Gouvernathor 993b5c845a Simplify function
(cherry picked from commit bb2edc9a7b)
2024-03-24 16:35:13 +00:00

256 lines
10 KiB

init python:
def text_points(points):
if points < 1000:
return str(points)
return str(round(points/1000.0, 1))+"{size=-2}k{/size}"
label update_ui_points:
# Debug
# Temp variables
$ toggle_points = False
$ toggle_menu = False
# Outline settings
#TODO Refactor interface_color dependent styles to definitions
$ points_outline = [ (1, "#000", 0, 0) ]
#If points variable value exceedes one thousand make it a decimal number instead and round to x.x
#Remember, "slytherin_points" is a string! If you need points integer use i.e. "slytherin" variable instead.
$ slytherin_points = text_points(slytherin)
$ gryffindor_points = text_points(gryffindor)
$ ravenclaw_points = text_points(ravenclaw)
$ hufflepuff_points = text_points(hufflepuff)
#Check who's in the lead
$ housepoints_sorted = sorted((slytherin, gryffindor, ravenclaw, hufflepuff), reverse=True)
$ slytherin_place = housepoints_sorted.index(slytherin)+1
$ gryffindor_place = housepoints_sorted.index(gryffindor)+1
$ ravenclaw_place = housepoints_sorted.index(ravenclaw)+1
$ hufflepuff_place = housepoints_sorted.index(hufflepuff)+1
# Set banners yanchor depending on the placement (ascending)
$ housepoints_y = [None, 0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75]
screen ui_top_bar():
tag ui
zorder 2
if toggle_menu:
use ui_menu
add gui.format("interface/topbar/{}/bar.webp") zoom 0.5
use ui_stats
use ui_points
# Don't display buttons in certain rooms or on the first day
if states.room == "main_room" and game.day > 1:
# Menu button
xpos 0
idle gui.format("interface/topbar/buttons/{}/ui_menu.webp")
if room_menu_active:
hover image_hover(gui.format("interface/topbar/buttons/{}/ui_menu.webp"))
if toggle_menu:
tooltip "Close menu"
tooltip "Open menu"
action ToggleVariable("toggle_menu", True, False)
# Sleep button
xpos 1080
xanchor 1.0
idle gui.format("interface/topbar/buttons/{}/ui_sleep.webp")
if room_menu_active:
hover image_hover(gui.format("interface/topbar/buttons/{}/ui_sleep.webp"))
if game.daytime:
action Jump("night_start")
tooltip "Doze Off (s)"
action Jump("day_start")
tooltip "Sleep (s)"
if renpy.android:
spacing 10
xpos 800
xpos 900
# Achievements button
idle gui.format("interface/topbar/buttons/{}/ui_achievements.webp")
if room_menu_active:
hover image_hover(gui.format("interface/topbar/buttons/{}/ui_achievements.webp"))
tooltip "Achievements"
action Jump("achievement")
# Stats button
idle gui.format("interface/topbar/buttons/{}/ui_stats.webp")
if room_menu_active:
hover image_hover(gui.format("interface/topbar/buttons/{}/ui_stats.webp"))
tooltip "Characters (c)"
action Jump("stats")
# Inventory button
idle gui.format("interface/topbar/buttons/{}/ui_inv.webp")
if room_menu_active:
hover image_hover(gui.format("interface/topbar/buttons/{}/ui_inv.webp"))
tooltip "Inventory (i)"
action Jump("inventory")
# Work button
if states.paperwork_unlocked:
idle gui.format("interface/topbar/buttons/{}/ui_work.webp")
if room_menu_active:
hover image_hover(gui.format("interface/topbar/buttons/{}/ui_work.webp"))
tooltip "Work (w)"
action Jump("paperwork")
screen ui_points():
tag ui
xalign 0.5
xsize 162
ysize 64
xanchor 0.5
if not persistent.toggle_points and not toggle_points:
add "interface/topbar/slytherin.webp" yanchor housepoints_y[slytherin_place]
add "interface/topbar/gryffindor.webp" yanchor housepoints_y[gryffindor_place]
add "interface/topbar/ravenclaw.webp" yanchor housepoints_y[ravenclaw_place]
add "interface/topbar/hufflepuff.webp" yanchor housepoints_y[hufflepuff_place]
# Add empty banners
add "interface/topbar/slytherin_empty.webp" yanchor 0
add "interface/topbar/gryffindor_empty.webp" yanchor 0
add "interface/topbar/ravenclaw_empty.webp" yanchor 0
add "interface/topbar/hufflepuff_empty.webp" yanchor 0
# Show points
text "{size=-5}{color=#FFF}[slytherin_points]{/color}{/size}" outlines points_outline xpos 17 ypos 30 xanchor 0.5
text "{size=-5}{color=#FFF}[gryffindor_points]{/color}{/size}" outlines points_outline xpos 58 ypos 30 xanchor 0.5
text "{size=-5}{color=#FFF}[ravenclaw_points]{/color}{/size}" outlines points_outline xpos 98 ypos 30 xanchor 0.5
text "{size=-5}{color=#FFF}[hufflepuff_points]{/color}{/size}" outlines points_outline xpos 139 ypos 30 xanchor 0.5
# Show placement number
text "{size=16}{color=#FFF}[slytherin_place]{/color}{/size}" outlines points_outline xpos 17 ypos 10 xanchor 0.5
text "{size=16}{color=#FFF}[gryffindor_place]{/color}{/size}" outlines points_outline xpos 58 ypos 10 xanchor 0.5
text "{size=16}{color=#FFF}[ravenclaw_place]{/color}{/size}" outlines points_outline xpos 98 ypos 10 xanchor 0.5
text "{size=16}{color=#FFF}[hufflepuff_place]{/color}{/size}" outlines points_outline xpos 139 ypos 10 xanchor 0.5
if room_menu_active:
idle "interface/topbar/hover_zone.webp"
tooltip "House Points\n{size=-2}Click to toggle style display{/size}"
hovered SetVariable("toggle_points", True)
unhovered SetVariable("toggle_points", False)
action ToggleVariable("persistent.toggle_points", True, False)
screen ui_stats():
tag ui
xpos 200
style "empty"
style_prefix gui.theme("ui_stats")
xsize 217
ysize 26
add gui.format("interface/topbar/{}/stats.webp") xalign 0.5 yalign 1.0
xpos 40 ypos 11
text "{size=-4}[game.day]{/size}"
xpos 140 ypos 11
# Display tokens in token shop
text "{size=-4}[game.gold]{/size}"
style light_ui_stats_text:
color "#000"
outlines [(1, "#e4ba7080", 0, 0)]
style dark_ui_stats_text:
color "#fff"
outlines [(1, "#00000080", 0, 0)]
screen ui_menu():
tag ui
button style "empty" action SetVariable("toggle_menu", False) keysym "game_menu"
ypos 34
xsize 102
ysize 204
action NullAction()
style "empty"
style "empty"
style_prefix gui.theme()
ypos 34
xsize 102
ysize 204
add gui.format("interface/topbar/{}/menu.webp")
xanchor 0.5
xalign 0.5
ypos 15
textbutton "Save" action ShowMenu("save") background None xalign 0.5 text_outlines [ (2, "#00000080", 1, 0) ]
textbutton "Load" action ShowMenu("load") background None xalign 0.5 text_outlines [ (2, "#00000080", 1, 0) ]
if game.cheats and game.difficulty <= 2 and game.day > 1:
textbutton "Cheats" action [SetVariable("toggle_menu", False), Jump("cheats")] background None xalign 0.5 text_outlines [ (2, "#00000080", 1, 0) ]
if game.day > 1 and renpy.android:
textbutton "Preferences" action ShowMenu("preferences") background None xalign 0.5 text_outlines [ (2, "#00000080", 1, 0) ]
if game.day > 1 and persistent.game_complete:
textbutton "Gallery" action [SetVariable("toggle_menu", False), Jump("scene_gallery")] background None xalign 0.5 text_outlines [ (2, "#00000080", 1, 0) ]
#if game.day > 1 and config.developer:
# textbutton "{size=-11}Show Chars{/size}" action [SetVariable("toggle_menu", False), Jump("summon_characters")] background "#000"
pos (50, 185)
anchor (0.5, 0.5)
spacing 10
# Discord
idle Transform("interface/topbar/icon_discord.webp", alpha=0.5)
hover "interface/topbar/icon_discord.webp"
tooltip "Visit {color=#c1c1c1}SilverStudioGames{/color}\ndiscord"
action OpenURL("https://discord.gg/UbQeTCJ5RW")
yanchor 0.5
# Patreon
idle Transform("interface/topbar/icon_patreon.webp", alpha=0.5)
hover "interface/topbar/icon_patreon.webp"
tooltip "Visit {color=#c1c1c1}SilverStudioGames{/color}\npatreon"
action OpenURL("https://www.patreon.com/SilverStudioGames")
yanchor 0.5
# Bugfixes
idle Transform("interface/topbar/icon_bug.webp", alpha=0.5)
hover "interface/topbar/icon_bug.webp"
action NullAction()
yanchor 0.5
label scene_gallery:
"-Watch Ball Ending 1-" if persistent.ending_01:
$ renpy.call_replay("ball_ending_E2", scope={ "states.her.ev.yule_ball.variant": "personal" })
"-Watch Ball Ending 2-" if persistent.ending_02:
$ renpy.call_replay("ball_ending_E2", scope={ "states.her.ev.yule_ball.variant": "public" })
"-Never mind-":
jump main_room_menu