even attempt to slip into the shadows again, she's already come through the doorway with one of her arms held out in front of her."
nar "在你试图再次躲进阴影之前,她已经伸出一只胳膊拽住了你."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:264
translate chinese ending_after_73e9e143:
# her @ cheeks blush "Care for a dance?" ("base", "happy", "base", "L", ypos="head", flip=False)
her @ cheeks blush "想跳支舞吗?" ("base", "happy", "base", "L", ypos="head", flip=False)
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:265
translate chinese ending_after_b1213142:
# gen "I...{w=0.4} Oh, what the hell... Why not." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "我...{w=0.4} 哦,见鬼...为什么不呢." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:266
translate chinese ending_after_437e6a7b:
# her @ cheeks blush "..." ("base", "narrow", "base", "down")
her @ cheeks blush "..." ("base", "narrow", "base", "down")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:267
translate chinese ending_after_39989289_1:
# nar "With your arms wrapped around Hermione's waist, the two of you begin moving along with the music."
nar "你双臂搂住赫敏的腰,你们俩开始随着音乐一起移动."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:268
translate chinese ending_after_58c67e87:
# nar "After some time passes, you can't help but look down at her butt sticking out below your hands."
nar "过了一段时间,你忍不住往下看赫敏,伸出手抓她的屁股."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:270
translate chinese ending_after_2739d8b2:
# her @ cheeks blush "Yes?" ("open", "base", "base", "L")
her @ cheeks blush "怎么了?" ("open", "base", "base", "L")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:271
translate chinese ending_after_fe05a508:
# nar "You move your hands down to Hermione butt, and she smiles and tightens her grip around you."
nar "你把手放在赫敏的屁股上,她微笑着紧紧地抱住你. "
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:272
translate chinese ending_after_4b76cd99:
# nar "Gently resting your hands against her cheeks you return to slowly moving along with the music."
nar "你轻轻地把手放在她的屁股上,随着音乐慢慢地移动."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:273
translate chinese ending_after_e05c5b4f:
# her @ cheeks blush "Sir..." ("base", "base", "base", "mid")
her @ cheeks blush "先生..." ("base", "base", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:274
translate chinese ending_after_ce64e944:
# gen "Yes, Miss Granger?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "是的,格兰杰小姐?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:275
translate chinese ending_after_2e6812b1:
# her @ cheeks blush "Could..." ("normal", "closed", "base", "mid")
her @ cheeks blush "为什么..." ("normal", "closed", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:276
translate chinese ending_after_760ca4c4:
# her @ cheeks blush "Why can't this moment go on forever?" ("soft", "base", "worried", "mid")
her @ cheeks blush "为什么这一刻不能永远持续下去?" ("soft", "base", "worried", "mid")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:279
translate chinese ending_after_ef6d592e:
# nar "Hermione tightens her arms even more as you continue the dance in silence."
nar "你们在沉默中继续跳舞,赫敏收紧了双臂,紧紧抓着你."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:280
translate chinese ending_after_fbca086f:
# nar "After a while, her grip lessens slightly as she shifts her head to look up at you."
nar "过了一会儿,当她抬起头来看着你时,她的稍微放松了."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:281
translate chinese ending_after_cb5241fe:
# her @ cheeks blush "I..." ("open", "squint", "base", "mid")
her @ cheeks blush "我..." ("open", "squint", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:282
translate chinese ending_after_77aabba4:
# her @ cheeks blush "I just wanted to say that...{w=0.5} I'm glad I have you." ("open", "happyCl", "worried", "mid")
her @ cheeks blush "我只是想说...{w=0.5}我很高兴遇到你." ("open", "happyCl", "worried", "mid")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:283
translate chinese ending_after_e486de0b:
# gen "Where's this suddenly coming from, Miss Granger?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "怎么突然这么说,格兰杰小姐?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:284
translate chinese ending_after_819c7506:
# her @ cheeks blush "I don't know... It's just..." ("upset", "happy", "base", "L")
her @ cheeks blush "我也不知道...只是..." ("upset", "happy", "base", "L")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:285
translate chinese ending_after_2e6cef6e:
# her @ cheeks blush "I've had this bad feeling in my stomach all day." ("soft", "closed", "base", "stare")
her @ cheeks blush "我今天一整天都种不好的感觉." ("soft", "closed", "base", "stare")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:286
translate chinese ending_after_01014013:
# her @ cheeks blush "It's stayed there until now...{w} But now it's finally feeling as if the pain has started to go away..." ("upset", "happy", "base", "R")
her @ cheeks blush "这感觉一直持续到刚才...{w} 现在这种感觉终于开始消失了..." ("upset", "happy", "base", "R")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:287
translate chinese ending_after_518787d6:
# nar "Not knowing how to respond, you stand there in silence for a moment until Hermione pulls you towards her and you both begin moving along with the music once more."
nar "你不知道该如何回应,沉默地站在那里,直到赫敏把你拉向她,你们俩又开始跟着音乐跳起来了."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:288
translate chinese ending_after_db06e7f8:
# nar "After what only feels like seconds, the music comes to a close and Hermione takes a step back to look up at you."
nar "只过了几秒钟,音乐就结束了,赫敏后退一步,抬头看着你."
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:289
translate chinese ending_after_3e3bfc21:
# gen "You look tired girl... You'd better head off to bed...{w=0.4} There's always tomorrow." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "你看起来很累,女孩,你最好去睡觉...{w=0.4}明天永远会到来的." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:290
translate chinese ending_after_3871005b:
# her @ cheeks blush "Oh, yes... I suppose so..." ("soft", "base", "base", "mid")
her @ cheeks blush "噢,对...我想是这样的..." ("soft", "base", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:291
translate chinese ending_after_ffb04c4b:
# her @ cheeks blush "Good night then..." ("base", "happy", "base", "R")
her @ cheeks blush "那晚安了..." ("base", "happy", "base", "R")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:293
translate chinese ending_after_863111bf:
# her @ cheeks blush "Oh... wait,{w=0.3} Before I go..." ("open", "happyCl", "base", "mid")
her @ cheeks blush "哦...等等,{w=0.3}你走之前..." ("open", "happyCl", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:294
translate chinese ending_after_96ee6266_1:
# gen "Yes?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "嗯?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:298
translate chinese ending_after_974a584e:
# her @ cheeks blush "..." ("base", "narrow", "worried", "mid")
her @ cheeks blush "..." ("base", "narrow", "worried", "mid")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:300
translate chinese ending_after_eb1efd4c:
# her @ cheeks blush "Nothing, I just felt like you earned it." ("base", "base", "base", "R")
her @ cheeks blush "没什么,我只是觉得你赚到了." ("base", "base", "base", "R")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:301
translate chinese ending_after_2e94b3ce:
# her @ cheeks blush "See you tomorrow..." ("base", "base", "worried", "mid")
her @ cheeks blush "明天见..." ("base", "base", "worried", "mid")
# game/scripts/events/ending_after.rpy:302
translate chinese ending_after_ad59d22b_1:
# gen "Good night, Miss Granger." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "晚安,格兰杰小姐." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")