2022-05-17 00:48:22 +01:00

162 lines
5.7 KiB

# Preferences
# https://www.renpy.org/doc/html/preferences.html
# Note: Only use default keyword for renpy preferences. Use settings.default for custom ones.
default preferences.text_cps = 40
default preferences.afm_time = 15
default preferences.pad_enabled = False
default preferences.renderer = "angle2" if renpy.windows else "gl2"
default preferences.gl_powersave = False
python early:
if renpy.android:
os.environ["RENPY_LESS_MEMORY"] = "1"
init python:
settings.default('theme', 'auto')
settings.default('text_color_day', '#402313ff')
settings.default('text_color_night', '#341c0fff')
settings.default('text_outline', '#00000000')
settings.default('tooltip', True)
settings.default('tutorials', True)
settings.default('preserve_aspect_ratio', True)
settings.default('animations', True)
# Configuration
# https://www.renpy.org/doc/html/config.html
# Pre-Release related flags and variables
define config.searchpath = [os.environ["ANDROID_PUBLIC"]] if renpy.android else [config.gamedir, config.commondir]
define config.autoreload = False
define config.developer = "auto"
define config.console = True
# Game version and naming
define config.version = "1.42.2"
define compatible_version = 1.40
define config.name = "WT Silver"
# Application window settings
define config.window_title = "Witch Trainer: Silver (v{}) ({}) ({}-bit)".format(config.version, get_renderer(), renpy.bits)
define config.window_icon = "gui/icon.webp"
define config.screen_width = 1080
define config.screen_height = 600
define config.save_physical_size = True
# User interface settings
define config.layers = ["master", "transient", "screens", "overlay"]
define config.default_tag_layer = "screens"
define config.top_layers = ["interface"]
define config.transparent_tile = False
define config.narrator_menu = True
define config.hard_rollback_limit = 100
define config.history_length = 250
define config.mouse = {"default": [("interface/cursor.webp", 0, 0)]}
define config.help = None
define config.side_image_only_not_showing = True
define config.allow_underfull_grids = True
define config.crop_relative_default = False
# Graphics and cache settings
define config.gl2 = True
define config.gl_enable = True
define config.gl_resize = True
define config.gl_clear_color = "#000"
define config.hw_video = True
define config.nearest_neighbor = False
define config.atl_start_on_show = False # Enables compatibility for ATL behaviour after Ren'py 7.4.7
define config.use_drawable_resolution = (not renpy.android)
define config.drawable_resolution_text = True
define config.cache_surfaces = False
define config.image_cache_size = None
define config.image_cache_size_mb = 350
define config.load_before_transition = True
define config.imagemap_cache = True
define config.optimize_texture_bounds = True
define config.debug_image_cache = False
#define config.atl_one_frame = False
define config.mipmap_movies = (not renpy.android)
define config.mipmap_text = (not renpy.android)
define config.mipmap_dissolves = (not renpy.android)
define config.predict_screen_statements = False
define config.predict_screens = False
# Disable automatic image scanning
define config.automatic_images = None
define config.images_directory = None
init -1:
define config.late_images_scan = True
# Saving and loading
define config.save_directory = "WT SILVER"
define config.has_autosave = True
define config.autosave_on_quit = True
define config.autosave_on_choice = True
define config.autosave_frequency = 200
define config.autosave_slots = 12
# Sound and music
define config.has_sound = True
define config.has_music = True
define config.has_voice = False
define config.sound_sample_rate = 48000
define config.main_menu_music = "music/aquarium-by-kevin-macleod.ogg"
# Transitions
define config.enter_transition = f3
define config.exit_transition = f3
define config.intra_transition = d1
define config.main_game_transition = f3
define config.game_main_transition = f3
define config.end_splash_transition = d3
define config.end_game_transition = fade
define config.after_load_transition = fade
define config.window_show_transition = d3
define config.window_hide_transition = d3
define config.adv_nvl_transition = d3
define config.nvl_adv_transition = d3
define config.enter_yesno_transition = None
define config.exit_yesno_transition = None
define config.enter_replay_transition = None
define config.exit_replay_transition = None
define config.say_attribute_transition = d3
# Garbage Collector
define config.manage_gc = True
define config.gc_thresholds = (25000, 10, 10)
define config.idle_gc_count = 10000
define config.gc_print_unreachable = False
## Build configuration ##
## For information please refer to: ##
## https://www.renpy.org/doc/html/build.html ##
init python:
build.directory_name = "WTS"
build.executable_name = "WT Silver"
build.include_update = False # If True, include update information into packages (allows the updater to run)
build.exclude_empty_directories = False
build.classify("game/images.whitespace", "all")
build.classify('**~', None)
build.classify("**.exe", None)
build.classify("**.psd", None)
build.classify("**.old", None)
build.classify('**.bak', None)
build.classify("**.kra", None)
build.classify("**.txt", None)
build.classify("**.xml", None)
build.classify('**/thumbs.db', None)
build.classify("game/saves/**", None)
build.classify("game/outfits/**", None)
build.classify("game/music/not_used/**", None)
build.classify("build/", None)
build.classify("build-*", None)
build.classify("README.md", None)
build.classify("build_patch.py", None)
build.allow_integrated_gpu = True # Only affects MacOS