2022-05-17 00:48:22 +01:00

59 lines
1.6 KiB

screen tooltip():
layer "interface"
tag tooltip
zorder 5
style_prefix "tooltip"
default last_tooltip = ""
if settings.get("tooltip"):
$ mouseclick = any(pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[:3])
# Do not remove the empty string from the statement below,
# it is a rare case when the save file gets updated but the old tooltip
# and its scope defaults last_tooltip to None value
# because it was previously unknown at the runtime,
# and we cannot hide the screen fast enough, causing a hard crash.
# This ensures it never happens.
$ tooltip = GetTooltip() or last_tooltip or ""
$ last_tooltip = tooltip
showif GetTooltip() and not mouseclick:
$ x, y = renpy.get_mouse_pos()
$ xflip = x > 980
$ yflip = y > 500
$ xanchor = 1.0 if xflip else 0.0
$ yanchor = 1.0 if yflip else 0.0
$ xoffset = 11 if xflip else 0
$ yoffset = 14 if yflip else 0
id tooltip
at tooltip_follow((x+xoffset, y+yoffset), (xanchor, yanchor))
text "[tooltip]"
style tooltip_window is empty:
background "#00000080"
padding (12, 6)
xmaximum 300
style tooltip_text is default:
color "#fff"
size 10
outlines [(1, "#00000080", 1, 0)]
init python:
transform tooltip_follow(pos, anchor):
on start:
alpha 0.0
on show:
anchor anchor
pos pos
linear 0.1 alpha 1.0
on hide:
linear 0.1 alpha 0.0