* Added checkpoints to forbid the editor from rolling back to menu context * Added forced checkpoint for when the editor is being opened to avoid rolling back to before it was opened (by opening a console for example) * Alleviated the issue for when the game tries to recover from the place it cannot stop rolling back, but version var is unavailable because of it being not initialized in that moment
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195 lines
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label summon_tonks:
$ active_girl = "tonks"
$ last_character = "tonks"
$ tonks_busy = True
call update_ton_tier
call update_tonks
call play_music("tonks")
call play_sound("door")
$ renpy.checkpoint(hard=True)
# Clothes Events
call tonks_summon_setup
label tonks_requests:
# Reset
call reset_menu_position
ton "" (xpos="base",ypos="base")
# Talk
"-Talk-" (icon="interface/icons/small/talk.webp"):
if ton_mood > 0:
ton "I have a headache right now, let's talk later."
jump tonks_requests
call tonks_chitchat
jump tonks_talk
# Favours
"-Sexual favours-" (icon="interface/icons/small/condom.webp"):
jump tonks_favor_menu
# Fireplace Chats
"-Let's hang-" (icon="interface/icons/small/toast.webp") if (wine_ITEM.owned > 0 and nt_he_drink.counter == 0) or (firewhisky_ITEM.owned > 0 and nt_he_drink.counter > 0):
jump tonks_hangout
"-Let's hang-" (icon="interface/icons/small/toast.webp", style="disabled") if (firewhisky_ITEM.owned < 1 and nt_he_drink.counter > 0):
gen "(I don't have any firewhisky...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
jump tonks_requests
"-Let's hang-" (icon="interface/icons/small/toast.webp", style="disabled") if (wine_ITEM.owned < 1 and nt_he_drink.counter == 0):
gen "(I don't have any wine...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
jump tonks_requests
# Wardrobe
"-Wardrobe-" (icon="interface/icons/small/wardrobe.webp") if tonks_wardrobe_unlocked:
hide tonks_main with d1
call wardrobe
# Hair fix
$ tonks_haircolor = tonks.get_equipped("hair").color
jump tonks_requests
"-Hidden-" (style="disabled") if not tonks_wardrobe_unlocked:
call nar(">You haven't unlocked this feature yet.")
jump tonks_requests
"-Give Item-" (icon="interface/icons/small/gift.webp"):
hide tonks_main with d1
call gift_menu
jump tonks_requests
# Dismiss
"-Never mind-":
stop music fadeout 3.0
if game.daytime:
ton "Alright, back to work then..."
ton "Sweet dreams, [ton_genie_name]."
call play_sound("door")
jump end_tonks_event
# Tonks level up
label update_ton_tier:
if ton_tier == 1 and nt_he.favors_E2:
$ ton_level_up = 1
label tonks_level_up(tier=None):
call bld
if tier == 1:
gen "(Time to teach those students something useful!)" ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
$ ton_tier = tier+1
$ ton_level_up = None
call nar(">Tonks has reached level "+str(ton_tier)+"!")
call update_ton_tier
# Tonks Requests Menu
label tonks_favor_menu:
# call update_tonks_favors
"-Level Up-" (icon="interface/icons/small/levelup.webp") if ton_level_up != None:
call tonks_level_up(tier=ton_level_up)
jump tonks_requests
"-Personal Favours-" (icon="interface/icons/small/heart_red.webp", style="disabled"):
call not_available
jump tonks_favor_menu
# Uncomment once favours are ready
# label .personal:
# python:
# menu_choices = []
# for i in nt_favor_list:
# if i in []: # Not in the game yet.
# menu_choices.append(gui.menu_item("-Not available-", "na", style="disabled"))
# elif i.start_tier > ton_tier:
# menu_choices.append(gui.menu_item("-Not ready-", "vague", style="disabled"))
# else:
# menu_choices.append(i.get_menu_item())
# menu_choices.append(("-Never mind-", "nvm"))
# result = renpy.display_menu(menu_choices)
# if result == "nvm":
# jump tonks_favor_menu
# elif result == "vague":
# call favor_not_ready
# jump .personal
# elif result == "na":
# call not_available
# jump .personal
# else:
# $ renpy.jump(result)
"-Public Requests-" (icon="interface/icons/small/star_yellow.webp") if game.daytime and tonks_requests_unlocked:
jump tonks_requests_menu
"-Public Requests-" (icon="interface/icons/small/star_yellow.webp", style="disabled") if not game.daytime or not tonks_requests_unlocked:
if not tonks_requests_unlocked:
call nar(">You haven't unlocked this feature yet.")
elif not game.daytime:
call nar(">Public requests are available during the day only.")
jump tonks_favor_menu
"-Never mind-":
jump tonks_requests
label tonks_requests_menu:
call update_ton_requests
menu_choices = []
for i in nt_requests_list:
if i in []: # Not in the game yet.
menu_choices.append(gui.menu_item("-Not available-", "na", style="disabled"))
elif i.start_tier > ton_tier:
menu_choices.append(gui.menu_item("-Not ready-", "vague", style="disabled"))
menu_choices.append(("-Never mind-", "nvm"))
result = renpy.display_menu(menu_choices)
if result == "nvm":
jump tonks_favor_menu
elif result == "vague":
call favor_not_ready
jump tonks_requests_menu
elif result == "na":
call not_available
jump tonks_requests_menu
$ renpy.jump(result)
label update_ton_requests:
# Set event tier to current Tonks tier if they are different
for i in nt_requests_list:
i.tier = ton_tier