
1753 lines
69 KiB

# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:10
translate chinese working_menu_070e2826:
# gen "(I'll need an outfit for hermione if I want her to work.)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "(I'll need an outfit for hermione if I want her to work.)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:14
translate chinese working_menu_d290c427:
# "This job is only available during the day."
"This job is only available during the day."
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:40
translate chinese working_menu_e867860f:
# "You haven't unlocked this job opportunity yet."
"You haven't unlocked this job opportunity yet."
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:47
translate chinese working_menu_070e2826_1:
# gen "(I'll need an outfit for hermione if I want her to work.)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "(I'll need an outfit for hermione if I want her to work.)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:48
translate chinese working_menu_c74aadfe:
# gen "(Maybe the twins have something fitting for her in their stock.)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "(Maybe the twins have something fitting for her in their stock.)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:52
translate chinese working_menu_d290c427_1:
# "This job is only available during the day."
"This job is only available during the day."
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:61
translate chinese working_menu_acaa4d78:
# her "I'm still looking for that student, [genie_name]!" ("open", "closed", "base", "mid")
her "I'm still looking for that student, [genie_name]!" ("open", "closed", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:62
translate chinese working_menu_f963ed48:
# her "Trust in me, I will find that Slytherin scum!" ("angry", "base", "angry", "mid")
her "Trust in me, I will find that Slytherin scum!" ("angry", "base", "angry", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:74
translate chinese working_menu_8bad9d6d:
# gen "(I should ask Snape what to do about that Cho girl first. Just to be safe.)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "(I should ask Snape what to do about that Cho girl first. Just to be safe.)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:75
translate chinese working_menu_993e69c3:
# gen "(Might as well have a drink with him...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "(Might as well have a drink with him...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:257
translate chinese genie_change_a5ce5ce0:
# her "Okay, from now on I'll call you [genie_name]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid")
her "Okay, from now on I'll call you [genie_name]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:261
translate chinese genie_change_fail_6efd5f00:
# her "I'm not calling you that!" ("scream", "closed", "angry", "mid")
her "I'm not calling you that!" ("scream", "closed", "angry", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:267
translate chinese hermione_change_8d0b199d:
# her "Sure, [genie_name]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid")
her "Sure, [genie_name]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:269
translate chinese hermione_change_c2f892f5:
# her "You don't have to be so formal, [genie_name], you know?" ("base", "closed", "base", "mid")
her "You don't have to be so formal, [genie_name], you know?" ("base", "closed", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:270
translate chinese hermione_change_fce58700:
# her "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid")
her "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:272
translate chinese hermione_change_c6fc3d9f:
# her "Of course [genie_name]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid")
her "Of course [genie_name]." ("base", "base", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:275
translate chinese hermione_change_991d7c9f:
# her "This girl thing again?" ("annoyed", "happy", "base", "mid")
her "This girl thing again?" ("annoyed", "happy", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:276
translate chinese hermione_change_7295dfaf:
# her "*sigh*..." ("soft", "happy", "base", "R")
her "*sigh*..." ("soft", "happy", "base", "R")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:278
translate chinese hermione_change_4013f241:
# her "Fine... I don't mind." ("soft", "base", "base", "R")
her "Fine... I don't mind." ("soft", "base", "base", "R")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:281
translate chinese hermione_change_b427170d:
# her "*sigh* I just enjoy books, that's all." ("annoyed", "narrow", "worried", "down")
her "*sigh* I just enjoy books, that's all." ("annoyed", "narrow", "worried", "down")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:282
translate chinese hermione_change_54d4f6fd:
# gen "I'm sure you'll find other things to enjoy soon enough..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "I'm sure you'll find other things to enjoy soon enough..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:283
translate chinese hermione_change_8c532bca:
# her "Like what exactly?" ("normal", "narrow", "base", "mid_soft")
her "Like what exactly?" ("normal", "narrow", "base", "mid_soft")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:284
translate chinese hermione_change_a8d1eac2:
# gen "Nothing to worry about, things will work out..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "Nothing to worry about, things will work out..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:285
translate chinese hermione_change_4824ef6b:
# gen "Nerd..." ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "Nerd..." ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:286
translate chinese hermione_change_33854d05:
# her "*tsk* ..." ("soft", "narrow", "base", "R_soft")
her "*tsk* ..." ("soft", "narrow", "base", "R_soft")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:287
translate chinese hermione_change_8645683e:
# her "" ("normal", "narrow", "base", "R_soft")
her "" ("normal", "narrow", "base", "R_soft")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:289
translate chinese hermione_change_411a8cb0:
# her "I can be a bit nerdy sometimes I suppose.." ("angry", "happyCl", "base", "mid", emote="sweat")
her "I can be a bit nerdy sometimes I suppose.." ("angry", "happyCl", "base", "mid", emote="sweat")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:290
translate chinese hermione_change_fce58700_1:
# her "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid")
her "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:292
translate chinese hermione_change_a3d39faa:
# her "I don't read as much as I used to anymore." ("grin", "narrow", "base", "R_soft", emote="sweat")
her "I don't read as much as I used to anymore." ("grin", "narrow", "base", "R_soft", emote="sweat")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:293
translate chinese hermione_change_85d4ca28:
# her "" ("base", "narrow", "base", "mid_soft")
her "" ("base", "narrow", "base", "mid_soft")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:296
translate chinese hermione_change_05506d18:
# her "[genie_name]?!" ("angry", "wide", "angry", "mid", cheeks="blush")
her "[genie_name]?!" ("angry", "wide", "angry", "mid", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:297
translate chinese hermione_change_d0729b72:
# gen "What? That's true, you're hot." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "What? That's true, you're hot." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:298
translate chinese hermione_change_b4f67460:
# her "That's inappropriate." ("annoyed", "base", "worried", "R", cheeks="blush")
her "That's inappropriate." ("annoyed", "base", "worried", "R", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:299
translate chinese hermione_change_ece6213d:
# her "But I'll let it slide, I guess."
her "But I'll let it slide, I guess."
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:301
translate chinese hermione_change_4220f65a:
# her "Thank you, [genie_name]." ("soft", "wink", "base", "mid")
her "Thank you, [genie_name]." ("soft", "wink", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:302
translate chinese hermione_change_b4d8b202:
# her "" ("normal", "base", "base", "mid")
her "" ("normal", "base", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:304
translate chinese hermione_change_64e87bb2:
# her "... Glad you think so." ("smile", "wink", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
her "... Glad you think so." ("smile", "wink", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:305
translate chinese hermione_change_3d45c344:
# her "" ("base", "happy", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
her "" ("base", "happy", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:308
translate chinese hermione_change_f553f6e6:
# her "Well, I do try my best, [genie_name]." ("base", "closed", "base", "mid")
her "Well, I do try my best, [genie_name]." ("base", "closed", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:309
translate chinese hermione_change_fce58700_2:
# her "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid")
her "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:311
translate chinese hermione_change_7474afd8:
# her "I'm not sure if I'd qualify, but fine." ("annoyed", "wink", "base", "mid")
her "I'm not sure if I'd qualify, but fine." ("annoyed", "wink", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:312
translate chinese hermione_change_b4d8b202_1:
# her "" ("normal", "base", "base", "mid")
her "" ("normal", "base", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:314
translate chinese hermione_change_15201654:
# her "I could act like a good girl if you really want me to..." ("smile", "wink", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
her "I could act like a good girl if you really want me to..." ("smile", "wink", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:315
translate chinese hermione_change_3d45c344_1:
# her "" ("base", "happy", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
her "" ("base", "happy", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:318
translate chinese hermione_change_3d463201:
# her "What's going on with these silly nicknames of yours all of a sudden?" ("normal", "squint", "angry", "mid")
her "What's going on with these silly nicknames of yours all of a sudden?" ("normal", "squint", "angry", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:319
translate chinese hermione_change_d9191440:
# gen "What do you mean by silly?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "What do you mean by silly?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:320
translate chinese hermione_change_cd80d710:
# her "Ugh, forget I said anything..." ("open", "narrow", "base", "down", cheeks="blush")
her "Ugh, forget I said anything..." ("open", "narrow", "base", "down", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:321
translate chinese hermione_change_56bd09e9:
# her "" ("normal", "base", "base", "R", cheeks="blush")
her "" ("normal", "base", "base", "R", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:323
translate chinese hermione_change_4a75b7b9:
# her "I like it..." ("soft", "narrow", "base", "R_soft", cheeks="blush")
her "I like it..." ("soft", "narrow", "base", "R_soft", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:324
translate chinese hermione_change_5a7c594e:
# her "" ("base", "narrow", "base", "R_soft", cheeks="blush")
her "" ("base", "narrow", "base", "R_soft", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:326
translate chinese hermione_change_2f768077:
# her "I'm surprised I didn't grow wings yet." ("base", "narrow", "worried", "mid_soft", cheeks="blush")
her "I'm surprised I didn't grow wings yet." ("base", "narrow", "worried", "mid_soft", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:329
translate chinese hermione_change_3d463201_1:
# her "What's going on with these silly nicknames of yours all of a sudden?" ("normal", "squint", "angry", "mid")
her "What's going on with these silly nicknames of yours all of a sudden?" ("normal", "squint", "angry", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:330
translate chinese hermione_change_d9191440_1:
# gen "What do you mean by silly?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "What do you mean by silly?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:331
translate chinese hermione_change_595685a1:
# her "It makes it sound as if I'm your..." ("soft", "base", "worried", "R")
her "It makes it sound as if I'm your..." ("soft", "base", "worried", "R")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:332
translate chinese hermione_change_cd80d710_1:
# her "Ugh, forget I said anything..." ("open", "narrow", "base", "down", cheeks="blush")
her "Ugh, forget I said anything..." ("open", "narrow", "base", "down", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:333
translate chinese hermione_change_56bd09e9_1:
# her "" ("normal", "base", "base", "R", cheeks="blush")
her "" ("normal", "base", "base", "R", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:335
translate chinese hermione_change_8831abc8:
# her "Bit of an odd request but..." ("normal", "narrow", "base", "down")
her "Bit of an odd request but..." ("normal", "narrow", "base", "down")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:336
translate chinese hermione_change_4a75b7b9_1:
# her "I like it..." ("soft", "narrow", "base", "R_soft", cheeks="blush")
her "I like it..." ("soft", "narrow", "base", "R_soft", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:337
translate chinese hermione_change_5a7c594e_1:
# her "" ("base", "narrow", "base", "R_soft", cheeks="blush")
her "" ("base", "narrow", "base", "R_soft", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:339
translate chinese hermione_change_292d0309:
# her "Yes, [genie_name]." ("base", "narrow", "worried", "mid_soft", cheeks="blush")
her "Yes, [genie_name]." ("base", "narrow", "worried", "mid_soft", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:342
translate chinese hermione_change_f9a21562:
# her "I guess I am a bit." ("soft", "narrow", "worried", "down")
her "I guess I am a bit." ("soft", "narrow", "worried", "down")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:343
translate chinese hermione_change_d2c23d7c:
# her "I did fail that test after all..." ("disgust", "narrow", "base", "down")
her "I did fail that test after all..." ("disgust", "narrow", "base", "down")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:344
translate chinese hermione_change_ddb16f52:
# her "" ("normal", "narrow", "worried", "mid_soft")
her "" ("normal", "narrow", "worried", "mid_soft")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:345
translate chinese hermione_change_b4d8b202_2:
# her "" ("normal", "base", "base", "mid")
her "" ("normal", "base", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:347
translate chinese hermione_change_a3f352a9:
# her "I may be a little bit naughty at times." ("base", "happy", "base", "R", cheeks="blush")
her "I may be a little bit naughty at times." ("base", "happy", "base", "R", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:349
translate chinese hermione_change_a3f352a9_1:
# her "I may be a little bit naughty at times." ("base", "happy", "base", "R", cheeks="blush")
her "I may be a little bit naughty at times." ("base", "happy", "base", "R", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:350
translate chinese hermione_change_0f0bcbe0:
# her "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
her "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:353
translate chinese hermione_change_f9a21562_1:
# her "I guess I am a bit." ("soft", "narrow", "worried", "down")
her "I guess I am a bit." ("soft", "narrow", "worried", "down")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:354
translate chinese hermione_change_ddb16f52_1:
# her "" ("normal", "narrow", "worried", "mid_soft")
her "" ("normal", "narrow", "worried", "mid_soft")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:356
translate chinese hermione_change_a3f352a9_2:
# her "I may be a little bit naughty at times." ("base", "happy", "base", "R", cheeks="blush")
her "I may be a little bit naughty at times." ("base", "happy", "base", "R", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:358
translate chinese hermione_change_a3f352a9_3:
# her "I may be a little bit naughty at times." ("base", "happy", "base", "R", cheeks="blush")
her "I may be a little bit naughty at times." ("base", "happy", "base", "R", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:359
translate chinese hermione_change_0f0bcbe0_1:
# her "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
her "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:362
translate chinese hermione_change_c07ff3a1:
# her "That would make you my prince wouldn't it?" ("open", "base", "base", "R", cheeks="blush")
her "That would make you my prince wouldn't it?" ("open", "base", "base", "R", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:363
translate chinese hermione_change_0f0bcbe0_2:
# her "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
her "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:365
translate chinese hermione_change_b412e064:
# her "Yes... My prince." ("smile", "happy", "base", "mid")
her "Yes... My prince." ("smile", "happy", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:366
translate chinese hermione_change_f70f1bd0:
# gen "..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:367
translate chinese hermione_change_6aa27650:
# her "I-I mean, [genie_name]." ("smile", "happyCl", "base", "mid", emote="sweat")
her "I-I mean, [genie_name]." ("smile", "happyCl", "base", "mid", emote="sweat")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:368
translate chinese hermione_change_fce58700_3:
# her "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid")
her "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:371
translate chinese hermione_change_a363c9fc:
# her "You want to call me....{w=0.5} a pet?" ("normal", "squint", "angry", "mid")
her "You want to call me....{w=0.5} a pet?" ("normal", "squint", "angry", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:372
translate chinese hermione_change_ec85ac1d:
# gen "Yes." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "Yes." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:373
translate chinese hermione_change_281fd409:
# her ".... {w=0.5}.... {w=0.5}.... {w=0.5}...." ("normal", "happy", "base", "mid")
her ".... {w=0.5}.... {w=0.5}.... {w=0.5}...." ("normal", "happy", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:374
translate chinese hermione_change_bedbbbbd:
# her "" ("normal", "squint", "base", "mid")
her "" ("normal", "squint", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:375
translate chinese hermione_change_1cc7203c:
# gen ".... {w=0.5}.... {w=0.5}...." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen ".... {w=0.5}.... {w=0.5}...." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:376
translate chinese hermione_change_76f1f685:
# her "May I at least know why?" ("open", "squint", "base", "mid")
her "May I at least know why?" ("open", "squint", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:377
translate chinese hermione_change_75a45d07:
# gen "No." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "No." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:378
translate chinese hermione_change_1c3a5b5e:
# her "...." ("annoyed", "base", "worried", "mid")
her "...." ("annoyed", "base", "worried", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:380
translate chinese hermione_change_525189aa:
# her "*Meow*" ("smile", "happyCl", "base", "mid")
her "*Meow*" ("smile", "happyCl", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:381
translate chinese hermione_change_6746b089:
# her "" ("smile", "happy", "base", "mid")
her "" ("smile", "happy", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:382
translate chinese hermione_change_8f6b49d2:
# gen "Don't do that..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "Don't do that..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:383
translate chinese hermione_change_fd3252c1:
# her "Such a party pooper." ("annoyed", "happyCl", "base", "mid")
her "Such a party pooper." ("annoyed", "happyCl", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:384
translate chinese hermione_change_fce58700_4:
# her "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid")
her "" ("base", "base", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:387
translate chinese hermione_change_4462c824:
# her "Isn't this a bit inappropriate [genie_name]?" ("mad", "narrow", "worried", "down")
her "Isn't this a bit inappropriate [genie_name]?" ("mad", "narrow", "worried", "down")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:388
translate chinese hermione_change_dfdd3196:
# gen "And doing favours for house points isn't?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "And doing favours for house points isn't?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:389
translate chinese hermione_change_454a2f58:
# her "Fine..." ("base", "narrow", "base", "down", cheeks="blush")
her "Fine..." ("base", "narrow", "base", "down", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:391
translate chinese hermione_change_ac7479cf:
# her "..." ("normal", "narrow", "worried", "down", cheeks="blush")
her "..." ("normal", "narrow", "worried", "down", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:392
translate chinese hermione_change_1f06a088:
# gen "Any objections?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "Any objections?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:393
translate chinese hermione_change_42881f15:
# her "..." ("soft", "base", "worried", "R", cheeks="blush")
her "..." ("soft", "base", "worried", "R", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:394
translate chinese hermione_change_ef34be02:
# gen "Okay then..." ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "Okay then..." ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:396
translate chinese hermione_change_18088e0d:
# her "Alright." ("base", "happyCl", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
her "Alright." ("base", "happyCl", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:397
translate chinese hermione_change_3d45c344_2:
# her "" ("base", "happy", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
her "" ("base", "happy", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:400
translate chinese hermione_change_f8619cf4:
# her "[genie_name]?!" ("shock", "wide", "worried", "stare")
her "[genie_name]?!" ("shock", "wide", "worried", "stare")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:401
translate chinese hermione_change_572f6572:
# her "You can't just call someone that!" ("mad", "wide", "base", "stare")
her "You can't just call someone that!" ("mad", "wide", "base", "stare")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:402
translate chinese hermione_change_35535480:
# gen "It'll just be between us..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "It'll just be between us..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:403
translate chinese hermione_change_aa31166e:
# her "..." ("disgust", "squint", "base", "mid")
her "..." ("disgust", "squint", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:404
translate chinese hermione_change_aa660263:
# gen "Nothing to add?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "Nothing to add?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:405
translate chinese hermione_change_1b7b1ecd:
# her "" ("clench", "closed", "base", "mid", emote="angry")
her "" ("clench", "closed", "base", "mid", emote="angry")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:406
translate chinese hermione_change_192eee8a:
# gen "So you'll let me call you that or not?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "So you'll let me call you that or not?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:407
translate chinese hermione_change_44b2e8cf:
# her "{size=+5}FINE!{/size}" ("clench", "closed", "angry", "mid", emote="angry")
her "{size=+5}FINE!{/size}" ("clench", "closed", "angry", "mid", emote="angry")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:408
translate chinese hermione_change_f70f1bd0_1:
# gen "..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:409
translate chinese hermione_change_d36ddbe2:
# her "" ("normal", "narrow", "angry", "R")
her "" ("normal", "narrow", "angry", "R")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:411
translate chinese hermione_change_f8a8eefd:
# her "I guess if you have to call me that sure..." ("base", "narrow", "base", "down", cheeks="blush")
her "I guess if you have to call me that sure..." ("base", "narrow", "base", "down", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:413
translate chinese hermione_change_83da9484:
# her "I don't mind..." ("smile", "happyCl", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
her "I don't mind..." ("smile", "happyCl", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:416
translate chinese hermione_change_d3a11cd7:
# her "A cumslut?!" ("open", "wide", "worried", "stare")
her "A cumslut?!" ("open", "wide", "worried", "stare")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:417
translate chinese hermione_change_c4a10efe:
# gen "Something wrong?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "Something wrong?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:418
translate chinese hermione_change_a36e3920:
# her "You have to even ask?" ("soft", "narrow", "worried", "down", cheeks="blush")
her "You have to even ask?" ("soft", "narrow", "worried", "down", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:419
translate chinese hermione_change_33b0a303:
# her "This is so degrading..." ("normal", "narrow", "base", "down", cheeks="blush")
her "This is so degrading..." ("normal", "narrow", "base", "down", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:420
translate chinese hermione_change_518691d9:
# her "(But I kinda am a slut begging for cum aren't I...)" ("base", "happyCl", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
her "(But I kinda am a slut begging for cum aren't I...)" ("base", "happyCl", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:422
translate chinese hermione_change_e8242db8:
# her "..." ("soft", "narrow", "base", "up")
her "..." ("soft", "narrow", "base", "up")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:423
translate chinese hermione_change_e96d4e2c:
# her "(When did I start enjoying it so much...)" ("open", "narrow", "base", "up", cheeks="blush")
her "(When did I start enjoying it so much...)" ("open", "narrow", "base", "up", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:424
translate chinese hermione_change_9155d568:
# her "(That taste, the texture...)" ("open", "narrow", "annoyed", "up", cheeks="blush")
her "(That taste, the texture...)" ("open", "narrow", "annoyed", "up", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:425
translate chinese hermione_change_4fb27b1f:
# her "(So warm, sticky, and--)" ("silly", "narrow", "base", "up", cheeks="blush")
her "(So warm, sticky, and--)" ("silly", "narrow", "base", "up", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:426
translate chinese hermione_change_eef89820:
# gen "Are you okay there, [temp_name]?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "Are you okay there, [temp_name]?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:427
translate chinese hermione_change_3168c0b5:
# her "Wha--" ("mad", "wide", "base", "stare")
her "Wha--" ("mad", "wide", "base", "stare")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:428
translate chinese hermione_change_c6954e26:
# her "Of course I am!" ("smile", "base", "base", "R", cheeks="blush")
her "Of course I am!" ("smile", "base", "base", "R", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:431
translate chinese hermione_change_be24b05b:
# her "Do you really have to call me that, [genie_name]?" ("disgust", "base", "worried", "mid")
her "Do you really have to call me that, [genie_name]?" ("disgust", "base", "worried", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:432
translate chinese hermione_change_c931834d:
# her "Referring to me as a bitch or a slut for your own amusement is one thing..." ("mad", "narrow", "worried", "down", cheeks="blush")
her "Referring to me as a bitch or a slut for your own amusement is one thing..." ("mad", "narrow", "worried", "down", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:433
translate chinese hermione_change_4049388f:
# her "You're aware of how much I loathe Slytherin." ("open", "narrow", "worried", "mid_soft")
her "You're aware of how much I loathe Slytherin." ("open", "narrow", "worried", "mid_soft")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:434
translate chinese hermione_change_f9717af1:
# her "And I'm definitely not a whore..." ("soft", "closed", "base", "mid")
her "And I'm definitely not a whore..." ("soft", "closed", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:435
translate chinese hermione_change_ca942933:
# her "I refuse!"
her "I refuse!"
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:438
translate chinese hermione_change_e19e4aa3:
# gen "Fine, I won't call you that..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "Fine, I won't call you that..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:439
translate chinese hermione_change_eec0adbd:
# her "You won't?" ("open", "base", "base", "mid")
her "You won't?" ("open", "base", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:440
translate chinese hermione_change_33523a0d:
# her "" ("soft", "base", "base", "mid")
her "" ("soft", "base", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:441
translate chinese hermione_change_a0f9c12c:
# gen "Of course..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "Of course..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:442
translate chinese hermione_change_040baecb:
# her "I am glad we're on the same page on this one, [genie_name]." ("open", "closed", "base", "mid")
her "I am glad we're on the same page on this one, [genie_name]." ("open", "closed", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:443
translate chinese hermione_change_6c418cd2:
# her "" ("base", "closed", "base", "mid")
her "" ("base", "closed", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:444
translate chinese hermione_change_40668549:
# gen "In fact, from this point forward you don't have to call me [genie_name] or exchange any favours..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "In fact, from this point forward you don't have to call me [genie_name] or exchange any favours..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:445
translate chinese hermione_change_d69acf8f:
# her "" ("soft", "base", "base", "mid", emote="confused")
her "" ("soft", "base", "base", "mid", emote="confused")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:446
translate chinese hermione_change_d188ae90:
# gen "Let's just void this whole... deal of yours shall we." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "Let's just void this whole... deal of yours shall we." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:447
translate chinese hermione_change_fe277bec:
# her "B-but, [genie_name]?!" ("mad", "wide", "base", "mid", emote="shocked")
her "B-but, [genie_name]?!" ("mad", "wide", "base", "mid", emote="shocked")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:448
translate chinese hermione_change_8a6b6bdd:
# her "" ("mad", "wide", "base", "mid")
her "" ("mad", "wide", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:449
translate chinese hermione_change_28d59f4f:
# gen "I must apologise {b}Miss Granger{/b}, I thought we had come to some kind of agreeable arrangement by now..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "I must apologise {b}Miss Granger{/b}, I thought we had come to some kind of agreeable arrangement by now..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:450
translate chinese hermione_change_4066ff26:
# her "But I--" ("mad", "wide", "worried", "stare")
her "But I--" ("mad", "wide", "worried", "stare")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:451
translate chinese hermione_change_c04d1aee:
# gen "I should have known better to believe that this sort of thing would work out..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "I should have known better to believe that this sort of thing would work out..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:452
translate chinese hermione_change_ca4f37e8:
# her "Maybe I coul--" ("clench", "happyCl", "worried", "stare")
her "Maybe I coul--" ("clench", "happyCl", "worried", "stare")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:453
translate chinese hermione_change_b551132b:
# gen "I thought we both had what we wanted..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "I thought we both had what we wanted..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:454
translate chinese hermione_change_f43588a2:
# her "Liste--" ("soft", "narrow", "worried", "down")
her "Liste--" ("soft", "narrow", "worried", "down")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:455
translate chinese hermione_change_6114a635:
# her "" ("normal", "closed", "angry", "mid")
her "" ("normal", "closed", "angry", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:456
translate chinese hermione_change_4af933fe:
# gen "Might as well hand in my resignation with the ministry and--" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "Might as well hand in my resignation with the ministry and--" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:458
translate chinese hermione_change_7bdb5e97:
# her "{size=+10}I AM A SLYTHERIN WHORE!!!{/size}" ("scream", "closed", "angry", "mid", cheeks="blush")
her "{size=+10}I AM A SLYTHERIN WHORE!!!{/size}" ("scream", "closed", "angry", "mid", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:459
translate chinese hermione_change_af445b8c:
# her "" ("normal", "closed", "base", "mid")
her "" ("normal", "closed", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:460
translate chinese hermione_change_f70f1bd0_2:
# gen "..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:461
translate chinese hermione_change_5d5b2f3d:
# her "Now please, [genie_name]... Let's just forget this conversation ever happened." ("disgust", "base", "worried", "mid")
her "Now please, [genie_name]... Let's just forget this conversation ever happened." ("disgust", "base", "worried", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:462
translate chinese hermione_change_066e9c03:
# gen "Are you sure that's what you want, [temp_name]?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "Are you sure that's what you want, [temp_name]?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:463
translate chinese hermione_change_286e5fa7:
# her "... Yes." ("disgust", "narrow", "worried", "down", emote="sweat")
her "... Yes." ("disgust", "narrow", "worried", "down", emote="sweat")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:464
translate chinese hermione_change_46d6de14:
# gen "(This girl really is beyond redemption...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "(This girl really is beyond redemption...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:465
translate chinese hermione_change_2203b12b:
# her "" ("base", "narrow", "worried", "down")
her "" ("base", "narrow", "worried", "down")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:467
translate chinese hermione_change_5cf62780:
# gen "Either accept my offer or Gryffindor lose five hundred points..." ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "Either accept my offer or Gryffindor lose five hundred points..." ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:469
translate chinese hermione_change_139297d9:
# her "FIVE HUNDRED?!" ("shock", "wide", "base", "stare")
her "FIVE HUNDRED?!" ("shock", "wide", "base", "stare")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:470
translate chinese hermione_change_47dc1863:
# her "[genie_name]... This is blackmailing!" ("scream", "closed", "angry", "mid")
her "[genie_name]... This is blackmailing!" ("scream", "closed", "angry", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:471
translate chinese hermione_change_850eaaee:
# her "" ("mad", "closed", "angry", "mid")
her "" ("mad", "closed", "angry", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:472
translate chinese hermione_change_f3a59de2:
# gen "It is?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "It is?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:473
translate chinese hermione_change_8dd29000:
# her "What else would it be?" ("mad", "base", "angry", "mid", cheeks="blush")
her "What else would it be?" ("mad", "base", "angry", "mid", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:474
translate chinese hermione_change_92540070:
# gen "Negotiations..." ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "Negotiations..." ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:475
translate chinese hermione_change_80edf5d9:
# her "You..." ("clench", "closed", "angry", "mid", cheeks="blush")
her "You..." ("clench", "closed", "angry", "mid", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:476
translate chinese hermione_change_0b9f82a9:
# gen "That's not an answer..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "That's not an answer..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:477
translate chinese hermione_change_1784124a:
# her "{size=-10}Okay..{/size}" ("soft", "narrow", "angry", "R", cheeks="blush")
her "{size=-10}Okay..{/size}" ("soft", "narrow", "angry", "R", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:478
translate chinese hermione_change_7bedea80:
# gen "What was that? I didn't hear you." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "What was that? I didn't hear you." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:479
translate chinese hermione_change_0df62382:
# her "I said yes, you can call me a Slytherin whore... or whatever." ("normal", "narrow", "annoyed", "mid", cheeks="blush")
her "I said yes, you can call me a Slytherin whore... or whatever." ("normal", "narrow", "annoyed", "mid", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:480
translate chinese hermione_change_9ef777f6:
# her "Happy now?!" ("open", "closed", "angry", "mid", cheeks="blush")
her "Happy now?!" ("open", "closed", "angry", "mid", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:481
translate chinese hermione_change_1a8791b1:
# gen "Very." ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "Very." ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:482
translate chinese hermione_change_a0e90fd9:
# her "{size=-6}You are the worst.{/size}" ("normal", "narrow", "base", "R_soft", cheeks="blush")
her "{size=-6}You are the worst.{/size}" ("normal", "narrow", "base", "R_soft", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:485
translate chinese hermione_change_5722c55d:
# her "Please, [genie_name], couldn't you call me something else instead?" ("open", "base", "worried", "mid")
her "Please, [genie_name], couldn't you call me something else instead?" ("open", "base", "worried", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:486
translate chinese hermione_change_52907a18:
# gen "But where's fun in that?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "But where's fun in that?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:487
translate chinese hermione_change_13ce5117:
# her "Why do I even bother... *sigh*" ("soft", "narrow", "base", "R_soft", cheeks="blush")
her "Why do I even bother... *sigh*" ("soft", "narrow", "base", "R_soft", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:490
translate chinese hermione_change_df910631:
# her "A{w=0.5}...{w=0.5} {size=+6}{b}{cps=20}mud{w=0.5}blood{/cps}{/b}?!{/size}" ("shock", "wide", "base", "stare")
her "A{w=0.5}...{w=0.5} {size=+6}{b}{cps=20}mud{w=0.5}blood{/cps}{/b}?!{/size}" ("shock", "wide", "base", "stare")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:491
translate chinese hermione_change_68aefe5e:
# her "Did I hear you right, [genie_name]?!" ("normal", "wide", "base", "mid")
her "Did I hear you right, [genie_name]?!" ("normal", "wide", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:496
translate chinese hermione_change_eed92b83:
# gen "What? Of course not!" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "What? Of course not!" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:497
translate chinese hermione_change_b4943257:
# gen "I said.." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "I said.." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:498
translate chinese hermione_change_1fe562c9:
# gen "(I have to think fast)" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "(I have to think fast)" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:501
translate chinese hermione_change_c529ecd9:
# gen "I said mass flood!" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "I said mass flood!" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:502
translate chinese hermione_change_2c718f26:
# her "Mass flood?" ("soft", "base", "base", "mid")
her "Mass flood?" ("soft", "base", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:503
translate chinese hermione_change_995bf318:
# gen "Are you deaf or something?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "Are you deaf or something?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:505
translate chinese hermione_change_97ca00b7:
# her "I was pretty sure you said--" ("open", "base", "base", "mid")
her "I was pretty sure you said--" ("open", "base", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:506
translate chinese hermione_change_c6790cd4:
# her "" ("normal", "base", "base", "R")
her "" ("normal", "base", "base", "R")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:507
translate chinese hermione_change_2dd9a4d2:
# gen "Look outside the window, it's raining is it not?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "Look outside the window, it's raining is it not?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:508
translate chinese hermione_change_432c373c:
# her "I{w=0.5}...{w=0.5} Yes, you are right [genie_name]." ("normal", "closed", "base", "mid")
her "I{w=0.5}...{w=0.5} Yes, you are right [genie_name]." ("normal", "closed", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:509
translate chinese hermione_change_6c47f2da:
# gen "Of course I am." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "Of course I am." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:510
translate chinese hermione_change_9949d0a6:
# her "So what did you want to talk about?" ("base", "base", "base", "mid")
her "So what did you want to talk about?" ("base", "base", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:512
translate chinese hermione_change_1cb58622:
# her "[genie_name], but it's not raining.." ("normal", "closed", "base", "mid")
her "[genie_name], but it's not raining.." ("normal", "closed", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:513
translate chinese hermione_change_5c7fa179:
# her "" ("disgust", "narrow", "base", "down", cheeks="blush")
her "" ("disgust", "narrow", "base", "down", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:514
translate chinese hermione_change_f8b11dd0:
# gen "Last time I had my dick in you it felt like a mass flood." ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "Last time I had my dick in you it felt like a mass flood." ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:515
translate chinese hermione_change_884426d1:
# her "[genie_name]..." ("disgust", "closed", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
her "[genie_name]..." ("disgust", "closed", "base", "mid", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:516
translate chinese hermione_change_7cceacf9:
# gen "What? It's true, I swear!" ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "What? It's true, I swear!" ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:517
translate chinese hermione_change_e28f680b:
# her "..." ("soft", "narrow", "worried", "down", cheeks="blush")
her "..." ("soft", "narrow", "worried", "down", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:519
translate chinese hermione_change_efb3355d:
# gen "I said mad stud!" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "I said mad stud!" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:520
translate chinese hermione_change_68d12aaf:
# her "Mad stud?" ("soft", "base", "base", "mid")
her "Mad stud?" ("soft", "base", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:521
translate chinese hermione_change_5bd30879:
# gen "My dick, your ass, bud." ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "My dick, your ass, bud." ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:522
translate chinese hermione_change_a62e4191:
# her "really..." ("disgust", "narrow", "base", "mid_soft", cheeks="blush")
her "really..." ("disgust", "narrow", "base", "mid_soft", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:523
translate chinese hermione_change_2050bff9:
# her "You can be so childish sometimes, [genie_name]..." ("annoyed", "narrow", "base", "R_soft", cheeks="blush")
her "You can be so childish sometimes, [genie_name]..." ("annoyed", "narrow", "base", "R_soft", cheeks="blush")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:527
translate chinese hermione_change_23b22341:
# her "Why would you even suggest calling me such a thing.." ("scream", "squint", "angry", "mid")
her "Why would you even suggest calling me such a thing.." ("scream", "squint", "angry", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:528
translate chinese hermione_change_097d8546:
# her "It's like the most offensive thing you could call someone like..." ("shock", "squint", "angry", "mid", tears="soft")
her "It's like the most offensive thing you could call someone like..." ("shock", "squint", "angry", "mid", tears="soft")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:529
translate chinese hermione_change_e55c5433:
# her "like..." ("open", "happyCl", "worried", "mid", tears="soft_blink")
her "like..." ("open", "happyCl", "worried", "mid", tears="soft_blink")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:530
translate chinese hermione_change_54957f7a:
# her "Someone like..." ("open", "narrow", "worried", "down", tears="mascara_crying")
her "Someone like..." ("open", "narrow", "worried", "down", tears="mascara_crying")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:531
translate chinese hermione_change_fb5c8133:
# her "me..." ("disgust", "narrow", "worried", "down", tears="mascara_soft")
her "me..." ("disgust", "narrow", "worried", "down", tears="mascara_soft")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:532
translate chinese hermione_change_93613205:
# her "" ("disgust", "happyCl", "worried", "mid", tears="mascara")
her "" ("disgust", "happyCl", "worried", "mid", tears="mascara")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:535
translate chinese hermione_change_aa06154e:
# her "" ("disgust", "narrow", "worried", "mid_soft", tears="mascara")
her "" ("disgust", "narrow", "worried", "mid_soft", tears="mascara")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:536
translate chinese hermione_change_31366de0:
# gen "Now, now, there's no need to cry." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "Now, now, there's no need to cry." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:537
translate chinese hermione_change_fce02749:
# gen "Do you know why I call you these things miss Granger?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "Do you know why I call you these things miss Granger?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:538
translate chinese hermione_change_a543613e:
# her "... no?" ("disgust", "narrow", "worried", "mid_soft", tears="mascara")
her "... no?" ("disgust", "narrow", "worried", "mid_soft", tears="mascara")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:539
translate chinese hermione_change_6fe8b556:
# gen "It's so that you'll come to know that words are just words and they only hurt if you let them." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "It's so that you'll come to know that words are just words and they only hurt if you let them." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:540
translate chinese hermione_change_cb02aa60:
# her "..." ("normal", "narrow", "worried", "mid_soft", tears="mascara")
her "..." ("normal", "narrow", "worried", "mid_soft", tears="mascara")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:541
translate chinese hermione_change_cc64f0bd:
# gen "Once you truly understand that nothing will hold you back." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "Once you truly understand that nothing will hold you back." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:542
translate chinese hermione_change_dd32950f:
# gen "And you'll be at your utmost potential." ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "And you'll be at your utmost potential." ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:543
translate chinese hermione_change_8312fcee:
# her "You really think so?" ("open", "narrow", "worried", "mid_soft", tears="mascara")
her "You really think so?" ("open", "narrow", "worried", "mid_soft", tears="mascara")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:544
translate chinese hermione_change_4cdf5508:
# her "" ("normal", "narrow", "worried", "mid_soft", tears="mascara")
her "" ("normal", "narrow", "worried", "mid_soft", tears="mascara")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:545
translate chinese hermione_change_370daeeb:
# gen "Yes, in fact I do." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "Yes, in fact I do." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:546
translate chinese hermione_change_39022ebe:
# her "Thank you, [genie_name]." ("normal", "closed", "base", "mid", tears="mascara")
her "Thank you, [genie_name]." ("normal", "closed", "base", "mid", tears="mascara")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:547
translate chinese hermione_change_4577ef51:
# her "I can do it, I know I can." ("base", "narrow", "worried", "mid_soft", tears="mascara")
her "I can do it, I know I can." ("base", "narrow", "worried", "mid_soft", tears="mascara")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:550
translate chinese hermione_change_533fea57:
# gen "You deserve to be called a slut, a whore and a mudblood... just look at you." ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "You deserve to be called a slut, a whore and a mudblood... just look at you." ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:551
translate chinese hermione_change_4c7d243e:
# her "..." ("scream", "happyCl", "worried", "mid", tears="mascara_soft_blink")
her "..." ("scream", "happyCl", "worried", "mid", tears="mascara_soft_blink")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:552
translate chinese hermione_change_aab09e6e:
# her "" ("disgust", "happyCl", "worried", "mid", tears="mascara_soft")
her "" ("disgust", "happyCl", "worried", "mid", tears="mascara_soft")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:553
translate chinese hermione_change_6896d812:
# gen "You walk into my office and sell your body for the sole reason that it will make Gryffindor happy to win the house cup." ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "You walk into my office and sell your body for the sole reason that it will make Gryffindor happy to win the house cup." ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:554
translate chinese hermione_change_8a2960c3:
# her "..." ("open", "happyCl", "worried", "mid", tears="mascara_soft_blink")
her "..." ("open", "happyCl", "worried", "mid", tears="mascara_soft_blink")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:555
translate chinese hermione_change_aab09e6e_1:
# her "" ("disgust", "happyCl", "worried", "mid", tears="mascara_soft")
her "" ("disgust", "happyCl", "worried", "mid", tears="mascara_soft")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:556
translate chinese hermione_change_760fd719:
# gen "Bending over onto my desk and let yourself be taken like a some common harlot..." ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "Bending over onto my desk and let yourself be taken like a some common harlot..." ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:557
translate chinese hermione_change_ff323dcc:
# her "I..." ("disgust", "narrow", "worried", "mid_soft", tears="mascara_soft")
her "I..." ("disgust", "narrow", "worried", "mid_soft", tears="mascara_soft")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:558
translate chinese hermione_change_e9e2f258:
# gen "Letting your headmaster thrust himself upon you and taking my load like your life depended on it..." ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "Letting your headmaster thrust himself upon you and taking my load like your life depended on it..." ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:559
translate chinese hermione_change_33b51fb4:
# her "..." ("normal", "happyCl", "worried", "mid", tears="mascara_soft")
her "..." ("normal", "happyCl", "worried", "mid", tears="mascara_soft")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:560
translate chinese hermione_change_4cdf5508_1:
# her "" ("normal", "narrow", "worried", "mid_soft", tears="mascara")
her "" ("normal", "narrow", "worried", "mid_soft", tears="mascara")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:561
translate chinese hermione_change_4ec93e56:
# gen "I bet you don't even care about the points anymore..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "I bet you don't even care about the points anymore..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:562
translate chinese hermione_change_86949aa5:
# her "Well..." ("normal", "narrow", "worried", "down", tears="mascara")
her "Well..." ("normal", "narrow", "worried", "down", tears="mascara")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:563
translate chinese hermione_change_07bbd80c:
# her "" ("normal", "narrow", "annoyed", "up", tears="mascara")
her "" ("normal", "narrow", "annoyed", "up", tears="mascara")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:564
translate chinese hermione_change_94d29b8e:
# gen "You are nothing more than a whore..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "You are nothing more than a whore..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:565
translate chinese hermione_change_85feab14:
# her "" ("base", "narrow", "annoyed", "up", tears="mascara")
her "" ("base", "narrow", "annoyed", "up", tears="mascara")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:566
translate chinese hermione_change_a9de908b:
# gen "{size=+4}{b}MY{/b}{/size} whore!" ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "{size=+4}{b}MY{/b}{/size} whore!" ("grin", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:567
translate chinese hermione_change_294b294f:
# her "" ("base", "narrow", "base", "up", tears="mascara")
her "" ("base", "narrow", "base", "up", tears="mascara")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:568
translate chinese hermione_change_23cd5971:
# gen "And I {b}will{/b} call you however I want!" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "And I {b}will{/b} call you however I want!" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:569
translate chinese hermione_change_8b2d3ed9:
# her "Yes, [genie_name], I understand." ("silly", "narrow", "base", "up", tears="mascara")
her "Yes, [genie_name], I understand." ("silly", "narrow", "base", "up", tears="mascara")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:570
translate chinese hermione_change_689d0290:
# her "I am your toy{w=0.6}, your fuckslut{w=0.6}, your cocksleeve, your--" ("grin", "narrow", "base", "dead", tears="mascara")
her "I am your toy{w=0.6}, your fuckslut{w=0.6}, your cocksleeve, your--" ("grin", "narrow", "base", "dead", tears="mascara")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:571
translate chinese hermione_change_03033e5e:
# gen "Yes, that you are but it's enough..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "Yes, that you are but it's enough..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:572
translate chinese hermione_change_1f8e4523:
# her "I fully belong to you... [genie_name]." ("silly", "narrow", "base", "dead", tears="mascara")
her "I fully belong to you... [genie_name]." ("silly", "narrow", "base", "dead", tears="mascara")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:573
translate chinese hermione_change_f3c441f0:
# her "" ("grin", "narrow", "base", "dead", tears="mascara")
her "" ("grin", "narrow", "base", "dead", tears="mascara")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:576
translate chinese hermione_change_6bfc60ae:
# her "Bit odd but sure, you can call me that..." ("soft", "squint", "base", "mid")
her "Bit odd but sure, you can call me that..." ("soft", "squint", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:583
translate chinese hermione_change_fail_cab7d0bd:
# her "I would prefer if we kept using our formal names and titles, [genie_name]." ("open", "closed", "base", "mid")
her "I would prefer if we kept using our formal names and titles, [genie_name]." ("open", "closed", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:584
translate chinese hermione_change_fail_b4d8b202:
# her "" ("normal", "base", "base", "mid")
her "" ("normal", "base", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:586
translate chinese hermione_change_fail_76c1a909:
# her "I would prefer if you didn't, [genie_name]." ("open", "closed", "angry", "mid")
her "I would prefer if you didn't, [genie_name]." ("open", "closed", "angry", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:587
translate chinese hermione_change_fail_853a4f71:
# her "{size=-4}And I'm not a nerd...{/size}" ("annoyed", "base", "worried", "mid")
her "{size=-4}And I'm not a nerd...{/size}" ("annoyed", "base", "worried", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:589
translate chinese hermione_change_fail_05532b69:
# her "(I think...)" ("annoyed", "base", "worried", "R")
her "(I think...)" ("annoyed", "base", "worried", "R")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:591
translate chinese hermione_change_fail_c1662eb2:
# her "I'm not letting you call me that, [genie_name]!" ("open", "closed", "angry", "mid")
her "I'm not letting you call me that, [genie_name]!" ("open", "closed", "angry", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:593
translate chinese hermione_change_fail_809b89e0:
# her "(Although it's kinda cute he said that...)" ("base", "base", "base", "R")
her "(Although it's kinda cute he said that...)" ("base", "base", "base", "R")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:595
translate chinese hermione_change_fail_542fa87f:
# her "I won't let you call me that, [genie_name]!" ("open", "closed", "angry", "mid")
her "I won't let you call me that, [genie_name]!" ("open", "closed", "angry", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:597
translate chinese hermione_change_fail_137a7a2b:
# her "(I hope they'd grow out more...)" ("disgust", "narrow", "worried", "down")
her "(I hope they'd grow out more...)" ("disgust", "narrow", "worried", "down")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:598
translate chinese hermione_change_fail_0a2b3bac:
# her "*sigh*" ("annoyed", "closed", "base", "mid")
her "*sigh*" ("annoyed", "closed", "base", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:599
translate chinese hermione_change_fail_c6790cd4:
# her "" ("normal", "base", "base", "R")
her "" ("normal", "base", "base", "R")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:601
translate chinese hermione_change_fail_8539fd2a:
# her "I am not a [temp_name]!" ("open", "base", "angry", "mid")
her "I am not a [temp_name]!" ("open", "base", "angry", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:603
translate chinese hermione_change_fail_7cb23cf5:
# her "(Or am I...?)" ("disgust", "base", "base", "R")
her "(Or am I...?)" ("disgust", "base", "base", "R")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:604
translate chinese hermione_change_fail_c6790cd4_1:
# her "" ("normal", "base", "base", "R")
her "" ("normal", "base", "base", "R")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:606
translate chinese hermione_change_fail_6919a728:
# her "This is inappropriate, [genie_name]!" ("open", "base", "angry", "mid")
her "This is inappropriate, [genie_name]!" ("open", "base", "angry", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:608
translate chinese hermione_change_fail_fa9f25c1:
# her "(It sounds nice though...)" ("base", "base", "base", "R")
her "(It sounds nice though...)" ("base", "base", "base", "R")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:610
translate chinese hermione_change_fail_902dc045:
# her "Are you joking, [genie_name]?" ("open", "base", "worried", "mid")
her "Are you joking, [genie_name]?" ("open", "base", "worried", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:612
translate chinese hermione_change_fail_d3cb1670:
# her "(Why would he even suggest that?)" ("annoyed", "base", "base", "R")
her "(Why would he even suggest that?)" ("annoyed", "base", "base", "R")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:614
translate chinese hermione_change_fail_86366f94:
# her "I won't let you call me that!" ("shock", "closed", "angry", "mid")
her "I won't let you call me that!" ("shock", "closed", "angry", "mid")
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:615
translate chinese hermione_change_fail_fc69cdb4:
# her "" ("normal", "base", "angry", "mid")
her "" ("normal", "base", "angry", "mid")
translate chinese strings:
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:2
old "-Working-"
new "-Working-"
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:2
old "-Ask her to help Tonks-"
new "-Ask her to help Tonks-"
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:2
old "-Solve the matter with Cho-"
new "-Solve the matter with Cho-"
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:2
old "-Ask her to commentate the game-"
new "-Ask her to commentate the game-"
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:2
old "-Ask her to commentate the game-\n{size=-5}again...{/size}"
new "-Ask her to commentate the game-\n{size=-5}again...{/size}"
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:2
old "-Give her the ball dress-"
new "-Give her the ball dress-"
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:2
old "-Start the autumn ball-"
new "-Start the autumn ball-"
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:5
old "-Work as a maid-"
new "-Work as a maid-"
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:5
old "-Work by advertising the card game-"
new "-Work by advertising the card game-"
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:90
old "-My Lord-"
new "-My Lord-"
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:90
old "-Darling-"
new "-Darling-"
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:111
old "My Lord"
new "My Lord"
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:117
old "Darling"
new "Darling"
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:154
old "-Miss Granger-"
new "-Miss Granger-"
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:154
old "-Hermione-"
new "-Hermione-"
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:154
old "-Nerd-"
new "-Nerd-"
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:154
old "-Hottie-"
new "-Hottie-"
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:154
old "-Angel-"
new "-Angel-"
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:154
old "-Minx-"
new "-Minx-"
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:154
old "-Pet-"
new "-Pet-"
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:154
old "-Bitch-"
new "-Bitch-"
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:154
old "-Slut-"
new "-Slut-"
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:154
old "-Cumslut-"
new "-Cumslut-"
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:154
old "-Slytherin Whore-"
new "-Slytherin Whore-"
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:154
old "-Mudblood-"
new "-Mudblood-"
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:156
old "Miss Granger"
new "Miss Granger"
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:168
old "Nerd"
new "Nerd"
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:174
old "Hottie"
new "Hottie"
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:180
old "Angel"
new "Angel"
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:186
old "Minx"
new "Minx"
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:198
old "Pet"
new "Pet"
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:204
old "Bitch"
new "Bitch"
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:216
old "Cumslut"
new "Cumslut"
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:222
old "Slytherin Whore"
new "Slytherin Whore"
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:228
old "Mudblood"
new "Mudblood"
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:436
old "-Say it's fine-"
new "-Say it's fine-"
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:436
old "-Threaten her-"
new "-Threaten her-"
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:492
old "-Confirm-"
new "-Confirm-"
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:492
old "-!!!{b}ABORT ABORT ABORT{/b}!!!-{#LINT_IGNORE}"
new "-!!!{b}ABORT ABORT ABORT{/b}!!!-{#LINT_IGNORE}"
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:499
old "-Mass flood-"
new "-Mass flood-"
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:499
old "-Mad stud-"
new "-Mad stud-"
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:533
old "-Try to calm her down-"
new "-Try to calm her down-"
# game/scripts/characters/hermione/talk.rpy:533
old "-Tell her she deserves it-"
new "-Tell her she deserves it-"