LoafyLemon 99f174cfbb Refactoring, Optimizations, Bug fixes
* Fixed Hermione's hslut panties
* Refactored image calls
* Refactored character poses (partially)
* Added hash generation to all Doll-type displayables
* Hashed and cached Doll layers (Greatly improves rollback performance)
* Fixed outfit and colour randomization
* Added is_stale method to doll-type displayables to reduce code complexity
* Removed doll-related redundant global methods
* Added AVIF format support
* Simplified Doll posing
* and more...
2023-01-18 20:22:59 +00:00

88 lines
2.6 KiB

init python:
class DollBody(DollMethods):
layer_types = {
# Body class has no use for layer types
layer_modifiers = {
"zorder": None,
def __init__(self, obj):
self.char = obj
self.hue = HueMatrix(0)
self.zorder = 0
self._hash = None
def set_hue(self, hue):
self.hue = HueMatrix(hue)
def generate_hash(self):
salt = str( [self.char.name + self.char.pose, str(self.hue.__hash__())])
return hash(salt)
def get_layers(self, hash):
path = os.path.join("characters", self.char.name, self.char.pose, "body")
extensions = self.extensions
modifiers = self.layer_modifiers
layers = {}
for f in renpy.list_files():
fp, fn = os.path.split(f)
fn, ext = os.path.splitext(fn)
if not fp == path or not ext in extensions:
_, *tails = fn.rsplit("_")
zorder = self.zorder
if tails:
lmodifier, *tails = tails
if not lmodifier in modifiers:
print("Invalid modifier for file: {}".format(f))
zorder_mod = modifiers.get(lmodifier)
zorder = (zorder + int(zorder_mod)) if lmodifier != "zorder" else int(tails[-1])
layers.setdefault(fn, [f, zorder])
return layers
def build_image(self, hash, matrix=None):
if matrix is None:
matrix = self.hue
processors = {
"default": lambda file: Transform(Image(file), matrixcolor=matrix),
layers = self.get_layers(hash)
sprites = []
for identifier, (file, zorder) in layers.items():
processor = processors.get(identifier, processors["default"])
processed_file = processor(file)
sprites.append((identifier, processed_file, zorder))
return sprites
def image(self):
if not renpy.is_skipping() and self.is_stale():
hash = self._hash
sprites = self.build_image(hash, self.hue)
sprites = [x[1] for x in sprites]
self._image = Fixed(*sprites, fit_first=True)
return self._image