Johnny28 31e0ff3f04 Posing and writing
* Adjusted "Head" ypos posing for consistency.
* Re-named and added Genie "knowledge" related flags.
* Tonks Hangout writing additions and adjustments. (Made it feel more natural to do the next hangout after spending time doing other things)
* Minor Cho writing variant behind Genie knowledge check.
2024-09-27 22:21:07 +02:00

549 lines
16 KiB

define genie_max_hp = 1000
define snape_max_hp = 2000
default genie_hp = genie_max_hp
default snape_hp = snape_max_hp
default blocking = False
default snape_blocking = False
default pentogram = False
default duel_OBJ = silver_duel()
init python:
class silver_duel(object):
in_progress = False
snape = ""
genie = ""
def show(self,image=None,x=720,y=250,z=5):
renpy.show(image,at_list=[Position(xpos=x, ypos=y, xanchor="center", yanchor="center")],layer="screens",zorder=z)
def hide(self,image=None):
label duel:
### DUEL ###
$ d_flag_01 = False #Turns True after conversation triggered when Genie's HP runs low.
$ d_flag_02 = False #Turns True after conversation triggered when Snape's HP runs low.
# Hide all the screens.
hide screen notes #A bunch of notes poping out with a "win" sound effect.
hide screen ctc
hide screen snape_defends
call gen_chibi("hide")
hide screen blkfade
### Set Duel Defaults ###
$ genie_hp = genie_max_hp
$ snape_hp = snape_max_hp
$ blocking = False #True when "block" command is chosen, when Gennie turn into a guard.
$ snape_blocking = False #True when Snape goes into defensive stance.
$ pentogram = False #True when pentagram been casted an is displayed on the floor.
$ used_tease = False
$ in_action = False
show screen duel
show screen hp_bar
hide screen snape_glass
hide screen bld1
with fade
call bld
gen "This is foolish... You are no match for me..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
sna "Amusing..." ("snape_01", xpos="base", ypos="head", wand=True)
gen "{size=-4}(Actually my human body is quite weak...){/size}" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "{size=-4}(But I should still be way more powerful than any human wizard...){/size}" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
sna "Let the duel begin!" ("snape_01", wand=True)
hide screen bld1
hide snape_main
$ duel_OBJ.in_progress = True
with d3
jump duel_main
label duel_main:
if blocking:
$ duel_OBJ.show("smoke",x=520, y=318,z=5)
$ duel_OBJ.genie = ""
$ blocking = False
if genie_hp <= 300 and not d_flag_01:
$ d_flag_01 = True
sna "Ready to give up yet?" ("snape_01", xpos="base", ypos="head", wand=True)
gen "*Tsk*..." ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
hide snape_main
with d3
if snape_hp <= 400 and not d_flag_02:
$ d_flag_02 = True
gen "{size=-4}(He is getting weaker, I can feel it!){/size}" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
sna "*Panting*" ("snape_01", xpos="base", ypos="head", wand=True)
hide snape_main
with d3
hide screen bld1
call screen duel_buttons
screen duel_buttons():
zorder 3
imagebutton: # tease
xpos 726
yalign 1.0
focus_mask True
if not used_tease and not in_action:
idle "images/dueling/snape/attack_tease.webp"
hover image_hover("images/dueling/snape/attack_tease.webp")
action [Jump("main_tease")]
idle gray_tint("images/dueling/snape/attack_tease.webp")
if not in_action:
hover image_hover(gray_tint("images/dueling/snape/attack_tease.webp"))
action [Jump("main_tease")]
imagebutton: # attack
xpos 802
yalign 1.0
focus_mask True
if not in_action:
idle "images/dueling/snape/attack_melee.webp"
hover image_hover("images/dueling/snape/attack_melee.webp")
action [Jump("main_attack")]
idle gray_tint("images/dueling/snape/attack_melee.webp")
if not in_action:
hover image_hover(gray_tint("images/dueling/snape/attack_melee.webp"))
action [Jump("main_attack")]
imagebutton: # aguard
xpos 868
yalign 1.0
focus_mask True
if not in_action:
idle "images/dueling/snape/attack_defend.webp"
hover image_hover("images/dueling/snape/attack_defend.webp")
action [Jump("main_defend")]
idle gray_tint("images/dueling/snape/attack_defend.webp")
if not in_action:
hover image_hover(gray_tint("images/dueling/snape/attack_defend.webp"))
action [Jump("main_defend")]
imagebutton: # item
xpos 954
yalign 1.0
focus_mask True
if states.healing_potions > 0 and not in_action:
idle "images/dueling/snape/attack_item.webp"
hover image_hover("images/dueling/snape/attack_item.webp")
action [Jump("main_potion")]
idle gray_tint("images/dueling/snape/attack_item.webp")
if not in_action:
hover image_hover(gray_tint("images/dueling/snape/attack_item.webp"))
action [Jump("main_potion")]
label main_tease:
$ in_action = True
if not used_tease:
$ used_tease = True
nar "You turn around and start shaking your buttocks violently."
sna "What the hell are you doing?" ("snape_05", wand=True)
gen ".......{w=1.0} teasing you?" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
sna "........." ("snape_14", wand=True)
sna "Stop mocking me!" ("snape_08", wand=True)
sna "Prepare to die!" ("snape_15", wand=True)
gen "shit!" ("angry", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
hide screen bld1
hide snape_main
with d3
pause 1
#$ in_action = False
jump snapes_turn
gen "No way I'm doing THAT again..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
$ in_action = False
jump duel_main
label main_attack:
$ in_action = True
if snape_blocking:
$ snape_blocking = False
pause 1
jump snape_defends
jump genie_attack
label main_defend:
$ in_action = True
$ blocking = True
play sound "sounds/magic4.ogg"
$ duel_OBJ.show("smoke",x=520, y=318,z=5)
$ duel_OBJ.genie = "defend"
pause 1
jump snapes_turn
label main_potion:
$ in_action = True
if states.healing_potions > 0:
jump potion
gen "Crap! I'm out of healing potions!" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
$ in_action = False
jump duel_main
### SNAPE DEFENDS ### (Snape -0 HP)
label snape_defends:
play sound "sounds/magic4.ogg"
$ duel_OBJ.show("smoke",x=520, y=318,z=5)
$ duel_OBJ.show("snape_defend",x=720, y=250,z=4)
$ duel_OBJ.snape = "block"
pause 1
play sound "sounds/attack_axe.ogg"
pause 1.3
hide screen duel_damage
show screen duel_damage(0)
$ duel_OBJ.hide("snape_defend")
$ duel_OBJ.snape = ""
$ duel_OBJ.genie = "barb"
pause 1
$ duel_OBJ.show("smoke",x=520, y=318, z=5)
$ duel_OBJ.genie = ""
pause 1
jump snapes_turn
### GENIE ATTACK ### (Snape -100 HP)
label genie_attack:
play sound "sounds/magic4.ogg"
$ duel_OBJ.show("smoke",x=520, y=318, z=5)
$ duel_OBJ.show("genie_attack",x=720,y=250,z=4)
$ duel_OBJ.genie = "attack"
pause 1
play sound "sounds/attack_axe.ogg"
pause 1.8
if pentogram:
hide screen duel_damage
if states.env.difficulty <= 1: #Easy
show screen duel_damage(500)
$ snape_hp -= 500
elif states.env.difficulty == 2: #Normal
show screen duel_damage(500)
$ snape_hp -= 500
else: #Hardcore
show screen duel_damage(500)
$ snape_hp -= 500
hide screen duel_damage
if states.env.difficulty <= 1: #Easy
show screen duel_damage(300)
$ snape_hp -= 300
elif states.env.difficulty == 2: #Normal
show screen duel_damage(200)
$ snape_hp -= 200
else: #Hardcore
show screen duel_damage(100)
$ snape_hp -= 100
pause 1
if snape_hp <= 100: #Check for gameover
jump snape_lost
$ duel_OBJ.show("smoke",x=520, y=318,z=5)
$ duel_OBJ.hide("genie_attack")
$ duel_OBJ.genie = ""
pause 1
jump snapes_turn
### SNAPE'S TURN ###
label snapes_turn:
if pentogram:
$ pentogram = False
$ duel_OBJ.snape = "hand"
$ duel_OBJ.show("hand",x=720, y=250,z=4)
play sound "sounds/attack_snape3.ogg"
pause 1.5
play sound "sounds/attack_snape4.ogg"
if blocking: # GENIE BLOCKS AGAINST THE HAND.(Genie -50 HP)
$ duel_OBJ.hide("hand")
$ duel_OBJ.genie = "hand"
$ duel_OBJ.show("hand_guard",x=720, y=250,z=4)
pause 1.8
$ duel_OBJ.hide("hand_guard")
$ duel_OBJ.snape = ""
hide screen duel_damage
if states.env.difficulty <= 1: #Easy
show screen duel_damage(0, False)
elif states.env.difficulty == 2: #Normal
show screen duel_damage(100, False)
$ genie_hp -= 100
else: #Hardcore #Shouldn't increase the penalty if you blocked correctly...
show screen duel_damage(100, False)
$ genie_hp -= 100
if genie_hp < 50: #Check for gameover
jump genie_lost
$ duel_OBJ.show("smoke",x=520, y=318,z=5)
$ duel_OBJ.genie = ""
$ in_action = False
jump duel_main
$ duel_OBJ.hide("hand")
$ duel_OBJ.genie = "hand"
$ duel_OBJ.show("hand_genie")
pause 1.3
$ duel_OBJ.hide("hand_genie")
$ duel_OBJ.snape = ""
hide screen duel_damage
if states.env.difficulty <= 1: #Easy
show screen duel_damage(300, False)
$ genie_hp -= 300
elif states.env.difficulty == 2: #Normal
show screen duel_damage(400, False)
$ genie_hp -= 400
else: #Hardcore
show screen duel_damage(500, False)
$ genie_hp -= 500
if genie_hp < 50: #Check for gameover
jump genie_lost
$ duel_OBJ.genie = ""
$ in_action = False
jump duel_main
if snape_blocking:
$ snape_blocking = False
if blocking:
jump snape_attack_guard
jump snape_attack
$ snape_decides = renpy.random.randint(1, 2)
if snape_decides in [1]: #BLOCK
$ snape_blocking = True
$ duel_OBJ.snape = "defend"
pause 1
$ in_action = False
jump duel_main
elif snape_decides in [2]: #MAGIC. CASTS THE PICTOGRAM.
$ duel_OBJ.snape = "hand"
$ duel_OBJ.show("snape_summon",720,250,4)
play sound "sounds/attack_snape2.ogg"
$ pentogram = True
pause 1
$ duel_OBJ.hide("snape_summon")
$ duel_OBJ.snape = ""
$ in_action = False
jump duel_main
label potion:
$ duel_OBJ.show("heal_02",500,330,4)
play sound "sounds/attack_heal.ogg"
pause 1
hide screen duel_heal
show screen duel_heal(300)
pause 1
$ states.healing_potions -= 1
$ genie_hp += 300
$ duel_OBJ.hide("heal_02")
jump snapes_turn
### SNAPE ATTACK ### (Genie -100 HP)
label snape_attack:
hide screen duel_damage
$ duel_OBJ.show("snape_attack",x=720, y=250,z=5)
$ duel_OBJ.snape = "attack"
play sound "sounds/attack_snape.ogg"
pause 0.45
$ duel_OBJ.hide("snape_attack")
$ duel_OBJ.snape = ""
hide screen duel_damage
if states.env.difficulty <= 1: #Easy
show screen duel_damage(100, False)
$ genie_hp -= 100
elif states.env.difficulty == 2: #Normal
show screen duel_damage(100, False)
$ genie_hp -= 100
else: #Hardcore
show screen duel_damage(300, False)
$ genie_hp -= 300
if genie_hp < 50: #Check for gameover
jump genie_lost
$ in_action = False
jump duel_main
label snape_attack_guard:
$ duel_OBJ.show("snape_attack_guard",x=720, y=250,z=5)
$ duel_OBJ.snape = "attack"
play sound "sounds/attack_snape.ogg"
pause 0.5
hide screen duel_damage
show screen duel_damage(0, False)
$ duel_OBJ.hide("snape_attack_guard")
$ duel_OBJ.snape = ""
pause 1
$ in_action = False
jump duel_main
### DUEL ###
screen duel():
zorder 2
if pentogram:
add "pentogram" at Position(xpos=720, ypos=250, xanchor="center", yanchor="center")
if duel_OBJ.genie in ["attack"] or duel_OBJ.snape in ["attack","block"]:
if duel_OBJ.genie == "hand":
elif duel_OBJ.genie == "no_magic":
add "genie_no_magic" at Position(xpos=720, ypos=250, xanchor="center", yanchor="center")
elif duel_OBJ.genie == "defend":
add "ch_gen guard" at Position(xpos=720, ypos=250, xanchor="center", yanchor="center")
elif duel_OBJ.genie == "barb":
add "ch_gen barb" at Position(xpos=720, ypos=250, xanchor="center", yanchor="center")
add "ch_gen duel_01" at Position(xpos=720, ypos=250, xanchor="center", yanchor="center")
if duel_OBJ.snape == "hand":
elif duel_OBJ.snape == "lost":
add "snape_lost" at Position(xpos=720, ypos=250, xanchor="center", yanchor="center")
elif duel_OBJ.snape == "defend":
add "ch_sna defend" at Position(xpos=720, ypos=250, xanchor="center", yanchor="center")
add "ch_sna duel_01" at Position(xpos=720, ypos=250, xanchor="center", yanchor="center")
screen hp_bar():
zorder 3
### health bar is 271 px wide ###
add "images/dueling/snape/hp_bar_02.webp" xpos int((genie_hp-genie_max_hp)/(genie_max_hp/271.0)) ypos 0
add "images/dueling/snape/hp_bar.webp" #Genie avatr pic.
### health bar is 727 px wide ###
add "images/dueling/snape/hp_bar_11.webp" #Black background for HP bar.
add "images/dueling/snape/hp_bar_12.webp" xpos int((snape_max_hp-snape_hp)/(snape_max_hp/727.0)) ypos 0
add "images/dueling/snape/hp_bar_10.webp" #Snape avatr pic.
use duel_buttons
screen snape_defends(xx=0):
add "ch_sna defend" at Position(xpos=-90+140+xx, ypos=-5)
zorder 2
transform damage_transform:
alpha 1.0
linear 1.5 yoffset -100 alpha 0.0
screen duel_damage(value=0, attacking=True):
tag damage
style "empty"
at damage_transform
if attacking:
xpos 780
ypos 120
xpos 450
ypos 120
add "images/dueling/damage/"+str(value)+".webp"
screen duel_heal(value=300, player=True):
tag damage
style "empty"
at damage_transform
if not player:
xpos 780
ypos 120
xpos 450
ypos 120
add "images/dueling/damage/plus_"+str(value)+".webp"
label snape_lost:
$ pentogram = False
$ duel_OBJ.show("smoke",x=520, y=318,z=5)
$ duel_OBJ.hide("genie_attack")
$ duel_OBJ.genie = ""
$ duel_OBJ.snape = "lost"
$ duel_OBJ.in_progress = False
hide screen hp_bar
hide screen duel_damage
with flashbulb
pause 1
$ states.sna.ev.intro.duel_complete = True
jump snape_intro_E4
label genie_lost:
stop music fadeout 4
stop weather fadeout 4
play sound "sounds/level_failed.ogg"
call gameover(autohide=False)
hide screen duel
hide screen hp_bar
hide screen duel_damage
pause 3
"-Try again-":
play sound "sounds/glass_break.ogg"
play music "music/boss_battle_#2_metal_loop.ogg" fadein 1 fadeout 1 if_changed
show screen snape_glass
pause 2.3
hide screen gameover
$ states.healing_potions = 3 # Give healing potions to make the fight less frustrating
$ duel_OBJ.genie = ""
jump duel
"-Give up-":
hide screen gameover
jump credits
screen snape_glass():
add "glass"
zorder 21