LoafyLemon 2acccbea5a Bodyparts, Modding, Bug fixes
* Added DollBodypart class to allow more extensive modding support for characters, along with dedicates layers for breasts, hips and so on...
* Added more bangs into DollClothDynamic, allowing tracking of singular objects and the ability to chainload the IDs
* Added get_character_body global method
* Added istype global method
* Improved caching, layering for dynamic clothes
* Improved hashing for Doll instances
* Improved readability and improved internal naming convention for Doll-type classes
* Removed dedicated buttplug slot (superseded by multislot reimplementation)
* Fixed clothing supplied skin layer issues with zorders
* Fixed DollClothDynamic __repr__ lack of quotes
* Fixed Hermione's open_wide_tongue mouth
* Fixed Hermione's tattoos missing images
* Fixed Cho's 'goodbye' after-summon skit using wrong number of expressions
2023-02-07 19:22:05 +00:00

172 lines
6.1 KiB

init python:
class DollOutfit(DollMethods):
default_schedule = {"day": False, "night": False, "cloudy": False, "rainy": False, "snowy": False}
def __init__(self, group, unlocked=False, name="", desc="", price=0, temp=False, schedule={}, hidden=False, addons=[]):
self.group = [x.clone() if not x.parent else x for x in group]
self.name = name
self.desc = desc
self.price = price
self.char = self.group[0].char
self.unlocked = unlocked
self.schedule = dict(list(self.default_schedule.items()) + list(schedule.items()))
self.temp = temp
self.hidden = hidden
self.addons = addons
self._hash = self.generate_hash()
if not self.temp:
if unlocked:
if not self.hidden and not self in self.char.outfits:
def __hash__(self):
return self._hash
def __eq__(self, obj):
if not isinstance(obj, DollOutfit):
return NotImplemented
return self._hash == obj._hash
def generate_hash(self):
salt = str( [self.name, str([x._hash for x in self.group]) ] )
return hash(salt)
def delete(self):
if self in self.char.outfits:
def build_image(self, hash):
from itertools import chain
matrix = SaturationMatrix(0.0)
sprites = list(chain.from_iterable(
(self.char.body.build_image(self.char.body._hash, matrix),
*(x.build_image(x._hash, matrix) for x in self.group))
masks = [sprites.pop(sprites.index(x)) for x in sprites if x[0] == "mask"]
back_sprites = [x[1] for x in sprites if x[2] < 0]
#Apply alpha mask
for m in masks:
_, mask, mask_zorder = m
for i, s in enumerate(sprites):
_, sprite, sprite_zorder = s
if i < 1 or mask_zorder > sprite_zorder:
masked = AlphaMask(Fixed(*(x[1] for x in sprites[:i]), fit_first=True), mask)
sprites = sprites[i:]
sprites.insert(0, (None, masked, mask_zorder))
sprites = back_sprites + [x[1] for x in sprites]
return Fixed(*sprites, fit_first=True)
def image(self):
return self.build_image(self._hash)
def exists(self):
return (self in self.char.outfits)
def export_data(self, filename, tofile=True):
"""Exports outfit to .png file or clipboard text."""
exported = [self.group[0].name]
exported.extend([x.id, x.color] for x in self.group)
# Encode data
if tofile:
path = "{}/game/outfits/".format(config.basedir)
fn = "{}.png".format(filename)
if not os.path.exists(path):
d = Transform(self.image, crop=(210, 200, 700, 1000), anchor=(0.5, 1.0), align=(0.5, 1.0), xsize=310, ysize=470, fit="contain")
d = Fixed(
Text(active_girl, align=(0.5, 0.995)),
Text("Ver. {}".format(config.version), size=10, align=(0.99, 0.99))
displayable_to_file(d, path+fn, size=(310, 470) )
image_payload.encode(filename, str(exported))
renpy.notify("Export successful!")
def unlock(self):
"""Unlocks outfit and respective clothing objects from which they were cloned."""
self.unlocked = True
for i in self.group:
for i in self.addons:
def save(self):
"""Overwrites this outfit with clothes currently equipped by the character."""
self.group = [x[0].clone() for x in self.char.states.values() if x[0]]
def is_modded(self):
"""Returns True if one of the group items comes from a mod."""
for i in self.group:
if i.is_modded():
return True
return False
def get_modname(self):
"""Returns a list of mods contained within the outfit group."""
return list(set([i.get_modname() for i in self.group if i.is_modded()]))
def get_schedule(self):
"""Returns a dictionary with the current schedule."""
return self.schedule
def set_schedule(self, **kwargs):
for k, v in kwargs.items():
self.schedule[k] = v
def has_type(self, *args):
"""Takes argument(s) containing string cloth type(s). Returns True if worn, False otherwise."""
types = set(x.type for x in self.group)
for arg in args:
if arg in self.multislots:
if not any(x.startswith(arg) for x in types):
return False
if not arg in types:
return False
return True
def has_any_type(self, *args):
"""Takes arguments containing string cloth types. Returns True if ANY of them is worn, False otherwise."""
if "clothes" in args:
for k in self.char.states.keys():
if not k.startswith(self.blacklist_toggles):
if self.has_type(k):
return True
for arg in args:
if self.has_type(arg):
return True
return False