
118 lines
3.8 KiB

init offset = -1
screen history():
layer "interface"
predict False
frame style "navigation_page_left":
has vbox
label _("History")
null height 10
style_prefix "history"
yinitial 1.0
scrollbars "vertical"
mousewheel not renpy.android
style "history_vbox"
for entry in _history_list:
style "history_entry"
action Confirm("Rollback to the selected statement?\nThis will lose unsaved progress.", RollbackToIdentifier(entry.rollback_identifier))
spacing 0
if entry.who:
$ who = renpy.filter_text_tags(entry.who, allow=gui.history_allow_tags)
if (icon := entry.show_args.get("icon", None)):
$ icon = f"interface/icons/head/{icon}.webp"
add icon xysize (32, 32)
text who style "history_text_who"
$ what = renpy.filter_text_tags(entry.what, allow=gui.history_allow_tags)
text what style "history_text_what":
substitute False
frame style "navigation_page_right":
style history_viewport:
xmaximum 300
ymaximum 400
style history_vscrollbar is navigation_vscrollbar
style history_vbox:
spacing 10
xmaximum 295
style history_entry:
xfill True
padding (4, 6)
background Frame(Image("gui/creamy_pumpkin_pie/book/book_select.png", oversample=4), 20, 8, 20, 8, tile=False)
hover_background Fixed("#C69D65", Frame(Image("gui/creamy_pumpkin_pie/book/book_select.png", oversample=4), 20, 8, 20, 8, tile=False))
style history_text_what is navigation_text:
# color "#fff"
# outlines [(1, "#000000", 1, 1)]
# hinting "bytecode"
size 10
style history_text_who is navigation_text:
# color "#EA8E61"
# outlines [(1, "#000000", 1, 1)]
hinting "auto"
font gui.bold_font
size 12
# Avoid predicting this screen, as it can be very large
# predict False
# use game_menu(_("History"), scroll=("vpgrid" if gui.history_height else "viewport"), yinitial=1.0):
# style_prefix gui.theme("history")
# has vbox
# spacing 12
# default last_who = ""
# for entry in _history_list:
# vbox:
# xfill True
# spacing 12
# if not last_who == entry.who:
# hbox:
# spacing 12
# if "icon" in entry.show_args:
# $ icon = entry.show_args["icon"]
# add Fixed(gui.format("interface/achievements/{}/iconbox.webp"), Transform(f"interface/icons/head/{icon}.webp", xzoom=-1, size=(40, 40), align=(0.5, 0.5)), fit_first=True)
# if entry.who:
# text entry.who:
# style "history_name"
# substitute False
# if "color" in entry.who_args:
# color entry.who_args["color"]
# vbox:
# spacing 6
# $ what = renpy.filter_text_tags(entry.what, allow=gui.history_allow_tags)
# text what:
# substitute False
# $ last_who = entry.who
# if not _history_list:
# label _("The dialogue history is empty.")
define gui.history_allow_tags = ("number", "unicode", "color")