2024-03-24 16:16:11 +00:00

342 lines
11 KiB

label desk:
if game.day == 1:
if not states.gen.ev.intro.desk_examined:
$ states.gen.ev.intro.desk_examined = True
$ desk_OBJ.idle = "ch_gen sit_behind_desk"
call bld
gen "A desk of some sort..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "And a letter..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "Mailed to a certain \"Albus Dumbledore\"." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "Should I open it?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
"-Read the letter-":
call bld
gen "Of course I will!" ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
"-Leave it be-":
call bld
gen "Hell no!" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "Of course I will read it!" ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# First letter from Hermione
$ desk_OBJ.foreground = None
$ letter_hg_1.open()
gen "*Ehm*........." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "What?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "................................." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "I've already checked the desk." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
if states.gen.ev.intro.bird_examined and states.gen.ev.intro.desk_examined and states.gen.ev.intro.cupboard_examined and states.gen.ev.intro.door_examined and states.gen.ev.intro.fireplace_examined:
jump genie_intro_E2
jump main_room_menu
# TODO: Refactor. Low priority.
call update_character_map_locations
play sound "sounds/scroll.ogg"
call screen desk_menu(_with_none=False) with d1
#Do NOT add a transition here!
$ renpy.dynamic(__choice = _return)
if __choice == "hermione" and states.her.busy:
if game.daytime:
nar "Hermione is taking classes."
jump main_room_menu
nar "Hermione is already asleep."
jump main_room_menu
elif __choice == "hermione" and not states.her.busy:
if states.her.map_location == "forest":
nar "Hermione is currently at the Forbidden Forest.\n>Would you like to go there?"
"-Yes, pay her a visit-":
jump hermione_map_BJ
"-No, summon her to your office-":
jump summon_hermione
elif states.lun.unlocked and __choice == "luna" and states.lun.busy:
if game.daytime:
nar "Luna is taking classes."
jump main_room_menu
nar "Luna is already asleep."
jump main_room_menu
elif states.lun.unlocked and __choice == "luna" and not states.lun.busy:
jump summon_luna
elif states.ast.busy and __choice == "astoria":
if game.daytime:
nar "Astoria is taking classes."
jump main_room_menu
nar "Astoria is already asleep."
jump main_room_menu
elif not states.ast.busy and __choice == "astoria": #Summoning after intro events done.
jump summon_astoria
elif __choice == "susan" and states.sus.busy:
if game.daytime:
nar "Susan is taking classes."
jump main_room_menu
nar "Susan is already asleep."
jump main_room_menu
elif __choice == "susan" and not states.sus.busy:
jump summon_susan
elif __choice == "cho" and states.cho.busy:
if game.daytime:
nar "Cho is taking classes."
jump main_room_menu
nar "Cho is already asleep."
jump main_room_menu
elif __choice == "cho" and not states.cho.busy:
jump summon_cho
elif __choice == "snape" and states.sna.busy:
nar "Professor Snape is unavailable."
if game.daytime:
jump main_room_menu
jump main_room_menu
elif __choice == "snape" and not states.sna.busy:
jump summon_snape
elif __choice == "tonks" and states.ton.busy:
nar "Tonks is unavailable."
if game.daytime:
jump main_room_menu
jump main_room_menu
elif __choice == "tonks" and not states.ton.busy:
jump summon_tonks
elif __choice == "Close":
jump main_room_menu
elif __choice in {"snape_office", "seventh_floor", "map_lake", "map_forest", "map_attic", "clothing_store", "item_store", "ravenclaw_dormitories", "gryffindor_dormitories"}:
call gen_chibi("stand", "desk", "base")
with d3
call gen_walk(action="leave", speed=1.5)
jump expression __choice
screen desk_menu():
tag desk_interface
zorder 5
default ball_hint = None
add "interface/desk/_bg_.webp"
if states.map.unlocked:
use map_screen
# Ugly hands
# add "interface/desk/_hands_.webp" xpos 0 ypos -30
use crystal_ball(ball_hint)
use watch
if item_store_intro_done:
add "interface/desk/book.webp" xalign 1.0 xpos 1080 ypos 0
xpos 1080
ypos 0
xalign 1.0
idle "interface/desk/book.webp"
hover "interface/desk/book_hover.webp"
hovered SetScreenVariable("ball_hint", "book")
keysym "inventory"
unhovered SetScreenVariable("ball_hint", None)
action Return("inventory")
#Tissue Box
add "interface/desk/tissues.webp" xalign 1.0 xpos 1080 ypos 320
xpos 1080
ypos 320
xalign 1.0
idle "interface/desk/tissues.webp"
hover "interface/desk/tissues_hover.webp"
hovered SetScreenVariable("ball_hint", "jerk_off")
keysym "fap"
unhovered SetScreenVariable("ball_hint", None)
action Return("jerk_off")
if states.paperwork_unlocked:
xpos -10
ypos 0
xalign 0.0
idle "interface/desk/work.webp"
hover "interface/desk/work_hover.webp"
hovered SetScreenVariable("ball_hint", "work")
keysym "work"
unhovered SetScreenVariable("ball_hint", None)
action Return("paperwork")
if states.cardgame.unlocked: #Or letter_cards_unlock.read #Day 26+
xpos 0
ypos 600
xalign 0.0
yalign 1.0
idle "interface/desk/cards.webp"
hover "interface/desk/cards_hover.webp"
hovered SetScreenVariable("ball_hint", "cards")
unhovered SetScreenVariable("ball_hint", None)
action Return("deck_builder")
xanchor 0.5
yanchor 1.0
xpos 510
ypos 600
idle "interface/desk/exit_mask.webp"
hover "interface/desk/exit.webp"
hovered SetScreenVariable("ball_hint", "exit")
unhovered SetScreenVariable("ball_hint", None)
action Return("Close")
#Night Overlay
if not game.daytime:
add "interface/desk/_night_overlay_.webp"
use close_button
screen crystal_ball(ball_hint):
tag desk_interface
zorder 8
add "interface/desk/crystal_ball.webp" xpos 268 ypos 0
if ball_hint is not None:
add "interface/desk/hints/glow.webp" xpos 268+40
add "interface/desk/hints/"+str(ball_hint)+ ".webp" xpos 268+125 xanchor 0.5
screen watch():
#Day/Night Clock
add "interface/desk/watch.webp" xpos 603 ypos 0
xpos 603
ypos 0
idle "interface/desk/watch.webp"
hover "interface/desk/watch_hover.webp"
unhovered SetScreenVariable("ball_hint", None)
keysym "sleep"
hovered If(game.daytime, SetScreenVariable("ball_hint", "doze_off"), SetScreenVariable("ball_hint", "sleep"))
action If(game.daytime, Return("night_start"), Return("day_start"))
$ watch_x = 603 +67
$ watch_y = 35
if game.weather == "rain":
add "interface/desk/watch/rain.webp" xpos watch_x ypos watch_y
elif game.weather in ("snow", "blizzard"):
add "interface/desk/watch/snow.webp" xpos watch_x ypos watch_y
elif game.weather == "storm":
add "interface/desk/watch/storm.webp" xpos watch_x ypos watch_y
if game.daytime:
add "interface/desk/watch/sun.webp" xpos watch_x ypos watch_y
add "interface/desk/watch/moon.webp" xpos watch_x ypos watch_y
if game.daytime:
add "interface/desk/watch/day.webp" xpos watch_x+40 ypos watch_y+6 xanchor 0.5
add "interface/desk/watch/night.webp" xpos watch_x+40 ypos watch_y+6 xanchor 0.5
label paperwork:
if letter_work_report in mailbox.get_letters():
gen "(I need to get paid first.)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
jump main_room_menu
call weather_sound
if not renpy.music.is_playing("weather"):
call music_block
stop music fadeout 1.0
call gen_chibi("paperwork")
with d3
nar "You do some paperwork."
call paperwork_progress_chapter
if not game.daytime and game.moon:
call paperwork_full_moon
call gen_chibi("sit_behind_desk")
if game.daytime:
jump night_start
jump day_start
label paperwork_report_check:
# Check if a report was completed
if states.paperwork_chapters >= 4:
nar "You've completed a report."
$ states.paperwork_chapters = 0
$ states.paperwork_reports += 1
$ states.paperwork_reports_times += 1
label paperwork_progress_chapter(message = ""):
$ states.paperwork_chapters += 1
call notes
if states.paperwork_chapters == 1:
"[message]You finished one chapter so far."
"[message]You finished {number=states.paperwork_chapters} chapters so far."
call paperwork_report_check
label paperwork_full_moon:
call paperwork_progress_chapter("The Full moon makes you feel more productive.\n")
label paperwork_concentration:
call paperwork_progress_chapter("You maintain perfect concentration during your work and finish another chapter of the report.\n")
label paperwork_speedwriting:
call paperwork_progress_chapter("You use your Speedwriting skills and finish another chapter of the report.\n")
screen gui_tooltip(img=None, xx=335, yy=210):
add img xpos xx ypos yy
zorder 3